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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” In other words, Yo Yo was left in the Chambord Archipelago by you? Is that guy Rayleigh hiding there? What a laid-back bastard! Goo la la la …” When Beard said it again, he also told Whitebeard about Hancock and Rayleigh.
” Yes, Rayleigh promised to teach them two years, and now almost half of the time has passed without knowing it! When I have time, I have to go to the Chambord Islands! ” Reina nodded and smiled. said.
” Hey … Reina, we came out so generously, where do you want to go? ” Marco asked with a smile.
” I don’t know. Originally, I planned to take Robin and sail towards O’Hara at the same time. If I encountered a bastard who had bullied her on the road, I would just kill it. If I didn’t encounter it, I would be too lazy to look for it! Who knows you all Running here! ” Reina rolled her eyes and said.
” What about now? Shall we go to O’Hara together? ” Marco asked, rubbing his head.
” Hmph, since the navy did all this, then go and teach the navy a lesson first, and then you can take little Robin to the West Sea! ” Whitebeard said while sitting on his characteristic reclining chair.
” Oh? What good plan does Big Brother have? ” Reina asked, tilting her head.
Whitebeard smiled and said softly: ” Dragon people! ”
Reina was startled, then shook his head and said, ” Big brother wants to use the Tianlong man to lead out the admiral of the navy? I don’t agree. Did big brother forget how that man failed? ”
” Don’t worry, I won’t mess around! ” Whitebeard naturally knew who Reina was talking about.
” That doesn’t work either, those guys are too dangerous, no one knows their cards, so it’s best not to provoke them! Even when Tiger went to Mary Joa, we deliberately avoided the Tianlong people, I’m just afraid of causing big trouble if I accidentally hurt them! ” Reina still shook his head and said.
After hearing the conversation between Whitebeard and Reina, Robin also stood up and said: ” Father is right, Godfather doesn’t need to take risks because of me, and if I cause any damage to everyone, I won’t. Good day! ”
” Don’t worry, I’m not going to attack Mary Joa and use the Tianlong people to draw out the navy! Now the only one who can fight the navy is Garp, but with Garp’s character, he won’t care about the Tianlong people, Sengoku Now that he’s a marshal, he won’t be dispatched easily, Zefa has turned behind the scenes and won’t appear, who do you think the navy will send? ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” Recently, from the situation of the navy, Akainu, Kizaru and Aokiji should be the candidates to replace the three generals, but they are still too young, so the senior navy did not give them a promotion. If the Tianlong people are in trouble , they are very likely to be dispatched! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” Isn’t that right? When we go to the Chambord Archipelago, we can find any pirate group and let them go to tease the Tianlong people. The navy will definitely let them out, and then we can just block them and fight! ” Whitebeard Say your plan.
” But once we show up, the Naval Headquarters will never sit idly by. Karp and even Sengoku are very likely to come! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” We’re not trying to kill them, it’s just a warning to them! ” Whitebeard glanced at Reina and said softly.
Reina was just about to continue to oppose, but thinking of the scene where Robin woke up in the middle of the night that day, he gritted his teeth and said, ” If that’s the case, Big Brother doesn’t have to show up. If Warring States or Garp appear, Big Brother won’t be too late! Leave it to us! ”
” Father, don’t use it anymore, it’s too dangerous! ” Robin shook his head and said.
” Don’t worry, if it’s just Aokiji, we’ll have no problem! The problem is that Garp, who doesn’t have the fighting power of Big Brother, can’t fight against him! ” Reina patted Robin’s with a smile. arm, said.
He knew that Qingzhi had become Robin’s inner demon, so he had to show his strength to rival Qingzhi, otherwise she would always feel insecure.
” You don’t show up then, just hide and watch! ” Seeing Robin’s worried look, Rayner knew why Whitebeard had to fight the Navy.
Soon, the Moby Dick came to the other side of the Red Continent from the bottom of the sea, and Pediatrics also set off first to find a ghost pirate group.
After everything was ready, Reina quietly landed on the Chambord Islands with the captains.
At the same time, Rayleigh, who was teaching the three Hancock sisters, suddenly frowned and looked at the sea in the distance.
” Uncle Rayleigh, what’s the matter? ” Hancock, who first discovered Rayleigh’s condition, asked sideways.
” I don’t know … I feel something bad is about to happen! I can feel it … a group of incredible guys are coming! ” Rayleigh shook his head and said with a serious face.
” Ah? ” The three sisters didn’t understand at all, but from Rayleigh’s expression, it seemed that some powerful people had come to the Chambord Islands.
” You guys go back first, tell Xia Qi to stay at home, don’t go anywhere, I’ll go and see! ” Rayleigh said after thinking about it.
” Yes! ” The three sisters nodded and immediately ran back towards Xia Qi’s tavern, while Rayleigh rushed towards the place where Reina and the others landed.
