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After listening to Whitebeard’s analysis, everyone felt that it made sense. No matter what the Navy was going to do, it should not be aimed at Xuanyue Island.
However, Reina suddenly felt that this seemed to be another opportunity for him.
” Do you want to advance to the city? ” Whitebeard asked with a frown as he looked at Reina in front of him.
” That’s right, no matter what the navy does this time, it shouldn’t be a trivial move. Otherwise, you don’t have to be so vigilant about us, for fear that we will disturb them, so they shouldn’t be able to take care of advancing the city at this time. As long as I sneak in quietly, I will be able to kill Magellan at that time! ” Rayner said with the flame of revenge shining in his eyes.
“The advance city is not so easy to attack! Back then, you took advantage of Shiki’s escape from the prison to have a chance to kill Magellan while they chased out the advance city. This time you want to break through the advance city, the possibility is too small! ” Whitebeard shook his head and said.
” But the opportunity is rare. If I continue like this, I don’t know when I will have the opportunity to kill him! Brother, don’t worry, if I can’t do it, I won’t force it! ” Reina said firmly.
” Then you take Marko with you! ” Whitebeard said after pondering for a while.
” This … no need!? ” Reina didn’t want Marco to take risks with him. To be honest, it was too difficult to break through the advancing city. Even if he added Marco, it would be difficult, so he didn’t want to bring him with him. Go with Marco.
” Then don’t go! ” Whitebeard said in a non-consulting tone.
” Okay! I know, I’ll take Marko with me! ” Reina had no choice but to agree.
But just as Reyna was about to set off with Marco, Rakyo finally received intelligence about the naval action.
” Dad, I figured it out, it turned out to be Alcatraz! The purpose of the navy this time is Alcatraz. This time, Admiral Warring States led five warships to break down Alcatraz in one fell swoop and wipe out the largest criminal organization in the underground world. It’s over! ” Lakeyo said, holding the information in his hand, coming to Whitebeard’s side.
” What? The navy dares to attack Alcatraz Island? They are not afraid of the trouble of the Dragons looking for them? ” Reina asked in surprise.
You must know that there is a lot of business in Alcatraz Island, which is done with Tianlong people. At least the large number of slaves they have captured, and the transaction objects are Tianlong and some nobles of other kingdoms.
” That’s right, according to the intelligence, it was indeed the navy who broke Alcatraz Island, and this place has become history! ” Lakyo nodded and confirmed again.
” In your information, did you mention a pirate group called the Don Quixote family? ” Reina asked after thinking about it.
According to Reina’s estimation, Alcatraz is afraid that it will become Doflamingo’s trophy in the future, but I didn’t expect it to be destroyed by the Navy first.
“The Don Quixote family? ” Lakyo was stunned for a moment, then after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, ” There is no information about this pirate group, what’s wrong? What did you find? ”
Reina shook his head, touched his chin and fell into thought.
He thought of one thing, that is, Stutsy, who will be the Queen of Happy Street in the future, the intelligence organization personnel of the World Government.
Could it be that the World Government had already started planting spies in the underground world so early?
To know that from now to the beginning of the plot, there should be sixteen to seventeen years.
” Hey ~ Reina, are you still going to Advance City? ” Marko, who was waiting to set off, asked directly.
” Everything’s done, what else are you going to do? Let’s die? ” Reina rolled her eyes and replied in a displeasure.
Marco, who shrugged, shrugged to show his innocence, then turned to rest on the deck.
Indeed, missing such a good opportunity made Reina a little annoyed, so the tone was a little rushed, and Marco knew what was going on, so he did not confront Reina.
A few days later, Reina finally knew why the Navy suddenly attacked Alcatraz.
Because there are already rumors that Admiral Gang Kuo Kong intends to abdicate and give up the position of Marshal to the Warring States, so he is now increasing his achievements for the Warring States, so he aimed at Alcatraz.
Presumably before they started, the navy had already passed the gas with the world government or the Tianlong people. While they eliminated Alcatraz, they also let the world government put spies into the underground world. The benefits of doing so are not too many.
However, these have little to do with Reina. What he is most annoyed about is that he did not know in advance, thus missing a great opportunity to attack and advance the city.
” Dad, I think the advance city is about to become a problem for Reina, why don’t we find a chance and try it? ” In the cabin, in the whitebeard’s room, Marco, Joz, Bista, Lakyo and other captains gathered together, but Reina was not there.
” This kind of thing can’t be solved with one fight! ” Whitebeard shook his head and said.
” But it’s not the way to go on like this! ” Lakyo said worriedly.
This time, it was their captains, who, without the knowledge of Reina, came to find Whitebeard. They just wanted to go to the advance city and vent their anger on Reina.
” Since you all think this way … then … Lakeyo, you inquire about the time when the Warring States will be promoted to marshal, and then we will give him a big gift! You are right, no matter if you can conquer the advance city or not, just be It ‘s better to vent your anger on that kid! ” Whitebeard thought about it and nodded.
” Okay ~ I’ll find out right away! ” Lack said excitedly when he heard about it.
