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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Since the last time he attacked a small town, Reina has been living on the boat more cautiously. He deeply felt that he was not in the so-called anime, but in a living world, only this world and Earth is a little different.
At the same time, it also made him more eager for the growth of strength.
” hu ~ hu ~”
In the afternoon, the pirates on the boat all found a corner to lie down listlessly. Only Reina was still working hard at the stern of the boat, and every time he punched, he was sweating.
” Yo ~ Reina, are you still exercising? Do you want to go fishing? ” The pirate Ismail asked with a smile.
He is a combatant on the ship, and unlike Reina, there is usually nothing to do on the ship except when fighting.
Of course, the ranks of this ship are all divided according to strength. Ordinary combatants like Ismail need help when there are too many things to do with the handyman.
So after Reina got on the ship, ordinary combatants like them were the favorite, because all the work was basically done by Reina, and they didn’t need to intervene at all.
” No, it’s rare to have free time, I want to exercise for a while! ” Reina wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied with a smile.
” You kid is really hardworking! It won’t take long before you can defeat it! Hahaha …” Ismail said with a big laugh.
” Oh? Ismail, do you want to try it? Let me see the level of the combatants, so that my training will be more motivated! ” Reina asked expectantly.
Ismail, who was holding a fishing rod, originally wanted to refuse, but thinking that it was with Reina that he could enjoy a good lunch break so easily, it was not impossible to guide Reina.
” Okay! I’ll guide you, fighting skills! ” Ismail put down his fishing rod and made an offensive gesture to Reina.
” Phew ~” Reina took a deep breath and attacked directly.
” Boom! ”
As soon as the two fought, Reina saw the value on Ismail’s head representing the combat power: 48 !
” Twice as high as me! ” Reina was shocked. He was just an ordinary combatant, and his strength was twice as high as his current self. Sure enough, there are no ordinary people on the Rocks ship!
The sparring lasted a very short time, even shorter than the time that Long Bread had guided Reina that day.
In just a few rounds, Reina was already lying on the ground and couldn’t get up.
” How is it? Fighting is not just about physical fitness! Some small skills in combat are also very important! You still have a lot to learn! ” Ismail picked up the premonition on the ground and said to Reina with a smile.
” Yes, I see! When I’m free in the future, can I still ask you to learn from each other? ” Reina slowly got up from the ground and asked.
” Of course, welcome at any time! ” Ismail raised his brows and said slightly smugly.
Although the battle just now was short and his proficiency in primary physical skills did not increase, he did learn a few tricks in the battle from Ismail, which helped him to grow in strength.
” Di … Check in for the third day in a row … Today’s wages are being settled …”
” You get base salary: 30 points ”
” Overtime Pay: Junior General Proficiency Voucher ”
” Whoo ~”
Looking at the salary received, Reina exhaled, and finally clocked in again for the third day. If it wasn’t for the interruption of the continuous clock in before, he should have clocked in for a week now.
Every time I think of this, Reina can’t breathe because of heartache.
After cleaning up his mood, he opened his inventory. The overtime pay just now gave a junior general proficiency exchange coupon, which can be used in primary physical skills or primary swordsmanship. It can increase the proficiency by 5 points, which is very use something.
Without any hesitation, Reina directly used it in the primary physical technique, which brought his primary physical technique proficiency directly to 16 points, and the combat power also increased to 29 points, which is about to break 30 points .
After moving his body for a while, Reina did not choose to rest. He used the proficiency exchange volume just now, and his knowledge of physical arts became more abundant in his mind. He planned to take this opportunity to exercise more.
” Bang ~ bang ~ bang ~”
” Not bad! Reina, in just a few days, you actually have such strength! ” Ismail shook his arm, looked at Reina in surprise, and said.
Since that day, Reina and him have learned from each other, every afternoon, Reina will come to recruit him on time.
But this is only the third day, right? It’s unbelievable that Reina can actually fight with him.
” Hehe … Ismail, don’t be careless, if you are careless, you may lose to me! ” Reina grinned and attacked Ismail again.
In the past three days, Reina spent all his time practising elementary gymnastics apart from work.
Although the pirate ship is not small, no matter how big it is, it is only a ship, so on the first day Reina challenged Ismail, many pirates knew.
For this reason, Long Bread also took time to come over and instructed Reina again, telling him not to lose Lingling’s face.
