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” Brother, look! Fishman Island is ahead …”
Reina pointed to the fish-man island not far away and shouted to the white beard behind him, but at this time, the fish-man island seemed to be under attack by pirates.
So Whitebeard gave an order, and the entire Whitebeard Pirates immediately entered a state of battle.
With the addition of the Whitebeard Pirates, those pirates who made trouble on Fishman Island were quickly defeated.
” Thanks to you this time, Newgate! ” Neptune, the great knight of the ocean who was also the king of Fishman Island, expressed an agreement with Whitebeard.
” Gu la la la la … We are friends! You saved my life back then! ” Whitebeard smiled and waved his hand, saying you’re welcome.
” Since the beginning of the great pirate era, more and more pirates and navies have passed through us. After they arrived here, they began to secretly catch murlocs, making us a little unable to cope now! Let the fish The relationship between people and humans has become a lot more tense! ” Nipton explained the current situation with a bitter face.
” Don’t worry, my old friend, this time I’m here to help you solve the whole problem! Reina …”
Hearing Whitebeard calling him, Reina stepped forward with the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, handed it to Neptune, and said with a smile: ” Hang up our flag! There are pirates who come to Fishman Island to make trouble. Or the navy, it is tantamount to provoking our Whitebeard Pirates, then their journey to the new world is equivalent to the end! ”
Nepton was stunned for a moment and looked at Whitebeard in confusion, but he knew what the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates meant.
” Don’t worry! If the navy or the world government dares to come to trouble you, you don’t have to worry, leave everything to me! If you need anything, just let me know! ” Whitebeard naturally knew what Neptune meant, and gave it directly to me. he answered.
After getting Whitebeard’s promise, Nepton asked Whitebeard’s pirate flag to hang in a conspicuous place. At the same time, the pirates who were defeated by the Whitebeard Pirates, Reina also asked them to be released, and Let them spread the word that Fishman Island is already Whitebeard’s territory.
After everything was done, Whitebeard was invited by Neptune to go to Dragon Palace City. As for Reina, who didn’t go, he had already heard about Xiao Xiali, the prophet of Fishman Island, so he planned to visit and ask Xiali if he could. Give him the language.
But when he arrived at the cafe of Xiali’s house, he saw two murlocs lingering at the door, not knowing what to do.
” Yo ~ Isn’t this what Ping is? What are you doing here? ” Reina recognized that one of them was the Jin Ping he had met at the time, and greeted with a smile.
” It’s Brother Reina! I heard that the Whitebeard Pirates came over to drive the human pirates away, and I wondered if I could meet you, but I didn’t expect to meet you! ” Jinbei saw that it was Reina, and hurried Come and say hi.
” What are you doing here? Want to go for coffee? Come on, I’ll treat you! ” Reina said with a smile.
Jinbei hesitated for a while and said, ” No, Big Brother Tai has been out for a long time and hasn’t come back, so I want to ask Xiali to help and see if I can know about Big Brother Tai’s current situation! ”
” Oh? Tiger went out on an adventure? It’s amazing! He said he wanted to be an adventurer at the beginning! Where is he now enjoying exciting adventures! Don’t worry, your big brother Tai is very strong! By the way , is this your partner? Would you like to introduce me? ” Although Reina didn’t know where Tiger was, he knew that Tiger would go back to Fishman Island before heading to Jomalia.
” Ah ~ I’m really sorry, this is my compatriot and the younger brother of Big Brother Tai, his name is Aaron! ” Jinping quickly pulled his companions over and said.
” Ah Long? ” Reina frowned, he remembered that this is the Ah Long that Nami of the protagonist group hated extremely.
However, Reina’s attitude was not even noticed. He was introducing Reina to Ah Long, telling him that it was Reina and others who drove the human pirates away.
However, Aaron’s attitude towards Reina was not good. Jinpei and Reina didn’t mind, because this is how the fish people are friendly to humans.
” Let’s go, let’s go in and have a look! It just so happens that I have something to ask Xiali! ” After introducing each other, Reina walked into the cafe first.
Jinbei hesitated for a while and followed suit. Aaron didn’t want to go in at first, but he saw Jinbei go in, so he followed.
” Three cakes, and a little more fruit, thank you! ” After finding a place to sit down, Reina ordered three cups of coffee.
Soon, a girl with a shark tail came over with three cakes.
” Brother, why are you here? The store is so busy, and I haven’t seen you come to help! ” After the girl placed the cake in front of Reina, she actually said to Aaron who was on the side.
” As a murloc, how can I do such a thing? Of course, I have to exercise hard, and go out with Big Brother Tiger to take risks in the future! ” Aaron immediately retorted when he heard the girl’s words.
” Uh? This is your sister? ” Reina was stunned. He really didn’t know that Aaron had a sister, but looking at Aaron’s attitude, he didn’t seem to be friendly to his sister.
