
Jonathan rushed out of the explosion and rushed towards Nojigo.

However, it can be seen that he had been injured by Nojigo, and his clothes were torn.

""First take down the little girl with the drawing board."

Taotu ordered, and then rushed directly to Miss Golden Week.

She felt that Miss Golden Week's attack was too weird, and the danger level was even higher than that of Noki, Tashigi, Vivi, Miss Double Fingers and Valentine who were standing in the front.

"Tina knows."

Tina rushed to Miss Golden Week.


The marines behind them, as well as Jonathan, all rushed forward.

Only Smoker was still fighting with Vivi.

He could still block Vivi's sandstorm, but Vivi's heavy sandstorm would become more and more powerful as it existed for a long time. Smoker was already struggling.

Sweat broke out on his forehead, and the cigar in his mouth was bitten off.

"I'm not a little girl."

Mix the colors - Bullfight Red!

Miss Golden Week was furious. She threw red paint directly at Taotu, Tina, and Jonathan.

"Get out of the way!"

Taotu, Tina, and Jonathan didn't dare to take the attack head-on, and they all dodged it with their agility.

However, the navy behind them were blocked from seeing and not being fast enough, so three more people were hit.

After the red paint hit them directly, the bullfighting red formed on the ground kept attacking them.

"The effect has changed!"

"What kind of devil fruit ability is this?"

Taotu, Tina, and Jonathan were all more confused, and they were all more determined to deal with Miss Golden Week first.

A riot of color, a huge tree, and a clapping palm!

Robin put her hands together in front of her chest and performed her moves. She grew countless hands and formed a huge hand, and slapped the rushing navy from an oblique angle.

At the same time, Nojiko, Tashigi, Miss Valentine and Double Fingers rushed out to fight against the attacking navy.

Seeing this, Jonathan rushed over to take Robin's big hand to prevent Robin's attack from hurting the marines.

""Drink it!"

Jonathan used all his strength, although it was very reluctant, but he still blocked it.

Explosive Fist!

Nokigo took the opportunity to rush in front of Jonathan and punched Jonathan's kidney with all his strength.

Although Jonathan predicted it with his observation Haki, he had no time to dodge or defend, and could only watch Nokigo attack him.



At the moment when Nojigo hit Jonathan's waist, her hand exploded violently, greatly increasing the power and destructive power of the punch, directly hitting Jonathan and sending him flying backwards. He let out a painful scream and fell to the ground.


Jessica was very worried about Jonathan. She was relieved to see that Jonathan was not dead but just seriously injured.

Although she wanted to, she did not go to check on Jonathan's injuries.

First, she could not ruin the formation.

Second, she no longer had the face to go back to Jonathan.

Clang! Clang! Clang! -

At the same time, Tashigi fought with Taotu, and Miss Double Fingers and Tina also fought. They fought fiercely, and for a while, no one could do anything to anyone.

""Light and fluffy punch!"

Miss Valentine seized the opportunity and punched Taotu lightly.

Noticing Miss Valentine's soft attack, Taotu didn't care and casually used her left hand to block.

Twenty thousand pounds!

Just when Miss Valentine was about to hit Taotu, she used the power of the Light and fluffy fruit to increase the weight of her right hand to twenty thousand pounds and punched Taotu hard.


Miss Valentine punched Taotu away with a punch, which hurt her left hand very much.

During this period, Miss Valentine has been able to freely control the power of the Light and fluffy fruit through Qingyun's loving care and careful teaching, and increase the weight of specific parts of her body to twenty thousand pounds.

What a heavy fist!

Is she also a devil fruit user!

Taotu was shocked. She quickly stabilized her body. When she was about to launch a counterattack, she suddenly became listless and even threw away her sword. Jin Kunluo:

"I feel like both the navy and kendo are so boring."

"Commodore Taotu, what's wrong with you?!"

The navy was stunned.

At the same time, Miss Valentine used the same trick again and knocked Tina away at the right time.

Like Taotu, Tina just stabilized her body and became bored:

"Tina doesn't want to be a marine anymore"

"Captain Tina, how did you become like this?!"

The navy was stunned.

"Mix the colors - Black of Betrayal!"

Miss Golden Week looked at Taotu and smiled like a winner.

Taotu and Tina were standing on the Black of Betrayal that Miss Golden Week had just quietly thrown.

Miss Valentine did not attack Taotu and Tina without purpose, but calculated the distance and hit them on the Black of Betrayal drawn by Miss Golden Week.

"These two guys are very determined, especially the swordsman. I can't deal with the others, so I'll leave the others to you."

Miss Golden Week shouted loudly.

"No problem."

Nojigo, Tashigi, Miss Two-Finger and Valentine continued to deal with the other marines.

Robin used the power of the Hana-Hana no Mi to assist.

Kalina and the others cleaned up the fish that slipped through the net.

Kaya and the others protected Robin and Miss Golden Week.

Without Taotu and Tina, as well as Jonathan and Smoker, the marines could not stop Nojigo and the others at all. They were unilaterally crushed and knocked down continuously.

However, Nojigo and the others showed mercy and did not kill these marines.

Because they knew that Tashigi and Jessica definitely did not want to see them kill the marines.

Besides, these marines just wanted to catch them. , but did not kill them.

Although Taotu and Tina wanted to help, they could not get rid of Miss Golden Week's control.

Because after being watered by Qingyun's love and precise training, Miss Golden Week's hypnosis level and duration have been greatly enhanced. It is not like before, when she could only hypnotize for a while to create attack opportunities for teammates.

Now, as long as Miss Golden Week wants, she can control Taotu and Tina for at least an hour.


At the same time, Smoker could no longer withstand the further strengthening of the sandstorm and was directly blown away by the powerful sandstorm.

""Colonel Smoker, I'm sorry.""


Tashigi seized the opportunity and directly strengthened her hands and Shigure with her Armament Haki, and hit Smoker's head hard with the back of her knife, knocking him unconscious.

Immediately, Tashigi and Vivi also joined the ranks of cleaning up the marines, and the marines were even more defeated.

At this time,

Qingyun had already forced Akainu to a distance

"This distance should be enough."

Akainu smiled slightly.

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