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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After being separated from Olivia, Reina returned to the calm belt in a dhow.
When he came to the empty island, Olga was the first to look for him, but he was looking for trouble.
” Bastard Reina! Why did you just run away? Didn’t they tell you to wait? I’m going to O’Hara with you too! ” Olga jumped directly on Reina, hitting and grabbing at him .
” Ah? When did you say that? I didn’t hear it! ” Reina asked in confusion.
” Bastard, you did it on purpose! Where is Sister Olvia? Where is she? ” Olga looked around, but did not find Olvia’s figure, so she asked inexplicably.
” Olvia? She’s staying in O’Hara! ” Reina replied calmly.
” Ah? ” Olga was stunned, and opened her mouth in surprise.
” It’s okay, she just has her own dreams to fulfill, we have become husband and wife! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
Olga tilted her head and looked at Reina in confusion. She still didn’t understand why Reina didn’t bring Olvia back.
” Children … you won’t understand! ” Reina patted Olga’s head and said with a chuckle.
Olga’s face darkened and she said directly: ” It’s almost 200 years old, who do you call a child? ”
” Pfft hahaha …”
With Olga’s tricks, Reina and Olvia’s parting sorrows have eased a little.
When returning to the Moby Dick , Rayner officially announced to all the crew that he and Olivia had become husband and wife.
” Is everything done? ” asked Whitebeard, sitting on the deck, holding his glass.
” Yeah! Everything is settled, I’ll see her when I’m free! ” Reina smiled and replied.
” If you want to choose to stay in O’Hara, I will also agree! ” Whitebeard was silent for a while before speaking.
” No, the navy will not let me stay in O’Hara, and the command will bring disaster to Olvia and O’Hara! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Boy, you are still too young! ” Whitebeard smiled and said, ” If you have this plan, you can leave it to me! ”
” Huh? What do you want to do, big brother? Do you want to exchange with the Navy? ” Reina was stunned for a moment, and then he guessed Whitebeard’s plan.
Whitebeard smiled undeniably.
” Big brother, Olvia is now my family, but everyone has always been my family! So don’t say such things again! ” Reina said firmly without waiting for Whitebeard to speak.
” Deputy Captain … woo woo …”
” That’s really good to say …”
Hansen and others, who were hiding and eavesdropping on the conversation between the two, couldn’t help being moved.
” It would be even more perfect if there was more white wine at this time! You said … can you cheat some white wine from Reina while he is in a bad mood now ? ” .
” Are you a devil? ” Marco looked at Lakyo with a look of ignorance, but the next sentence revealed his true nature . ” Is there anything we need to cooperate with? ”
” It’s very simple … Just need your cooperation … Just let me beat it up! ” At some point, Reina, who was supposed to chat with Whitebeard, suddenly appeared in their Jinping and said softly with a stern face.
” Ah ~ Reina … I was wrong! ”
” Deputy captain … I didn’t say anything! ”
Immediately, the Moby Dick started chasing and scrambling again.
one year later.
” Dad, no, the currents here are so strange, the Moby Dick is out of control! ” Joz shouted at Whitebeard while controlling the rudder forcefully.
” What’s going on in this sea area? The currents are so strange! ” The navigator’s hair was almost pulled out by himself. Looking at the surrounding currents, he was already confused.
” Don’t panic, everyone, it’s just a chaotic current, don’t mess around, everyone must trust the Moby Dick ! ” Rayner grabbed the mast with one hand and shouted loudly.
Originally, Reina’s words were to cheer everyone up, but as his words fell, the rudder in Joz’s hand snapped, causing everyone to look at him unconsciously.
” Why are you looking at me? I didn’t break it! ” Reina almost went wild.
During this year, he went to O’Hara at least four or five times, but he never saw Olvia. If he hadn’t often received letters from Olvia, he would have doubted whether the other party was hiding. he.
In fact, the reason why he ran to O’Hara so many times was that in addition to missing Olvia, he also had another purpose.
That is because of his relationship, it is very likely that Robin will not appear, so he wants to confirm whether the world will automatically correct the error and let Robin be born from another family.
But because he never saw Olvia every time, he couldn’t find Dr. Kuroha to inquire about the baby born by O’Hara, so in the end he had to let it go.
During the year, Rayner discovered a very strange phenomenon, or a coincidence.
Every time he returned from O’Hara, he would be particularly unlucky, and even those close to him would be very unlucky, but it didn’t last long, or it would return to normal after a few bad lucks.
