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” Ah! ”
” hu ~ hu ~ hu ~”
” Boom! ”
” Robin, are you alright! ”
When it was almost dawn, Reina suddenly heard Robin’s exclamation from the room, and immediately opened the door with a palm and rushed in to ask.
” Father …” At this time, Robin was sitting on the bed sweating profusely, looking at Reina who suddenly rushed in with a little confusion.
” Have you had a nightmare? It’s alright, I’m right outside the door. With me here, no one can hurt you again! ” Seeing Robin’s appearance, Reina suddenly felt distressed and stepped forward and said softly.
” Father, am I really not going to bring you any bad consequences? ” After calming down a little, he asked Reina.
” Of course! ” Reina patted Robin on the back, then let her lie down on the bed, while he sat beside the bed, and said with a smile, ” That’s it! I was going to tell you after you woke up. Yes, but now you probably won’t be able to fall asleep all of a sudden, just listen to me and tell you slowly! ”
” Yeah! ” Robin curled up, then stretched his hand out of the cup and took Reina’s hand.
” I know that you have always had a shadow in your heart because you saw the demon slaughtering order, but don’t be afraid, even if it is the demon slaughtering order, if you dare to come to Xuanyue Island, I will let him go back and forth! Maybe you don’t know, the previous paragraph Time I went to Mary Joa and put a fire there! ” Reina patted Robin’s hand and said with a smile.
” I know, you are also bringing three beautiful little girls! ” Robin, who was lying on the bed, said suddenly.
” Huh? ” Reina was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that when the newspaper reported, it happened to use the photo of him saving the three Hancock sisters, so he explained it with a smile, and explained the relationship between him and the Nine Snake Warriors. Yuanyuan said it again.
Robin, who was hiding under the quilt, couldn’t help but slightly raised the corners of her mouth when she heard Reina’s explanation. This feeling of being guarded was really good. Before she knew it, she fell asleep again.
After finishing talking about his relationship with the Nine Snakes, Reina, who was still about to say something, discovered that Robin had fallen asleep unknowingly.
After re-covering her quilt, Rayner was about to leave, but Robin held his hand tightly, so he had to sit down by the bed and accompany Robin.
Looking at the sleeping Robin, Reina still feels a little dreamy, but he did not expect that Robin, one of the protagonists in the future, is actually his child!
And when he thought of what happened to Robin when he was a child in the original book, Reina had an urge to kill, and he hadn’t asked Marco where he found Robin. No matter what, he had to go to Xihai. , and he also needs to give them a little warning from the navy, otherwise he really can’t swallow this breath.
The next morning, when Robin woke up slowly, he saw Rayner sitting on the ground with his eyes closed, and he sat beside him all night.
” Father …” Robin called softly.
Hearing Robin’s voice, Reina opened his eyes immediately, saw that Robin had woken up, and asked with a smile, ” Did you sleep well last night? ”
” Yeah! Very practical! ” Robin nodded and replied.
” Are you still going to sleep? ” Reina asked softly.
Robin shook his head, indicating that he didn’t want to sleep anymore.
” Okay, you get up and take a shower first, I’ll make you breakfast, what do you like to eat? ” Reina got up and asked.
Robin shook his head, did not speak, just looked at Reina like this.
” Isn’t there anything you like? Then … then you can only eat what I do! ” Reina frowned slightly and said.
He was a little regretful. When he read the original book, why didn’t he take a closer look, he didn’t even know what Robin likes to eat now.
After coming out of the room, Reina went directly to the kitchen. He hadn’t prepared food with such care for a long time.
Opened the mall, carefully selected the recipes, and finally chose a slightly Western recipe. After exchanging fresh ingredients, Reina started the first breakfast for his daughter.
Rayner just finished when Robin came out of the shower.
Looking at the large table of food in front of him, Robin opened his mouth slightly and asked in surprise: ” Father eats so much every morning? ”
” Me? No! Myself, I eat whatever I want in the morning. I usually go to the cafeteria over there, where the chef can cook you food at any time! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” So … these … are mine? ” Robin asked, gulping.
” That … I accidentally made too much, let’s eat it together, don’t let it go if you can’t finish it, don’t force it! ” Reina said with a smile.
Even though he said that, Robin still tried his best to eat all the food, but in the end, Reina couldn’t see it, and took away the rest of the food before giving up.
” Didn’t you say it? Don’t eat it if you can’t eat it. If you eat it and become a little fat, your mother will definitely blame me! She is so cute and beautiful! Today is my mistake, I will take you out for a walk later to digest it. Now! ” Reina said with a smile when she saw Robin’s bulging belly.
” Yeah! ” Robin nodded and didn’t explain anything, and Reina didn’t continue to say anything.
