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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” What? Reina has a daughter? ” When Olga heard the news that Reina had a daughter, her mouth could not be closed in surprise.
” Yes, it is said to be Olvia’s daughter. Olvia gave birth to her daughter without telling Reina, and fortunately she escaped from O’Hara! Just now, with Marco’s ship The team returned to Xuanyue Island together. ” Dr. Ahsie said with a smile.
” Sister Olvia? ” Olga was surprised and didn’t know what to say.
” That’s right, now everyone is preparing for a grand welcome banquet! Let’s get ready to go too! ” Ahsie said, packing his things.
” Idiot father, take it slow, they will pass first! ” Olga, who got the news, ran straight to the banquet square. She is now full of things about Reina and Olvia having a daughter, and she can’t wait. I want to meet each other.
” Reina … Where is Olvia’s sister’s daughter? Let others have a look! ” As soon as they arrived at the banquet square, they saw Reina and Robin surrounded by a group of people.
” Olga, don’t yell, this is Robin, my daughter, you can call her …” Reina, who was just about to ask Olga to call her sister, was suddenly stunned. Reina and Dr. Ahsie are of the same generation, so Olga is of the same generation as Robin, so there is no problem calling her sister.
But Olga used to call Olvia her sister, so is she going to call Robin her sister now?
” Of course I want to call my aunt! My sister and Olivia are sisters! ” Seeing Reina hesitate, Olga said quickly.
Because of pure gold, she is a child in front of everyone, and now she has finally grown into the appearance of a girl, so she likes to be an elder very much.
Now that I have the opportunity to become an elder, I will naturally not miss it.
” Aunt? That’s right, if you really look at your age, let’s not call you aunt, it’s fine to call you aunt! ” Lakyo said with a big laugh.
They all know Olga’s problem. They don’t know how many times they have ridiculed this little girl who likes to be an elder, but they still enjoy it.
” There is something wrong with Olga’s age, and she did call your mother a sister! But now that Olvia is gone, you can call him Olga’s sister! ” After a wry smile, Reina said yes. said Robin.
Robin looked at Olga curiously, and knew her mother, but the other party seemed to be about the same age as her?
But since Reina said so, she shouted obediently: ” Sister Olga, hello! My name is Ni … Robin, just call me Robin! ”
Originally, she wanted to say that her name was Nicole Robin , but when she thought that she had recognized her father now, it was not good to continue to call herself Nicole Robin .
” It doesn’t matter, you can tell others that your name is Nicole Robin , which is also a kind of comfort to your mother! My name is a bit special, it is best not to mention it to outsiders, it is not a very trustworthy companion, don’t Tell people that we have the word D in our name ! ” Hearing Robin’s words, Reina smiled and whispered in Robin’s ear.
Robin was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, ” I see, father! ”
” Well! It’s all according to your own ideas. If you like, you can also call yourself Bernery D. Robin, it doesn’t matter! When I was weak, I was afraid that this name would cause trouble for myself, so Rarely mention it to people! But it’s different now, I already have the strength to protect you! So you can do whatever you want! ” Renner was afraid that what he said just now would cause Robin’s misunderstanding, so he explained it again.
Robin felt the importance attached to her from Reina’s words, smiled slightly, and said, ” Don’t worry, father, I understand! ”
” Just understand, I’ll tell you more about Olga’s question later. Now, let’s meet my big brother first! ” Reina took Robin’s hand and walked in the direction of Whitebeard.
” Gu la la la … Reina, I didn’t expect your kid to be the first person to have a child, it’s really good! ” Seeing Reina and Robin coming over, he said with a big laugh.
” Robin, this is the great pirate Edward Newgate , known as Whitebeard, my captain, and my eldest brother! Starting today, he is your godfather! You can call him godfather or dad, No problem! ” Reina smiled and nodded, then said to Robin beside him.
” Okay, father! Godfather! ” Robin first nodded at Rayner, then shouted at Whitebeard.
” Gu la la la la … What a happy day! From today, Robin, I am your godfather! If anyone bullies you, report my name, and the godfather will stand up for you! Gu la la la … “…” Whitebeard looked quite happy, and he would never say such things normally.
” Congratulations, congratulations …”
“I didn’t expect Reina to have children. It’s really … It ‘s a surprise! ”
The surrounding crew members shouted their congratulations, and the captains even took out some gifts for Robin, while Reina helped Robin receive the gifts while introducing her to the captains.
” These bastards … ! ” Looking at the captains who gave gifts, Whitebeard’s face darkened. He forgot to prepare gifts, and these guys prepared gifts themselves, but didn’t remind him, it was clearly intentional.