Of course, he also took two cakes by the way, and the heartache Reina pumped.
However, looking at the increase in primary physical skills experience, it made Reina a little better.
” Boom! ” ” Boom! ”
Two voices sounded at the same time, Reina’s fist hit Ismail’s cheek, and Ismail’s foot also hit Reina’s thigh, directly kicking Reina to the ground.
” Stinky boy, are you too ruthless? ” Ismail said in dissatisfaction, rubbing the place where Reina hit.
” !!! ” Reina, who fell to the ground, looked like you were embarrassed to say me, and kept rubbing his thighs. The kick just now knocked him to the ground.
” Forget it, I’m here today. It is estimated that in two days, I will not be your opponent. I don’t know what’s going on with your kid. What a pervert! ” Ismail touched his cheek, Leaving while muttering.
Looking at the elementary gymnastics with a little more proficiency, Reina laughed happily.
You must know that the time between the two of them was not short, and Reina’s own physical strength was almost exhausted.
” Di … Check in for the sixth day in a row … Today’s wages are being settled …”
” You get base salary: 60 points ”
” Overtime pay: 30 points ”
” Ha ~ Today’s overtime pay is actually points again, let me see how many points I have! ” Reina opened his character interface directly:
Name: Reina
Position: Pirate handyman
Combat Strength: 37
Skill: Primary Taijutsu ( 23/100 )
Primary Swordsmanship ( 1/100 )
Number of points: 290
Item: Universal Weapon Exchange Coupon (Normal)
Seeing that he had scored 300 points, Reina finally smiled with satisfaction. As for the universal weapon exchange coupon, it was the overtime pay when he checked in for the fourth consecutive day, and the price in the mall was 50 points.
However, Reina didn’t use it. First, he was practicing physique, and he still couldn’t use the weapon. He would exchange it when he started practicing swordsmanship. Second, after the exchange, he could only put the weapon on his body, which was a little inconvenient.
Yes, the item bar in his system can only store things produced by the system. After this kind of weapon is exchanged, the things that appear in reality cannot be put back in the inventory.
” Tomorrow will be the seventh day. I don’t know what kind of gift packs there will be! I’m really looking forward to it! ” Reina looked at his check-in calendar. There was a small red gift pack on the seventh day, full of expect.
For the first day, the third day, the seventh day, the fifteenth day, and the 30th day of consecutive sign-in, the system will give you a small gift package, which will not be available after receiving it. There are only two ways to want the gift package in the future. One is to use points to buy in the mall, and the other is that every month when you are full, the system will give you a gift package.
He has already received the gift packs for the first and third days of consecutive sign-in, which are primary physical skills and primary swordsmanship respectively, so he is looking forward to the gift packs on the seventh day.
Early the next morning, Reina started to work hard with the tools. Today is very important. No matter what, he plans to work the basic eight hours first, otherwise he will go crazy if there is another accident. dropped.
” Reina, what’s wrong with you today? Did you start cleaning so early? ” A pirate who passed by asked in surprise when he saw that Reina actually started cleaning early in the morning.
” Haha … As a handyman, you must have the consciousness of being a handyman! It’s not my job to clean up! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Are you still pretending? Yesterday, I heard Ismail say that your current strength is not much worse than his! ” Pirate said with a smile that I have seen through your true face, winked at Reina and said.
” Hehe … No, no … I’m still a long way off! ” Although Reina said so, she was still a little proud.
” Attention ~ Attention ~ Discovery of naval warships! ” At this moment, the lookout on the lookout pole suddenly shouted loudly.
Reina’s smile froze directly on his face. He was really afraid of anything. Today is the last day to sign in for seven consecutive days. If there is another fight and his working hours are not enough, wouldn’t it take another seven days to receive the gift package? .
“ma~mama~ These navies are really struggling! ” Charlotte Lingling twisted her waist and came out of the cabin, looked at the naval warships in the distance, and said with a big laugh.
” Hmph ~ It’s just three warships, isn’t the navy looking down on us too much? ” Shi Ji, the golden lion, floated down from nowhere, and said with disdain.
” Captain, order it! Let me destroy those warships! ” Kaido also came out with his mace, and said to Rox, who had just come out of the cabin.
Reina swallowed his saliva and quietly retreated to the back. This kind of scene is not something he can handle. Just now, because of the pride in his strength, he was instantly drowned out.

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