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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Captain, what do we do now? Fight or run away? ” a pirate named John on the side asked Captain Rocks, who was standing at the forefront.
” Escape? Where are you going? The mere navy wants us to escape too? ” Cross smiled, pointed at the navy’s warships, and said, ” Kill them for me! ”
The first one to start was not Kaido, who was the fiercest, but Charlotte Lingling, who was a woman . She jumped from the spot one by one and shouted loudly: ” Zeus! ”
Then a dark cloud appeared out of nowhere, came directly to Lingling’s feet, supported her and flew towards the direction of the warship.
On the other side, Shi Kee, who was holding two weapons, let out a cold snort, floated up by himself, and then launched two slashes at the warship on the left, heading straight for the warship.
” Prometheus! ” Charlotte Lingling, who was flying in the air , raised one hand high and shouted loudly when she saw the slash of the golden lion Shiki.
As her voice fell, a sun-like creature came into Lingling’s hands, making her whole fist burn.
” Fire in the sky , flame crit! ” Charlotte Lingling hit the warship in the middle with a flaming fist, and a flame of flame came out of her hand and went straight to the warship .
” Since everything has been done … then leave the last ship to me! ” Edward Newgate, who was holding a Naginata, suddenly got up and swung at the last warship.
The three warships that originally terrified Reina sank directly into the sea, and the other party probably didn’t know what kind of existence they had provoked.
” Huh ~ If you don’t have Garp’s perverted strength, don’t provoke the Rocks Pirates! ” Reina sighed, looking at the naval warship with only the wreckage still burning and the rest of the hull sinking into the sea, whispered. muttered.
Originally thought it was a big crisis battle, but the rescue was solved like this, making Reina a little happy and a little speechless.
” Hahaha … Little ones, let’s continue sailing! ” Cross looked at the warship that was slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea, laughed and waved, and the pirate ship continued to move forward.
The sun slowly disappeared from the sky, and the sky darkened. Reina, who had worked hard all day, could finally rest.
But before he could sit down, a loud ” enemy attack ” from the lookout cut through the silent night.
” Isn’t it … Come here at this time? ” Reina hurriedly ran towards the deck. On the sea not far away, a pirate ship was rapidly approaching them, but because of the darkness, Reina I can’t see the pirate flag of the other party, so I don’t know what pirate group the other party is.
” Boom ~~”
Before the two ships approached, the other party fired the artillery directly, but they were lucky, and the cannonball did not hit the hull.
” Bastard! Where is the guy who dares to attack us? ” Kaido walked out of the cabin with his mace on his back, roaring cursingly.
” It’s over there … the other party is the Eagles of Freedom Pirates! ” On the observation deck, Lookout pointed to the pirate ship not far away, and shouted loudly.
” Eagle of Freedom? ” Reina has never heard of this pirate group, so he doesn’t know the strength of the other party, but the other party dares to take action against the Cross Pirates, and he is not an ordinary person.
” Give me a counterattack! Sink them to the bottom of the sea … What kind of cat and dog dare to come to trouble us? ” Kaido commanded the gunner to counterattack, and said with disdain.
But without waiting for the counterattack here, the other side’s pirate ship actually started to turn around and planned to escape.
This made Reina a little incomprehensible. He rushed up eagerly, and after a few shots, he started to escape? Could it be that there is a trap ahead, intending to lure them to the past?
” Humph! Want to run? Then see if you have that ability! ” A pirate with a rapier on his waist suddenly walked to the deck, staring at the pirate ship that was about to escape, and said coldly.
Reina knew that his name was Wang Zhi, and he seemed to be a very powerful pirate. In addition to being inferior to the future Three Emperors and Golden Lions, he was considered to be the top figure in the second echelon, along with Silver Axe and John. Famous pirates.
Sure enough, Wang Zhi’s words only fell out, and he sent a slash directly and went straight to the opponent. In an instant, the enemy’s pirate ship was chopped in half, and the pirates on the ship fell into the sea screaming strangely.
” It was solved so easily? Then how could they have the courage to attack us? ” Reina said in disbelief as he stared at the pirate ship that had turned into two halves.
” Hey ~ I guess it was dark before we could see our flag and we hurriedly launched an attack. When we got close and found out that it was our Cross Pirates, we wanted to escape! Then we had to be able to escape! ” Wang Zhi Withdrew the weapon, chuckled lightly, and said.
” No … isn’t it? And such a reckless pirate? ” Reina said in surprise.
After the crisis was resolved, the pirates on the ship slowly returned to the cabin. Just now, Reina found that Edward Newgate and others, not even Captain Cross, did not appear. It seems that they are strong people who know that the other party has no interests, so It didn’t come out at all.
