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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” What’s your purpose? ” The ice blade in Qingzhi’s hand blocked Reina’s ice wheel pill, and then asked solemnly.
” Purpose? Hahaha … that’s your head! ” Reina kicked Aokiji’s body, directly kicking the ice-shaped Aokiji to pieces.
” It seems that we can’t talk about it! ” Aokiji said to Reina from another place with an ugly face.
” When did your navy and our pirates settle things by talking? ” Reina smiled contemptuously and attacked Aokiji again.
” Ouch ~ things are a little strange! The people of the Whitebeard Pirates don’t mean to fight to the death! ” Just as Aokiji and Reina continued to fight, Kiabou came to Akainu and said softly.
” Don’t be misled by them, if you’re careless, they won’t be merciful! ” Akainu punched Bista and said.
Although he said this, he also felt that the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates really just wanted to prevent him and Kizaru from disturbing the battle between Reina and Aokiji.
” Could it be that … What did Aokiji do recently? It provoked the people of the Whitebeard Pirates to target him like this ? ” Really only for Aokiji.
The battle in the Chambord Islands was soon spread to the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando.
” What did you say? Akagi, Kiabou and Aokiji were blocked by someone? It’s just a pirate group, and the three of them can’t succeed ? ” When there was a battle in the Earth Islands, the first reaction was to not believe it.
” Yes, Master Marshal, according to the reports of his subordinates, it seems that the Whitebeard Pirates fought with them! ” A non-commissioned officer replied after saluting.
” Whitebeard Pirates? What do those guys want to do? ” Warring States frowned and asked, ” Who are the people who have appeared? ”
” At present, there are already ten people including Deputy Captain Chitomi Reina, Captain of the First Division, Marco the Phoenix, Captain of the Third Division, Diamond Joze, Captain of the Fifth Division, and Foil Bista! ” the sergeant reported. .
” We actually dispatched ten captains together with Reina. Could it be that the Whitebeard Pirates have made a big move recently? ” After thinking for a while, Sengoku said, ” Let Dauberman, Ghost Spider and Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel go. Support the Akainu trio! ”
” Yes! ”
After the non-commissioned officer saluted, he was just about to turn around to go out, when a soldier suddenly pushed open the door and walked in with a panicked face, shouting: ” Master Marshal, in the waters near the Chambord Islands … I found … the Whitebeard Pirates … The main ship … the Moby Dick ! ”
” What? ” Sengoku stood up directly and asked, ” Is the news true? Are you sure it’s the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates? ”
” It has been confirmed, and the captain of the other party has been found … Edward Newgate , Whitebeard ! ” the soldier replied loudly.
” It’s really troublesome … What the hell are those bastards trying to do? Can’t they just stay safe for a few days? ” Warring States said with an ugly face.
” Master Marshal, what should we do now? ” The non-commissioned officer who was going to send the order before stopped and asked.
” Go and inform Garp, let him go to Chambord Archipelago to deal with Whitebeard, and … let the three ghost spiders bring three warships! ” After thinking about it, Sengoku said directly.
” Yes! ”
Just when the Navy thought that Whitebeard was going to attack, on the Moby Dick , Thatch came to Whitebeard and said, ” Dad, someone from the Navy found us! ”
” Gu la la la … Let Reina and the others act quickly, the Warring States Period will definitely send reinforcements, after all, this place is too close to the naval headquarters! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
After receiving the order of Whitebeard, the captain-level combat power except Hansen stayed, and the rest of the captains also rushed to the Chambord Islands to support Reina and others by boat.
” Hey … what are you going to do? Do you want to completely anger the navy? ” Seeing the support of the captain’s level, Rayleigh, who was watching the battle, began to have a headache. After all, he was still living in seclusion here. The navy has begun a major purge here, and even he will be affected.
” People don’t know! ” Olga pouted, pretending she didn’t know anything.
It’s just that she is really not good at lying, and the expression on her face has completely betrayed her.
” Hey ~~ Reina, make a quick decision, the naval headquarters has already sent someone here. Dad said if you don’t hurry up, he will take action in person! ” Saatchi came to the place of the battle and shouted at Reina. shouted.
Originally, when they saw the other side’s reinforcements, the three Akainu’s faces were very ugly, but after hearing Saqi’s words, their faces became the same as black charcoal.
What kind of existence is Whitebeard? Among the countless pirates at present, that is also the big man standing at the top. If the other party really makes a move, the three of them can’t guarantee that all of them will retreat.
But it is not without good news. The headquarters side obviously already knows the news here, as long as they persist until the reinforcements arrive.
