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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” This is the devil fruit we sent according to the agreement! ” When Whitebeard let his fleet attack, Perospero sent the agreed five devil fruits.
” What about the whale or turtle that Reina asked for? ” Bista, who was beside him, accepted the Devil Fruit and asked.
” That kind of thing is really hard to find, but we have found the target, and it will be delivered immediately after the battle is over! ” Perospero said elegantly like a gentleman.
Whitebeard nodded, waved his hand and said, ” In that case, you can get out! ”
Perospero didn’t mind either, and followed Bree directly from the mirror.
As soon as he left, Whitebeard immediately said: ” I will remove all the mirrors on the ship in the future. I think I know why Reina didn’t let the mirrors be installed on the empty island. This ability is really disgusting! ”
” Yes, Dad! ” Immediately, a crew member removed all the mirrors on the ship and threw them into the sea.
On the front line, Joz and Bista led the Whitebeard Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates led by Cricket were pressing against the navy, while the navy was fighting while retreating.
Behind them, there was Katakuri who came around. He led the elite raiding team of the BIGMOM Pirates and went directly behind the navy, but Sengoku seemed to have been prepared and let Sakaski block it. The raiding team led by Katakuri was able to allow the large naval forces to continue to retreat.
” Gu la la la … It’s not a matter of the Warring States period. It has been completely seen through. Sure enough, those little devils in Lingling’s family are still too young! ” Whitebeard immediately laughed when he saw the situation on the front line.
He can guarantee that if Reina is in command of this battle, it is basically impossible for Warring States to retreat completely, and even if he and Lingling take action, he is sure to keep Warring States here.
But there is no need for it, and there is no benefit for them in this war. They can do their agreed duties.
After a day and night of fighting with the navy, the navy finally left the wreckage of five warships and retreated.
After counting the spoils, the faces of the BIGMOM Pirates were not very good-looking. Although this was a battle that defeated the navy, their gains were pitifully small.
After the war, the BIGMOM Pirates sent a huge tortoise as promised, and the tortoise shell was almost the size of an ordinary pirate ship.
” Then our alliance agreement is over now. If there is any friction in the future, we can only meet on the battlefield! ” Bista said to Katakuri when helping Reina to sign the turtle.
” Of course! ” Katakuri nodded and replied.
Although he felt that Bista’s words meant something else, but the two pirates had just cooperated to defeat the navy, so he didn’t think much about it.
But just when the Whitebeard Pirates just left, the members of the BIGMOM Pirates suddenly discovered that many small islands in their territory were attacked, and the treasures on the islands were swept away.
According to the chess soldiers who stayed behind, Katakuri quickly locked the murderer, and those people were the members of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Only at this time did they discover that the pirate ships that Whitebeard had sent out to interfere with the navy’s sight and used to make small troubles with them did not participate in the battle with the navy at all, but took advantage of their unpreparedness. , quietly sneaked into the sphere of influence of Totland of Nations and hid.
As soon as their alliance agreement was over, Reina immediately led people to attack these small islands and stole a lot of treasure.
” Katakuri … Thank you Sister Lingling for me. If you have anything to do with me in the future, I will definitely help you … Hahaha …” Reina took Lakyo and others and looted at least six or seven small islands. The pirate ship was fully loaded, and everyone was quite happy.
But they didn’t know that at this time on their territory, Shanks was ready to start fighting in the new world with the partners he had already found.
“A thief hahaha … a red-haired boy! Aren’t you on the ship of Roger, the Pirate King? Why are you here? ” Tickey, who was photographed by Marco on patrol, happened to meet Shanks who was about to set sail.
” It’s you? The sleepless monster on Whitebeard’s ship? ” Shanks still had some impression of Tickey, and this was Whitebeard’s sphere of influence, so it wasn’t strange to meet him.
” Tell me, what’s the matter here? ” Titch has been suppressed by Reina all these years, and Marco, as a veteran of the Whitebeard ship, although he did not help Reina suppress Tic, but he did not have that much for Tic. Because of the concern of his family, he was dispatched to patrol.
” What are we trying to do here, it’s not your turn to talk, right? ” The sniper Jesus Bu was most disliked by people who rely on the forces behind them to speak, so he spoke directly to Titch.
And Tickey was a little depressed because he couldn’t fully integrate into the Whitebeard Pirates, so after hearing what Jesus said, he got angry.
So the angry two sides naturally fought, and Marco, who was not far away, also received the news immediately, and immediately brought people over.
” Boom boom ~~~”
When Marko arrived at the island, the entire harbor was destroyed, and it was impossible to see what it looked like before.
” Bastard … who is it? Sure enough, someone took advantage of this opportunity to make trouble? ” Marko directly transformed into a phoenix and flew towards the place where he was fighting.
” Boss, the people from the Whitebeard Pirates are here, let’s go! ” The chubby Raki Lu grabbed Shanks, who covered his eyes with one hand, and quickly retreated .
