"Yes, all gun positions, reload immediately."

CP0 behind Rozward immediately gave the order.


The gunners immediately reloaded their guns.

"Celestial Dragon!"

"How could there be Celestial Dragons here?"

At the same time, Qingyun and Nami came to the side of the ship and looked down. They saw a huge and magnificent giant ship parked by the side of an unknown port.

On the bow, there were three Celestial Dragons wearing space suits. They were more or less surprised and shocked.

The ships in the pirate world are divided according to size, from low to high, into micro, small, medium, large, giant and island types.

Micro refers to small fishing boats.

Small refers to Golden Merry.

Medium refers to Nine Snakes.

Medium and small ships are the most commonly used pirate ships by pirate groups.

Ordinary warships are large ships.

Giant refers to the navy's super warships. Those who can use giant ships are either rich or noble. Qingyun's Poseidon is also a giant ship in terms of size. The island type refers to the ships of Gekko Moriah and Germa. This type is very rare.

Although Rozward is a runner, in order to highlight the identity of a Celestial Dragon, the upper class still lets him use a very good giant ship.

"They should be Rozward, Xia Lulia and Charlos who are responsible for running errands for the Celestial Dragons and judging whether the member states are qualified to participate in the World Conference, right?"

Looking at the three Celestial Dragons on the bow, Qingyun guessed


Qingyun had just finished speaking when she saw Rozward. Hancock couldn't help but recall the most painful and desperate memory in the past. Her body couldn't help but tremble and she felt weak all over.

Fortunately, Qingyun came to her side in time and held her firmly, so she didn't collapse to the ground.

"Is it one of the three of them?"

Qingyun held Hancock tightly and asked softly

"One of the three?"

Hearing this, Nami and the others were very puzzled.

They didn't know that Hancock was once a slave of the Celestial Dragons.

"It's... it's Rozsvar Saint……"

Hancock trembled and said truthfully

"Nami, Nokiko, Hancock is in your hands.

Qingyun said to Nami and Nokiko, while helping Hancock towards them.


Nami and Nokiko immediately stepped forward, holding Hancock on the left and right.

Holding Hancock, feeling her trembling body, feeling the fear from the bottom of her heart, Nami and Nokiko couldn't help but think of themselves who were once under the rule of Arlong and the Dragon Pirates, and they understood why Hancock was so scared all of a sudden.

"Captain Qingyun, are you thinking……"

Hancock was a little surprised. She realized that Qingyun was not just talking before, but actually wanted to take action and attack the Celestial Dragons.

Qingyun smiled and said nothing. He jumped directly and jumped down.

Hancock immediately rushed back to the side of the ship.

Nami and Nojiko immediately helped Hancock to the side of the ship.

Kaya and the others also followed to the side of the ship.


At this moment, with the command of CP0, hundreds of cannons on the giant ship fired at the same time, and hundreds of shells attacked the Sea King.

Crack! Crack!

Qingyun waved his right hand and used the Thunder Fruit ability to release lightning, which instantly exploded hundreds of shells, and then fell towards the Celestial Dragon's ship.

""Hancock, have you ever been enslaved by the Celestial Dragons?"

Nami asked Hancock tentatively.

Nojigo was also looking at Hancock curiously.


Kaya and the others were all shocked and looked at Hancock in disbelief.

Hancock's face changed drastically.

She didn't want anyone to know that she was once a slave of the Celestial Dragons. She was afraid that she would be looked down upon and laughed at.

"Don't be nervous."

Nami saw this and already knew the answer, so she quickly explained sincerely:

"My sister and I were once enslaved by the Arlong Pirates and lived in darkness. That was the most desperate moment in our lives."

"Even now when I recall it, I still can't help but feel scared and even tremble."

"The way you looked at the Celestial Dragons was very similar to how I remembered the Arlong Pirates, so I wondered if you had also been enslaved by the Celestial Dragons."

"I don't mean any harm."

"I am the same."

Nokigo nodded.

Before Nami finished speaking, she and Nokigo recalled the days that were like hell, and their bodies could not help but tremble slightly.

This was the fear from the heart, which could not be disguised.

"So that's it."

Hancock suddenly realized that Nami and Nokiko were not lying, and she felt that the two of them were much closer. When

Ke Ya and the others heard what they said, they saw Nami, Nokiko, and Hancock were sad and sympathetic, and realized that they were also miserable people, and they felt very distressed.

"I... I was indeed a slave of the Celestial Dragons."

Helped by Nami and Nojigo, two people with similar fates, Hancock let down her guard and took the initiative to open her heart.

She looked at Rozward below and said with resentment in her eyes:

"The one who enslaved me was Rozward down there."

Following Hancock's gaze, Nami and the others also became angry:

"It turned out to be him!"

Nami and Nojiko smiled slightly:

"Don't be afraid, Qingyun will definitely help you get revenge, even if the other party is a Tianlong."

Noqigao looked at Qingyun and said with great certainty


Nami, Kaya and the others looked at Qingyun and nodded affirmatively.

Hearing this, Hancock also looked at Qingyun with some expectation.

At this moment, Qingyun had landed on the giant ship.

The CP0s immediately stood in front of Rozward, Xia Lulia and Charlos, staring at Qingyun vigilantly, feeling very tricky:


They recognized Qingyun and knew that they would have trouble dealing with a pirate of Qingyun's level.

However, they were more or less fearless.

They thought Qingyun should be able to tell that the three people from Rozward were Celestial Dragons. Even if he couldn't recognize them, he shouldn't dare to attack them after they said so.

"Is that ship in the sky yours?"

"Hurry up and drive it down to me."

Rozward didn't care who Qingyun was. He just commanded Qingyun.

"so hot!"

"Hurry up and catch him for me. I want him to be my slave.

Xia Lulia looked at Qingyun with a smile and ordered the CP0 in front of her.

"There are so many beautiful women!"

Charlos saw Nami and the others sticking their heads out and looking down, and his saliva and snot started to flow out. He quickly looked at Qingyun and said:

"Quickly bring your ship down to me and give me all the women on it."

These three idiots!

Can't you see that he is a pirate with a bounty of 320 million?

The CP0s couldn't help but curse in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say it out loud.

Although a bounty of 320 million is not uncommon in the New World, that is, the second half of the Grand Line, and there are many that exceed this bounty.

But in the first half, in Paradise, he can also be regarded as a big pirate.

They know that although ordinary pirates dare not attack the Celestial Dragons, they will not listen to the Celestial Dragons obediently.

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