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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Everyone, everyone has seen the current situation. I can indeed take you directly to the main entrance to break through, but you yourself know how much the success rate is! Therefore, we can only leave safely after causing a commotion, because those Tianlong People care more about their lives! ” Rayner said to the slaves behind him.
All the slaves nodded when they listened to Reina’s words. They knew better than Reina how afraid of death the dragon people were.
” Okay, since that’s the case, then Tiger, you are in the front, and I’ll come to the rear! ” Reina nodded to Tiger who was on the side and said.
” I’ll come to the rear of the palace! ” Tiger shook his head and said.
” Don’t talk nonsense, now is the time to talk about this, I don’t know the way here, well, that’s it! Friends of the murlocs, follow behind Tiger, if you encounter resistance, you can kill each other, don’t Soft hands! ” Reina patted Tiger’s shoulder and said directly.
When Tiger saw this, he had to do as Reina said, while Reina waited until the slaves were gone, and set the prison on fire first.
Just now, he had seen the future three sisters of the Empress in the crowd, but he did not take any special care of the three of them. The main purpose now is to escape first, otherwise everything will be empty talk.
Maybe Fisher Tiger is really the chosen person to do this . Although they had some battles along the way, they were all ordinary guards, not to mention the admiral-level powerhouses, even decent ones. The strong did not appear.
As a result, after they set fire everywhere, Mary Joa was in complete chaos. Just as Reina expected, the Tianlong people, who were afraid of death, mobilized the guards to protect them, and let the slaves move outside.
Seeing that he had successfully caused a commotion, Reina asked Tiger to take the slaves and start to flee outside, where Hansen and some murlocs were waiting.
” Hurry up, hurry up! Mary Joa is attacked, the Navy will definitely come to support immediately, we must escape before the Admiral arrives, otherwise it will be really troublesome! ” Reina shouted while running. .
” Sister! ” At this moment, the youngest of the three sisters of the Empress , Boya Marigold suddenly fell to the ground and cried out in pain.
Hancock and his second sister Sundar Sonia stopped immediately, turned and ran towards the third sister.
” Do you still want to run at this time, are you courting death? ” Reina, who was at the back of the palace, mentioned Marie Goruder and said to the Hancock sisters.
” That’s my sister, I can’t abandon her! ” Hancock replied without any fear.
” Okay, let’s go, your sister will be protected by me, there will be no problem! ” Reina nodded, put Marigold on his back, and started running away with her on his back.
Hancock and Sandasonia also hurried to keep up with Reina.
Soon, Tiger rushed to the gate with the slaves, but there were many guards here, and they had already fought with Tiger and the slaves!
” Come on, you all go first, leave it to me here! ” Reina handed over Marie Groud on his back to Tiger, and asked him to take him away first, while he took out the ice wheel pill from his waist and unfolded it directly. massacre.
Yes, these ordinary guards were very difficult opponents to defeat in the eyes of those slaves, but in Reina’s hands, they were just little minions.
With Reina’s participation, the battle became easier. Tiger escaped with the slaves while letting Reina follow. This was what he should have done, but now Reina took the lead.
” Uncle Fishman, he’ll be fine. You see, those guards are not his opponents! ” Hancock, who was following Tiger, pointed at Reina and said.
” I know he’s very powerful, but here is Mary Joa … If he is surrounded, even he is at risk of dying! ” Tiger nodded and said, ” Okay, let’s go! Don’t be a drag. Him! ”
As he said that, he took the three Hancock sisters and hurried to the predetermined place to escape.
When all the slaves were almost gone, the corner of Reina’s mouth twitched slightly. He had already seen the assembled navy. Sure enough, Akainu led the team, and Garp was not in it.
” Hahaha … I’ll teach you a lesson today! A single blow, frozen for a thousand miles! ” Reina slashed towards Qomalia’s gate, and the slash with the aura of ice directly slashed at Qiaoma Leah’s gate.
” Boom ~~~”
” Crack and wipe …”
The door was instantly smashed by Reina, and the surrounding Jomalia guards were all frozen.
Looking at the three Akainu who came quickly, Reina turned and ran away.
” Quick, catch up! ” Akainu’s face darkened, and he was about to chase after him, but was stopped by Jomalia’s people.
In their opinion, escaping a little slave is not a big deal, as long as the Tianlong people are not injured.
Not long after Reina left, the Five Old Stars, the highest authority of the world government living in Jomalia , were all present. After asking what happened, they looked at Akainu and asked, ” Where is the Warring States Marshal? ”
” Marshal is in Marin Vando! ” Akainu replied with a cigar in his mouth.
” Very good, I will personally ask Warring States about this matter! ” A five old star wearing a dark red suit, no bow tie, golden hair, golden beard, and a scar on his chest said gloomily.
None of them would have imagined that someone would dare to make trouble in Mary Joa and have successfully rescued so many slaves. This is simply a slap in the face of their world government.
But after they inquired, they found that the person holding the sword was probably the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, the great pirate Chitong Reina.
