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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” This … it’s impossible! ” The CP0 chief looked at Reina in disbelief as he watched Bing Lun Wan pierce his body and said.
” Don’t you have any information about me? ” Reina kicked the opponent away, and then hugged Olvia in his arms.
” Why … why ? That’s Hailoushi’s bullet … why doesn’t it work for you?! ” The commander of CP0 collapsed in a pool of blood and seemed unable to figure out why the Hailoushi bullet he deliberately used was still unable to attack. to Reina.
” I’m not a devil fruit person! ” Reina glanced at the dead CP0 officer and said softly.
When Reina took Olvia out of the room, all the World Government spy personnel fell to the ground.
He usually seldom kills, but he has no goodwill towards these intelligence officers, so he killed all of them without exception.
” Boy, it’s not bad! ”
When Reina came out of the dormitory, what he saw was a smiling Garp and countless naval soldiers.
” Mr. Karp … long time no see! ” Reina took a deep breath and greeted Karp with a smile, like a long-lost friend.
” Don’t give up yet? Want to try it with me? ” Karp squeezed his fist and asked.
” Of course! I am fortunate to have Mr. Karp’s guidance, and the boy is lucky! It’s just that she is innocent. Please ask Mr. Karp to let her stay by your side for a while, and when the limelight passes, find her a quiet and peaceful child. Live on the island! ”
Karp was stunned, not expecting Reina to say such a thing.
” No, I’m not going anywhere! ” Olvia shook her head, grabbed Reina’s hand, and said hesitantly.
She wants to tell Reina about the existence of Robin, and wants to follow Reina. She has been thinking very clearly these days. Although the historical text is important, Reina and Robin are more and more important in her heart. High, now enough to replace a passion for historical research.
” Be obedient! Our relationship has been exposed, and it is even more dangerous for you to return to O’Hara now, and it may also implicate Dr. Kuroha and everyone! I don’t worry about letting you go to Big Brother alone, so please Mr. Karp is the best. Good way! ” Reina didn’t hide it at all, and said directly in front of Garp.
” Bastard! Who do you think I am? I won’t agree! ” Karp pointed at Reina angrily.
” Then please Mr. Karp! ” Reina pushed Olvia away, bowed to Karp, and held the ice wheel pill, his aura rose suddenly.
” Pocato, take her and the rest out of here! ” Feeling Reina’s momentum, Garp told the adjutant behind him.
” Yes, my lord! ” Capoto dodged to Olvia’s side.
Although Olvia struggled hard and seemed very reluctant, she was not Capoto’s opponent. Just when she opened her mouth to say something, she was stunned by Capoto’s palm and quickly taken away.
Reina, who was on the side, watched the whole process and didn’t stop it, but when Olvia was stunned, the momentum on her body was chaotic, and then it was adjusted in an instant.
Olvia, who was taken away by Pocato, quickly woke up. After waking up, he saw Capoto and said immediately: ” Take me to see Reina, I have something important to tell him! ”
” It’s too late! ” Pocato pointed to the sky not far away, there seemed to be a big battle there, a huge blue ice dragon was roaring, and a thin layer of ice seemed to be condensed all around.
” Reina …” Olvia looked at the battlefield in the distance and muttered to herself.
She regrets it very much now, why did she go back to O’Hara, if she stayed on the Whitebeard boat, then their family of three should be living together very happily at this time.
What she wanted to say to Reina just now was about Robin, but before she could say it, she was stunned and taken away by Pocato.
” Icicles of birds! ” Reina waved the ice ball, which had begun to be released, and countless chains of icicles shot towards Garp, like a flock of birds.
” Boy, you have more strange abilities! ” Garp said with a smile, throwing his fists to disperse the ice bullets.
” There are more! Mr. Garp be careful! ” After Reina finished speaking, the man had come to Garp’s side and slashed at him, but was easily dodged by Garp.
” It’s not over yet! ” There was a half-moon-shaped chain on the hilt of the sword after the first release. After the slash was avoided by Garp, Reina threw his hand, and the half-moon-shaped chain blade wrapped around Garp’s back, directly attacked.
” Just based on this … you just stay in the underwater prison! ” At the same time that Karp finished speaking, the man had come to Reina’s side and punched him in the abdomen.
” Boom! ” Although he was absorbing Garp’s punch with all his strength, Reina was still sent flying by a punch and smashed a building before he stopped.
” It’s not a navy hero, what a powerful fist! ” Reina wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and slowly got up and said.
Garp’s punch just now directly exceeded the upper limit he could absorb, causing him a certain amount of damage.
