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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After confirming what happened to Titch, Reina discussed with everyone the future discoveries of the Whitebeard Pirates. The current scale of the Whitebeard Pirates is almost the same as the future peak period in the original book. Of course, only Speaking of the size of the headquarters, it does not count the pirates who are under the command of the Whitebeard Pirates.
These are all changes brought by Reina, and he also knows that the scale of the Whitebeard Pirates will only get bigger and bigger, and there will be more Pirates joining them in the future.
So with regard to future discoveries, Rayner felt that he needed to set a tone.
However, Whitebeard felt that it was unnecessary, and it was enough to live freely on the sea, so Reina’s original plan could only be aborted. Who let Whitebeard be the captain!
After the incident was over, Reina began to prepare the materials for the voyage. There is no news from Tiki yet, but he has asked all the forces under the Whitebeard Pirates. Anyone who has news about Tiki will immediately notify. he.
” Brother Rayner! ” Just as he came out of the conference room, Rayner saw Tiger of the murloc family.
” You are … going back? Why don’t you stay for a few days? ” Even Whitebeard was very happy that the murlocs came to support them, at least it proved that humans and murlocs can be friends of.
” No, Fishman Island still has things to do, and …” Tiger hesitated for a while and didn’t continue.
” Are you going to do it? ” Reina immediately knew what Tiger wanted to say.
Tiger nodded and said: ” If there is no matter here, I should have already started! So I plan to go back to Fishman Island and implement our plan with King Neptune! ”
After thinking about it, Reina nodded and said, ” Okay, in that case, I’ll accompany you for a trip! ”
” No, there are a lot of things on your side, especially if you have just experienced the war, it’s better to rest for a while! ” Tiger shook his head and said.
” Hahaha … This time, you fishman island is not far away to come to support, I have to help you no matter what! You wait, after I tell my big brother about this, let’s go! ” Reina smiled and posed . He waved his hand and said.
After Whitebeard learned about this, he did not agree as easily as Reina imagined, but said to Reina: ” Mary Joa is the base camp of the Tianlong people, there are many strong people, and it is also very close to the naval headquarters. Near, if you go … it ‘s too dangerous! ”
” Don’t worry, eldest brother, I guarantee that it will be foolproof this time! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Huh? What guarantee do you take? ” Whitebeard asked with a frown.
Reina pointed to his eyes and said, ” I saw the end of this incident when I first saw Tiger! ”
” If that’s the case, then decide for yourself! ” Whitebeard said no more after hearing this.
” Well, I want to go to Fishman Island first to help Tiger complete this matter. They came from Fishman Island to support us this time. This favor is worth paying back, and I guess Titch may have gone to the first half of the great route. , because in the new world he is too easy to be discovered by us, only by staying away from us can we ensure our own safety! ” Reina nodded and said with a smile.
” If possible, leave him alive and bring him back, I still have something to ask him! ” Whitebeard said slightly.
” What do you want to ask, eldest brother? ”
” He’s something special …”
Whitebeard didn’t say anything in detail, and Reina couldn’t keep asking, but from Whitebeard’s words, he finally knew why Whitebeard insisted on letting Titch on board.
Because he will pay special attention to anyone who makes him rush to special people, such as Roger at the beginning, Oden later, and … Reina!
After leaving from Whitebeard, Reina took Hansen and Tiger all the way to Fishman Island. After arriving at Fishman Island, Reina and Hansen left in secret.
Soon after, there was a big incident on Fishman Island. The famous fisherman Island explorer Fisher Tiger attempted to subvert the royal family of Fishman Island, and was expelled from Fishman Island by King Neptune, refusing to admit it. His identity as a resident of Fishman Island.
” Okay, it seems that the matter has been done, just wait for him to come over! ” Reina said with a smile while holding the newspaper, looking at the report on it.
” I still think it’s too dangerous for you to do this. The future you see can be changed. If something happens that you don’t know about, it will be bad! ” Hansen said with a little worry.
” Don’t worry! It’ll be alright! You are waiting here to meet us! ” Reina patted Hansen’s shoulder with a smile and said.
But after two days of waiting, they still hadn’t seen Tiger, which made Reina feel a little strange.
” He came from Fishman Island, it shouldn’t take so long! Did something happen? ”
” Look! I said it, when you saw this future, it was already many years ago, and there may be some changes in the middle! ”
Hansen was very worried about this unexpected thing.
” No, this kind of thing shouldn’t go wrong! ” Reina shook his head and fell into deep thought.
After a while, Reina raised his head and looked at the red earth continent not far in front of him. This red earth continent composed of red stones could not be seen from where he was.
” That idiot …” Reina used the color of knowledge, and had already noticed that there was a life energy on the red soil continent climbing towards it.
