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In the face of Sakaski’s attack, Rayner was actually unable to make an effective counterattack, but he deliberately angered the opponent in order to create a chance for himself to escape.
Because Sakaski’s ability is exactly the same as that of Aokiji, the magma can quickly melt the ice.
Originally, he was just holding the attitude of trying. If Sakaski did not shoot, he would continue to delay time and give Moby Dick enough time to leave.
But now that Sakaski has taken action, he can also take the opportunity to let the other party dissolve the ice, so that he can use yo to escape.
” Hahaha … Lieutenant General Akainu, you put off the fireworks well! ” Reina continued to stimulate the other party verbally while avoiding.
” Huh! A guy like a prodigal dog is also qualified to comment on me? ” Sakaski is not a loser, and he is no worse than Reina.
” Hmph, the dog of a prodigal family? Wait until you catch me first! ” Reina said while dodging Sakaski’s attack purposefully.
” That guy is using Sakaski to melt your ice! ” Sakaski, who was fighting, might not be able to see it, but Kizaru, who was on the sidelines, could see Reina’s plan at a glance.
” Don’t underestimate Sakaski, he won’t be deceived so easily! ” Aokiji, who had just returned to the warship, replied with a slight smile.
As for the card, he was happy to be a spectator, and he didn’t want to continue chasing Whitebeard.
” Then there will be an expiration date … Lieutenant General Red Dog! Hahahaha …” Seeing that the ice was almost dissolved, Reina planned to dive into the bottom of the sea with a backward jump.
” Hmph! You dare to show your ugliness with your little tricks? Burning the river and breathing fire .” Sakaski seemed to have known Reina’s plan for a long time, and was waiting for him to jump into the sea, only to see that his arms were completely turned into lava , and then plunged directly into the sea.
The surrounding sea water immediately boiled, and Reina, who was in the air, already knew Sakaski’s plan. If he continued to enter the sea water, he would definitely be injured by the high temperature in the sea water.
And the Neptune Yoyo can’t get close to this area at all.
” Hehehe … What a bastard! How dare you underestimate Lao Tzu … Lao Tzu is … the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Reina suddenly opened his eyes in the air, and the three gouyu quickly appeared in Reina’s eyes. Rotate, then connect into a blade-like shape.
” Oops! Sakaski, be careful! ” Kizaru shouted again when he saw Reina’s eyes.
Maybe it was the first time his reminder didn’t happen, maybe it was Sakaski’s confidence in his own strength, this time he ignored Kizaru.
” Boom! ”
Reina, who was in the air, stepped a little, kicked directly in the air, and the whole person rushed directly to Sakaski.
” It’s just a pointless struggle! Go to hell … The dog bites the red lotus! ” Sakaski’s fists left the sea and hit Reina, who was approaching.
” Time stands still! ” Reina’s right eye burst into a red light, pausing Sakaski’s time, while he himself rushed towards the other party.
” Laser Eight – foot Mirror! ”
” Ice Blade! ”
At the same time, Kizaru and Aokiji shot at the same time, trying to stop Reina.
Seeing that Reina, who was about to hit Sakaski, suddenly had a pain in his eye, a tear of blood flowed out of his right eye, and Sakaski was out of the control of time still.
” Mighty Dog! ” Sakaski, who returned to the current timeline, was shocked when he saw Reina who was already in front of him, and punched his most commonly used moves.
” Pfft! ”
” Boom! ”
Reina’s Hinaruwan pierced into Sakaski’s chest first, and his left fist also hit Reina’s abdomen.
” You …” Sakaski looked at Reina with blood all over his face, and before he could speak, he saw that Reina was hit by Kizaru and Aokiji’s moves and flew out.
” Puff! Huo ~~”
At this time, a sea king suddenly jumped out of the sea, swallowed Reina directly, and then the news was in the sea again.
” Sakaski … Are you alright! ” Kizaru and Aokiji who appeared beside Akainu asked while supporting Sakaski.
” Cough cough … Underestimate him! ” Sakaski coughed a few times and spat out a mouthful of blood.
” But fortunately, he is already finished. In that state, he was hit by the three of us, and there is no possibility of surviving! And just now that sea king has swallowed him, I am afraid that even the body can’t be found. ” Kizuna shook his head and said with a sigh .
Although it is an enemy, Reina’s strength still gave him a deep impression. Such a strong man actually died in the mouth of a sea king. It can only be said that God’s will.
” Then … that sea king is Rayner’s partner, right? I remember seeing it before, that’s what it looks like! ” At this time, a navy soldier suddenly said.
” But is it his partner … there is no possibility of living! ” Sakaski also shook his head and said.
At this time, the Moby Dick could only see a little shadow in the distance, so Karp directly ordered to return.
” Dad …” Marko fell from the sky and shook his head at Whitebeard.
” It’s over there! ” Whitebeard asked after being silent for a while.
” Well, the navy has begun to return! ” Marko said with his head lowered.
He knew what it meant, either Rayner had been captured by them, or Rayner had been defeated.
