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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Dr. Kuroha! ” After getting off the pirate ship, Reina found Dr. Kuroha who was waiting for them at the harbor.
” Finally back! ” Dr. Kuroha opened his arms with a smile and hugged Reina.
At this time, Olvia was very excited, shuttled through the crowd, and told friends she had not seen for a long time about what she had seen and heard along the way.
Although Reina was chatting with Dr. Kuroha on the surface, her attention was on Olvia.
Reina confessed to her before that he was worried that Olvia already had a lover, which made the other party laugh at him, but this did not reassure Reina.
When they got inside the Tree of Omniscience, most of the residents had left, and the rest were some scholars from O’Hara. After Reina briefly talked about this experience, he stepped aside and gave the stage to O’Hara. Sylvia.
Coming to the familiar elders, Olvia seemed to have turned into a little girl, showing her achievements one by one, and received a lot of exclamations and praises.
Reina, who was sitting on the side, saw Olvia like this, and he felt that he did not force the other party to stay on the pirate ship, which was a very wise choice.
Anyway, there are empty islands and yoyos, it’s not too simple to want to come here.
In the evening, O’Hara held a grand welcome party to welcome Reina and others.
From the information that Olvia brought back, they knew how much Reina and others took care of her. If nothing else, the chart that Reina gave to Olvia is not something that ordinary people can take out. of.
The chart is now hung in the Tree of Omniscience for all scholars to view and study.
In addition, the matriarchal society information that Olvia found on the island where the treasure was buried also surprised scholars.
” Doctor … Olvia and I have become husband and wife! ” In the corner of O’Hara’s square, Reina said calmly to Dr. Kuroha with a glass of wine.
” !!! ” Dr. Kuroha looked at Reina in surprise, as if to discern whether the other party was lying.
” I see … No wonder I feel that you and Olvia seem to be too familiar with each other! ” While amazed, Dr. Kuroha said suddenly.
” Sorry, I asked Olvia, she said her parents passed away very early, here, you are equal to her parents! We made our decision privately without your consent! ” Reina A very formal bow and salute.
” Take good care of Olvia in the future, she’s a good girl! ” Dr. Kuroha was stunned, then smiled slightly, patted Reina on the shoulder, and said.
But Reina shook his head and explained his and Olivia’s decision: ” She is a scholar, she loves history, and she also has her own pursuits and dreams! Before she fulfills her dreams, I have no intention of tying me up. She! I will wait until he is willing to live with me! Even ten, twenty, thirty years! ”
Dr. Kuroha looked at Reina blankly as if he didn’t know Reina, and was speechless.
After a while, he sighed and said: ” Thank you for being able to tolerate her willfulness like this, but don’t worry, Olvia is not that kind of bad woman, and we will take good care of her! ”
” I’m never worried about this, but …” Reina hesitated before saying, ” I’m more worried about O’Hara than Olvia! ”
” O’Hara? What’s there to worry about O’Hara? We are just a group of scholars, no one will be in trouble with us! ” Dr. Kuroha said with a smile.
” No! It’s because you are scholars! I can see from Olvia your respect and love for history! But in this world, not all history can be studied! ” Reina shook his head, said seriously.
” You mean … a hundred years of blankness!? ” Dr. Kuroha’s eyes lit up and asked, ” Do you know anything about those hundred years? ”
Reina hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, ” As far as I know, the blank one hundred years is not easy! And the reason why the world government is trying to erase the existence of that period of history is related to a great and brilliant kingdom, and it is also It’s about the D family! ”
“A great and brilliant kingdom? What kind of kingdom is there in those hundred years? What is the D family? ” Dr. Kuroha’s eyes released a strong desire for knowledge, and Reina was even more shocked when he saw it.
” Doctor! Promise me, don’t touch the blank 100-year history! Someone will do this, but it’s definitely not O’Hara! Otherwise, you won’t be able to withstand the ravages of the World Government! ” Reina grabbed Kuro Dr. Ha’s arms, said seriously.
Seemingly awakened by Reina’s words, Dr. Kuroha adjusted his glasses, nodded with difficulty, and said, ” I see! Even a strong man like you said that, so obviously the world government is true about this aspect. Very concerned about it! ”
” That’s right, no matter who it is, as long as it touches the blank one hundred years, it will be the target of the World Government’s attack! I don’t want to see O’Hara covered by artillery fire! ” Reina nodded again and said.
But Reina didn’t know, just not far from them, Olvia was quietly hiding there to eavesdrop on the conversation between them.
Before the two finished talking, they quietly left.
The party lasted for a long time and ended slowly in the evening.
That night, Reina lived in Olvia’s small house, which was not big, but it was warmly furnished by Olvia.
