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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Doctor … there is news! ” On the empty island, a member of the escort team ran over excitedly and shouted at Dr. Ah Sière.
After they left from Xuanyue Island, they had been trying to find a way to find the main force of Whitebeard, but they didn’t dare to descend, so they couldn’t get any information.
This day, I finally found a small island near the waters to descend, and sent people to the island to collect information.
” Tell me, what’s the situation now? ” Dr. Ahsie asked weakly while lying on the bed.
” According to the news on the island, Dad has returned to Xuanyue Island, but it seems that the loss is serious, and many companions have sacrificed, even … even … Reina …” The guards said hesitantly.
” What? Reina … Has the news been confirmed? Is it true? ” Dr. Sier struggled to sit up and asked anxiously.
” Everyone said this, we have no way to confirm whether it is true or not! In addition … we seem to have become everyone’s target, and everyone knows that our Whitebeard Pirates own an empty island! I guess this The news should be released on purpose by Titch! So it is enough to prove that Titch is fine …”
” Titch is fine … that means Hansen he …”
” Okay, now is not the time to be sad, Blake, let the sky island lift off immediately, judging from the news just now, we are the most dangerous now, since we have been exposed, before returning to Xuanyue Island, we must not be People found out, otherwise it would be really dangerous! ”
” Okay, Doctor, I’ll arrange it right away! ” Blake, who was standing beside him, nodded and replied.
Now he has taken over the orientation work on the empty island to replace Hansen’s existence.
But they didn’t know that just as they were ascending, they were discovered by a passing pirate ship, so the sky island was confirmed and the world went crazy.
Fortunately, there is enough fuel in the empty island, and there is no need to descend to replenish it. Otherwise, once it descends, it is likely that there will be no chance to rise again.
At the same time, the Whitebeard Pirates also received news that the sky island had descended on Xuanyue Island, so Marco hurriedly took his first team to the place where the sky island appeared.
” Captain Marko, the sky island seems to have attracted everyone’s peeps! ” Along the way, Marko and the others didn’t know how many rumors they heard about the sky island. In fact, they wanted to tell others that the sky island really didn’t have them. As imagined, it is so powerful, it is just a flying island.
But they also knew that even if Whitebeard came out in person to refute the rumors, those guys who had been fascinated by Sky Island would not believe the truth.
” So we must find them as soon as possible now, otherwise it will be troublesome if Titch finds them first! ” Marko nodded and said.
The players nodded and agreed with Marko’s words.
” Captain, what are we going to do now? There’s no need to keep going that way! ”
” Let’s go back and raise the flag when the time comes. The investigators on the island will take the initiative to contact us when they see it! ” Marko said after thinking about it.
When they came out this time, except when they were sailing, they did not fly the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, in order to reduce trouble and find the empty island as soon as possible.
Just when they were about to go to the port to continue their sailing, there was a sudden commotion at the port. It turned out that two pirate groups with hatred happened to meet here, so they fought at the port and blocked the road directly.
” At this time … Forget it, let’s go around! ” Marco frowned and said softly.
” Bang! ” As soon as Marco and the others went around, one of the pirate captains was knocked away by the other and landed right in front of them.
The pirate leader in the end, after seeing Marco and others, immediately got up from the ground and hid behind them.
After the attacking pirates looked at each other, they rushed towards Marco.
Marko and others were very speechless. They had already let these people in, but they were still involved.
” Wait … We are just passing by and don’t want to be involved in your dispute! ” Marco raised his hand, stopped the opponent’s attack, and shouted.
” Kill! ” The pirates on the attacking side hesitated for a while, and then ignored Marko’s words, and instead attacked them together.
” Hmph ~ It’s really courting death! ” The first combat team, which had been suffocating because of the battle with the navy, saw that the other party actually attacked them, so they directly counterattacked without saying a word.
” Boom bang bang …” In less than ten minutes, all the pirates were brought down.
The fighting power displayed by Marko and others shocked everyone. The pirate captain who ran behind them and hid before looked at Marko and the others who were leaving, but he didn’t want to say anything. No mouth.
” Wait … look, that’s … that’s … that’s the flag of the Whitebeard Bandit! ”
” My God … Are those people just now from the Whitebeard Pirates? Sure enough … the world’s No. 1 Pirates didn’t deserve their reputation! ”
” Hmph ~ who said just now that the Whitebeard Pirates who lost to the navy were nothing more than that? ”
” Don’t … don’t talk nonsense, I never said that! ”
The people in the port opened their mouths in surprise when they saw the pirate flag that was raised after Marco and the others returned to the ship.