Because if Reina escaped, the navy would have to pursue it. Now the navy didn’t even have any action to pursue, and immediately started to return, proving that there was no object to pursue.
” Bastard … !! ” Lakyo kicked on the side of the boat, holding the side of the boat with both hands, tears could not help flowing down.
” Don’t make a decision too early, that kid is not so easy to die! There is his life paper on Xuanyue Island, go back and check it out! ” After Whitebeard finished speaking, he turned and returned to the cabin.
Marco was about to follow, but was stopped by Vista.
” Let Daddy be alone for a while! ” said Bista, shaking his head.
Although Dad said that Reina didn’t die so easily, everyone knew that this possibility was too small, so small that Whitebeard himself didn’t believe it.
The crew on board were very silent, and there was no joy in the past.
” Saatchi, help me, let’s treat everyone’s injuries first! ” Reina usually treats the wounded with Marko. Now that Reina is away, he has to ask Saatchi to help.
A few days later, when the Moby Dick returned to Xuanyue Island, it saw an extremely dilapidated island, nothing like Xuanyue Island should have.
” What happened? ”
The crew members were extremely surprised, why did Xuanyue Island become like this? Who was attacked by?
” Look … over there! ” At this moment, the lookout hand grabbed the mast, pointed at the lieutenant general of Xuanyue Island, and shouted.
There seems to be a person tied to a post over there, but it’s too far away to see clearly.
” I’ll go take a look! ” Marko spread his arms, turned into wings, and flew over there.
At this time, the Moby Dick had docked, and Whitebeard followed with everyone.
” Dad … it’s Hansen …” When Whitebeard arrived, Marco had already rescued Hansen, who was tied to the post.
” Old … Dad …” The long-term lack of water, coupled with the severe injuries on his body, although he has been through Marco’s emergency treatment, Hansen looks as if he is dying.
” Don’t talk too much, Marco, try to save him! ” Whitebeard squatted down slowly, grabbed Hansen’s hand, and said.
” No … Old … Dad … Ti … Qi …” Hansen seemed to have exhausted all his strength after saying these words.
” Hey ~ I just passed out. His injury is very serious, and I’m not sure! ” Marko hurriedly checked Hansen, and said with a sigh of relief.
” No matter what, we must save him! He seemed to have said Tiki just now, what do you think! ” Whitebeard got up slowly and said.
The surrounding captains were silent.
Their actions this time are very obvious, there must be a traitor, otherwise the navy would not be able to know their actions so clearly, and no one would know that they were no longer, thus attacking Xuanyue Island.
” Anyway … Find Titch first and then come to a conclusion, Dad, you rest first, Marco, let’s go around and see if there are survivors! ” Seeing the atmosphere getting quieter and quieter, Bista quickly said .
” Marko treat Hansen first, Joz, Bista, go and look around carefully! ” Whitebeard sat down with a butt, sitting beside Hasson, and instructed the captains.
” Yes! ”
The captains began to search around with the less injured members, and the more seriously injured stayed with Whitebeard in place.
After a while, the captains began to slowly return, and the results they got were the same, no traces of battle were found, no people around them, not even a corpse was found, but the entire sky island was gone.
This is somewhat in line with the emergency evacuation rules formulated by Reina. When encountering an unstoppable enemy, they will gather at the empty island for the first time, and then use the empty island to evacuate.
Although what they have found now is relatively good news, Hansen’s previous Titch made them inexplicably worried.
No body was found here, so it is very likely that Titch took the empty island and took everyone hostage, because he must know that he has done such a big thing, the Whitebeard Pirates are up and down , will not let him go.
So they don’t know what the specific situation is now, they can only know after waiting for Hansen to wake up.
The news of the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy in Pushing City was also reported by those reporters, so the Navy defeated the Whitebeard Pirates and the news of the death of Vice Captain Rayner spread all over the world again.
Many people who don’t know it will be surprised that the deputy head of the Whitebeard Pirates has died once? Why did he die again? Could it be that the deputy head of the Whitebeard Pirates died two in a row? Then the position of the deputy head is probably poisonous!
And Robin, who just arrived on the great route, is full of surprises. She is now a little numb to the news of Reina’s death. Anyway, whether Reina is dead or not, her current destination is Xuanyue Island.
Although there are also newspapers saying that Xuanyue Island, the base camp of the Whitebeard Pirates, was besieged by the BIGMOM Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and has been destroyed.
Moreover, there is also information that the headquarters of the Whitebeard Pirates hides an empty island. Although the headquarters was breached, how much loss did it have? All personnel and valuables have been transferred away. The BIGMOM Pirates and The Beast Pirates didn’t get anything, and they offended the Whitebeard Pirates.
Robin herself is a little confused about all kinds of rumors. She doesn’t know what the specific situation of the Whitebeard Pirates is now, whether it has really been hit hard, and she doesn’t know what happened to Reina. She wants to do the most right now. The only thing is to go to the new world quickly and find the Whitebeard Pirates.
However, although she had already thought of the great route as very dangerous, but only after she got here did she know why it was said that one hundred pirate groups went to the great route, and in the end there were not even ten of them who survived.

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