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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” This … where? ” When Reina woke up, she found herself in a place full of rancid smells.
” Hi ~” I wanted to move my body a little bit, but I found that there was no part of my body that didn’t hurt, and my eyes were hot, and my vision became quite blurry when I opened them.
” Cough cough …”
After resting for a while and recovering some physical strength, Reina slowly sat up. First of all, he looked at the surrounding environment and found that because there was no light, he couldn’t see anything at all, but he could feel that he The place is quite humid.
Moving his arm and feeling around, Reina found a lot of things that looked like bones, and the fishy smell came from above.
Just when Reina was thinking about where this place was, he suddenly heard the sound of water. It seemed that there was a pond not far away, and something came out of the pond.
“TMD , where is this? It can’t be in the lair of some beast, right? ” Reina quickly lay down and pretended to be dead. Since he can’t move now, don’t say anything about a powerful beast, just come here. Anything can kill him.
At this time, he also felt that the other party was approaching him, seemed to come to his side, and left after observing him for a while.
However, Reina can guarantee that the other party, like him, has not left in this lair, and it should be in the ” pond ” not far away .
It is very likely that he came up to check because his movement just now attracted the attention of the other party.
And based on the sound the other party made when they moved, Reina guessed that the other party might be a beast like a snake, but unfortunately, his knowledge color was only the most common knowledge color, and he couldn’t ” see ” the other party’s appearance.
At this time, Reina was hungry and thirsty, but he didn’t dare to move at all, for fear that his actions would attract the attention of the other party again.
” Damn … I should have been rescued by Yoyo! Why am I here? ” Reina, who was lying on the ground, began to recall what happened before the coma.
When he was fighting with Akainu, he forcibly turned on the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and used the pupil technique ” time is still ” . Although he pitted the opponent, he was also attacked by Akainu and the three people who came to the rescue. In the middle, before he passed out, he clearly felt that Yoyo had come to him.
But why is my current self in this place?
” Could this be Yoyo’s lair? ” Reina suddenly thought that since Yoo-yo had rescued him, this might also be Yo-yo’s lair!
” No, Yoyo is a sea king, and its nest should be in the deep sea! ” Although it is wet, it is not in the sea, which Reina can be sure of!
” Forget it, just die! Give it a try! ” Reina carefully took out the flashlight from the inventory.
But he didn’t turn it on immediately, but took a deep breath and carefully felt the surrounding movement before slowly turning on the flashlight, and at the same time, he threw the flashlight far away the moment it was turned on.
” pat …”
” Whoa, whoa, whoa …”
” Roar ~~”
The sound of the flashlight landing really caught the attention of the other party. Although the light of the flashlight did not shine on the pool, Reina also heard the sound from the pool.
” Yo Yo? ” Reina was stunned after hearing the other party’s roar. This voice was all too familiar to him. It was his own psychic beast, the sea king, Yo Yo.
Sure enough, upon hearing Reina’s figure, Yoyo’s crocodile-like head slowly came to Reina’s side, and Reina could even feel the other’s joy.
” Hoo ~ I’m scared to death! Go, get me the flashlight first! ” After confirming that this was Yoyo’s site, Reina finally felt at ease.
With the lights, Reina finally saw where he was. He was in a cave-like place, not far from the sea, Yoyo’s body was in the sea, and all around him were the bones of various fish. And some unfinished carrion, so it has such a great taste.
The cave is very large, Reina is lying not far from the sea, and I don’t know how Yoyo found such a place. It looks more like an underground cave.
” Huh ~ Damn, the body is too injured, and I can only exchange some medicines and food to come out! ” After solving the most basic safety issues, the next thing Reina thought about was his own injury.
Although Yoyo can bring him some food, Reina, who can’t even make a fire now, can’t enjoy the food at all.
Fortunately, he still has the system by his side, from which he can exchange food, water and medicine.
Although the price of medicines is extremely expensive, this is not the time to feel distressed about points.
After drinking some water and eating something, Reina felt that she was really alive.
After a general inspection of his body, there was a huge burn mark on his entire abdomen, which was left to him by Akainu. Some of the penetrating wounds on his body were caused by Kiabou’s laser. As for the wound on his left shoulder, it was blue. Caused by the ice blade of the pheasant.
In addition to these wounds on the surface, his physical strength was severely overdrawn, and his internal organs were also severely injured. If he wanted to fully recover, it would take a long time.
Enduring the heartache, he exchanged some medicines for external use and internal use from the system, and looked at the bottles and jars around him. Although there were not many, it cost him a full 10,000 points, which made him aching.