” Olga, you and Robin will watch from a distance later, don’t get close to the battlefield, you know? ” After landing, Reina said to Olga and Robin beside him while looking for a suitable ambush spot.
” Don’t worry, they won’t go there! ” Olga nodded and said.
Although she has been training with the captains for a while now, her strength is still at the level of bullying ordinary naval soldiers, and it is estimated that even the current Robin is not comparable.
At this moment, Reina suddenly looked to the side, and then the captains also looked in that direction, showing a state of alertness.
” I said who came here, it turned out to be you guys! What do you Whitebeard Pirates want to do? Attack the Chambord Islands? ” Rayleigh, who was approaching quickly from a distance, saw Reina and the others. Immediately said with a smile.
” Pluto … Rayleigh! You are really here! ” As an opponent who fought together at the beginning, Marko recognized Rayleigh at once.
” Wow hahaha … Rayleigh, it’s so nice of you to come here, I’ll ask you one thing, I don’t think I have time to take care of my daughter after the fight, so she’ll ask you! ” Seeing Rayleigh, Reina immediately laughed Haha stepped forward and said.
” Your daughter? ” Riley’s eyes widened, looking at Reina in disbelief, and asked, ” When did you have a daughter? ”
Reina happily took Robin forward and said, ” This is my daughter, my own! It’s my and Olivia’s child, I didn’t know it before, she just found me recently! There’s nothing wrong with it. Hehehe … are you particularly envious? ”
Reilly pushed his glasses, looked at Robin carefully, and said, ” She doesn’t look like you at all! ”
” Bastard? What’s different? She is exactly the same as her mother, and you look at the nose … the eyes, are they very similar to me? ” Reina said immediately angrily.
” I really didn’t see her resemblance to you, but those eyes … do look a bit like you. Is she really your daughter? ” Reilly said, still not very convinced.
” Come on … do n’t think I couldn’t beat you back then, and I can’t beat you now! ” Reina rolled up his sleeves and pulled Rayleigh to start.
” Just spare me, I can’t compete with you young people! ” But Rayleigh knew that Rayner was just joking, so he said with a smile: ” You don’t really plan to attack the Chambord Islands, do you? If it’s true, give me some time so I can move! ”
” Of course not! What are we doing here? We’re just here to do something! ” Reina put away his smile and shook his head.
” Since that’s the case, then I won’t disturb you. You do your business. I’ll go back first, so as not to be affected by you! ” With that, Rayleigh planned to leave.
” Don’t! Can’t you watch the liveliness? Help me take care of Robin by the way! ” Reina grabbed Rayleigh, then turned his head and said to Robin: ” This guy was the deputy captain of Roger’s ship back then, that At that time, I was hanged and beaten by him a lot, and my strength was quite powerful, so I would have no problem following him! ”
” One Piece’s vice-captain? ” Robin was taken aback by Reina’s introduction and asked in surprise.
” What about the vice-captain of One Piece? Your father is not a small person, so there is no need to be so surprised! ” Rayleigh said with a smile.
Robin smiled slightly. Of course, she was very familiar with her father. Before she saw Reina, she had already inquired about Reina clearly.
In the end, Reina was unable to entangle him, and after agreeing to help take care of Robin and Olga, Reilly took the two to choose a high position to watch the next battle.
” It’s already done over there! ” Marco, who was beside Reina, said softly after seeing the commotion on the Chambord Archipelago.
” Is there any problem with the pirates you contacted? Tell them how to retreat? ” Reina nodded and said.
He has also sensed the color of seeing and hearing, and the island has indeed begun to turmoil.
” Don’t worry, there’s no problem! ” Marko’s words just fell out. Not far away, there was already a group of pirates, desperately running towards them, as if some monsters were chasing them.
However, Reina and others who were hiding did not pay attention to them, but waited for the reinforcements sent by the navy.
” Come on! ” Not long after the group of pirates passed, Reina raised his head slightly, and he had already felt a powerful vitality approaching rapidly.
” It’s not bad that it’s the closest place to the Navy Headquarters, it’s quick to come! ” Marko also raised his head and said.
” It should be Kizaru, only his glittering fruit can have such a fast speed! ” Reina confirmed.
” Then leave it to me! ” Marko finished speaking, spread his arms, turned into wings, and kicked towards a light chasing the fleeing pirates.
” Bang! ”
” Oh? This is … a trap? ” He was suddenly attacked by Marco, but Kizaru still blocked Marco’s kick with his arm, and whispered.
” Trap? It doesn’t count! ” Marko said with a smile, looking at Kizaru who was kicked away by himself.
” Captain of the First Team of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Phoenix … Marco? Why are you here? ” He turned into a ray of light and re-gathered the human-shaped Kizaru, asking with a puzzled face.

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