He hadn’t tried this feeling of being punched down for a long time.
” Boy, don’t show some real skills … but it’s too late! ” The voice fell, and Karp came to Reina again.
” A single blow , frozen for a thousand miles! ”
Taking advantage of the neutral position just now, Reina has completed the gathering force and slashed out with a slash.
” Boom boom boom …”
The building in front of Reina was directly cut open, but Garp was not cut.
” Come again! Prismatic Ice Formation! ”
Reina clenched Hirinmaru with both hands and attacked again.
However, the gap between him and Garp is still very obvious. Although he can occasionally hit Garp, it does not cause much damage to him.
And every time Karp hits Reina, he needs his full strength to stimulate the absorption ability of the Black Emperor, which consumes a lot of his physical strength.
” When! ”
Reina once again blocked Garp’s fist with the ice wheel pill. The two of you went back and forth, and soon, the entire naval branch was beaten to rubble by them.
Fortunately, the place where the naval branch is built is far away from the town, otherwise it is not known how many casualties it will cause.
The battle here naturally attracted the attention of the residents, but there was pacification from Pocato and the Navy, so it didn’t cause a lot of commotion. The residents just hid in their homes and shivered, hoping that this incident would pass quickly.
Early the next morning, when Kaputi, who was in tattered clothes, passed out, and Reina, who was covered in Xie Xue, appeared, all the navy cheered. The residents of the town cheered when they saw the victory of the navy, and the whole island cheered. It seems to have become a sea of joy.
Only Olvia ran to Reina with tears on her face, carefully stroking his face.
” Don’t worry! This kid won’t die easily! ” Karp said softly upon seeing this.
Olvia wiped her tears, although she knew that the navy in front of Reina was the one in front of her, but she had to thank the other party because he complied with the promise and did not kill Reina.
Through last night’s battle, she knew very well that the strong navy in front of her did have the strength to kill Reina.
” Pocato, report to the headquarters! Captured the pirates … Chitong Reina! ” After nodding at Olvia, Garp instructed the adjutant.
So soon … Admiral Garp, the hero of the navy, captured the news of the great pirate Reina Chitomi in the West Sea, and it was sent back to the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando.
” What? Garp caught the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates? ” When Marshal Kong said this, both Sengoku and Ah He were stunned.
It’s not that Garp’s strength can’t do such a thing, but with Whitebeard’s character, what will happen next is basically predictable.
As long as the other party knows about this, there will inevitably be a conflict with the navy.
But recently, not only the Golden Lion Shiki is recruiting troops, but the other two pirates, the Beasts Pirates and the BIGMO Pirates, are also rising rapidly, all of which involve a lot of experience in the Navy.
If the Whitebeard Pirates attacked at this time, the navy would have to recover a lot of troops, otherwise it would be impossible to resist the attack from the Whitebeard Pirates.
” That’s right, you really can’t blame Garp for this! ” Marshal Kong gave a wry smile and explained the cause and effect of the incident.
” Then the marshal … what are we going to do next? ” Warring States said with some headache: ” After Whitebeard knows about this, he will definitely not let it go! ”
” Humph! Does he still want to attack Marine Fando again? I have already asked Karp to escort Reina back for days. As long as he arrives at Marine Fando, this is not a place where his white beard can go wild! ” Marshal Kong said with a cold snort.
” Marshal, this matter is too involved, don’t forget, he and Whitebeard were once again the crew of that man. If those people join forces again, we will be very passive! ” Ah He said after thinking about it.
” I know, but it’s unlikely that they will join forces! And things have already happened, it’s useless to say these things, think about how to deal with the following things! ” Marshal Kong nodded and said.
” If that’s the case, then we can only let Garp escort Reina back as soon as possible, and send someone over to meet him, just in case! ” Sengoku nodded and said.
” Also, block the news, try not to let the news get out! ” Ah He added.
” It’s too late, that bastard Garp, the battle with Chitong Reina destroyed the entire 23rd Division! It is estimated that this matter can’t be concealed, so we can only do the worst! ” Marshal Kong shook his head and said.
” If that’s the case … Marshal, it’s not as good as ours … this way … this way!? How? ” After thinking about it, Sengoku offered his plan.
” No need for now! Let’s see Whitebeard’s reaction! But … Warring States, I’ll leave it to you to deal with Garp this time! You can decide according to the situation at that time! ” After thinking about it, Marshal Kong said: ” Um … as you said, bring Zefa with you too! ”
” Yes! ” said the Warring States after salute.

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