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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” By the way, big brother! Do you know the location of Devil’s Island? ” On this day, the Whitebeard Pirates were sailing normally on the sea, Reina suddenly found Whitebeard and asked.
” Why did you ask this all of a sudden? ” Whitebeard looked at Reina and asked curiously.
” I’ve wanted to go and see it for a long time. I’ve met their people quite a few times, and they’re basically in the business of human trafficking, so I’m a little concerned and want to go see it! ” Reina said truthfully.
” Human trafficking? So you mean … ? ”
” Destroy them! Although I know, this kind of thing will definitely be put to an end, but since I found it, let’s kill them first! ” Reina nodded and said.
” They are like a group of mice, but they are not so easy to destroy! ” To Reina’s surprise, Whitebeard actually said that Alcatraz is not easy to attack.
” Do they have any particularly powerful experts? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” I don’t know if they are powerful or not, but they are involved with many major forces. If you destroy them, won’t you cut off other people’s fortunes? At that time, it will definitely cause other people’s dissatisfaction! ” Whitebeard chuckled lightly , replied.
” It turns out … but in this sea … aren’t we the strongest? ”
” Gu la la la … Yes, so after our flag is placed on the fish-man island, no one dares to go there to catch the fish-men again! This is their way of survival, and we are not good until they offend us. Take the initiative to attack them! ” Whitebeard laughed at Reina’s words.
” Reina, are you going to Alcatraz? Take me there. I’ve wanted to go there for a long time. I heard that it’s a paradise for bad guys! ” Lakyo, who was passing by, heard the conversation between Whitebeard and Reina. said quickly.
He was addicted to the last time he robbed the BIGMOM pirate group. Only robbing those big forces is enough. The income of one time is more than ten times that of robbing ordinary pirates.
” Go, go … Children are playing, who is going to bring you this oil tow bottle! ” Reina squinted at Lacoyo and said bluntly .
” Bastard Reina … I’m a fuel bottle? You really dare to say it! ” Lakyo was instantly angry, rolled up his sleeves and prepared to fight Reina.
” And you said you’re not dragging the oil bottle? I’ll go by myself, throw the stolen treasure on the hard shell, and leave when it’s full! What do you think I’ll take you for? Carry the treasure for me? I’m so sorry, there are so many people there, it’s not your turn! ” Reina pouted and said slightly mockingly.
The hard shell is the name Reina gave to the big turtle after the contract. It has been complained by Olga and Lakyo for many days, so now Reina is taking revenge.
” You thunderbolt! Die for me! ” Rakyo screamed and rushed towards Reina.
The surrounding crew members saw that there was a lot of fun to watch, and they dropped their chess pieces and came around to cheer the two of them.
In the end, it was not over until the two beat each other into pig heads.
A few days later, Dr. Ahsière told Rayner that his tortoise had been remodeled and asked him to take a look.
When Rayner saw his turtle, he almost didn’t recognize it.
The place behind the tortoise shell is a two-storey house. The front of the house is designed as an empty floor, and in the middle of the empty floor is a set of tables and chairs. There are some plants on the side. According to Dr. Ahsière, they are all fruit trees, which can allow Reina to supplement vitamins at any time.
The back of the house is a swimming pool designed with a semi-arc shape that uses the turtle shell to slide down. After the turtle dives down a little, it is a natural swimming pool. In addition to swimming, you can also temporarily stock the fishes in it. Below the swimming pool is a swimming pool. A mechanism that can be opened when not in use and closed when in use.
What surprised Reina the most was that Dr. Sière designed a transparent semi-circular cover on the turtle shell. Usually, when Reina did not summon the turtle, he used the cover to cover the top of the turtle shell, so that it would not affect it. own activities.
After Reina goes up, the turtle can be controlled to move on the sea surface, and the hood will naturally be put away.
There is no attack or defense in the whole design, but according to Reina’s requirements, great efforts have been made in terms of comfort. The two-story wooden house has everything in it, such as a practice room, kitchen, production room, study, bedroom, etc. Made to Reina’s request.
” Very good, it’s great, thank you Doctor, it’s really hard for you! ” Reina held Dr. Sière’s hand, thanking him very much.
Now he won’t be afraid that he won’t have a place to sign in.
” Tsk tsk tsk … It’s really extravagant! Look at the fur on this reclining chair, I can guarantee that the daddy’s reclining chair is not as good as this! ” Lakyo said with a little envy while visiting.
” Fuck you stinky bastard! I’m obviously using the same kind of fur as my eldest brother! ” Reina rolled her eyes and replied.
” Dad, it’s not good ~~~ Reina wants to take your seat! He actually uses the same fur as you to make a reclining chair! Hurry up … make his turtle a shared one! Then everyone will go out in the future. It’s convenient! ” Rakyo heard it, and immediately ran towards Whitebeard, shouting loudly.
” You bastard! There’s less fur like this in your room? Don’t think I don’t know, those tigers, bears and the like I kept on the empty island were all eaten and skinned by you! ” When Reina heard Lakyo’s words, how could he not know what he was trying to pay attention to?