The crew on the ship also knew about this, so just now he said that after he believed in the Moby Dick , the rudder broke, and everyone put it on Rayner by coincidence.
Because he recently went to O’Hara, and also did not see Olvia.
” Oops, there is a reef ahead. If you can’t avoid it, the ship will crash! ” A crew member pointed to a place not far ahead and shouted in horror.
” Damn it! Bista, smash that rock! ” Reina shouted towards Bista below.
” Leave it to me! ” Bistan slowly walked towards the bow of the boat, and the two Western swords hanging from his waist suddenly unsheathed, cutting out an “X” shape in the air.
” Crash …”
The reef was directly cut into pieces and fell into the sea.
” Look! Why is the current in front of us heading towards us? This place … what’s going on? ” The navigator seemed to have found something and shouted loudly.
Reina on the mast immediately raised his head and looked forward, only to see a huge waterfall appearing in front of him, and the current sea water traveled in a form of hedging, so the surrounding currents would be chaotic.
” Why does it look familiar? ” Looking at the scene in front of him, Reina seemed to have seen it before, but he couldn’t remember it for a while.
” Reyna, the rudder is broken, let Yoo come over and take us away, continue on Moby Dick and it’s over! ” Marco yelled at Reyna.
Reina nodded, jumped down from the mast, and after cutting through the palm print, a palm print on the deck, and yoyo came to his senses.
Yoyo’s huge body appeared on the deck, but it quickly left the ship consciously and entered the sea.
” Yo, take the Moby Dick out of this sea! ” Rayner shouted to the appearing yo.
However, Yoyo, who entered the sea, did not follow Reina’s instructions. Instead, it seemed to be very painful. He kept rolling in the sea and even wanted to go out of the sea.
” Bang! ” After a while, Yoyo turned into a white mist and disappeared.
” What’s going on? ” Seeing this, everyone showed a surprised expression.
” It seems that there is a problem with the sea water here? Yoyo doesn’t seem to be able to survive in the sea water here! ” Saatchi said while rubbing his chin.
He is a professional chef, so he sees Yoyo’s pain.
” Sea water? ” Reina was stunned, as if thinking of something, came to the side of the ship, and caught the splash of water that hit the Moby Dick .
” Sure enough … this is fresh water! It’s not sea water! ” Reina said loudly after tasting the sea water he received.
” What? ” Everyone was in disbelief when they heard Reina’s words.
” It seems that the problem lies with that waterfall! ” Whitebeard said, standing firmly on the bow.
” Yes, above that waterfall, there should be a source of water, and it’s a source of fresh water, big brother … We may have reached the boundary of Wano country! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Wanokuni ? ” The rest of the people looked at Reina in surprise, not understanding how he was sure.
” Oh? Is this the country of Wano? So where is their country? ” Whitebeard asked with interest.
Reina pointed to the top of the waterfall and said with a chuckle: ” If I guessed correctly, it should be there! ”
” Stop kidding, how do we get up there? We can’t fly! ”
” Yes! Vice-captain, this joke is not funny! ”
The crew shook their heads, believing that Rayner’s statement should be wrong.
But at this time, they suddenly found that there were a lot of huge carp around the Moby Dick , and some even went beyond the sea.
” It’s a carp! It’s huge! But isn’t a carp a freshwater fish!? ”
” This is really fresh water! Look, the water has become much clearer! ”
After everyone discovered these carp, they were all surprised, at least it proved that the water here is really fresh water, as Reina just said.
” Look! Those carp … are climbing the waterfall! ” At this time, Lakyo found that many carp were actually climbing up the waterfall.
” This is the legendary fish leaping over the dragon gate! ” Reina sighed, thinking of Kaido the beast.
” Gu la la la … little ones, go catch those carp, let’s go to the waterfall! ” Whitebeard saw the carp climbing the waterfall, his eyes lit up, and he shouted with laughter.
” Eh? ”
” Dad, are you serious? ”
” Don’t! Dad, he’ll die! ”
Sure enough, after hearing Whitebeard’s words, the ordinary crew members were stunned by Whitebeard’s thoughts.
” Joz, hold on tight! Marco, it’s over to you! ” Reina took out a few long ropes and handed one end to Joz and the other to Marco.
Seeing this, Marko smiled, his arms turned into wings, his legs turned into phoenix claws, he grabbed the rope and flew out.
Joz tied all the ropes to himself and hugged the broken rudder.

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