” Hansen, wait for me here, I’ll go first! ” After finding Tiger, Reina jumped off the hard-shelled back and led him towards the red soil continent by Yoyo.
” Tiger! ” When Rayner came to the edge of the red soil continent, he saw Tiger who had already climbed a long distance.
” Reina, you are waiting for me here, it’s too dangerous up there, don’t go up with me! ” Tiger, who was climbing, waved at Reina and shouted loudly.
Reina ignored him, but jumped up and began to climb the red soil continent like Tiger.
This is what they had discussed a long time ago. Originally, Reina planned to use the ice wings after the release of the ice wheel Maru Swastika to fly up, but in that case, the movement would be too loud and it would be easy for people to notice, so climbing like this is the only way. Safest way.
When Reina caught up with Tiger, Tiger said helplessly: ” Why are you catching up? I cut off relations with Fishman Island, but why did you pull the Whitebeard Pirates into the water? ”
” Humph! The last time the Navy happened, I just used this to hit them back, so you don’t have to worry about this kind of thing! ” Reina snorted coldly and said with a smile.
” Thanks! ” Why didn’t Tiger know that this was what Rayner said on purpose? It was precisely because he knew that he secretly came here alone, but Reina saw through it.
” Come on, let’s make a mess! ” Reina said with a grin.
Not long after, when Reina and Tiger climbed up from the red soil continent, it was completely different from the heavily guarded appearance they imagined. It was a forest without even a person.
Reina carefully checked and found no means of monitoring, which means that there is no means of defense at all.
Tiger and Reina looked at each other, and both saw surprises in each other’s eyes.
” Although I knew this trip would be smooth, I didn’t expect it to be so smooth. I knew I would fly up with you! Why bother climbing so hard! ” Reina said with a wry smile.
” Let’s go! I know where the slaves are kept! Let’s go save them first! ” Tiger nodded and said.
” Okay, I’ll follow you! ” Reina nodded and said.
So the two of them walked along the forest towards the castle where the Tianlong people lived, but there was an open space between the castle and the forest, and they would definitely be found when they went out like this.
” What now? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” Nothing to do, look at me! ” Tiger smiled, he was already prepared.
I saw Tiger take out some clothes from the baggage behind him and put them on by himself, and then said to Reina: ” You wait here, I’ll find a way to get you a set of guard armor! ”
Watching Tiger dress up as a slave, Reina gave a thumbs up and said, ” It’s really yours! ”
In this way, after dressing himself as a slave, Tiger walked out generously, found a guard after a while, and pointed to the woods and said something.
Soon, the guard followed Tiger and walked towards the woods. Reina quickly hid himself. After the two entered the woods, he suddenly appeared and knocked the guards unconscious.
” Let’s go! ” After removing the stripped guards and burying the body, Reina pretended to be a guard and was led by Tiger to the place where the slaves lived.
As expected, no guards asked any more questions along the way. After the two of them came to the place where the slaves were being held, Reina said to the guard, ” This is a newcomer, so let’s just go in! ”
The guard of the guard nodded and said, ” Which adult’s toy is this? ”
The guard’s questioning made Tiger nervous. Now that the door has not been opened, they must wait until the door is opened.
But the name of the Tianlong people, Reina, should not be known. If it is wrong, then they will definitely be exposed.
” This is Saint Charles Rose’s new toy, don’t break it! ” Reina said expressionlessly.
This is the Tianlong man who was knocked out by Luffy in the Chambord Archipelago in his memory. He doesn’t know if this person is born now. Anyway, he only remembers this, and this guy seems to have a sister.
” Saint Charles Rose? ” Sure enough, after the guard heard it, he looked at Reina with some doubts.
” This is what Charles Saint’s father prepared for him, don’t ask more! ” Reina said quickly.
” Oh ~ oh ~ the son of Saint Roswald, right? I know! ” The guard nodded and said, ” Then I will detain him in Saint Roswald’s place! ”
Reina nodded and waited for the guard to open the door.
” Bang! ” At the moment when the guard opened the door, Reina walked over and punched him in the stomach, then pretended to hug him, and walked in with him. Another guard was blocked by his companions. So I didn’t see Reina’s actions. After Reina entered, he easily solved the opponent.
Tiger nodded at Reina, took the key from the guard, and rushed into the cell.
The two split up and soon freed up all their efforts.
” Tiger, what are you going to do now? ” Reina said softly, bringing the slaves to the door of the prison.
” You take them away, I’m going to set fire behind! ” Tiger said directly without thinking.
” No, until the fire starts, I can’t escape with them! They have to wait until the fire starts before they can escape! So, all the efforts will work with us, set fire everywhere, and then we will gather at the gate, It’s up to me to open the way, as for whether you can go out or not, it depends on your luck! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
The current situation is a little different from what they imagined, mainly because they didn’t expect it to be so smooth, so they don’t know what to do.

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