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Looking at the pirates standing in front of him, Reina was a little surprised, and a little bit taken for granted.
” Did you make that cake today? ” Long Bread asked, looking at Reina, who was sitting on the floor.
That’s right, Longbread is a dwarf, even though Reina is only a teenager at this time, but the height of the scene is about the same as Reina sitting on the floor.
Reina nodded and said, ” Yes, the simple method of making cakes is not worth mentioning compared to the chef! ”
This is not Reina complimenting the other party, but the long bread as a chef is indeed much stronger than Reina, not to mention the other party’s ability to turn anything into food, which is indeed the most suitable ability for chefs.
And he dared to say that the cake was made by himself, that is, he found this kind of cake in the system’s mall, and even in addition to the one he exchanged during the day, there are many styles, because it is just ordinary food, so All points redeemed only need ten points.
” Very well, since you can make it, then when Lingling needs it, I hope you can cooperate with me to make it! Of course, as long as you don’t cause trouble, and Lingling and I take care of you, no one will attack you! ” After confirming the answer he wanted, he nodded in satisfaction and said.
” Okay, thank you Chef! ” Reina said with a quiet sigh of relief.
With Charlotte Lingling taking care of him, ordinary crew members won’t bother him anymore.
When the long bread left, the banquet on the deck finally came to an end, so Rayner, the handyman, began his work, cleaning the deck that was messed up by the crew.
After a long day of work, Reina heard the wonderful sound of the system again:
” Di … Check in for the second day in a row … Today’s wages are being settled …”
” You get base salary: 20 points ”
” Overtime pay: 10 points ”
After the voice ended, Reina was a little surprised. Today, he actually got 30 points. The basic salary has changed from 10 points yesterday to 20 points. The overtime pay was given to food exchange coupons yesterday, and today is the points.
Now he has a total of 40 points. Although he still can’t buy anything, continuous sign-in can actually increase his basic salary. In this way, it may not take long for him to become stronger.
On the morning of the third day, after Reina finished his work, he hid in the stern to exercise according to the records he had obtained in the elementary gymnastics. He found that although it was only elementary gymnastics, his proficiency increased very slowly.
Although he can only exercise quietly when he is not working, he spends a lot of time on it every day. As a result, his proficiency can basically only maintain a growth rate of a little a day, and even sometimes if the exercise effect is not good, a It doesn’t increase a bit throughout the day.
However, the growth of primary physical skills is also very obvious for the growth of combat power. So far, basically a little proficiency can increase a little combat power. According to this ratio, when his proficiency is complete, then he The combat power is also broken.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … boy, what are you doing? Are you exercising? ” Just as Reina was training himself, a familiar voice sounded.
” It turned out to be Mr. Shikey, what’s the matter? ” Reina raised his head and found the golden lion Shiji sitting on a high place, looking at him playfully.
” What? I can’t come here if it’s all right? ” Skye said, squinting at Rayner.
” Reina … Reina … Where did the brat go? ” Just when Reina didn’t know how to answer, suddenly there was a shout from Long Bread in front.
” Chef Longbread, I’m here! ” Reina quickly responded.
” Come on, Lingling wants to eat the dessert from last time, come and make some! ” Long Bread heard Reina’s voice, looked for it, and said.
” Okay! I made it last night! Wait a minute, I’ll get it now! ” When Reina heard this, he nodded immediately and ran towards his resting place.
” Kid, it’s very good! You know how to make it in advance! ” Long Bread held the strawberry mousse cake that Reina just exchanged, and nodded with satisfaction.
The two came to the front deck together, this time Charlotte Lingling was not crazy, just sat on the chair and looked at the sea without knowing what to think.
” Lingling ~ the cake is here! ” Long Bread sat down beside Charlotte Lingling and handed the cake to her.
“ma~mama~~ It’s done so soon? Ouch! Hmm ~ It tastes different from the last time, but the taste is still so good! Ouch! Ouch! ” Charlotte Lingling sighed in admiration After that, he ate in big mouthfuls.
” Boy, why did Shi Ke look for you just now? ” Seeing that Lingling was very satisfied with her meal, Long Bread turned her head to look at Reina and asked.
” This … Actually, I don’t know either. I was practicing physical art there just now, and he suddenly appeared, which shocked me! Then you appeared! ” Reina shrugged and said innocently.
” Physique? Do you know physique? ” Long Bread frowned slightly and asked.
” That … I figured it out myself! ” Reina touched the back of his head, revealing a simple and honest look, and whispered.
