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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Wow ha ha ha … I met a big fat sheep! I didn’t expect the harvest this time to be good! ” Lakyo kicked open a door, and saw a dozen large boxes inside.
” Hmph, this guy dares to deceive us! Do you think we won’t find it in such an obvious place? ” When Lakyo took out the treasure chest, Jin Guduo slapped the bound captain on the head, viciously said.
” Okay, let’s move the treasure away when we find it! We have to go to the next island! ” Reina said with a yawn.
No way, who made them meet the merchant ship in front of them long ago? It was clear that he had a banquet last night and didn’t go to bed until very late. As a result, he had to get up and rob him early this morning before the sea was bright, which made Reina a little nervous.
” Dad, a naval warship is found behind! ” At this moment, a crew member ran over and shouted to Whitebeard who was sitting there.
” Again? The navy has been very diligent recently! ” Reina frowned and said.
After the completion of the first phase of the Xuanyue Island project, the remaining projects were not so anxious, so the Whitebeard Pirates resumed their life sailing on the sea, but after each long-distance voyage, they would go back to Xuanyue Island to rest for a while. time.
But recently, Rayner found that they often encountered Navy warships, as if they had been chasing them.
” Gu la la la … little ones, bring the treasure, we are retreating! ” Whitebeard waved his hand and returned to the Moby Dick with the treasure and supplies .
After Whitebeard and others left, the merchant ship captain quietly sighed. He didn’t know whether his luck was good or bad, but he actually met the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Brother, the navy seems to be chasing us lately! Have we missed any information? ” Rayner said to Whitebeard after returning to the Moby Dick .
” Looking at the recent form of the navy, they should want to do something, but we don’t need to pay attention to them for now, just do our own! ” Whitebeard looked at the navy warship that was approaching them in the distance, and said softly said.
Reina heard the words, shrugged and didn’t bother to care. Although there are many strong men in the navy, their Whitebeard Pirates are not vegetarians. It’s hard to say who will win and who will lose.
After the Navy’s warship was thrown away, the Moby Dick resumed its normal sailing speed, and the crew also relaxed, and many people chose to go back and continue to take a nap.
” Joz … Come on, let’s play! ” Reina found Joz and wanted to learn from him.
Joz hesitated for a moment, then nodded and followed Rayner to the deck.
Some members who were resting on the deck saw Reina and Joz preparing to discuss, and they all came to the spirit and prepared to watch.
” Then … let me start! ”
” Bang! ”
As Reina’s words fell, his fist had already hit Joz, and Joz turned into a diamond, blocking Reina’s attack.
” Bang bang bang …”
Reina, who was blocked, did not retreat, but quickly attacked Joz.
Don’t think Joz’s movements are slow because of his tall stature. In fact, he already has his own system for combat, especially defense, so in the face of Reina’s crazy attack, Joz doesn’t panic at all. Look The seemingly slow movement completely neutralized Reina’s offensive.
” The next step is to be serious! ” Reina said to Joz with a smile while taking advantage of the neutrality of the attack.
Joz nodded and became serious too.
” Boom! ”
” Huh? ”
When Reina punched Joz in the back, Joz turned his head and looked at Reina.
” Do you feel it? ” Reina stopped attacking and asked with a smile.
” Well, although I was attacked, I didn’t feel like I was hit … It’s like … It’s like I didn’t hit me! ” After thinking about it, Joz said what he felt just now.
” Yeah, it doesn’t seem to work! Okay! I’ll be here today, I’ll go and think about it, thank you! ” Reina touched his chin and said with a little thought.
He is now thinking about how to combine the Black Emperor’s abilities with his offense.
In the past, the abilities of the Black Emperor were passive defense, and the energy absorbed was only absorbed after being attacked.
But now he wants to achieve the effect of replenishing energy by absorbing the impact generated in the attack, but from the fight with Joz just now, it seems that it does not work.
Because once he absorbs those shocks, it is equivalent to invalidating his own attacks, which is somewhat more than the loss.
Recently, Reina has paid more attention to developing the ability of the Black Emperor, because he found that the ability of the Black Emperor still has a lot of room for improvement, unlike Sharonyan and Binglunwan, now Reina wants them Going further is already very difficult.
A few days later, after Reina’s groping, I finally got some effect, that is, when attacking, it does not absorb the shock energy, but absorbs the anti-shock energy of the attack, so that it can not only use the attack to absorb energy, but also absorb energy. Does not affect offense.
And the more you fight against the strong, the more useful this method is.
” Dad! Naval warships are found at the back! ” Just as Rayner was exercising his abilities, the lookout on the mast suddenly shouted down.