” As for you, just quietly prepare for the battle, don’t let Reina find out, and give him a surprise! ” Whitebeard’s mouth curled slightly and said, ” That kid is very discerning, don’t be discovered. ! ”
” Dad, don’t worry, leave it to us! We can fight at any time, no need to prepare! ” The captains assured each other.
At this time, Reina was still working hard on the deck. Although the basic working hours were full today, the overtime pay was still a little short, so Reina did not find out that the captains were not on the deck, otherwise he would definitely Clues will be found.
Just when the world was shocked by the navy’s big move, Don Quixote Doflamingo angrily smashed everything in the room at the residence of the Don Quixote family in Beihai .
” Those bastards, I finally got on the line with Alcatraz, this is all ruined! ” Doflamingo said angrily.
” Hey hey hey. … Nene ~ I said … Dover, don’t be angry, anger can’t solve the problem! Although the actions of the navy broke our plan, but … don’t you think, this is also our chance? ” Torrepol on the side said with a strange smile.
” Chance? ” Doflamingo turned his head to look at Torrepol.
” Yes, Devil’s Island has always ruled all the underground forces of the Great Route, but now it has been removed by the Navy, so a lot of resources will be freed up. It is conceivable that the underground world of the Great Route at this time must be extremely chaotic! It’s a good opportunity for us to show our skills! Hehehehe …”
” You’re right! Gather the troops … let’s go … the great route! ” Doflamingo is a very decisive leader, so after a little thought, he immediately made up his mind.
At the same time, in the West Sea near the Upside Down Mountain, Nico Robin was working as a pirate on a pirate ship at this time.
The reason why he chose this pirate group is precisely because they are ready to enter the great route.
” Captain, the Upside Down Mountain is found ahead! Just as Robin said, the sea water is flowing backwards, towards the Upside Down Mountain! ” A pirate shouted at the captain excitedly.
The pirate captain wearing the one-eye patch showed a happy smile. Thanks to Robin’s information, they have made very sufficient preparations and will definitely be able to directly cross the Upside Down Mountain and enter the great route at one time.
When it comes to Nicole Robin , Captain Pirate is very proud. When this little girl said on the island that she could help her enter the great route, no one believed it. He was the only one who saw the seriousness in the eyes of the other party, so he accepted Ni Ke Robin .
I didn’t expect that the other party really brought him a surprise. If there is no information about Nicole Robin , then they really don’t say it well.
And Robin stood there with a smile on his face, and it was impossible to see that she provided information for the pirates.
This information is not from where she heard it, but from his own experience. The last time she followed the pirate group, it fell here, and the ship hit the Upside Down Mountain. If it wasn’t for her luck, she was rescued. , is now buried at the bottom of the sea.
“The great route? … I’m finally going! Father …” Robin looked at the Upside Down Mountain not far away, and his heart trembled slightly.
At the same time, Fisher Tiger was chatting with Princess Otohime on Fishman Island on the bottom of the sea, and he told Otohime about his thoughts.
” Tiger, I can feel the grief in your heart, but trust me! This is useless! ” Otoji said with a sad face.
She is born with a strong sense of domineering, can hear the inner voice of people, feel the thoughts and emotions of the other party, and convey the user’s own consciousness to others, influence the minds and thoughts of others and have a strong resonance, It can even change the other’s values and ideology.
This kind of arrogance, which can be called the highest level, cannot be obtained by training, but is innate like the overlord, even rarer than the overlord. Looking at the characters who have appeared in the entire One Piece world, there is only one Otohime has this level of domineering arrogance.
However, her physical quality is not equal to her arrogance. Her health is very bad. Just hitting someone with a slap will open fractures. She is a very fragile goldfish mermaid.
” I know, I have a human friend who told me that a lot of things are just because we know it won’t work, so we don’t do it, and as a result everyone becomes like this, then things will never change.
So if I change it, at least it starts with myself, even if I know it won’t work, but if you do it, others will do it, and in the end, when everyone in the world does it together, the world … will change! ” Tiger said with a smile.
Otoji was stunned for a moment, he could feel Tiger’s mood when he said this, a very serious and very happy mood.
” Who said that? ” Yiji asked in surprise.
” It’s a pirate! The vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Akahito Reina ! ” Tiger said with a smile.
” It turned out to be him! ” Otoji has long heard of Reina’s name. Fishman Island is under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates, so that they can obtain short-term peace, and her husband, the great knight Neptune and White Beard, Reina and others are also very good friends.
” So don’t stop me, okay? I discussed it with Reina before. I was worried that my failure would affect the Fishman Island. He gave me a note, that is, to break with the Fishman Island in advance, and then it would be a failure. , the world government can’t deal with fishman island at least on the bright side! ” Tiger said softly.
” Okay! Since that’s the case, how do you need us to cooperate with you!? ” Otsuki wanted to say something, but Neptune, who walked in from the outside, directly agreed to Tiger’s request.
” Nipton! ” Eiji turned around and looked at her husband with some dissatisfaction.
” Otohime … Fishman Island needs to give the world its own voice! I can’t stop you from doing what you want, but … my duty is to protect Fishman Island and all of our compatriots! ” Neptune Shaking his head, he said.
Yiji opened her mouth, but couldn’t say anything.

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