Drive everyone away from the hard shell, activate the hood, and let the hard shell leave, the bastards in the province are jealous.
A few days later, just as the ship’s crew was getting bored, the dedicated phone for the ship’s point of contact rang.
” Dad … there is news from the contact point that a small island we protect has been attacked! ” Joz reported to Whitebeard Hui with a little excitement.
” Huh? Who is so bold? How dare you do something to our island? ” Markola asked in disbelief, shrugging her eyes.
“I don’t know, I didn’t say it over there, I said that I was attacked and asked for support! ” Joz shook his head and said.
” Marko, take someone to see it! ” Whitebeard said after thinking about it.
” Okay, daddy! ” Marko nodded and began to gather the first team members under his command to find the Voyager record pointer according to the coordinates given to him by Joz.
Thanks to the charts made by Reina, all the places they walked were recorded, so now the map room managed by the navigators has become one of the important places for their Whitebeard Pirates.
Moreover, Reina made permanent pointers for all the islands under the jurisdiction of the Whitebeard Pirates, so that they could go there at any time.
When Marko came to the map room, he saw that Reina, the navigator, the boatman and others were making something, so he asked curiously, ” What are you doing? ”
” Huh? Marco? Why are you here? ” After carefully comparing the chart, Reina realized that Marco didn’t know when he came in.
” I’m here to find the permanent pointer, an island we were protecting was attacked! ” Marco said with a smile.
” Ah ~ then hurry up! Remember to kill them all. Don’t be soft on this kind of thing. If you don’t want to kill them, just grab them and throw them to the navy! ” Reina waved and told Marco to leave quickly .
” What are you doing? ” Seeing Reina back at work again, Marko became even more curious, walked over to take a look, and asked.
” Make a sand table! ” Reina smiled proudly, pointed to what they were making, and said, ” We made the charts we drew into a more comprehensible sand table according to the scale of this world. Are you there, these are the oceans, these are the islands, and these flags represent whose sphere of influence this island is! ”
” When you say that … it seems to be a lot simpler! And it’s also very vivid, it’s really a good thing! ” Marko nodded immediately and said.
With just one glance, he can understand the things on the sand table, which is much clearer than looking at the sea chart.
In fact, Reina wanted to make a sand table because of Whitebeard. Yesterday, Reina and the navigators found Whitebeard, hoping that Whitebeard would choose an uninhabited island from the sea area they control as the base camp of their Whitebeard Pirates.
But looking at the thick stack of charts, Whitebeard was really not interested, so he told Reina to choose one by himself.
So Reina thought, if these charts could be realised, wouldn’t it look much clearer?
So he thought of the sand table. At that time, as long as the sea area controlled by the Whitebeard Pirates is made, it will be convenient for Whitebeard to choose.
But when he said this idea, the navigators became very interested, and proposed to make all the sea areas they knew, so this is the situation where Reina, the navigators, and the boatmen were all surrounded .
A week later, the first sand table was made. This sand table included all the sea areas controlled by Whitebeard, because this sea area was the sea area they were most familiar with.
When Reina brought Whitebeard and others to watch the sandbox, everyone was shocked.
” Big brother … doesn’t it look a lot better! ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Yes, this sand table is amazing! Come and tell me what these differences represent! ” Whitebeard was obviously also very interested in the sand table.
Rayner explained the ocean, islands, etc. to Whitebeard, and also told him that the islands were divided into different colors by him because of their size and population.
” Here … here … and here … we have chosen a more suitable place to be the base camp. There are islands with a large population around them, which is convenient for us to purchase materials, and the area of these small islands is not small. It’s just right for us! ” Rayner pointed out to Whitebeard the uninhabited island that was suitable for the base camp.
” Yes, the location is really good, where is our heart? ” Whitebeard nodded and said after reading it.
At this time, Reina took out a small Moby Dick , put it on the sand table, and said with a smile: ” We are in this position now, and the island where Marko went a few days ago is here! ”
” Gu la la la … Since that’s the case, let’s choose this place as our base camp! ” Whitebeard pointed to the nearest uninhabited island and said with a smile.
” Brother, after our base camp is built, I plan to build a map room on the island, and then bring the sand table into it, how about it? ” Reina asked with a smile when he saw that Whitebeard had already chosen a place.
” Yes! But building a small island requires a lot of materials and money, right? ” At first, when building an empty island, it almost hollowed out the entire Whitebeard Pirates. Now building a real island requires a lot of money. will only cost more.
” Don’t worry, brother, didn’t we get a lot of treasure from the BIGMOM pirates last time? And we’re not going to build the island all at once! Design the blueprints first, then build the house, and then we’ll do the rest. Take your time! ” Reina said with a smile.
In fact, even Whitebeard didn’t realize that they were unknowingly influenced by Reina, and their pursuit of life became much higher.
When did pirates occupy an island and still need to build on it? Just build a house where you can sleep.
But when Reina said that they would find a small island as their base camp, they would all subconsciously think about what the island should look like and what things would be needed on it.

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