” Di … Check in for the seventh day in a row … Today’s wages are being settled …”
” You get base salary: 70 points! ”
” Overtime pay: One F -level ability exchange coupon! ”
“The first seven-day check-in is successful, and you will get a reward: random bloodline! ”
At the end of the day’s work, the salary paid by the system arrived in the account, and before it was too late to check his gains, Reina felt a burning sensation in his body, as if to melt him away.
After holding on for less than three seconds, Reina decisively fainted, but he guessed that this should be because the random bloodline he obtained just now was merging with himself, so this was the case.
The next day, when Reina woke up, the sky was already bright, and he was in the place where he fainted last night, and no one noticed, or someone noticed and didn’t care.
After opening his eyes, the first thing Reina did was to feel the changes in his body, but he didn’t find any abnormality, so he directly opened the character interface in the system.
Name: Reina
Position: Pirate handyman
Strength: 137
Skill: Primary Taijutsu ( 23/100 )
Primary Swordsmanship ( 1/100 )
Gene lineage: The mutant gene of the growth mutant Black Emperor (Sebastian Shaw ) (absorbing all forms of energy for release or blessing on himself)
Number of points: 360
Items: General Weapon Exchange Coupon (Normal), F -Class Ability Exchange Coupon
” Black Emperor Sebastian Xiao ‘s ability? And the combat power has soared by a hundred points? ” Reina almost screamed in surprise after seeing his interface.
Of course, he knows this kind of ability. The X -Men movie of the previous life is a well-known existence. Among them, the black emperor Sebastian Shaw, as the boss of Hellfire among the mutants, has quite a perverted ability.
” It’s a little wrong! If it is really the ability of the Black Emperor, the combat power cannot be increased by only 100 points! Is there something wrong? ” After the excitement, Reina began to think again.
In the end, he focused on the description of his genetic lineage. There was one word he had overlooked before, that is growth type!
So he guessed that the ability of the Black Emperor he obtained was very weak, not to mention compared to the Black Emperor who absorbed nuclear energy in the movie, maybe now he can’t even absorb Ismail’s full force blow, only in this way can it be explained. , Why did his combat power only increase by 100 points.
However, this ability obviously has very powerful potential, because one day, he can exercise this ability to be as powerful as the black emperor in the movie, and then he will not be afraid of any strong people.
After sorting out his mood, he began to study the F -rank ability voucher.
F -Class Ability Exchange Coupon: It can be exchanged for an F -Class ability.
He checked it, and the F -level abilities include chefs, musicians, linguists, bartenders … and so on, all of which are skills that have nothing to do with combat.
So Reina, after a little thought, settled on the musician’s option.
After the selection, a lot of music theory knowledge and musical instrument playing techniques suddenly appeared in his mind, but they were not top-notch abilities, they were only preliminary mastered.
After finishing it, Reina opened the mall again and wanted to choose a musical instrument from it. After all, he was already someone who could play, so how could he do without a musical instrument in hand?
” It’s locked …” Looking at the musical instrument in the mall that could make a high-pitched sound in his memory, Reina still held back and did not exchange it.
As the saying goes , ” When the lock is clicked, you will either ascend to heaven or worship the church! ”
He was afraid that he could not control this musical instrument of the motherland in his previous life, Kuibao, so he could only force himself to focus on other musical instruments.
In the end, Reina still spent 30 points in exchange for a more elegant violin. After all, that artifact that accompanies you from birth to death is really not something that anyone can control.
After putting the exchanged violin back on his bed, Reina went to take a shower, and then hurriedly went to find Ismail. He wanted to try the ability he had acquired in his heart and see if he absorbed it. What is the limit of energy.
” Boy, why are you pulling me up so early in the morning? I haven’t slept well yet! ” Ismail said to an impatient Reina while yawning.
” Haha … hurry up! Let’s try to learn from each other! ” Reina said with a smile after pulling Ismail onto the deck.
” Huh? You didn’t exercise stupid last night, right? Although you made great progress, it’s only for one night. It’s impossible to beat me! ” Ismail squinted at Reina and waved his hand.
” Look at the move! ” Reina didn’t bother to explain to him. After shouting, he punched Ismail.
” You bastard! Well … Since you want to be beaten, I’ll do it for you! ” Ismail was startled by Reina’s sudden punch, and he immediately woke up.
” Bang! ” Reina’s punch was just forcing the opponent and doing it himself. There was nothing fancy. Naturally, it was impossible to hit Ismail. It was himself who was hit. The angry Ismail did not keep his hand. , kicked directly in Reina’s abdomen.
” Huh? What’s going on? ” It was completely different from what he imagined. After he kicked Reina, the opponent didn’t react at all, as if he was not the one who was kicked, and Ismail still felt like his foot was kicked. Like cotton, no force was used.

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