"Dog bites Red Lotus!"


Akainu changed his lava-like right arm into the shape of a dog's head and attacked Qingyun with all his strength.

30 million volts - Thunder Beast!

Qingyun released lightning on the Third Generation of Kitetsu, forming a wolf-beast-shaped Thunder Wolf, and then slashed at Akainu fiercely.

Akainu also has Conqueror Haki, and can also use Domination, but he and Qingyun did not choose to use it.

Because the navy and Nami followed behind them respectively, if they used Domination and let the Conqueror Haki collide violently, the others would probably faint directly because they could not bear it.


The Thunder Wolf and the dog's head collided violently, the former directly blasted the latter, and Akainu was repelled by Qingyun.

Qingyun did not give Akainu a chance to breathe, and directly chased after him and launched a fierce attack.

In order to release Qingyun's petrification ability, Akainu could only continuously produce magma to resist, and was unilaterally suppressed by Qingyun.

30 million volts - Thunderbird!

Nami released lightning and controlled it to form a phoenix-shaped thunderbird, which flew towards Aokiji with overwhelming force.


This little girl is also a user of the Thunder Fruit?!

Aokiji was shocked when he saw this.

As far as he knew, the only one who could release lightning was the user of the Thunder Fruit.

But wasn't Qingyun the user of the Thunder Fruit?

How could this little girl also be a user of the Thunder Fruit?!

Aokiji was puzzled.

All the navy officers who noticed Nami's ability were also like this.

But the situation was too late for Aokiji and the navy officers to figure out the reason.

""Ice bird!"

Aokiji quickly gathered cold air in his right arm and released an ice bird, which attacked the thunderbird released by Nami with the force of freezing everything.


The thunderbird and the icebird collided, and the two directly canceled each other out, forming an ice mist.

If Nami were to face Aokiji just now, her thunderbird would naturally not be a match for Aokiji's icebird.

But now Aokiji's right hand has been petrified and chopped by Qingyun, and he is seriously injured and is no longer in peak condition.

If it is just a matter of the devil fruit ability, Nami can still fight Aokiji on equal terms. Bang!

Hancock broke through the ice mist and ran towards Aokiji.

Crack! Crack!

At the same time, Nami turned into lightning and came right above Aokiji, raised her right hand and aimed it at Aokiji's forehead.

Discharge - 30 million volts!


Nami didn't say much, and directly released a powerful lightning, which suddenly attacked Aokiji's forehead.

Fortunately, Aokiji predicted Nami's attack with his observation Haki, but he didn't dare to take it head-on, and quickly jumped to the side, passing by the lightning released by Nami.

""Fragrant Kick!"

Before Aokiji could land and stabilize his body, Hancock's attack followed and kicked Hancock's head fiercely.

Aokiji had no time to dodge and could only raise his hand to block it.


Aokiji blocked it.

Crack! Crack!

But the next moment, his hand was petrified.


Hancock took advantage of the situation and kicked Aokiji's hand directly, breaking it, and then kicked Aokiji's body.

Aokiji didn't dare to block it, and immediately used Hancock's previous kick to retreat behind him.

Fortunately, Right hand!

Aokiji was very thankful.

If he had used his left hand to receive Hancock's fragrant foot just now, his left hand would be gone now.

Crack, crack!

However, before Aokiji could stabilize his body, Nami had already transformed into lightning and came not far behind Aokiji, raised her hand and aimed at Aokiji's back.

Discharge - 30 million volts!


Nami still did not say anything, and directly released a powerful lightning, which suddenly attacked Aokiji's back.

Aokiji did not dare to take it head-on, and immediately evaded by elementalization.

""Fragrant Kick!"

Aokiji had just dodged Nami's lightning when Hancock's attacks followed, leaving him no chance to breathe.

In this way, Aokiji was also being suppressed by Hancock and Nami.

At the same time.

Heavy Sand Storm!

Vivi stopped, used her strength to form a powerful sand storm in her hand, and then threw it directly at Smoker.

Buzz buzz buzz! -

After the sand storm left her hand, it immediately became huge, and was controlled by Vivi, and it swept towards Smoker rapidly.

"She is the user of the Sand-Sand Fruit!"

Seeing this, Smoker and the other navy officers were all shocked.

However, they were not as surprised as when they saw that Nami was the user of the Thunder Fruit.

After all, they all knew that Crocodile had been killed by Qingyun, so it was not surprising that a new user of the Sand-Sand Fruit appeared.

""White Mist Attack!"

Smoker immediately released a large amount of white smoke, attacking the sandstorm released by Weiwei.

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

The sandstorm and the white smoke collided and consumed each other. For a while, no one could repel the other.

Breath bomb!


Nojigo paused, took a deep breath, and then blew out with all his strength towards Jonathan.

"What are you doing?"

Jonathan was very confused.

"Not good!"


It was not until the air blown by Noki Gao reached Jonathan's front that Jonathan felt that they were very dangerous. He immediately used the armed color domineering to strengthen his hands to resist.


The next moment, the air exhaled by Noki Gao exploded directly, producing a violent explosion, which directly swallowed Jonathan.

"The breath you exhale can explode?!"

"Could it be that she is the user of the Explosion Fruit?!"

Seeing this, the navy were all shocked.


Jessica was very worried about Jonathan.

But she didn't rush over to check on Jonathan.

Because she knew that although Nojigo's attack was very powerful, Jonathan could withstand it.

And she couldn't get back to Jonathan.


Tashigi used Armament Haki to strengthen both hands and Shigure, then swung at Taotu with a knife, cutting out a strong sword energy.


Taotu also used Armament Haki to strengthen his right hand and his knife, Kinpila, and then swung at Tashigi with a knife, cutting out a strong sword energy.


The sword energy collided with the sword energy, and the two directly offset each other, causing a violent explosion.

Tashigi has become so strong!

Noticing this scene, Smoker was extremely surprised.

He had never expected that Tashigi could become so powerful in such a short time.

The reason why Tashigi could become so powerful in a short time was not only because of Qingyun's loving care, which strengthened her physique and talent, but also because of Qingyun's top guidance and sparring, but also because of her hard work.

Thorn Meteor Hammer!

Miss grew thorns on her fingers and arms, and then controlled them to attack Tina like a meteor hammer.

""Black Spear Chain!"

Tina's hands grew black iron bars, and then controlled them to attack the long spikes on Miss's fingers.


The long spikes and the iron bars collided, and the two fought evenly.

Mix the colors - Laughing Yellow!

Miss Golden Week threw yellow paint at Taotu and Tina.

Taotu and Tina felt very bad, and they didn't dare to take it head-on, and they dodged it.

Although they dodged it, the two marines behind them were hit.


The next moment, the two marines burst into laughter and couldn't stop.

"Makes people laugh non-stop!"

"What kind of ability is this?"

Taotu and Tina felt very fortunate, but also very puzzled.

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