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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Pfft! ”
” You … you …”
Xia Li, who was prophesying for Reina, opened his eyes, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then looked at Reina with a little horror, and the whole person was speechless.
” Bastard! What did you do to my sister! ” Seeing Xiali vomiting blood, Aaron jumped up, grabbed Reina’s collar, and asked sharply.
” Crack! ” Reina waved his hand, opened Aaron’s hands, then tidied up his clothes, looked at Aaron, and said, ” Kid, remember, before you have the strength to fight against the hold, don’t Be so impulsive, otherwise … you’ll die! ”
When he spoke, he turned on the Sharinyan, and the strange red eyes not only made Aaron tremble, even Jinping beside him was terrified.
” Brother Reina, I’m sorry, Aaron didn’t do it on purpose, he was just worried about Xiali! What did you do to Xiali? ” Although Jinbei was also a little scared, he still blocked Aaron’s face, facing Reina’s eyes, said.
Reina chuckled lightly, closed the wheel, then sat down, looked at Xiali on the ground, and said, ” Then let’s talk about it now, what did you see? Just now, I didn’t have anything. Do it! ”
” It’s none of your business! ” With the help of Jinbei, Xia Li stood up again, shook his head, and said to Reina: ” I don’t see anything in your future, I only see a starry sky and … one that seems to be able to swallow A black hole of everything! ”
” Starry sky and black hole? ” Xia Li’s words made Reina a little puzzled. Although he is from a different dimension, or world, what does this have to do with starry sky and black hole? Could it be that he met a black hole on Earth, so he passed through?
He remembered that he was sleeping, and when he woke up, he appeared in this world inexplicably.
Looking at Reina, who was a little dazed, Jinbei helped Xiali to rest on the seat next to him, while Ah Long turned his head and rushed out of the cafe. He felt ashamed and embarrassed that he was frightened by the other party’s look just now. .
As for the rest of the guests and waiters in the cafe, they all left after seeing that there was nothing going on here. Although they occasionally glanced at Reina, no one stood around to watch.
” Sorry, I was a little distracted just now! ” Reina realized that Jinpei and Xiali had been staring at him.
” Brother Reina, why did Xiali actually vomit blood in the prediction for you? She has never done this before! ” Jinpei asked when he saw that Reina had recovered.
Reina shook his head and said, ” I don’t know either! ”
” This is my problem. Originally, I only saw a cloud of mist in the crystal ball, and I couldn’t see anything. I was curious and forced to see it, that’s why this happened! ” Xiali shook his head and said.
After the matter was explained, the misunderstanding was solved, and Jinbei apologized to Reina again and again, but Reina just waved his hand and smiled and said don’t mind.
After leaving the cafe, Reina did not go to Ryugu Castle, but returned to the Moby Dick .
There were not many members left on the ship. Except for the captains who followed Whitebeard to Dragon Palace, the rest of the crew were hanging out on Fishman Island, buying some special products unique to this place.
Reina, who returned to the ship, was thinking alone in the room.
What is he thinking about, what is his special mission to come to this world? Or is it all just an accident? Where did the system come from? What can be exchanged from the system to get the real thing?
All this seems very unscientific, and Reina couldn’t figure it out after thinking about it for a long time.
And what was his purpose in this world? Help Luffy grow into the protagonist? It seems that this does not need his help at all, because according to the original trajectory of this world, he is the darling of heaven and earth, the son of luck.
Then why did he come into this world? Make up for those regrets in One Piece? But now even he himself has regrets, how to make up for it?
Reina, who got into the horns, didn’t notice the passage of time. It was not until the outside of the cabin became noisy and lively that he realized that Whitebeard had brought people back to the ship.
” Yo ~ Reina, so you’re on the boat? We’re looking for you everywhere! ” As soon as he got out of the cabin, Reina met Lakyo.
” Well, there are some things, so I came here ahead of time! ” Reina nodded and replied.
After seeing Reina, no one noticed anything unusual about Reina, because he seemed to prefer staying on the boat compared to other places, and he always had things to do on the boat.
It wasn’t until after returning to the sea that everyone seemed to find that Reina’s mood was a little down.
” Boy, what happened? ” Whitebeard sat down beside Reina and asked.
” Big brother? ” Reina was startled, and quickly made room for Whitebeard. He just sat on the side of the boat and looked at the sea in a trance, but he didn’t notice Whitebeard coming.
