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” The people monitoring the Beast Pirates didn’t report anything unusual! ” Marco shook his head and replied.
” That’s weird! Are our people sure Kaido is in their base camp? ” Reina asked after thinking about it.
” This … I ‘m not sure, but what is certain is that apart from the cadre Jack, no other members of the Beast Pirates came in and out, and Jack did not have any intention of participating in the battle between us and the BIGMOM Pirates. ! ” said Marko, shaking his head.
” Something’s wrong! Logically speaking, if Oden defeated Kaido and drove him out of Wano, then he shouldn’t miss this opportunity! ” Reina touched his chin, thinking He said: ” And there is something strange about Oden, doesn’t he want to found the country of Wano? I haven’t heard about the relationship of Wano in all these years! Is he still defeated by Kaido? ”
Just when Reina and Marco checked the information, Whitebeard came out of the cabin. He had just visited Titch. Although the guy was seriously injured, it was not life-threatening.
” Father, this time the plan was very successful. In addition to the serious damage to the navy, we also robbed the BIGMOM Pirates once, but the Beasts Pirates didn’t make any noise, which made me a little worried about Wano Country! ” Seeing Whitebeard coming out, Reina hurried forward to report.
” Well, you can handle this kind of thing yourself! As for Oden’s place … it’s been a few years? Even if we rush over now, if something happens, we won’t be able to catch up! ” Whitebeard nodded and said .
Reina sighed, he had already reminded Oden, if he was still defeated by Kaido, there would be nothing to say.
” By the way, how is Titch’s injury? ” Reina suddenly thought of something and asked.
” Huh? What are you asking about this? ” Whitebeard looked at Reina in surprise and asked.
Not only Whitebeard, but the surrounding captains also looked at Reina. They all knew that Reina didn’t like Tic, so they suddenly asked about Tic’s body. Their first reaction was that Reina wanted to attack Tic. .
” This time, he is also considered a meritorious deed. It was me who made such things, otherwise he would not have been injured! Didn’t Big Brother promise to give me a Devil Fruit before? I will give this opportunity to Tickey! He also He has never eaten Devil Fruit, although it is from the animal type, but as long as he develops it well, he can also enhance his strength a lot! Next time, he will not be injured so easily! ” Reina said sincerely.
But his words made everyone including Whitebeard extremely suspicious. His red pupil Reina is not such a good talker!
” Why are you all looking at me like this? Didn’t he prove himself this time? The future I saw is not unchangeable. Maybe because of our family-like love, he was influenced? ” Reina saw everyone eyes, and said with a smile.
” I’m glad you think so! ” Whitebeard patted Reina on the shoulder and said with a big laugh, ” Then do as you say! Send the Devil Fruit to Titch and let him pick one by himself. Goo la la la …”
Reina smiled and nodded, and asked someone to take the devil fruit. He wanted to go over in person and watch Titch eat it.
In the future, Titch’s ambitions started from that dark fruit. Now Reina feeds him a devil fruit first, which directly destroys the foundation of his plan. Let’s see if he dares to breed ambition.
” Tiqi, the deputy captain is here to see you! ” The guy who knocked on the door was a guy who usually has a good relationship with Tiqi. They were all members of the second team. They were under the command of Oda at the beginning. Now the second team does not have a captain. Marco also serves, so the members of their second team have a very good relationship.
” Deputy Captain Reina, why are you here? Quick, please come in! ” Tickey, who was still a little pale, opened the door and saw that it was Reina. After a moment of stunned, he quickly got out of the way and asked Reina to enter.
” I heard from Marco about what happened this time. You can be like this with Shanks, which is enough to prove that your strength and potential are very good, but you still lack some external force! This time we are in the war with the BIGMOM Pirates. , got some Devil Fruits, so the big goth ordered you to pick one first! Come on, choose for yourself! ” Reina said, waving his hand and letting the crew with Devil Fruits walk in behind him.
” This … such a valuable thing, if you give it to me … is it a waste? There are many friends on board who are stronger than me, and they don’t have Devil Fruit yet. If you give it to me directly … Would it be inappropriate ? ” Qi was stunned for a moment, then showed a look of sincerity and fear, and said.
” Don’t worry! This time, you already have the credit. Although I saw the future of you destroying the Whitebeard Pirates through my eyes, that future is only what may happen in the future! After this period of observation, I I found out that I might be wrong! So please accept our kindness! ” Reina narrowed her eyes and said softly.
