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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Huh? Where is this? ” When Reina woke up, she found that the hard shell had stopped. Looking at the sky outside, it should be late at night.
When he walked out of the room and came to the front yard, Reina found a small island not far ahead, which should be where Yoyo made the hard shell stop.
Now Reina’s health is not good, and it is dangerous to approach the island rashly, so Reina must decide whether to land on the island or not.
” Huh? This is … Nine Snakes? ” When Reina let Hard Shell come to the front of the island, he finally saw the whole picture of the island. The two big words on the front made him instantly recognize it was where.
” The words of the nine snakes … I don’t know who is the emperor now? The empress should not have returned to the nine snakes yet! Speaking of this … Tiger’s side doesn’t know when to act! ” Reina touched his chin and looked Looking at the Nine Snake Island in front of me, I was considering whether to go to the island.
He is currently lacking navigational supplies. Although he can exchange points for it, it always makes him feel very uneconomical, especially when he has no income recently, he is even more reluctant to exchange it.
” Forget it, try to communicate first! If it doesn’t work, just leave! ” Feeling distressed about the points, Reina still made the decision to approach the Nine Snakes.
” Hey … Is there anyone? ” Reina shouted inside the hard shell to the port of Nine Snake Island.
” Who? ” Just when Reina’s words fell, a few more torches suddenly appeared on the closed port, illuminating the surroundings. Several female warriors of the Nine Snakes stood on the defensive measures above the port. asked Reina.
“I passed by here and found that there is a small island here. I want to buy some nautical supplies. I don’t know if I can? ” Reina didn’t go forward, but asked with a smile.
Not to mention that these Nine Snake Warriors have domineering presence, and now even the ordinary Renner can’t beat them.
” Men? Hurry up, this is the daughter country Amazon Lily ! Men are not welcome here, if you are discovered by us, you will be killed! ” A female warrior said quickly after seeing Reina.
” Uh … that … this is the daughter country, Amazon Lily ? So you are the female fighting nation of nine snakes? I know you don’t want to see men, I don’t want to go in, I just want to buy some sailing supplies! I’m running out of fresh water and food. So let me sail to the next island! ” Reina pretended to be surprised.
Seeing that the female warriors above seemed to be discussing something, Reina finally breathed a sigh of relief.
It’s good to talk about it. What he is most afraid of is that the other party ignores him and drives him away. If he can’t do it, he really has nothing to do.
” You wait here, we’ll get some supplies to exchange with you, don’t make a statement, or if someone finds out, you will be executed! ” Soon, the female warrior above seemed to have discussed the results, facing Reina said.
” Thank you so much! ” Reina said, bowing and saluting.
After a while, the Nine Snake Warrior who had left returned, with a large burden on his back.
” Here, there is some fresh water and food in here, which should be enough to support you to the next island! But this is a windless zone. If you want to leave, I’m afraid it will be difficult ! ” Throw it to Reina and said.
” Thank you … it doesn’t matter, I’m not on a boat, this is my partner, a hard tortoise! ” Reina was embarrassed to continue to hide it from the other party after receiving the gift from the other party, so he patted the hard shell of the tortoise shell. , let the hard shell rise a little.
When the hard shell rose from the sea, several Nine Snake Warriors were taken aback.
” It’s such a big tortoise, is he your partner? I thought it was a ship! ” a nine snake warrior exclaimed.
“That ‘s right! It’s my partner. It’s just a hard shell. Everything is fine, but it keeps getting lost. It just happened that I didn’t have enough supplies this time, so I just came here, so I had to come and ask to buy some supplies! ” Reina laughed said.
I haven’t chatted with anyone for a long time, so after Reina got the things, he didn’t leave in a hurry, but chatted with several nine snake warriors.
” Hee hee hee … You are really interesting, by the way! Why didn’t you leave? ” After chatting for a while, the nine snake warrior named Moriarty asked Reina with a smile.
” I’ve been sailing alone for more than two weeks, and no one can chat with me, so I can’t help chatting when I meet everyone. I’m really sorry. If I offend you, I’ll leave immediately! ” Reina said, and got up to leave. .
He really didn’t plan to go to Amazon Lily . Although it was called a man’s paradise, it was the legendary country of daughters, but Reina wasn’t very interested.
” Are you leaving? ” Another Nine-Snake Warrior Olinka asked with regret when she saw Reina was about to leave.
She was a little reluctant to leave Reina. The outside world Reina told them just now made them yearn very much, but Amazon Lily where they were located was not a closed country, but because it was located in a windless zone, it was very Difficult to get in and out.