” This is a gift from your eldest brother. He said that this fruit may be more suitable for women, so let me give it to you! ” Reina handed Olvia the devil fruit he had dug up by relying on the treasure map.
” Ah? How could daddy give me something so precious? ” Olvia shook her head and refused.
” It’s still called Dad? You have to call me Big Brother after me! ” Reina scratched Olvia’s nose and said with a smile: ” This was originally a sacrifice of that matriarchal society, according to the information you translated , it is likely to be a devil fruit passed down from generation to generation, maybe they already have the ability to inherit the devil fruit, so this fruit is the most suitable for you! ”
Seeing this, Olvia didn’t say much, she didn’t plan to eat this devil fruit anyway.
” By the way, can you give me your brand? ” Suddenly, Olvia pointed to the necklace on Reina’s chest and said.
That was the only thing Rayner brought with him when he came to this world, and the only thing that could prove his identity.
” Here ! ” Reina took it off without any hesitation and handed it to Olvia.
” I will keep it well! ” Olvia kissed Reina and said happily.
” Okay, I’ve been tired from traveling for so long, take a good rest! I’ll sit by your side to protect you! ” Reina patted Olvia and said.
Olvia hesitated for a while, nodded and lay down on the cot, while Reina sat beside her, grabbing her hand.
When Olvia woke up the next morning, Reina was gone, with his breakfast and a handwritten letter on the table.
Olvia grabbed the letter on the table and read it quickly, then put on her clothes and ran towards the port.
In the letter, Reina told her that it wasn’t that he didn’t want to say goodbye to Olvia, but that he was afraid that he would be reluctant to leave when he saw her, so he left early before she woke up.
” Reina …” When Olvia ran to the port, the small dhow with the white-bearded pirate flag had already set sail, and she had time to shout towards it.
” Olvia, he’s a very nice guy, your vision is as good as ever! It doesn’t matter, you’re still young, go to the sea to find him when you feel like leaving! I think he’ll wait forever It ‘s that day! ” Dr. Kuroha said, standing behind Olvia and patting her on the shoulder.
” Doctor … you said … my choice was right? ” Olvia asked, tears streaming down her face.
” Don’t ask me, ask your own heart! ” Dr. Kuroha shook his head and said.
” Phew ~ I understand, I will try my best! ” Olvia nodded, wiped away her tears, and said.
After a period of time, Olvia’s body became more and more strange, not only more and more lethargic, but also often nausea and vomiting.
” What? Are you sure? You read it right? Do you want to stop reading? ” Dr. Kuroha asked aloud to a man dressed as a doctor with a shocked face.
” That’s right, how could this kind of thing be wrong!? Olvia is indeed pregnant! ” The doctor nodded and confirmed.
” Doctor, Dr. Kuroha! ” Olvia, who was lying on the bed, stroked her stomach with a happy face, and whispered, ” Please help me keep this matter a secret, including Reina, don’t tell me anyone! ”
” Why? Olvia! This is Reina’s child! He is the father, and he has the right to know about this! ” Dr. Kuroha asked in confusion.
“What about after telling him? Let him come to O’Hara to take care of me? To accompany me? Don’t say whether Dad agrees or not, he came here, not only for him, but also for O’Hara and me. Dangerous thing! He is Red Eyed Reina! If the navy knows his whereabouts, it will not be indifferent! ” Olvia said with pride or pride.
It seems that Reina is valued by the Navy, which is a very proud thing for her.
Dr. Kuroha was stunned for a moment, then sighed and said, ” Ah … you guys! Do whatever you want! I’ll keep it a secret for you! ”
A year later, Olvia gave birth to a baby girl, whom she named Robin, whose full name was Benery D. Robin.
But for the safety of her daughter, she announced to the public that her daughter followed her surname and her name was Nicole Robin .
And she herself, after Robin was one year old, gave Robin to her younger brother’s family to take care of her, and went out to sea to fulfill her dream and find the real historical text.
That’s right, since she was in the Whitebeard Pirates, she already knew the existence of the historical text, so she wanted to know what the blank hundred years were.
He had the same plan as Dr. Kuroha, so during Olvia’s pregnancy, Dr. Kuroha secretly formed an adventure team to find historical texts, and they passed the clues that Olvia gave them. , found a lot of historical texts
This is different than in the original where they only had one piece of historical text, they now know more.
Because of Reina’s reminder, they knew that the World Government would not let anyone who meddle in the blank 100-year history easily let go, so their actions were more concealed.
The reason why Olvia is so anxious to go to sea is also because she wants to complete her dream early and then join Reina.
To this end, during her pregnancy, she ducked several times to find her Reina.
Even after Robin was born, Rayner was not told the truth.

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