And according to the time display in his system, his continuous check-in was interrupted again, and he had not checked in for three days, which proved that he had been in a coma for three whole days.
” It seems that I can’t get the five-year continuous check-in gift package! ” Reina shook his head with a wry smile. He didn’t even remember how many times this was interrupted. The five-year continuous check-in gift package was poisonous. , will be interrupted every time.
After taking the medicine, Reina felt tired, so he fell asleep again in a daze.
I don’t know how long it has been, when Reina woke up again, Yoyo was no longer at the edge of the pool, only the flashlight was still working.
Reina felt that her body was better than before. Although she still had no energy to move, overall, the situation was better.
After drinking some water and eating something, Reina began to try to get himself to sit up, but his body did not listen to his orders at all. In addition to the slow movement of his arms, only his head could shake left and right.
After trying for a while, the remaining physical strength was exhausted, and Reina fell asleep again.
In this way, after a week, after spending almost 50,000 points, Reina was finally able to sit up. Although he couldn’t move too violently, he was able to crawl slowly.
After exchanging some wood, Reina built a fire, which finally warmed the damp cave.
” Hey ~~ roar ~~” Yoyo came out of the pool with a large fish in his mouth. When he saw the fire, Yoyo’s eyes glowed with joy, and he hadn’t eaten cooked food for a long time.
” Don’t look at it, I don’t have the strength to make food for you right now. If you don’t dislike it, eat some biscuits? ” Reina naturally understood what Yoo meant, but his current physical condition was not enough to cook food.
Yoyo’s big head stretched out, looked at the biscuits in Reina’s hand, and turned around decisively to eat the fish he just caught.
While Reina was hiding in this unknown cave, the Whitebeard Pirates were also recuperating on Xuanyue Island.
” Dad, Hansen is awake! ” Marco pushed open the door of Whitebeard’s room and shouted loudly inside.
” Oh? It’s really pleasant news, let’s go! ” Whitebeard put down what he was studying and got up and said.
Marko glanced at the white beard curiously. Dad doesn’t usually play with this kind of thing, so why is he playing with it suddenly?
” Usually Rayner does this, but now that he’s not here, I, the captain, have to be responsible for something! ” Whitebeard, who walked to the door, saw Marko’s eyes, and said with a smile.
” Don’t worry, Dad, Reina will be fine! ” Marko lowered his head and said.
” Gu la la la … Don’t think I don’t know, you all have quietly built a grave for him! If that kid knew, he would never let you go! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
It’s just that Marko has seen the tears in the corners of Whitebeard’s eyes.
It has been a week since the war, but there is no news of Reina at all. According to the information from the navy, Reina was hit by Akainu, Kiabou, and Aokiji at the same time while being seriously injured, and then was hit by his partner, the sea king. Backlash was eaten.
Although they believed that it was impossible for Yoyo to eat Reina, they must have wanted to rescue him, but when Reina was hit by the three of Akainu in that state, the chances of surviving were already very small.
This is also the reason why the navy did not continue to pursue Yoo, and they also thought that Rayner would not survive.
” Dad …” Hansen, who was sober, couldn’t help shouting after seeing Whitebeard.
” Okay, it’s fine, let’s talk about it, what’s going on? ” Whitebeard patted Hansen to let him relax.
Hearing Whitebeard’s question, Hansen immediately became angry and told everything that happened that day.
” If it wasn’t for Katakuri of the BIGMOM Pirates to stop me, I would have been killed by Tiki! But although he saved me from Tiki, he didn’t pay much attention to Tiki! They will After stealing all the treasures on Xuanyue Island, they left.
As for Tiki … Seeing that he failed to kill me, and he failed to grab the empty island, he left before the BIGMOM pirates! ” Although Hansen was still very weak, he finished everything in one breath.
” Tiqi …” Whitebeard’s eyes flashed coldly, and he said softly, ” Since I know the truth of the matter … then …”
” Dad, the most important thing now is to find the empty island. With the detection ability of the empty island, whether we are looking for Reina or Tickey, it will be much more convenient! ” Seeing this, Marko immediately stepped forward One step, he said to Whitebeard.
” Phew! I understand, then let’s release the news that we have returned to Xuanyue Island, and show that we are ready to gather our troops! ” Whitebeard took a deep breath and suppressed the momentum on his body, said.
If it wasn’t for Marko who interrupted him just now, he would probably have burst out of his aura.

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