” Got it! It looks like the warm-up is over! I’ll be serious next time! Aokiji, if you’re careless … don’t blame me if you die! ” Reina smiled, and the three gouyu in his eyes began to move quickly. Rotated, and finally turned directly into a blade-like form.
After seeing Reina open the Kaleidoscope Shaker, Qingzhi knew that the other party was really serious, so he had to play with 120,000 spirits, because the next battle, a careless, may be true Like Reina said, people will die.
In fact, Reina didn’t have the idea of solving the green pheasant here. He didn’t plan to completely anger the navy, and he was familiar with the original book and knew that if it weren’t for the green pheasant, Robin might not know how tall the grass is now.
But now Aokiji has become Robin’s inner demon, so I don’t tell her in front of Robin that if Reina has the strength to fight Aokiji, I’m afraid this situation will continue for a long time.
” Binglun Pill … swastika! ” Reina, who made up his mind, turned on all his firepower. Not only did he open the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, but even the swastika of Binglun Pill was directly unraveled.
Following Reina’s movements, the ice extended directly from the blade of Hinarinmaru, wrapping Reina’s arm at the same time, and a group of ice wings also formed behind Reina.
At the same time, behind Reina, three huge four-petal ice flowers appeared at the same time.
” Roar ~~” A huge ice dragon with wings on its back flew out from the tip of the sword, and the sky over the entire Chambord Islands darkened.
” That kid … is it real? Could it be that he intends to kill the green pheasant here? ” Rayleigh said in surprise when he saw Reina with full firepower.
Robin and Olga around him also began to get nervous. No one could predict the outcome of a battle between strong men like Reina and Aokiji.
” Millennium Ice Prison! ” Reina was rude, and dozens of icicles rushed directly to the green pheasant. Even if the green pheasant is a person with the ability to freeze fruit, he can feel that these icicles are not easy to catch.
” Ice Cubes , Possessed Pheasant Mouth! ” Aokiji wasn’t someone to sit still, so he gave a direct counterattack.
But when his violent pheasant mouth blocked Reina’s icicles, the ice on both sides condensed directly in the air, turning the place where they fought into a world of ice and snow.
” I said … don’t be careless! ” At some point, Reina suddenly appeared behind Aokiji, and the ice wheel pill in his hand slashed directly at Aokiji.
” It’s a troublesome guy …” When Qingzhi spoke, the whole person had turned into a pile of ice, and Reina’s slash directly cut the ice in half, but he knew that he did not hurt the other party. .
“I found it! Do you want to delay time? ” Reina’s knowledge quickly found the green pheasant walking through the ice. This kind of environment was like a duck to water for the green pheasant.
” Procrastination? No, that doesn’t fit my style at all! Ice cube , two thorn spears! ” At the same time that the ice blade of the handle blocked Reina, two ice spears formed of ice appeared directly behind him, poking directly at Reina.
” You’re not the only one who knows how to use this move! Ice Residual Doll! ” Aokiji’s ice spear pierced Reina, but it was Reina’s double made of ice.
” Dragon Pistol Frame! ” Reina stabbed directly behind the green pheasant.
” Dang! ” This time, Aokiji did not dodge, but chose to resist.
” Humph! Do you think something like this can resist Hingrenmaru? It’s ridiculous! ” When Reina’s voice fell, Aokiji’s ice blade that resisted Reina broke off, and Hingrenwan directly slashed towards Aokiji’s neck.
” It’s a monster with a bounty of more than one billion! ” Aokiji stepped back continuously, dodging Reina’s slash directly.
” It’s not over yet! Your actions … can’t avoid my eyes! ” Reina, who followed closely, came directly to Aokiji’s side and kicked him in the chest.
” Oops! ” Although Aokiji blocked Reina’s kick with his arms, he was still kicked out.
” Kuzan! ” Over there, seeing Aokiji being kicked away by Reina, Kizaru and Akainu made force at the same time and attacked Reina.
” Don’t think we don’t exist! ” The captains headed by Marco Vista directly blocked the two of them and blocked their rescue.
” Tsk tsk tsk … that kid has made great progress! If he had such strength back then, it would be really difficult to handle! ” Rayleigh couldn’t help but praise when he saw Reina’s full output.
” How is it? People have said … Reina is very powerful! ” Olga said with a complacent look, and said with a smile: ” That guy from the navy is not Reina’s opponent at all! ”
Rayleigh smiled undeniably. If Aokiji was so easy to defeat, then his title as a naval monster would be too unreal.
” It’s really … troublesome! ” Sure enough, after the dust and mist dissipated, Aokiji walked out slowly, and he didn’t seem to be injured, and the sloppy look in his eyes disappeared.
” Are you serious? Lieutenant General Aokiji Kuzan ! ” Reina said with a slight smile.

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