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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
“I didn’t expect the Whitebeard Pirates to have a relationship with the Golden Lion Shiki. They actually rescued the Golden Lion Shiki from that deep-sea prison! ” Little Robin, who was hiding on a street corner, suddenly heard someone talking about Whitebeard Pirates.
She looked at it subconsciously, and saw two middle-aged men holding a newspaper, looking at the news on it and talking.
These days, while she was running away, she betrayed or was betrayed, and there was no place where she could rest in peace.
Picking up the newspaper the two had discarded from the ground, Robin finally saw the news in the newspaper.
In addition to the destruction of O’Hara, there is also news that Akatsuki Reina appeared in the advance city and rescued the golden lion Shiki.
Looking at Reina, who appeared to be extremely powerful in the newspaper, Robin’s tears flowed again, and he whispered: ” How can I find you!? How will you treat my daughter who shouldn’t exist? ”
Yes, after this period of experience, Robin’s center is full of darkness, she seems to have become no longer trusting anyone easily, and is always on guard against anyone.
She didn’t even know if she should go looking for Reina, because after seeing Reina, if Reina didn’t admit her or didn’t want to care about her, then what should she do?
In addition, she is now the target of arrest by the World Government, and she is not sure if she will cause trouble to Reina in the past.
But as long as Reina is not found, there is still a trace of fantasy in her heart, and she can add all the qualities of a good father to Reina for comfort and fantasy.
So Robin was full of anxiety and she didn’t know what to do.
So looking at Reina in the newspaper, I was both happy and a little nervous.
Reina, who was unaware at the other side, was following Whitebeard to Fishman Island.
” Uh? You mean this Crocodile once challenged the eldest brother? Is he sick? Dare to challenge the eldest brother without being domineering? ” On the ship, by chance, the crew talked about the man with the ability to rustle fruit Shah Crocodile .
Only at this time did Reina know that when he went to practice on the sky island, Crocodile, who was a super rookie at the time, once challenged Whitebeard, just like Moonlight Moria who challenged Kaido. .
” You know this man? ” Marco asked in surprise.
” Well, I encountered it when I went to the East China Sea before, and attacked me without thinking. I thought it was a challenger. It turns out that there is such a relationship here! ” Reina nodded, recalling said.
When he was outside the capital city of Alabasta, he met Crocodile and educated the future Qiwuhai who was killed by the plot.
” Hey ~~ Reina! Let’s have a banquet? It’s so boring! ” Lakyo on the side shouted listlessly to Reina.
Because this is a purposeful voyage, in addition to replenishing supplies along the way, they rarely stop on the small islands they pass by, so the long-term voyage makes the crew a little tired.
” Open again? Didn’t you just open last night? No way! We’re about to arrive at Murloc Island. Maybe there will be a big battle. It’s better for everyone to have a good rest and keep your spirits up! Back then, we were the ones on Murloc Island. The guys have been rescued, this kind of kindness cannot but be repaid! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” I know … but … it’s really boring! ” Except for Joz, the rest of the captains and crew members hung themselves on the side of the ship, like dried salted fish.
” Ah ~~ I really …” Reina put a hand on his forehead, really convinced them.
” Gulugulu … Reina, this will not work, why don’t you continue to tell them stories! ” Whitebeard took a sip of wine and said to Reina.
He could also see that the crew members did seem to be doing nothing.
Reina’s face darkened, the story he knew was almost finished, not only Water Margin, but also the Romance of the Three Kingdoms had already been told.
But when it comes to Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he suddenly thought of something he had played with when he was a child, so his eyes lit up, and he said to the crew: ” Wait for me, I’ll get something! ”
After he finished speaking, he ran back to the cabin.
The crew had long since noticed it, and Rayner’s room was like a treasure trove, and every now and then, some new things were brought out by him.
The members have hunted for treasure in Reina’s absence more than once, but they have never found anything.
” Dangdangdang ~~~” Soon, Reina, who came back from the cabin, came out with a cardboard box in his hand, and said as a gift: ” This is the game that has swept the world and is known as the strongest time-killing game – flying . Chess! ”
” Flying chess? ” The crew members came over curiously, even Whitebeard, stretched their heads and looked towards Reina.
” First, let me explain the rules of the game to you …” Reina opened a pair of flying chess, and then told them how to play.
” It’s so simple? ” After listening to the rules, Marko asked with some doubts: ” This thing looks like a child’s play? ”
” Simple? Humph … you’ll know when you try it, flying chess naturally has its charm! ” Reina pouted and said.