” After you set off from Fishman Island, you were a little lost. What happened? ” Whitebeard asked with a frown.
Reina’s appearance seems to be more serious than he imagined, just like when Olvia had an accident. Although he still greets people with a smile every day, those who know him know that Reina always mentioned everything he did during that time. Not in the spirit.
” Brother, what do you mean by my coming to this world? ” Reina asked Whitebeard with a slightly confused look.
” Huh? What’s wrong with you kid? Why did you ask this all of a sudden? ” Whitebeard asked in confusion.
” I found that you all have your own creed and purpose in life, only me, as if there is nothing, just like a piece of wood floating on the sea, can only drift with the waves …”
” Crack! ”
Before Reina could finish speaking, Whitebeard slapped him on the back of the head with a slap, and scolded with a smile, ” Speak to Lao Tzu! ”
” Uh … that … I just can’t find the meaning of life! ” Reina said helplessly, spreading his hands.
” Did I say you are stupid? What is the meaning of life? The meaning of life depends on how you do it yourself. If you do nothing, it will have no meaning! But as long as you do something, it will definitely have meaning! ” Bai Beard glanced at Reina and said.
Reina’s lips moved, but she didn’t speak.
He really wanted to tell Whitebeard not to follow his tone of speech, which was very inconsistent with his own personality, but he held back and didn’t say it, otherwise he was afraid that he would be beaten!
” I’m here to ask you, does protecting our family count as what you’re doing now? You’ve been constantly improving your own strength, what is it for? Are these meaningless? If not, then they … What? ” Whitebeard asked Reina, pointing to the crew members who were drinking and chatting while playing Ludo.
” But … but … I couldn’t even protect Olvia! Big brother … Am I so useless!? ” Finally, Reina couldn’t help but said sadly.
He has lived in two lifetimes, he was an orphan in his last life, he didn’t even have a girlfriend, he just lived at the bottom of the society. In this life, I finally found a woman who I could love and want to protect, but in the end I watched her die in front of my eyes.
So after Xiali’s prophecy, Reina suddenly felt that he was still accomplishing nothing when he came here. Although he had more power than most people, he felt that he was no different from his previous life, and was still just a salted fish.
Whitebeard was shocked by Reina’s appearance. In his impression, Reina had never shown such a weak appearance.
He knew that Olvia’s death had dealt a great blow to Reina, but he didn’t expect it to still affect him after so long.
” Did you kill that guy? ” Whitebeard asked softly.
After Reina returned from the advance city, no one asked what the result was.
Although it was learned from the newspaper that Rayner seemed to have teamed up with the Golden Lion, Whitebeard knew that Rayner just used the time when the Golden Lion escaped to complete his own affairs.
” No, it was saved by Garp at the last minute! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Let the ship turn and set off towards the advancing city! ” Without the slightest hesitation, Whitebeard turned his head and said to Marko and the others who were eavesdropping.
” Yes! ” Hearing Whitebeard’s words, the crew members were all excited.
” Hahaha … I’m finally going to do something big! The sea has been too calm recently! Let us, the Whitebeard Pirates, tell the world what is the number one pirate group in the world! ”
” It’s really exciting news! Advance the city … This time it must be completely leveled! ”
The crew members shouted loudly.
It seemed that they were excited because of the battle, but Reina knew that they were all trying to avenge themselves.
” No need, big brother! This thing … I want to do it myself! ” Reina shook his head and said to Whitebeard.
Reina’s words caused the crew to stop and look at Whitebeard. As long as Whitebeard gave an order, they would definitely not hesitate to attack the Navy Propulsion City.
” Are you sure? ” Whitebeard asked Reina after being silent for a while.
” Reina, we are family! ” Lakyo, who had the best relationship with Reina, couldn’t help but say.
” That’s right, just because we are family, how could I let you do such a thing! Don’t worry, my own words … I can always escape if I can’t beat it, and there will be a chance next time! ” Reina lowered his head and said.
He felt the warmth of his family from everyone.
” Phew ~~ Big brother … Thank you for inviting me on board! ” Reina exhaled and said to Whitebeard.
” Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo off … stinky boy, what are you talking about? The little ones … it ‘s a banquet! ” Whitebeard laughed and announced that he was going to start the banquet.
Reina’s face turned dark, and the emotion just now disappeared, and suddenly there was a feeling of being deceived.

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