Before the Whitebeard Pirates were advancing the city’s defeat in the hands of the navy, the momentum of the Whitebeard Pirates plummeted, but Marco and others used their strength to tell them what the strongest Pirates are.
It’s not without reason that the Whitebeard Pirates are rampant in the New World.
And what happened in the outside world, Reina naturally didn’t know, he was still concentrating on recuperating.
When his body could move a little, Reina stripped himself naked for the first time, and then ran to the pool to take a bath. The sour smell on his body made him a little unbearable.
I didn’t know how Yoyo took care of him before. He was covered in sticky mucus all over his body. When he woke up, the mucus was already dry, and it was very uncomfortable to stick to his body, and it exuded a smell. A rancid smell.
But when I first woke up, my body didn’t feel much, so it didn’t matter. Now as the injury slowly improved, Reina couldn’t take it anymore, so he went to take a bath in the pool for the first time.
” Well … this is … seawater? ” After a little taste, he found that the water in the pool was actually salty seawater, which made Reina extremely surprised and even more confused about where he was. .
After soaking himself a little, Reina returned to the shore with difficulty. At this time, he couldn’t do some major movements, so just taking a shower, his forehead was covered with fine sweat.
” Huh ~ Where did this Yoyo go? There’s no one to talk to, I’m really bored! ” Leaning on a big rock slowly, Reina said to himself with a wry smile.
When he first met Olga, that guy often talked to himself, and no matter what he thought in his heart, he would say it out loud, regardless of whether it would be heard or not.
Reina had been laughing at her for a long time at the beginning, but now that she is alone, she finally understands Olga’s original mood, that no matter what you say, no one will hear it, so slowly form this habit.
You must know that Olga is in the stomach of the lantern fish, but after more than a hundred years, Reina feels terrible when she thinks about it.
A week later, Reina can finally move freely.
” Spirituality · Hard Shell! ”
” Boom! ”
When Reina could move freely, he channeled the hard shell for the first time.
Although he can walk on his own now, if he continues to go deeper into the cave, he feels a little risky, and it may be better to let the hard shell take him out of the water hole directly.
He had communicated with Yoyo for a long time. At the beginning, Yoyo came from the pool and threw him directly on the shore. He knew that humans needed air and could not stay in the water all the time, so he brought Reina here. Here is him Inadvertently billed to a place where Reyna is perfectly safe.
” Well ~ I’m finally going out! Let’s go, Hardshell, I’ll leave it to you next, follow Yoyo! ” Reina patted Hardshell’s head and said with a smile.
Hardshell heard Reina’s words, and his body began to slowly sink into the pool, and Reina also closed the protective cover. Although there would be no fresh air inside after closing, Reina thought that There was enough air in the protective cover to get him out of here.
Because Yoyo told him that it wouldn’t take long to go out.
Back on the long-lost hard shell, Reina first checked the materials in the house. Because he didn’t know when he needed to sail, there were not many materials stored in the house on the hard shell.
After checking the entire area on the back of the hard shell, and finding no problems, Reina came to the front yard, and through the transparent protective cover, he could see the sea outside.
Sure enough, as Yoyo said, the time to come out from the inside is very fast, even if the speed of the hard shell is not as good as that of Yoyo, it only took ten minutes for Reina to see the sun on the sea.
” It’s finally out … ! ” When the hard shell floated to the surface, Reina had a feeling of being reincarnated.
Breathing the fresh air, Reina’s mood has also become a lot sunny.
” This is … a windless zone? ” After looking around carefully, Reina realized that he was in the windless zone, and behind him was a small island, or it could not be regarded as an island. , but a huge rock.
” I was there just now! ” Reina said with a smile, touching her chin.
The inside of this big rock has become a cave-like existence, and there is also a passage at the bottom of it, which is the one he walked just now.
” It’s a really good place, come back when I have time! Now … I have to go back and see! The Navy … This account, we will calculate it later! ” Reina chuckled and patted the hard-shelled head, letting the It slid away.
The main reason is that the property of getting lost in the hard shell is too powerful, so Reina really didn’t dare to let the hard shell lead the way when he didn’t know his position, otherwise it might be able to bring Reina back to the push city.
However, with Yoyo leading the way, Reina felt more at ease. After tidying up the room, he began to rest.
His physical condition does not allow him to go to work, and he has been interrupted for so many days of continuous sign-in, so he is not in a hurry at this time.

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