Over there, several teeth had been knocked out, and Tickey, who could barely stand, was unable to pursue at all, and could only watch Shanks retreat under the protection of his companions.
” Titch, what’s going on? Are you alright? ” Marco, who fell, was taken aback by Titch’s injury and asked quickly.
” No … it’s okay … Captain Marko, the other party is … the redhead on Roger’s boat …” After Titch finished speaking, he fell directly.
He fought Shanks all by himself by the riverside, if he hadn’t exploded with all his strength and injured the opponent while Shanks was unprepared, he would have thought it would be over this time.
Marko looked at the direction where Shanks and others fled, and did not order to chase, but just brought Tiki back to the ship for treatment. Now that the Whitebeard Pirates are out, everything has to be careful.
On the other side, the current navy marshal Cyborg Kong took Karp and blocked the great pirate Baroric Redfield on an island. The two sides fought, and Baroric Redfield defeated him in the end . After taking Cyborg Air , he was exhausted, and was arrested by Garp and imprisoned in the advance city.
Reina, who was unaware of all of this, joined Whitebeard with the stolen treasure and bought a new psychic scroll.
” It’s … too expensive! ” After Reina turned the big tortoise into his own psychic beast, he still felt a little distressed about the points he spent.
He thought that he only needed to spend 1,000 points to buy a psychic scroll, but he forgot that his psychic beast limit was full, so he had to spend another 10,000 points to buy a psychic beast limit scroll .
This psychic beast number limit scroll only increased his number limit by a little, and there was a usage limit, he could only use it twice.
That is to say, after he owns three psychic beasts, he must buy more expensive psychic beasts upper limit advanced scrolls to increase the upper limit of psychic beasts he can carry, and this psychic beasts upper limit advanced scroll is It requires 50,000 points, which can also be used twice.
After thoroughly figuring it out, Reina has a sense of sight of playing junk page games in the past life. Those junk page games are trying to defraud players to recharge and then harvest their money.
” Speaking of which … why did you get a tortoise? ” Lakeyo asked in confusion, looking at Reina’s distressed face.
” Hmph, what do you know? After I go back, I will invite the doctor to help me transform it and build a house on the shell of this tortoise. After I go to sea alone, I won’t be afraid of not having a boat! ” When talking about this, Reina was a little concerned. proud.
A live sea beast is used as a boat. So far, there is no such pomp, right?
” Oh? It sounds very good! After you build it, lend me a play! ” Rakyo said with a little excitement when he heard Reina’s words.
” You? What are you playing? What’s the fun in this? I just made this for the convenience of sailing. Why do you want to play when you’re not going anywhere? ” Reina asked in confusion.
” Aren’t you cool? It’s like standing on Yoo’s head and sailing. People will be very surprised and admired when they see it! ” Lakyo said with a smile.
Reina’s face darkened, and he asked, ” So … you guys often step out and play? ”
” Cough … that … occasionally … Isn’t it fun to see you and Olga having fun ~~” Lakyo said a little embarrassedly.
” Forget it, I’m too lazy to ignore you, I’ll go see the Devil Fruits first! ” Reina ignored Lakyo and walked towards Whitebeard.
However, when he learned that the five Devil Fruits were of the animal type, his face collapsed. At least at present, the animal type recognized in the ocean is the weakest, the natural type is the strongest, and the superhuman type is very lucky.
However, Reina knows that although the natural system is strong in the early stage, it is really not invincible in the sea area of the New World, because being domineering is equivalent to cracking the most invincible element of the natural system, and the rest of the natural system It’s not necessarily comparable to animal and superhuman.
In addition, he was mentally prepared, these five Devil Fruits were considered for nothing, so he didn’t say much.
” By the way, big brother, I want a Devil Fruit this time! ” Reina said to Whitebeard with a smile.
” Huh? Do you want to eat it yourself? ” Whitebeard asked, taken aback.
Reina has already used a lot of abilities, so he never thought that Reina would ask for the Devil Fruit.
” No, it’s for people! ” Reina smiled mysteriously and said.
Whitebeard nodded, agreeing.
As long as Reina didn’t eat it himself, he didn’t have any objection. As for giving it away … In his opinion, these five Devil Fruits seemed to be picked up for nothing, and he had no objection to give them all.
When they returned to their stronghold, they learned that Titch was seriously injured in the battle with Shanks, and that the navy had forcibly arrested Baroric Ryder in addition to participating in their battle with the BIGMOM Pirates . Field.
” It’s a little strange! There is no movement from Kaido’s side? ” Reina asked in surprise: ” Marco, have the people monitoring Kaido come back? Their Beast Pirates have no results? ”
In fact, he also reserved a hand, just to prevent Kaido from suddenly ending, but he didn’t expect it to end, Kaido and his Beast Pirates did not appear, but the unexpected red hair actually did it with Tiki got one.

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