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” No, studying the historical text is a crime and is prohibited by the world government, so you don’t think you can touch the historical text! ” Dr. Kuroha sternly rejected Robin’s request.
Her mother separated from Reina precisely because she wanted to study the historical text, which led to this ending. He absolutely did not allow Robin to follow Olvia’s way.
” But why can you study it? ” Robin pouted and said dissatisfiedly: ” After studying the historical text, you can know what happened in that blank 100 years. Isn’t that the responsibility of our historians? ”
Dr. Kuroha was speechless by what Robin said, because he thought so too, so he secretly studied it in private.
” You … how did you know? By the way, your ability! Did you secretly use your ability to observe the basement? You saw it all? But reading the historical text is illegal, you should know it? ” Dr. Kuroha His face changed, thinking of Robin’s Devil Fruit ability, and asked immediately.
” But everyone is sleeping in the basement, isn’t it just studying the text of history? ” Robin bit his lower lip and said angrily.
” What? Robin … you … you even know this? ” Dr. Kuroha always thought that what they were doing was very covert, but he was unexpectedly called out by Robin.
” Because you never let me in, so … that’s why I tried so hard to be a historian, because … that way I can be with everyone and not be alone! ” Robin’s tears finally Still couldn’t hold back, it flowed down.
” Robin …” All the scholars looked at Robin and fell silent.
” Indeed … Robin, you are a competent historian, we are just like you, we just want to know what happened in the 100 years of the blank, so we study it! But … this is a crime! We all do it well. You are not the same … Robin, you are still a child! ” Dr. Kuroha squatted down, put his hands on Robin’s shoulders, and said solemnly:
” By the way, O’Hara is the only one left in the world who can interpret historical texts now! And we … can’t go back! Now I want you to swear to the great tree of omniscience, and never again Get close to the basement, or … it will automatically stop you from entering the Institute and the Library! ”
After Dr. Kuroha finished speaking, he stared at little Robin like this. Robin finally couldn’t help it. He cried out with a ” wow ” , then turned his head and ran out.
After Robin left, a young scholar asked Dr. Kuroha, ” Doctor, do you want Robin to be the last seed? ”
Dr. Kuroha lowered his head and said softly: ” To tell you the truth , our expedition team was captured by the Navy a few days ago, so … we have to be prepared to be exposed at any time. Robin is different, she also Have a bright future, can’t die here with us! ”
” Has it been discovered? I had long thought that such a day would come, but I didn’t expect it to come so quickly! Bastard, there are still many puzzles that have not been solved! ”
” What happened to the compatriots in the expedition? Are they all imprisoned? Why don’t we find a way to notify Reina! With the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates, maybe we can continue to study. ”
Behind Dr. Kuroha, the young scholars said involuntarily.
None of them remembered their own lives, and some were just annoyed by the unfinished research.
” Let’s not say that we can’t contact Reina at all. Even if we can contact him, he can’t do anything. You should know that? He warned us back then not to touch the historical text, otherwise it will be their Whitebeard Pirates, It can’t keep us! ” Dr. Kuroha said calmly.
” It’s a pity! Our strength is too weak, and many sea areas cannot pass! Otherwise, we must be able to interpret more historical texts! ” A young scholar said bitterly.
” Okay, everyone … Now is not the time to talk about this, let’s hurry up on the work at hand! ” Dr. Kuroha said after being silent for a while.
And Robin, who ran out of the tree of omniscience, came to the beach unknowingly. She originally wanted to exercise her abilities, but when she came to the beach, she found a huge human being collapsed on the edge of the beach.
This person is the former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Haguwal D. Saron, who was hunted by the Navy for saving Olvia in the original book, and now for saving O’Hara’s expedition. Chased by the navy.
” Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe … ” _
” Some people used to say that I was laughing stupidly, but that’s how I laughed. It’s your little girl who should be very cute when you smile! ”
For Robin’s question about his laughter, Saron explained.
” My name is Saron, Haguwal D. Saron ! ”
“D ? ” Robin was taken aback, he thought of the D in his father’s name .
” Yeah! I don’t know what it means, anyway, everyone in my family has this word! ” Saron chuckled and said, ” What about your name? ”
” Robin! ” Robin replied after thinking about it.
She didn’t want to say her name was Nicole Robin , but she couldn’t say her real name, so she just said her name.
In the time that followed, the giant Saron became friends with the lonely Robin.
At the same time, after a few days of retreat and practice, and after becoming familiar with the Black Emperor ability that he had evolved, Reina finally came down from the empty island.
” Why does it only take a few days for me to feel that Reina seems to be different in some way? ” Lakyo looked at the energetic Reina and said puzzled.
Reina smiled slightly. After the evolution of his Black Emperor’s ability, there was no change, but the upper limit of energy that could be absorbed was increased, and the speed of absorption was also increased a lot.