” Hahaha … Why should eldest brother care? With the relationship between us, it’s a matter of course for you to be Robin’s godfather! You don’t need to care about those details! ” Seeing Whitebeard unhappy, Reina immediately knew the reason. , said with a smile.
” Father is right. If I say that my godfather is a white beard outside, I don’t know how many people will envy him! ” Robin also covered his mouth and said with a smile.
” You don’t need to pay attention to this matter, the godfather is not a stingy person, you wait for me! ” After the white beard said, everyone laughed.
Whitebeard’s stinginess is well-known internally. Others don’t know it. How could they, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, not know? No matter where he is, Dad never invites guests to drink. He gets his own wine from Reina, and drinking outside is always rubbing against others.
So looking at Whitebeard who left, everyone laughed very happily. They did it on purpose, just to see what Whitebeard could come up with.
Looking at the somewhat puzzled Robin, Reina smiled and explained it to her. Robin’s mouth opened in surprise. She never thought that the great pirate who ruled the second half of the great route like an emperor would be a white pirate. Beard Edward Newgate has such a side.
After a while, when Whitebeard returned again, everyone looked at him.
” Gu la la la … Don’t think I don’t have a gift! ” Whitebeard threw a shiny object directly at Robin.
But when Reina saw the thing in Robin’s hand, his expression changed and he said, ” Brother, this thing is too valuable, let’s take it back! Everyone is just joking, don’t take it seriously! ”
Robin looked at the ring in his hand, looked at Reina in confusion, and asked softly, ” Father, does this ring have any special meaning? ”
” This is a token of eldest brother, not to mention anything else, with this ring, you have the power to mobilize all the forces under the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Reina nodded and said solemnly.
” Gu la la la … Little Robin, don’t listen to your father’s nonsense, even if you don’t have this ring, when you encounter any danger or need help, everyone can just watch and don’t help? This is a ring with commemorative value. That’s all! It was specially made for me by your father back then, and it would not be bad if it was in your hands! ” Whitebeard waved his hand and said with a smile.
Robin looked at the vaccination in his hand. It was in the shape of the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates. The inner circle of the ring was engraved with the words ” Edward Newgate ” !
” Godfather, I still don’t think this thing is suitable for me! Although I’m not arrogant about what it means, I think this should be a gift that my father asked you to give to your successor, so please ask the godfather to take it back! ” Robin thought After thinking about it, he handed the ring to Whitebeard and said.
Reina and Whitebeard were stunned. This was indeed Reina’s purpose for creating the ring, but he only told Whitebeard about it, so when Whitebeard gave the ring to Robin, Reina would object.
” Guru la la la la … really a great child, but … White Beard Pirates does not need a heir. When I die, it is when the white beard pirate group is dissolved. Pirates, just let them form a pirate group by themselves! ” Whitebeard did not take back the ring, but said with a smile.
” Did Big Brother decide? ” Reina asked, looking at Whitebeard.
In fact, Reina has talked with Whitebeard many times about this matter, but Whitebeard has not been sure. Now that he said so, it means that Whitebeard has made a decision.
” Of course! ” Whitebeard nodded back.
” Then you can put the ring away! ” Reina said to Robin with a smile after hearing this.
Robin was stunned for a moment, but seeing Reina said so, she took the ring back.
As for the rest of the people, it was as if they didn’t see it, and they didn’t say much about it.
Because it was a banquet to welcome Robin, the protagonists were naturally Reina and Robin.
As Robin’s father, one of the protagonists of this banquet, Reina was not stingy, and took out a large amount of white wine, which made the crew members excited. The whole banquet lasted until late at night.
” This is my home, and it will be your home in the future, because I didn’t know you existed before, so I don’t have any extra room here. Tonight, you can spend the night in the bedroom, and I will clean it up for you tomorrow morning. A room! ” After the banquet, Reina took Robin back to his home and said.
” Well, thank you father! ” Robin swept the room, nodded lightly, and said.
” You don’t need to say thank you, and you don’t need to say this word to me in the future! Sleep well tonight, and we’ll have a good chat tomorrow. I don’t know what style of room you like, whether it’s a princess style or a girly style? I have to think about it tonight. That’s it! Well, it’s getting late, good night! ” Reina waved to Robin and said with a smile.
” Good night … Father! ” Robin also replied with a smile.
After Reina left, Robin did not sleep directly, but observed around the room. The first thing he saw were various photos, basically all of Reina and others.
” This is …” When he saw a photo on the head of Reina’s bed, he couldn’t help but pick it up.
Inside is a group photo of Reina and Olvia. In the photo, the two of them are smiling very happily. Attentive Robin found signs of wear on some parts of the photo frame, which must be caused by Reina often holding it in his hand to watch.

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