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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Di … Check in for the 29th day in a row … Today’s wages are being settled …”
” You get base salary: 290 points ”
” Overtime pay: 30 points ”
When Rayner received the day’s salary, he landed on the island again and came to the periphery of the 23rd Marine Division.
” Huh ~ Saving people from Garp, I feel irritating just thinking about it … First of all, I have to find a way to sneak in! ” Reina licked his lips with his tongue and looked at the brightly lit Naval Division.
Soon, Reina knocked out a single navy. After torturing where the prison was, he changed into the other party’s clothes and walked towards the interior of the navy branch.
” Where is the scholar from O’Hara recently detained? Lieutenant General Karp wants me to interrogate her about something! ” Rayner came to the prison and asked directly to the guarding soldiers.
But before Reina’s words fell, he saw the other side’s face, knowing that something might be wrong, and before the other party could react, he acted first and stunned the two guards.
After taking the key from the guard, Reina put the two of them as if they were sleeping, and then moved into the prison.
Although he guessed that Olvia might not be imprisoned here, but he came here, so if he didn’t go in to take a look, wouldn’t it be bad if he missed it?
Sure enough, when Reina searched the prison, Olvia was not found, and there were not many people in the prison, only two or three big cats and kittens.
” What crime did you all commit? ” Looking at the three people in the cell, Reina asked directly.
Two of the three ignored Reina, and only one boy hesitated and asked, ” Who are you? ”
” Don’t care who I am, tell me now, why did you come in! ” Reina cast a glance at the other side and said.
” Because I accidentally killed the dog of the rich man’s house in the town, I was hated by him and sent me to prison on the charge of stealing! ” The boy said with a gloomy expression.
” You two? ” Reina asked again, towards the other two who ignored him.
” Boy, no matter what your purpose is, don’t bother me, I’m a pirate! ” A strong man in the prison glanced at Reina with contempt and said.
” Oh? Pirates? Are both pirates? Then there’s no problem, come out! ” Reina threw the key to the other side and said with a chuckle.
The strong man was stunned, picked up the key from the ground, glanced at Reina with some doubts, and said, ” Young Navy, if this is a real key, you will know what a mistake you have made! ”
” Kacha! ” While the strong man was still talking, another person had already used the key to open the cell.
” Tell me, what do you want me to do! ” The man who came out first, not strong, even a little thin, looked malnourished, asked in a hoarse voice.
” Don’t do anything. From now on, you will be free, but I will not send you out. If you are found by the Navy, it will depend on your own ability to escape! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” You’re not a navy! ” The thin man raised his head and stared at Reina.
” So what? If you don’t want to … you can go back now, as if nothing happened! ” Reina prepared to leave after leaving a sentence.
” Please, save me too! I don’t want to die here, I’m innocent! ” The young man who was still in prison shouted with tears when he saw Reina released the other two.
” Hehehe …” The thin man let out a deep laugh and said, ” Boy, just stay inside! We are all villains, so he let us out so that we could attract the attention of the navy. Force, cause a commotion! If you come out … hehehe … believe it or not? You will definitely die faster! ”
Reina smiled indisputably, did not stop, and left directly.
” Hahaha … I didn’t expect it to come out again! This time I will definitely not let the navy go! ” The strong man came out of the cell and said with a big laugh, ” Hey, do you know the purpose of that navy? ”
” Idiot, he’s not a navy, he just wants to use us, but it doesn’t matter, it’s just mutual use! ” The thin man said with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
” Okay, old rules, do what you want to do! ” Obviously, the two knew each other from the beginning, and they were probably even members of the same boat.
” Since the other party needs us to cause a riot in the navy, then … the best thing is to set fire! Go to the navy quarters and set the fire first, so that it will be easier for us to escape! ” The thin man said after thinking for a while.
After Rayner came out of the prison, he saw the two sneaking towards the naval dormitory.
” Mr. Karp? ” At the same time, in a single room in the naval dormitory, Olvia looked at the admiral who appeared in front of him and asked lightly.
” Oh? You know me? ” Karp asked curiously.
” My Reina often mentions you to me! ” Olvia saluted and replied.
” Hahaha … That kid must have said nothing good, right? ” Garp asked with a big smile.
” No … He said that you are one of the few in the navy with true justice! ” Olivia shook her head and said.
” Justice? Now you think so too!? ” Karp was taken aback, then asked Olvia.
” No, when you came in, I thought maybe he was wrong! ” Olvia shook her head and said, ” It was the intelligence organization of the World Government who secretly arrested me, but your presence here proves that you I have already cooperated with them and used me to trap Reina! ”
Garp’s adjutant Pocato stepped forward and was about to speak, but was stopped by Garp and said, ” You’re right, no matter what, I’m using you! But I’m the Navy … my duty is Catch the pirates, although I disdain to use such means! But don’t worry, I will never threaten him with your safety! Instead, I will defeat him in an upright manner, and then arrest him! ”
Olvia’s eyes lit up, and then he pretended to be miserable and said: ” With your strength, Reina will definitely lose if he doesn’t run away! It doesn’t make any difference! ”
” You’re very smart! I won’t hurt his life, that’s the only thing I can guarantee! ” Karp turned around and left after saying that.