The ability of the Black Emperor, which was already in perfect control, has been reduced due to evolution, but he couldn’t wait, so after getting familiar with it, he couldn’t wait to get ready to set off.
” Marco … do you want to try it? ” Reina looked at Marco beside him, raised his eyebrows, and asked.
Marco hesitated for a moment, then nodded and walked to the lieutenant general on the deck.
The two just exchanged ideas, so they separated soon after the fight, but even if it was just a simple fight, Marco still felt the change in Reina.
” It’s actually getting stronger again, what a perverted guy! ” Markola turned his eyes and returned to the side of the ship.
In the past few years, his own progress has been huge, but he feels that the gap with Reina has not narrowed, but has widened.
” Brother! Can we fight? ” After warming up with Marco, Reina challenged Whitebeard.
” Goo la la la … boy, let me see the gap between you and the world! ” Whitebeard took the Naginata sword and fell off the boat, followed by Reina.
The rest of the crew wanted to watch the battle, but were stopped by Marco.
The two fought on an uninhabited island. Everyone knew the final outcome, but when Whitebeard came back with the unconscious Reina, everyone couldn’t believe it.
It’s not that Reina was too miserable, but that Whitebeard was actually injured. His captain’s coat was tattered, and there were traces of blood on the corners of his mouth. As for the uninhabited island, it had turned into pieces and sank to the bottom of the sea.
Rayner didn’t stay in a coma for long, and when the Moby Dick resumed sailing, he was awake.
Reina, who woke up, looked at Whitebeard and asked, ” Brother, what was the attack that broke through my ability just now? ”
” Armed color! ” Whitebeard said with a chuckle.
” Huh ~ So that’s the case, is this the armed color after the change? It can actually break through my ability, so I can’t absorb it, it’s really amazing! ” Reina said with a wry smile.
Originally, he would not lose so fast, but when Whitebeard’s fist attacked him at close range, he realized that his Black Emperor’s ability could not be absorbed.
Or even before he could absorb it, the opponent’s attack had already hit him.
But he could feel that his Black Emperor’s ability could absorb this kind of energy, but he couldn’t absorb it because he couldn’t perfectly control the evolved Black Emperor’s ability.
” How is it? Do you still want to go? There are many people in the navy who know this trick! ” Whitebeard asked, looking at the silent Reina.
” Of course! Although the top powerhouses in the navy can do this, Magellan can’t! ” Reina shook his head and said stubbornly.
” Okay then! Go back early! ” After Whitebeard sighed, he turned and went back to his room.
Originally, in the discussion with Reina this time, he did not use his own shaking fruit ability, just to let Reina realize the strength of the strong, but obviously, Reina was not moved by it.
After a day of training, Reina drove his own boat and left the Whitebeard Pirates alone by Yoyo, and went to the Deep Sea Prison to advance the city.
It was also the day he left, former Vice Admiral Saron, while chatting with Robin, learned that his position was O’Hara, so he asked Robin to leave quickly because the navy was going to launch. Attack on O’Hara.
In disbelief, Robin ran back to the Tree of Omniscience and found that the townspeople were in chaos, and when he arrived at the Tree of Omniscience, the scholars seemed to have gathered.
” Doctor … no … it’s not good! It seems that a navy is coming! ” Robin gasped and said to Dr. Kuroha.
” Okay, Robin, not the navy! It’s from the world government, so it’s worse than expected, remember no matter who asks, you can’t call yourself a historian, you’re so young, as long as you don’t Say, no one will find out! ” Dr. Kuroha said calmly.
Soon, the people of the world government arrived at the tree of omniscience, not only arrested all the scholars, but also searched the historical texts in the basement. The government-led chief, Spandain, also launched the ” Slaying Demon Order ” again .
” Doctor … woo woo … how are you? ” Robin knelt beside Dr. Kuroha, crying with tears.
” Go, go, Robin! You can’t die here! Go to the refuge ship! ” Dr. Kuroha was hit by Spandain during the resistance just now, and was unable to move.
” No, I don’t want to leave here, I don’t want to leave everyone! ” Robbie cried and shook his head.
” Boom boom boom …”
” Boom boom boom …”
” Bastard, it’s the fleet of the navy headquarters, they actually fired at the tree of omniscience! ”
” Damn, they’ve already prepared to kill us all, those executioners, this is a crime! ”
” Quick, go and put out the fire, don’t let the tree of omniscience be damaged! ”
The surrounding scholars ignored the artillery fire of the warship and ran towards the burning tree of omniscience.
” Robin … Obedient! You must live, otherwise how will you let me face Olvia who entrusted you to me? Go! ” Dr. Kuroha still asked Robin to leave quickly when he was dying.
” Robin, so you are here, let me find it! ” At this moment, the giant Saron also came over.
” Saron? Why are you here? ” Robin asked in surprise when he saw Saron.

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