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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Now is not the time to talk about this, Robin, hurry up with me! ” Saron knew what the Demon Slayer Order was. They would not only attack scholars, but destroy the entire O’Hara.
” Robin … You are now O’Hara’s scholar, and O’Hara’s last hope! Our research is over, but … even if O’Hara perishes, it will not give up tomorrow’s work on our behalf. Hope, Robin … live well! ” Dr. Kuroha looked at Robin with a smile and said softly.
” Woohoo … Dr.! ” Robin cried holding Dr. Kurhaha.
” Mr. Giant, although I don’t know what your relationship is with Robin, but … Robin will ask you! ” Dr. Kuroha moved, looked at the giant Saron, and said.
” I caught your expedition. I secretly released one of them. Didn’t he come back to report to you? ” Saron asked in disbelief, looking at Dr. Kuroha who was lying in a pool of blood.
” No, he’s back! It’s inside the Tree of Omniscience now! ” Dr. Kuroha said with a smile.
” Then you … why didn’t you run away? ” Saron asked inexplicably.
” Knowledge needs to be guarded, even at the cost of life! ” Dr. Kuroha said firmly.
Saron’s eyes instantly became wet and he said, ” You are all great people! ”
” No, Mr. Giant … I have a request to embarrass you right now, Robin is still young, she’s still a child, and shouldn’t be buried here with us, please! Take her away! ” Dr. Kuroha pleaded road.
” Definitely try your best! ” Saron nodded and said seriously.
” So … I’m relieved! Robin … remember what I told you! ” Dr. Kuroha closed his eyes after he finished speaking.
” No … Doctor! Doctor! ” Robin, who was in Saron’s hands, cried out to Dr. Kuroha.
In her heart, Dr. Kuroha is her adoptive father, and her feelings for Dr. Kuroha are very sincere.
” Robin, you have to be proud of O’Hara, all of you are good! The history of this island depends on you in the future! Robin, O’Hara fought against the world! ” Saron While dodging the cannonball, he said to Robin in his hand.
” Boom …” At this moment, the navy’s shell hit Saron, but fortunately, Saron protected Robin in time, so that she was not injured.
So Saron told Robin to flee to the refuge ship, while he stayed behind to fight the navy.
However, the people on the refuge ship did not let Robin on board. Spandain also recognized Robin and knew that she was also a historian, so CP9 launched an attack on Robin.
In order not to damage the refuge ship, Robin had to leave.
” Bastard, CP9 in the way ! ” Seeing this, Saron rushed towards CP9 ‘s warship.
” Ice Cube Two – thorned Spear ” When Saron wanted to attack, a familiar voice sounded.
” Blue Pheasant Kuzan! ” Saron looked behind him with an ugly face .
” It’s really ugly! It’s the Navy, Saron, who stopped the navy’s demon slaughter order! ” Kuzan, who was already a lieutenant general of the headquarters, walked over slowly and said.
” Is all this right? Kuzan, do you feel honored in the attack just now? ” Saron half-knelt on the ground and said to the Aokiji who appeared, ” It’s strange! You should also You know, what you’re doing now is wrong and can’t be seen, right? ”
” This is for the future world, there is no way, these scholars should not break the rules! ” Kuzan said calmly.
” Boom boom boom …”
But at this time, the refuge ship that had just left the coast was directly blown up and all the people on board were killed, and there was no inventory.
Aokiji, Saron, and Robin all looked at the blown up refuge ship in disbelief, knowing that there were only civilians on it.
” That bastard! ” Kuzan immediately discovered the gunship that fired, and it was Sakaski, who was also a lieutenant general.
” Is this the justice you insist on? Even so … can you hold back? ” Saron took the opportunity to punch Kuzan and roared loudly.
” That kind of stupidity doesn’t work! ” Kuzan avoided Saron’s attack and replied.
” Run away, Robin! This guy is too powerful, I’m not his opponent! ” Saron took the opportunity to let Robin escape.
” What about Saron? ”
” I’ll stay and fight him! ”
” No! Saron, let’s run together! ”
Robin looked at Saron, wishing he would leave with him.
” Ice Age! ”
At this moment, Kuzan froze Saron and slowly walked towards Robin.
” Robin, run! As long as there is a road, keep running. One day, you will inherit O’Hara’s legacy! You are O’Hara’s hope! Run! Don’t look back! ” Frozen Saron, shouting at Robin.
Robin, who was crying and did not dare to look back, kept running forward until she came to the coast, and she found out that the powerful navy called Aoki Kuzan was already waiting for her there .
” When a person implements his own justice, he will become manic and let you escape from this island. What will the seed of Saron’s protection grow into … It doesn’t matter if you hate anyone … Live well … Go! ”
” Sail down the ice on the sea surface, you will reach the next island, and I will keep an eye on you! ” Kuzan said to Robin and left directly.
Robin, who was crying, got on the boat by herself. She felt very scared and lonely, but she thought of what Saron said, the more sad she was, the more she had to smile, so she forced herself to laugh out loud, but smiled. Laughing and crying again.
So Robin, who was only eight years old, once again lived a life of escape just like in the original book, but Reina didn’t know all of this. He was still advancing near the city, waiting for the golden lion Shikey to escape.