Here is a kind of protection for them and a kind of blockade for them.
” Hehehe … Are you yearning for the outside world? Then you can go to sea by yourself! With the strength of your Nine Snake Fighting Nation, as long as you find a certain number of warriors, then you can also go to sea! ” Reina smiled. said.
” Presumptuous! You bad man, you actually want to lure our Nine Snakes soldiers to go out to sea! Say … Do you want to capture them? ” At this moment, a slightly old voice suddenly sounded.
” Lord Glorioza! ” The Nine Snake Warriors who had just chatted with Reina quite happily, immediately bowed and saluted slightly panicked.
Originally, Reina didn’t know who the other party was, but after hearing Moriarty and the others’ names, Reina knew that the person who came was the former king of nine snakes who was later become the mother-in-law by the female emperor Hancock. , Now that the empress has not yet succeeded, she is still the previous king.
” Sorry, if my remarks misunderstood you, I’m here to apologize! ” Reina bowed first, and then said:
” I didn’t mean to deceive them, and I didn’t want them to go to sea with me. I just came here by accident! But I can feel their yearning for the outside world, so I suggest that they form a group by themselves, and then go to sea, like this It’s more secure! ”
” Who the hell are you? ” Glorious slowly walked to the edge of the defensive port and asked.
None of the people she brought had torches in their hands, and the port side was illuminated even more clearly, and the figures of Reina and the hard shell were finally fully seen by them.
” I’m just a passerby. I got lost because of bad luck, so I wanted to come and buy some supplies! I happened to meet a few of them, and we were lucky , so we just chatted for a while! I didn’t enter your Amazon Lily. Within the sphere of influence! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Judging from your conversation, it’s not a simple passerby! Don’t you even want to reveal her name? ” Although Glorious is short, in Reina’s view, he is quite intelligent.
” It’s not that I don’t want to, but I think it’s a little inappropriate. If your Excellency must know, I can tell you! ” Reina said calmly.
This time, it was Glorioza’s turn to hesitate. From Reina’s words, she could feel that if she knew Reina’s name, they seemed to be involved in certain events.
” Are you a wanted criminal? Is it inconvenient to say your name? It doesn’t matter, this is Amazon Lily ! Not even the navy dares to come here! ” Olinka asked curiously when she heard Reina’s words.
” Well ~ I’m considered a wanted criminal! I’m a pirate, and I’ve also been offered a bounty! ” After thinking about it, Reina nodded and said.
” Okay, let’s go! Don’t say any more, and leave Amazon Lily’s sphere of influence now ! ” Seeing that Reina seemed to be planning to say his name, Gloriosa immediately changed her face and said loudly .
Although she didn’t recognize who Reina was, but the other party said so, so she thought it was better not to know.
Unlike ordinary Nine Snakes, Glorious knows that the windless belt is not an insurmountable natural danger for the navy. If the navy really wants to attack them, they cannot resist.
You know, even the Whitebeard Pirates, known as the world’s number one, have recently been defeated by the Navy!
Because of the geographical relationship, it is difficult for them to have newspapers here, so it is difficult to obtain news. She only learned about the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy today, and the rest of the Nine Snake Warriors still don’t know about it. thing.
” I am deeply grateful to you for your help today. If I meet you in the future, no matter what you need, as long as I can do it, I will do my best! ” Reina waved at the few Nine Snake Warriors he had just met and said.
” Hee hee hee … bye … Be careful when sailing! ” The most lively Olinka waved at Reina and replied with a smile.
” Put your hand down, it’s me today, if anyone finds out, none of you will be able to escape! ” Glorioza tapped Olinka with the snake stick in her hand, and said solemnly.
” Yes, I see, Lord Glorioza! ” Several people looked at each other and nodded their heads in acknowledgment.
” It’s good to know! ” Seeing this, Glorioza glanced at the place where Reina left, and turned back thoughtfully.
In fact, she had already followed Moriarty when she went back to get the supplies, but she didn’t seem to have any bad intentions when she saw Reina, so she kept taking people to hide and didn’t come out.
I also heard Reina beguiling a few girls to go to sea just now, so she stood up, otherwise she might not come out to meet Reina.
” Hee hee hee … You said, is what that person said just now true? Is the outside world really that wonderful? ” After Gloria left, Olinka said to her companion with a smile.
” It should be true! Didn’t you listen to him just now? He seems to be a pirate! ” Moriarty said after thinking about it.
” Pirates … You said, how about we form a pirate group in the future? It’s called the Nine Snake Pirates! ” Olinka said with a little longing.

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