After cleaning up, Reina took Robin out. After coming out of the dormitory area, Reina introduced everything on Xuanyue Island to Robin in detail. All places are very familiar.
After strolling around Xuanyue Island, Reina found the boatman again and asked him to bring someone to reorganize his home. He redecorated his master bedroom into Robin’s room, and put the second bedroom next to the master bedroom. into his own room.
After inquiring about Robin’s requirements for the room, Reina personally gave a decoration plan, and then took Robin to the sky island.
” This is an empty island. Usually, Dr. Sière is helping, that is, Olga’s father. He is a great scientist. He invented a thing called pure gold …” Reina walked. While telling Robin about the process of getting acquainted with Ahsie and Olga.
” I see, that means Olga is actually nearly two hundred years old? ” Robin asked in surprise.
” That’s right, but she spends most of her time in the belly of the lantern fish. She only came out in the past ten years, so her real age is actually not much older than you. ” Reina nodded and said with a smile.
” Reina! Robin! Why are you here? My father said that you might be with Robin today, so I didn’t go and get that weapon! ” Soon after they landed on the empty island, they met the animals on the empty island. Olga they feed.
” Well, I’ll bring Robin up to see! ” Reina said with a smile.
” It’s better to come here, what do you know? The sky island has changed a lot. At the beginning, Sister Olvia was brought to visit her! ” Olga handed the things in her hands to Reina and jumped. Holding Robin in his arms, he intends to take her to visit the empty island.
” Go, I’ll wait for you here, it doesn’t matter! ” Seeing Robin’s somewhat overwhelmed look, Reina said with a smile.
At noon, Reina took Robin to the cafeteria. Although everyone has a house on Xuanyue Island, almost everyone still likes to come to the cafeteria to eat together.
So when Reina brought Robin over, many people greeted the two.
” Where’s Big Brother? Haven’t got up yet? ” Reina brought Robin to the captain’s table and asked with a smile.
” Dad has been drinking for two days and two nights in a row, so isn’t it normal to not get up now? ” Marko, who raised his eyes, replied softly.
” By the way, Marco, where did you meet Robin? ” Reina was going to ask yesterday, but there were too many things and he forgot all of a sudden, and it happened just now that we met, so Reina spoke directly. inquired.
” In Alabasta , the great desert country! She’s with Sand Crocodile ! ” Marco didn’t hide it, but said directly.
” Sha Crocodile? Humph! I’ll go to him again when I have time . I’m really daring. It seems that the lesson I gave him wasn’t enough! ” Reina said softly with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.
He naturally knew what Crocodile was doing with Robin, but now that Robin is his daughter, this matter must not be forgotten.
A few days later, when Robin finally got used to Xuanyue Island, Reina planned to take her out.
” Father, are we really going back to the West Sea? ” Robin said reluctantly.
” Of course, those guys who bullied you … can’t just forget about it! And I want to go to O’Hara too! ” Reina nodded and said.
Hearing that Reina planned to go to O’Hara, Robin had no objection. Although she was wandering outside these years, her feelings for O’Hara were still there.
” Is it just the two of us going to sea? ” After Robin followed Reina to the port, he realized that Reina didn’t seem to have any plans to bring anyone else.
” Hehe … You’ll find out later! ” Reina smiled slightly, then bit his finger, and after the seal was formed, he placed his palm on the sea, and shouted: ” Spirituality · Hard Shell! ”
” Boom! ”
After a puff of smoke, the huge tortoise appeared in front of Robin’s eyes, and she took several steps back in surprise.
But just as Reina was about to take Robin on board, there was Marco’s voice over there.
” Wait … Reina! ”
” What’s wrong? ” Reina looked back and saw that Marco, Vista and the others actually came together.
” Dad said, this time is to get justice for Robin, so let’s go together! ” Marko said with a smile.
” Let’s go together? There’s no need for such a big battle, right? ” Reina was stunned and said hesitantly.
” Gu la la la … why don’t you, I’m the godfather of little Robin! ” Not far away, Whitebeard came with Joz and others.
” Big brother is going too? ” Reina was really shocked now. If Whitebeard also appeared in Xihai, it would be a big event!
” Of course, let’s go, go directly to the Moby Dick ! ” With Whitebeard’s order, the crew also began to load the Moby Dick with supplies for the voyage.
” This … Marko … Tell me honestly, why did the eldest brother suddenly decide to go with me, did something happen? ” After the Moby Dick set sail, Reina quietly found Marko, puzzled asked.
” As you think, Dad can’t stay here, so I heard that you are going to play in the West Sea, so he also wants to go out for a walk! And he said that this time you are likely to face the Navy, so you are alone I ‘m afraid not! ” Marco nodded and replied.

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