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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” What’s the matter? I clearly kicked you! ” After parting, Ismail looked at Reina with a puzzled look and asked inexplicably.
” Hey …” Reina chuckled without explaining.
Ismail’s full-strength kick just now did not reach the limit of his absorption, but he could feel that the energy caused by the kick just now was close to half of the energy he could absorb.
That is to say, in battle, if he doesn’t release the energy he just absorbed, then after a battle, he can absorb at most the attack energy of two feet just now.
And when he tried to absorb this energy to strengthen himself, he found that he could not digest this energy in an instant like the Black Emperor, but it took time.
” Stinky boy, what kind of strange ability do you have? Did you secretly eat a Devil Fruit? ” Ismail asked Reina curiously.
At this time, he didn’t care about Reina waking him up from his drowsiness.
” No, this is not the ability of the Devil Fruit! I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel that I have such ability! ” Reina shrugged and said directly.
” It’s really strange, you let me try again! ” Ismail walked to Reina curiously and said.
” Wait! I’m not proficient in using it now, you wait a minute! ” Reina said, closed his eyes and sat on the ground.
After staring at it for about five minutes, Reina stood up and said, ” Okay, try it with all your strength! ”
He didn’t let Ismail continue to attack just now, just wanted to try how long it would take him to absorb the energy.
” Phew! Attention, I made a move! ” Ismail took a deep breath and stepped forward to hit Reina’s chest directly.
But a strange thing happened here. His fist was like hitting cotton here, and Reina didn’t even move at all.
” Hey, yes, it’s more powerful than the kick just now! ” Reina said with a strange smile.
” You kid … it’s really strange! What kind of ability is this, it feels … it feels like I didn’t hit you at all! ” Ismail retracted his fist and asked in surprise.
However, Reina ignored him, and continued to close his eyes and start absorbing energy.
Five minutes later, Reina opened his eyes again and said, ” Come on, let’s continue to learn from each other! ”
Ismail’s eyes flashed, but he did not refuse, and directly fought with Reina.
After several experiments, Reina found that his ability could be triggered as long as his body was in contact with the other party, and the absorbed energy could still be stored as long as it was not digested or released by himself!
That is to say, he can deliberately hit Ismail’s feet, and then release the energy at one time, which can not only strike the opponent, but also completely empty the energy in his body.
It’s just that the ability to activate is not unlimited. It seems to be related to his physical strength. After he released the energy, he found that his physical strength was consumed a lot. After a battle, if he released it four or five times, he would be out of breath.
But even so, Ismail, who was slightly better than him a day ago, is no longer his opponent at all.
” You’re really a freak! How is it? Has the ability been tested? ” Ismail naturally knew that Reina was looking for him to learn from him for the purpose of experimentally mastering the ability, so he was completely cooperating with Reina in the back.
” Well! It’s almost mastered, but the proficiency needs to be improved! ” Reina nodded and said with a grin.
” Your ability should be to absorb and release the damage I caused to you, right? When you closed your eyes and didn’t move, were you dealing with the damage I caused you? ” Although Ismail is not very strong, he Still guessing part of Reina’s abilities.
” Well! I can absorb the damage caused by others to me, and then accumulate it and release it, but now the upper limit of absorption is very low. If I don’t release it, I need to take the initiative to exclude the damage myself. During this period, I must be very focused. That’s it ! ” Reina nodded and said half-truth.
He knew that the bloodline of the Black Emperor was the foundation of his standing now, so even though he had a good relationship with Ismail, he didn’t tell him the truth.
” Very good ability, from now on, I will not be your opponent! ” Ismail smiled helplessly, waved his hand and said to Reina.
” Thank you for your willingness to discuss with me during this time! ” Reina said with a bow and salute.
Without Ismail’s cooperation, his own progress would never have been so fast.
After the two separated, Reina continued to work with the tools, but he did not forget the fundamental reason why he became stronger.
Not long after, the news that Reina suddenly had magical powers spread on the ship. This is what Ismail said to the outside world after he specifically asked Reina.
If Reina did not announce it to the public, Ismail also promised to keep it a secret for him, but Reina knew that this kind of thing could not be concealed at all, so it is better to say it openly, this world is still for the strong after all. respected world.
” Boy, I heard that you have acquired a very good ability? Show it to me! ” At noon, when Longbread came to find Reina to get the cake, he said with a playful expression.
” It’s not a special ability, it just absorbs a certain amount of damage and releases it as my own energy, but if it exceeds the upper limit I can absorb, it won’t work at all! ” Reina touched the back of his head and smiled. said.