” Long Bread, I ate something from him, then you can teach him his physical skills! ” Charlotte Lingling, who had finished eating the cake, glanced at Reina and said before waiting for Long Bread to speak .
” This … okay! Boy, come here and try to attack me directly! ” Long Bread thought for a while, then came to an empty deck next to him, nodded towards Reina, and said.
Reina knew that there were not many such opportunities, so he was not polite. After taking a deep breath, he followed the attacking moves recorded in the primary gymnastics and attacked directly towards the long bread.
” Slow … too slow! What is taijutsu? taijutsu is speed and strength, and your speed and strength are also taijutsu? Don’t reserve your moves, you won’t be able to hit the enemy at all, so don’t think about it. Backhand! ” Long Bread easily dodged Reina’s attack, and while dodging, he was able to speak at the same time, which was very relaxed.
” Yes! ”
” Don’t just use your fists, your feet can also attack, pay attention to the pace and the position of the enemy! Stupid, wrong, come again! ”
” Yes! I see! ”
In just half an hour, Reina was sweating and panting heavily as if she had taken a shower.
” Okay, that’s it for today, you are still too far away, when you have nothing to do, practice more by yourself, and remember what I said to you today! ” Long Bread sat down on Charlotte like a normal person. Beside Lingling, she said to the panting Reina.
” Okay, I get it! ” After nodding, Reina turned and walked towards the cabin.
After a while, he came out again with two cups of coffee and a cake.
” Please take it slow, I still have work to do, I’ll come and clean up later! ” Rayner put the food in front of Charlotte Lingling and Long Bread , and took away the plate after Lingling had eaten the cake.
” Well … not bad! ” Charlotte Lingling nodded in satisfaction when she saw that there was food again .
This cake was naturally exchanged by Reina just now. As for the coffee, he brewed the coffee beans he poured into the cabin. Although it cost another ten points to exchange the cake, in his opinion, it was totally worth it.
Because of just half an hour of physical training by Long Bread, Reina’s primary physical skills increased by 2 points, which is comparable to his own training for two days.
And when he was sparring with Long Bread just now, Reina found that he could still see the opponent’s combat power, but it seemed that Long Bread’s combat power exceeded it by too much, so all he saw was a question mark like ” ?? ” value of .
That night, after the end of the work, Reina really got a basic salary of 30 points. In addition, today’s overtime pay was given to a piece of equipment – a weight- bearing equipment exchange coupon for physical training.
Reina saw this thing in the mall. The price was 50 points, which surprised Reina. He didn’t expect that overtime pay would be given to this. He originally thought that overtime pay was optional, but now it seems that the daily overtime pay must be paid. Got it.
In addition, for the first time, he checked in for three consecutive days, and once again presented the primary swordsmanship to Reina, so that his combat power directly soared to 19 , and he was only a little short of 20 .
” Something’s wrong! The primary physical skills have increased by 5 points, and now the proficiency has a combat power bonus of 5 points. Why is the primary swordsmanship only given 4 points? Is swordsmanship inferior to physical skills? ” Looking at his combat power From 15 o’clock to 19 o’clock, Reina thought a little puzzled.
Later, Reina realized that because his combat power has improved, things of the same level will naturally not increase the combat power as much as before.
For example, Whitebeard has now learned elementary swordsmanship, and it is estimated that he will not even increase his combat power, because it has no effect on his strength growth.
But the basic swordsmanship can actually increase the combat power by 5 points for ordinary people.
After obtaining the primary swordsmanship, Reina didn’t go to practice, because now he doesn’t have enough time to train just the primary physical skills.
Therefore, after receiving the guidance of Long Bread, he began to use all the time outside of work to exercise his physical skills. With the addition of the special weight-bearing equipment for physical skills exchanged for the vouchers, his physical skills experience began to stabilize. grow up.
Just when he thought he could slowly increase his strength like this, an unexpected incident directly broke his plan.
” Little ones … get ready for me! The small island ahead is our goal this time! Grab all their treasures for me! ” Captain Rox stood on the bow, pointed to the small island not far away, and laughed said.
On the same day, Reina was forced to participate in the robbery. As a result, not only did he not grab anything, but he also delayed his work. As a result, he did not even work for the basic eight hours, and the continuous check-in was interrupted, so he could only do it again. Check in again from day one.
As for the matter of returning empty-handed, it is not because his strength is too weak to grab anything, but in the face of those ordinary civilians, Reina can’t do anything at all, so naturally there is no gain.
Fortunately, he was only a handyman, so no one knew even if he didn’t gain anything. The battle on this day also made Reina realize that this is a real world, not an animation two-dimensional.

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