You must know that pirates generally do not take the initiative to attack the world government and the navy, so they suspect that this incident has something to do with the navy’s calculation of the Whitebeard Pirates.
In their opinion, the words that Reina left before leaving were simply a declaration of revenge.
” Whatever you want! ” Akainu sneered and turned to leave.
In his opinion, the mere Reina alone and a murloc turned Qiaomalia upside down. The Tianlong people are really stupid, and the people of the World Government are also trash, and they are completely incomparable with their navy. .
Aokiji and Kizaru didn’t even speak, so they left.
On the other hand, after all the slaves had boarded the boat, Tiger did not ask to start the boat immediately, but hurriedly drove in the direction of Jomalia.
” Brother Tiger, why don’t you go first? ” a fish-man came over and asked.
” Wait … Reina hasn’t come yet! ” Tiger shook his head and said.
” But if we wait any longer …” The murloc’s words were very obvious. If they continued to wait, they might not be able to escape once they were chasing troops.
” In this way, you leave the boat first, and I’ll be waiting for Reina here! ” Tiger said after thinking about it.
” Then how can it be possible? Brother Tiger, let’s go with us! Chi Tong is so powerful, it will definitely be fine! ”
” That’s right, Big Brother Tai, let’s go first! ”
The words of his compatriots made Tiger a little embarrassed. He looked at Hansen, who just snorted and didn’t speak. Tiger knew that several of his compatriots had made the other party a little dissatisfied.
Originally, Reina could not use such a dangerous thing, but because he was worried about his own comfort, his good brother Reina insisted on coming. How could he leave Reina and go first?
” Okay, needless to say, you take them away first, I’ll stay and wait for Reina! ” Tiger shook his head and said firmly.
” We stay too! ” At this time, the three Hancock sisters also stood up and said, ” We were rescued by him, and we are safe if we don’t see him. We are not at ease! ”
” Okay! There are finally a few people with backbone. Although they are girls, they also make me admire! Come here, don’t worry, Reina will be fine! Where do you live? I’ll take you back then! ” Hansen on the side heard the words of the three Hancock sisters and immediately said loudly.
The three Hancock sisters didn’t know Hansen, so Qiqi looked up at Tiger. They knew that Tiger and Rayner were together, and they were their benefactors.
Tiger smiled and nodded to the three of them, and said, ” This man is Rayner’s companion. You can follow him, they will not harm you! ”
So the three of Hancock got off the boat and came directly to the back of the hard shell.
” Sister … this … this doesn’t seem to be a ship! ” After the old and young Marie Gorod boarded the back of the hard shell, he whispered to the eldest sister Hancock.
Hansen glanced at the three sisters with a smile and said, ” It is indeed not an ordinary ship. This is Reina’s partner, named Hardshell! Hardshell, say hello to the guests! ”
As Hansen’s words fell, the entire ” hull ” actually rose slowly, a huge turtle head stuck out at the bow, looked back at the three sisters Hansen and Hancock, and then slowly turned go back.
” U … turtle! Sister! What a big turtle! ”
The second sister Sundar Sonia and the youngest Mary Groud hugged nervously. Only Hancock held on tight and said calmly, ” Isn’t it a turtle? What’s there to be afraid of? ”
” Don’t worry, the hard shell is very docile, it won’t take the initiative to attack others! ” Hansen said with a smile.
When they were chatting here, Tiger had already disembarked from the rescue boat and asked his fellow murlocs to drive the rescue boat away first. He planned to return to Mary Joa to see why Reina had not come at this time.
They didn’t know that Reina was not far from them at this time, but there was someone in front of him blocking his way.
“I didn’t expect Your Excellency Garp to become the lackey of the Tianlong people! It’s really shocking! ” Reina said to Garp in front of him with a smile.
” I’m not here to help those rubbish wipe their butts, I’m here because I have something to look for you! ” Karp said solemnly.
” Really? I thought we had nothing to say except fighting! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” What happened to Olvia back then …”
” Shut up! Karp, I have always respected you, even if you arrested me in the West Sea, it was you who brought Olvia from the West Sea to the city, but I know it’s not your fault! So back then Don’t mention it again, otherwise … today is here, we will share life and death! ” Before Karp could speak, the furious Reina interrupted him directly.
Facing the furious Rayner, Karp was silent for a while, and said, ” Magellan has been transferred to the Admiralty, and you don’t need to go to the city in the future! ”
” Hmph, what about the Admiralty? What if it’s Marijoya? He can’t escape! Let him wash his neck and wait, I’ll kill him sooner or later! ” Lena was still sensible, not talking about Olvia. Reina becomes irritable whenever she talks about Olivia.
After Karp said what he wanted to say, he looked at Reina, who was still a little irritable, and left directly. He had no interest in fighting Reina here.
And Reina looked at Garp who was leaving, and he was a little confused. Did the other party just tell him the news when he came over? This kind of thing, as long as the Navy publishes the newspaper, he will naturally know, there is no need for a character like Karp to go there in person, right?

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