Because Reina only exchanged a pair of flying chess, so only four people can play at a time, and since it was the first time, everyone didn’t know it, so they sent four leaders, Lakyo, Hansen, Olga, and Marco. Show, the rest of the crew is on the sidelines.
As the winner’s prize, Reina deliberately took out a bottle of white wine, so that everyone’s enthusiasm was immediately mobilized.
” Six six six ah six six six!! Come on six! ”
” Haha … eat you, go back to me! ”
” Ah ~~ it’s really … how unfortunate it is, it’s already at the end, but I can’t get in! ”
After a while, the four of them started to be lively, especially Marco, who just said that he was a child’s thing, after being eaten by the planes on the chess surface of Hansen and Olga, he started to get anxious.
” Idiot, don’t take that plane, take this one! ”
” Captain Marko, your hands are too stinky, aren’t you? Not even a six? ”
The crew members watching at the same time were also full of interest, and they gave their ideas to the players on the field.
Looking at the excited crew members, the corners of Reina’s mouth twitched slightly, and she thought proudly: ” I still can’t handle you? A bunch of buns, a pair of flying chess can at least stop you for a while! ”
A game of flying chess took more than an hour to end. The final winner was Olga. After she took a bottle of white wine from Reina, a new problem came out.
That is, the number of Whitebeard Pirates is large, and a pair of flying chess is obviously not enough for everyone to play.
In desperation, Reina had to call on the boatman and some crew members with better manual work, and began to use wood to make and carve flying chess. It took several people three days to make it, and it was enough to meet the crew’s needs for flying chess.
From that day on, on the Moby Dick , the cries of ” six six six ” were often heard .
Originally, Reina also thought about exchanging poker or mahjong, but when he thought that the gambling nature of poker and mahjong was too strong, he finally chose board games.
Among the board game gift packs he exchanged from the mall, flying chess can only be regarded as the simplest entry-level game, followed by Monopoly, Three Kingdoms Killing, Wolf Killing, Detective Games and other board games that once swept the earth.
However, instead of taking them all at once, he planned to take them out one by one.
And he also needs to change some things, such as Monopoly, he changed it to the One Piece version while the members were playing Ludo.
The name of the earth city was replaced by the name of the island, the four stations were replaced by the four major oceans in the south, south, and northwest, the fish-man island and the country of Wano replaced the power company and the waterworks, and the prison was turned into a naval deep-sea prison, etc. .
After the crew got tired of flying chess, he would take out the One Piece version of Monopoly, and he would be able to cleanse for a while.
Moreover, Monopoly is much more playable than flying chess, and it will definitely last longer. Then he will change the Three Kingdoms Killing to become Pirate Killing?
In this way, even if it changes the status quo of the crew members being bored while sailing.
” Dad, the film has been coated, and you can leave at any time! ” On the island closest to Fishman Island, the boatmaker finished the filming of the Moby Dick and shouted to Whitebeard who was playing Ludo .
” Okay, little ones! Let’s go! ” Whitebeard heard the boatman’s shout, deliberately messed up all the plane flags on the chessboard, and got up and shouted.
Reina, who was sitting opposite Whitebeard, twitched involuntarily at the corner of his mouth. He was only one flight away from winning, and Whitebeard had not reached the finish line yet.
But these are all games, it doesn’t matter, but work can’t be sloppy, so Reina also got up and checked the bubble film of the hull again, and then nodded to Whitebeard, indicating that he can set sail.
” The opening of the era of the great pirates has brought countless pirates in the sea, and many islands have been harassed by pirates. I don’t know if Roger will regret it after knowing it! ” Speaking of the current situation on the sea, Reina was very emotional.
He knew the reason for Roger’s actions, and agreed with him. It was just the after-effects that Roger didn’t think about at the time!
Reina’s words silenced Whitebeard for a while before he said, ” No matter what, we just need to be ourselves! ”
” What is Big Brother going to do with the fish-man island? This kind of thing is not easy to handle! ”
” It’s very simple, just leave our flag here! ” Whitebeard said with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
” Huh? I’m afraid the navy won’t agree! It’s too close to the navy headquarters, they won’t let our forces expand here! ” Reina was stunned, shook his head, and said.
Fishman Island is just below the Red Earth Continent, and above it is the headquarters of the Tianlong people, Qiaomalia. If Whitebeard’s flags are all planted here, no matter whether it is the World Government or the Navy, they will not agree!
” It doesn’t matter, if they object, just come to me! I don’t mind giving them lessons and telling them who has the final say in this sea! ” Whitebeard replied domineeringly.
” Hahahaha … It really is the eldest brother! The younger brother is not talented, I would like to be the pawn of the eldest brother! ” Reina laughed and cupped his hands.

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