When Garp was about to walk out of the room, Olvia breathed a sigh of relief, bowed to Garp’s back and said, ” Sorry, Mr. Garp, I agree with my husband, you are a true navy with justice! ”
” Hahaha …” Garp laughed loudly from outside the door.
After leaving the dormitory, Pocato asked inexplicably: ” Sir, why are you making promises to her? Reina’s strength is not weak! ”
” Don’t worry! If he can really save people from my hands, it’s also his ability! Presumably the marshal won’t say anything! ” Garp said with a smile.
But after he finished speaking, he frowned and looked at the shadowed position in the dormitory area on the side, and shouted loudly: ” Who is it? Sneaky? Get out of here! ”
As Garp’s words fell, people jumped up and appeared on the heads of the two who had just escaped from the prison and were about to set fire.
” Not good! Let’s go! ” When the thin man saw Garp, he immediately pulled his companions and said with an ugly face.
However, his action was still a step late, and his companion rushed over as soon as he saw Garp, planning to fight Garp.
” Boom! ”
” Hey ~~”
” Boom boom boom …”
The thin man looked at Garp, who was like a god, and his companion who was knocked away by a punch, and said bitterly: ” Lieutenant General of the Navy Headquarters, hero Garp? So it is … ! ”
He finally knew why Reina rescued them. With Garp there, he wanted to do things here, but ordinary people really don’t have that ability!
” Oh? You know me? ” Karp asked, looking at the strange man in front of him.
He thought it was a helper invited by Reina, but the other party seemed to be very puzzled by his appearance. Did Reina not tell the other party that he existed?
Not far away, Reina, who was hiding in the dark, planned to run away as soon as she saw Garp.
” No! As the top officer of the branch, why is Karp here? ” Just as Reina turned around, he stopped abruptly and looked at the dormitory over there with doubts.
” Looks like … Olvia is there! ” Reina thought for a moment, then moved quickly in the other direction, trying to sneak into the dormitory.
As for the two people who had just come out of prison, they were not within Reina’s concern, and when they met Garp, they probably wouldn’t even have the chance to escape.
After sneaking into the dormitory building, Reina sorted out the navy clothes on his body, and then looked for it layer by layer.
He first scanned each floor roughly. If Olvia was being held here, there must be guards outside the door, so it should be very easy to find.
Soon, when he came to the third floor, he found that outside a room at the end, there were two people in black suits staying there.
” Is there really someone from the World Government? ” Reina recognized the secret intelligence agency directly under the first sight of the other party, but he didn’t know which one of CP1~9 it was.
” Writing wheel eye … open! ” After confirming the target, Reina didn’t plan to wait long. Garp was not far away. Any movement here may attract Garp’s attention, so now it is necessary to save people. Fast, accurate, steady!
” What …”
When the intelligence officer in the black suit found Reina, it was too late to speak, and Reina was directly knocked out.
After groping from them, he didn’t find any keys, so Reina, who couldn’t wait, kicked the door and kicked it open directly.
” Reina? Hurry up … ! ” The moment Olvia in the room saw Reina, she was like reminding Reina that this was a trap, but before she could finish speaking, someone covered her mouth.
” Let go of her! I can give you a decent way to die! ” Seeing that someone treated Olvia so rudely, Reina’s anger rose.
” Pirates, Reina Chitong! A bounty of 830 million Berries, the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! I’m not mistaken!? ” One also wore a black suit but was obviously more advanced than the two outside the door. The intelligence officer, holding Olvia in one hand, said with a light smile to Reina.
Reina’s eyes narrowed, the other party actually knew his existence? Is this really a little unexpected to him?
“The World Government’s spies? Why are you here? ” Reina asked pretending not to care.
” Hahaha … Surprising, right? Did you not expect why we would know that you came back? Of course it was because we discovered … the secret between you and her! ” The intelligence officer in the black suit said with a smug laugh.
” Reina, go! They used me to trap you! ” Olvia finally broke free of the other party’s restraints and shouted loudly.
” Let’s go? Impossible! We have to ask Mr. Reina to help and bring in Whitebeard! I want to leave like this … Impossible! ” intelligence personnel, surrounded Reina.
” That is to say, anything like studying blank history is a lie … just an excuse to lead me out? ” Reina looked at the other party and asked softly.
When Olvia heard Reina’s words, she looked back at the World Government’s spy with an expression of disbelief.
” Did they really find something? Did O’Hara also suffer? Robin …” Olivia was very flustered at this time. After hearing Reina’s words, she knew that the reason for arresting her was what.
” Of course, otherwise the innocent arrest of a scholar will cause a bad commotion! ” The man holding Olvia smiled and said.
He didn’t know that this sentence actually made Reina and Olvia breathe a sigh of relief at the same time.
” If that’s the case … then you all die! ” Reina, who had a strange red light in his eyes, fired at full force and stabbed the opponent directly with the ice wheel pill in his hand!
” Shoot! ” The man holding Olvia shouted to his subordinates with an expression of victory.

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