When he fought against Ismail before, he absorbed and digested energy twice, although it was not much, but he found that these energy could not only change his physique, enhance his speed and strength, but also have an effect on the ability of the Black Emperor. There is a slight improvement.
Digesting that energy can increase the total amount of energy he absorbs, and he can be considered to have found a way to exercise this ability.
” Oh? How much damage can it absorb? If the upper limit is high, this ability is not bad! ” Long Bread’s eyes lit up and he said with a smile.
” That … the damage that can be absorbed now is not much. If Ismail hits with all his strength, it is almost the limit! ” Reina touched the back of his head and said with a naive smile, trying his best to look simple and honest.
” Really? Let me take a look at the results of your physical exercise during this period of time! ” With that, Long Bread put down the cake in his hand, intending to discuss it with Reina.
” Would you like to deliver the cake first? Then we’ll come again? If Lingling gets angry because she didn’t eat the cake, then I ‘ll be miserable! ” Reina smiled embarrassedly and said.
” Also! Come with me! ” said Longbread, nodding.
So the two came to Charlotte Lingling’s cabin together , delivered the cake first, and then went to the deck.
” Get ready! I’m going to attack! ” Long Bread had just finished speaking, and the man had come to Reina and punched Reina directly in the chest.
Reina didn’t dodge either, just lifted his leg and pumped the long bread.
Long Bread’s eyes flashed, but he didn’t dodge. While punching Reina, one foot also kicked Reina’s whip leg at the same time.
” Boom! ”
The legs of the two collided with each other, making a loud noise.
The long bread flipped to the ground in the air, then took a few steps back, left Reina’s attack range, looked at Reina with surprise, and found that Reina was looking at him with a smile on his face. Pursue victory.
Just now, his fist should have attacked Reina first, but the touch of the fist returning was quite strange. It didn’t seem to hit the opponent. Judging from Reina’s condition, it really didn’t cause any damage to him.
Moreover, the legs of the two collided with each other, and the strength of the other party was somewhat beyond his expectations, otherwise he would not be repelled by Reina’s whip leg.
” Is this your ability? It’s really weird! I’ll be serious next time! ” Long Bread said earnestly after making some adjustments.
” Yes! Please advise! ” Reina nodded and said.
Although he now has the ability of the Black Emperor, he does not think that he can really defeat the long bread, because there are still three question marks on the opponent’s head, and no specific data is displayed, which proves that the opponent’s combat power is at least It is more than one and a half times his.
These days, he has mastered the rules. As long as the opponent’s combat power is within double his, then he can see the opponent’s specific combat power, and if it exceeds this value, then he can only see the question mark.
His current combat power is more than 140 points, so the opponent’s combat power is at least 300 points.
He felt that the combat power given by the system was somewhat close to the dao value used to measure the CP9 under the World Government in the anime . He still remembered that the CP9 member Kalifa, who had the lowest dao value, had more than 600 of them before eating the fruit . Dao value.
An ordinary navy soldier with a weapon has a dao force of 10 , which is similar to the value he had when he first learned primary physical arts.
” Is this the very hard-working handyman? ” In the second-floor attic of the pirate ship, Captain Rox was looking at the long bread and Reina that the penguin smoked below, and asked indifferently.
” That’s right, he’s the handyman who does the most cleaning every day. It’s all thanks to him that our ship is so clean! But his strength … is still a little short. ” Combatant John said with a smile.
” Hmph, the head chef recommended by Lingling is too weak, isn’t it? It’s so difficult to deal with a handyman? ” The Golden Lion Shiki, watching the battle below, said with some dissatisfaction.
” It’s just a chef, it’s good to be able to do this! ” Silver Axe glanced at the golden lion and said coolly.
” Bastard, what do you mean? ” The golden lion Shiji had already drawn out his saber, and he was ready to fight if he disagreed.
Silver Axe snorted coldly and turned his head to one side, ignoring Shiji the Golden Lion.
” This ability of him … is it a devil fruit ability? ” Cross, who was sitting in the main seat, asked listlessly with his head sideways.
” According to what he said, he didn’t seem to have eaten Devil Fruit, but he just woke up and seemed to have mastered this ability! ” John, who was standing next to Cross, replied with a smile.
” Have you ever eaten a devil fruit, try it and you’ll know soon? ” The golden lion Shikey over there suddenly got up and disappeared from the spot.
Reina, who was fighting back and forth with the long bread below, just emptied the energy stored in his body, suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and subconsciously activated his ability, but there was too much energy, and he could absorb it smoothly. upper limit of .
And he didn’t have time to launch the ability to counterattack, and the whole person was kicked out and fell from the boat into the sea.

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