” This … Thanks for the understanding and trust of the deputy captain? It’s just … it’s just … I’ve eaten devil fruit before! ” Titch quietly hid the devil fruit illustration on the bed, and said calmly on his face.
If it was before that, Reina sent him the devil fruit and said these words, then Titch would never delay, he would definitely eat the fruit as soon as possible, and accept Reina’s kindness.
But the battle with Shanks this time made him realize that relying on others is not as good as relying on himself. Only when he becomes stronger can he go further in the future.
Before Reina came in just now, he was looking at the Devil Fruit Illustration, looking for the most suitable fruit for him.
Unexpectedly, Reina actually said such words at this time, and also gave a big gift.
Yes, although it is a Devil Fruit of the animal system, it is also a great gift.
” Oh? You’ve already eaten Devil Fruit? Why don’t I know? I’ve never seen you use your abilities? ” Reina raised his eyebrows and asked with a chuckle.
” That … I eat yellow spring fruit, which should be triggered after death! ” Titch said a little embarrassedly.
The yellow spring fruit was what he had just seen in the devil fruit illustration. After eating this fruit, it would not have any abilities, but it would turn into a landlubber.
Therefore, the author who compiled the Devil Atlas suspects that the Huangquan Fruit can only activate its ability after death, and this ability is likely to be resurrected once.
It’s just that this inference has not been confirmed, so no one knows if it is true.
” Ah ~ Huangquan fruit! I know this fruit, but I didn’t expect you to be the one who ate Huangquan fruit! If that’s the case, then I can’t let you eat it anymore, or wouldn’t it hurt you? ” Reina smiled. said.
He didn’t expose Titch, because he knew that the real person with the ability of Huangquan Fruit should still be wandering in the Devil’s Delta at this time.
After coming out of Titch, Reina directly found Whitebeard.
” Big brother … Be careful with Titch, that guy … may have turned against him! ” Reina said solemnly.
” Huh? What’s going on? Didn’t you go to clear up the misunderstanding with him? Why is it getting worse? ” Whitebeard asked in confusion.
” Because he didn’t ask for Devil Fruits! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Whitebeard was stunned for a moment, more puzzled, and asked, ” Why doesn’t he want it? Is it because he doesn’t like animals? And even if he doesn’t want the Devil Fruit, it’s not enough to prove that he has resentment, right? ”
” His excuse is that he has already eaten devil fruit, so he can’t ask for it anymore, but I know he hasn’t! And the reason he really refuses is because he already has a favorite devil fruit, so at this time in addition to that He won’t eat any devil fruit except one fruit! ” Reina said softly.
” Why don’t you believe that he really ate the Devil Fruit? Since he dares to say that, he should be able to tell it immediately by using his abilities! ”
” He said he was eating yellow spring fruit! ” Reina said flatly.
” Huangquan Fruit? ” Whitebeard had never heard of this fruit, so he didn’t know it.
” Yes, Huangquan fruit, after eating it, it is no different from ordinary people except that it can’t swim, but after death, the soul can return to the world from the Huangquan and be resurrected again! ” Reina nodded and said.
” There is actually such a fruit? If you don’t say it, I don’t know! Is it because he can’t show his ability, so you don’t believe him? ” Whitebeard said with a frown.
” No, because I know who ate the real yellow spring fruit! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Huh? Are you so sure? ”
” That’s right! ” Reina grinned and said, ” Because now he is … in a skeleton state! ”
Reina explained the story of Brook in general. Because of the fog, Brook’s soul was lost, so when he returned to his body, his body had become a skeleton, and he always used the skeleton’s name. Form, living in the Devil’s Delta.
“I didn’t expect such a thing to happen … Well, don’t intervene in Tiki’s affairs! Even if Tiki was not injured, your Devil Fruit was prepared for him, right? ” Reina has already said So clear, if Whitebeard hadn’t found out, he wouldn’t be Whitebeard.
” Since eldest brother knows what he has in mind, it’s the best! No matter what, I will never allow anyone to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates! Because … this is my home …” Reina turned around and left.
Looking at Reina who was leaving, the corners of Whitebeard’s mouth twitched slightly, as if thinking of something happy.
Compared with the original, the current Reina has changed a lot. Although he has brought more changes to the Whitebeard Pirates, the previous Reina could not say such words.
Whitebeard is very satisfied with his ability. Only when he truly integrates into the family will he become like this. This is his greatest ability.
So he also believed in himself, and he could make Titch make changes and become a real family.

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