He wants to use the opportunity of Skir’s escape to kill Deputy Director Magellan.
On this day, as usual, Reina, who stayed on Yoyo’s head and watched the advance city, suddenly noticed something strange about the advance city.
” Is it finally here? Magellan … it’s time for you to pay the price! Olvia …” Rayner’s eyes flashed, and he directly let Yoyo approach the advance city.
” Boom ~~”
” Jie ha ha ha ha … Lao Tzu is out again! ” The golden lion Shiji, with blood on his legs, flew out from the inside of the advance city.
” Stop, Golden Lion Shiki! I won’t let you succeed! ” A poisonous dragon chased from behind him, and when he was about to hit Shiki, a slash froze the poisonous dragon.
” Who? ” Magellan was shocked, he didn’t expect that Skye had an accomplice.
” Hehehe … Magellan … long time no see … you won’t … forget me! ” Reina, who was standing on Yoyo’s head, slowly approached the city and said with a light smile.
” Reina? ” Both Magellan and Skye looked at Reina in surprise, they didn’t expect Reina to appear at this time.
” Brother Shikey, why have you become so embarrassed after not seeing him for so many years? Leave it to me here! You can go first! ” Reina said with a slight smile at Shikey.
Although Shi Ke didn’t understand the situation, Wen Yan nodded towards Reina, and then floated away from the air.
Magellan wanted to hunt down, but Rayner, who was eyeing him at this time, made him not dare to be distracted at all.
” Reina, since you dare to come, don’t leave! Enter the underwater prison in place of Ski! ” Magellan, who had turned into a poisonous man, shouted to Reina.
” Hehehe … how many years? Magellan, I said back then that I wanted to take your head, you won’t forget it? ” Reina held the ice wheel pill, pointed at Magellan, and said in a strange tone.
” Then come and try it! Poison Dragon! ” As Magellan’s words fell, five poisonous dragons appeared from behind him and rushed towards Reina.
” This kind of thing … haven’t I tried it a long time ago? It’s useless! The writing wheel eye … open! ” Reina directly opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, jumped up from Yoyo’s head with one step, and cut out a few lines first. Slash, then dash straight to Magellan.
As for the five poisonous dragons, they were directly frozen by Reina’s slash.
” Poison puffer fish! ” Magellan stepped back, releasing venom from his body.
” Sit in the frosty sky ! Ice Wheel Pills !” Reina, who was still in the air, directly turned on the beginning mode of polypropylene, and a slender dragon went straight to Magellan. Wherever it passed, the venom was frozen.
” The Giant Soldier of Poison: Judgment of Hell! ” Seeing Reina using his abilities, Magellan also activated his strongest move, turning his entire body into a huge skeleton, and using venom to directly offset the ice dragon.
” It’s useless! Today, you will die! Ice Dragon Spinning Tail Juekong ! ”
” Kachakacha …” Reina’s attack hit Magellan.
But although the hit part was frozen, Magellan, who is a poison man, really gave up that part of his body, and then used venom to reconstitute a new body.
” It ‘s useless … you can’t beat me now! ” Magellan said softly, looking at the surprised Rayner.
” Really? A mere devil fruit person, how dare to say such a big thing? ” Reina smiled contemptuously.
He really didn’t expect that Magellan actually had such an ability just now, but now that he knows, he won’t let the other party dodge easily next time.
” It’s you again? ”
Just as Rayner was about to attack again, Hannibal, Shiliu and others chased after him with a large number of jailers. As soon as they came out, they saw Rayner who was fighting Magellan.
” Hahaha … It’s just right, coercion control! ” Seeing the jailers coming out, Reina burst out laughing, and directly activated the pupil technique of his left eye.
A wave of punch energy was released from Reina.
” No! You guys go away! ”
Thinking of something, Magellan immediately turned back and shouted to all the jailers.
It was a pity that it was too late, and the jailers who had just chased out stood there, eyes blank.
” Then now is the time for you to behave, kill them for me! ” Reina’s left eye released a coquettish red light, and ordered to the jailers.
The jailers controlled by Reina were like dolls, raising their weapons and charging towards Magellan.
” Despicable guy! ” Magellan saw this and had to back away, or his poisonous gas would kill the jailers.
” Despicable? There are even more despicable ones! Do you want to see it? But these … are they more despicable than when you attacked an unarmed woman? ” Reina suddenly roared in anger when he heard Magellan’s words.
Magellan ignored Reina and avoided the jailer’s attack, but even so, the jailer kept falling down because of poisoning.
” Cut! ” Over there, Shiliu of the Rain suddenly shot and slashed at Reina with a sword.
” You’d better not get in the way, otherwise I don’t mind killing you first! ” Reina avoided Shiliu’s slash, squinted at him, and said.
” Magellan, you are still estimating the lives of those jailers at this time, and advancing the city will be over! ” Shiliu ignored Reina, and instead shouted towards Magellan, who kept retreating.
Magellan, who was retreating, froze for a moment, then roared, covered all the jailers with venom, and shouted to Hannibal: ” They go to detoxify, the antidote is in my office! ”
” Hahaha … Didn’t you say there was no antidote at the beginning? Magellan, take your life! ” Reina avoided Shiliu with a sword, and then went straight to Magellan.

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