” Isn’t it? Here again? Who is it? Are you chasing us with such perseverance? ” This time, before Reina could ask questions, Lakyo roared impatiently.
” Brother, shall we wait for them to catch up? ” Reina asked Whitebeard, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
” No, the navy is like this. I guess he is a stunned young man who doesn’t understand anything. He wants to take us as a merit! We can sail normally, don’t worry about it! ” Whitebeard shook his head and said.
Now that the captain has said so, Reina will ignore it, and he will continue to develop his black emperor ability.
A few days later, when they discovered the island, the naval warship was still behind them, and this time even Reina felt a little strange.
Because they didn’t speed up, but the navy’s warships never caught up, they just followed from a distance, as if they were just monitoring them.
” Reina, something is wrong! Those navies won’t have any bad ideas again! ” Marko found Reina and said.
” Why don’t you go over there? Sink them to the bottom of the sea? ” Reina said with a smile.
” Forget it, let’s wait for them to come! ” Marco yawned, turned and left.
For no other reason, it’s just a mere warship, and it really can’t bring them much pressure, so whether it’s Whitebeard or Reina and the cadres, there’s nothing particularly worrying about it.
When the Moby Dick docked, the navy’s warships stopped far away on the sea and did not approach, but in order to prevent accidents, Rayner stayed on the ship and earned the overtime pay that year by the way. .
The next day, after buying all the supplies, the Moby Dick was about to set sail again, only to find that the naval warship that had been parked there was gone.
” What the hell are these guys doing ? ” After receiving the report from the lookout, Reina looked at the place where the naval warship stayed yesterday, and sure enough, he didn’t see the warship.
But these are small problems, since the other party is gone, Reina is too lazy to pay attention to them.
The voyage of the Whitebeard Pirates continued, and the navy warships also appeared once in a while, watching them from a distance and not approaching them, which made people feel an unusual aura.
” Brother, do you think those guys in the navy have made a big move, in order to prevent us from disturbing them, so they sent people to watch us? ” Seeing the navy warship reappearing in the distance, Reina asked thoughtfully .
After thinking about it for a while, Whitebeard nodded and said, ” There is indeed such a possibility! ”
” Forget it, I’m too lazy to think about it, I’ll see it when I go over there! ” Reina waved his hand, channeled Yoyo from the stern, and rode Yoyo straight to the navy warship in the distance.
After approaching the navy warship, Reina took a deep breath and let Yoyo approach from the sea so that he would not be discovered by the navy.
After arriving at the bottom of the warship, Reina let Yoyo wait around and slowly climbed onto the warship.
” Sir, there is nothing unusual about the Whitebeard Pirates! ”
” Very well, leave after watching for a while without attracting their attention! ”
When Reina just climbed onto the warship, he heard the conversation of the Navy, which made him want to complain very much. You are all like this, how can you not attract our attention? It will disappear and come over for a while, so it is better to follow you all the time!
Quietly glanced at the warship, the highest rank here should be a chief officer of the headquarters. I don’t know how strong he is, but according to past experience, the navy should not want to go to war with them, otherwise a chief officer of the headquarters will just come here. Just delivering food.
After a while, the navy warship really began to change course and seemed to be about to leave. After thinking about it, Rayner returned to the sea again, and then let Yoyo take it back to the Moby Dick .
” How’s the situation? ” Whitebeard asked Reina when Reina returned.
“I don’t know! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” It’s a chief officer of the naval headquarters. It seems that he is only performing supervisor duties, and has no intention of conflicting with us. ”
” That’s a bit strange. Could it be that the navy is trying to attack someone? I haven’t received such news recently! ” Lakyo on the side said suspiciously.
Now that the Whitebeard Pirates’ intelligence collection and sorting work, Reina has been handed over to Lakyo, that’s why he said this.
Reina thought about it carefully, and it seemed that nothing major happened in the Navy.
” You said … the navy would not want to attack Xuanyue Island while we were leaving? ” Bistan, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said.
When they set sail, although some people were left behind on Xuanyue Island, most of them were non-combatants. The only real combat team members were Hansen and his air island escort.
After hearing Marco’s words, Reina was shocked. The Whitebeard Pirates in the original book did not have a base camp like Xuanyue Island, so the navy was very likely to really want to attack Xuanyue Island.
But Whitebeard vetoed this speculation, because the navy would not be so reckless to attack Xuanyue Island before it was ready to go to war with them.
At that time, if Xuanyue Island is really destroyed, it will not have much impact on the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates, because all the main personnel are on the Moby Dick .
There’s no point in doing that other than angering the Whitebeard Pirates.

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