” Sorry, Xiali, I took Aaron to accompany me! ” Jinbei on the side said a little embarrassed.
” Brother Jinbei, don’t help him talk. He is idle all day, never helping the family, and he is so righteous! Humph! ” The girl who Jinpei called Xia Li wrinkled her nose at Aaron, said.
” This … are you Xiali? That prophet? Aaron’s sister? ” Reina’s mind was a little confused. He didn’t know if the original was like this, or if there was some error, and now it has become like this.
” That’s right, you are Chitong Reina , right? I’ve admired the name for a long time, I am the Prophet Xiali! ” The girl said to Reina solemnly.
“I ‘m so sorry, Reina! I’m a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. It’s the first time we meet, hello! ” Reina quickly got up and said politely when he saw the serious look of the other party.
Xia Li glanced at Aaron and seemed to be saying to him, ” Look, people know the rules so well, but you don’t! ”
Ah Long snorted coldly and turned his head away, not looking this way.
” I don’t know if you are here this time, are you looking for me for something? ” Xia Li looked at Reina and asked curiously.
In fact, not only Reina was curious about her, but she was also curious about Reina.
After seeing Roger the Pirate King last time, she knew that Reina had the ability to see the future. Although it was different from her language, it was also a means of peeping into the future.
” Yes, I came here to see if you can prophesy for me too! ” Reina said embarrassedly.
” Don’t you have the ability to see the future? Why do you still ask me? ” Charlie asked curiously.
” Huh? Do you know that I have the ability to see the future? ” Reina was stunned. Not many people knew about him having this ability. Just look at the surprised Jinping and Aaron who had turned his head. How surprised they were.
” That’s right, I met Roger the Pirate King before. There was a strange samurai on their ship, and they talked about you! ” Xia Li nodded and replied truthfully.
” Ah ~ it’s Oden! I don’t know what happened to that guy now, and I don’t know if the Wano country has been dealt with. I really miss it! ” When Reina heard this, he immediately knew that the samurai that Charlie was talking about was Oden.
” So … Brother Reina, do you really have the ability to see the future? ” Jinbei asked in surprise.
” Yeah! My eyes are quite special, and I have the ability to see some people’s future fragments, but this ability is not something I can master! In other words, who can see the future, I don’t say it, it says it! Reina pointed to his eyes with a wry smile, and said, ” So far, among all the people I’ve seen, there is no figure of me, so I’m here to try it out today! ”
His words can be regarded as an answer to Xiali, why he came back here.
” I see … Then please wait a moment, I’ll get my crystal ball! ” Xiali nodded and said politely to Reina.
” Brother Reina, when you saw us, did you also see our future? ” Jinbei hesitated and asked Reina.
Reina nodded and said, ” Yes, I saw it! Do you want to know? ”
” Really see it? Then you see what the future of Big Brother Tiger looks like? ” Jinbei was stunned, but Reina really saw the future of him and Tiger.
” Um … Generally speaking, I don’t tell people what I saw, because the future I see can be changed, and I’m afraid it will backfire after I say it, but you and Tiger should have nothing to do with it! ”
” When I saw the future Tiger, in a place I had not seen, he seemed to be fighting some people in armor, and he was surrounded by flames and fleeing humans, murlocs and mermen! He seemed to be saving them! ”
After thinking about it, Reina said.
” Save humans, murlocs and mermen? ” Jinpei and Aaron asked in unison.
Reina glanced at Aaron, nodded, and said, ” That’s right! Not only murlocs and mermen! Humans too! ”
” Qi ~ It’s all about saving our compatriots, why save those human beings, I really don’t understand Big Brother Tiger! ” Seeing Reina looking at himself, Aaron deliberately turned his head aside and muttered in a low voice.
” It’s not bad for Big Brother Tai! ” Jinping didn’t have Aaron’s thoughts, he just said with admiration.
” I also see your future, Jinbei! Your future is not an adventurer, but a pirate! It seems to be a captain! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Ah? ” Jinbei was stunned for a moment, but he didn’t expect Reina to talk about his future. Reina just said that ordinary people wouldn’t tell them even if they saw it.
At this time, Xiali came over holding her crystal ball and said to Reina: ” Now I try to predict for you, but I can’t guarantee whether I can predict it or not. ”
” It’s okay … just try it! ” Reina said with a smile.
So Xia Li began to close her eyes and kept stroking the crystal ball in her arms.
Rayner looked at Xiali curiously, he had never seen a prophet before.
You must know that this is a real prophet, all the words he made have come true, and the only prophecy for Luffy that he will destroy the fish-man island has not happened yet.
Yes, Reina thinks that what Charlie sees is not the first time Luffy went to Fishman Island, but a more distant future, which can be consistent with some of the news he has learned.
That is what the real protagonist, the man who inherited the mission of the D family, must do after arriving at the final island.
The reason why Roger didn’t do it at the beginning was precisely because the time was immature, so he would say that he arrived at the final island too early.

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