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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Goo la la la la … Garp, when will you take care of the Tianlong people? ” Whitebeard stood on the bow, looking at Garp, who was leading three warships towards him, and shouted with laughter road.
” Newgate, why did you suddenly attack the Chambord Islands? ” Garp stood on the bow, but he didn’t mean to laugh at all.
The sudden attack of the Whitebeard Pirates caught the navy by surprise. They did not have any warning beforehand, and suddenly appeared in the Chambord Islands, monitoring the navy of the Whitebeard Pirates. There has been no news yet. It made Garp feel a little worried in his heart.
” You guys, go to Chambord Archipelago to rescue Kuzan and the others first, leave it to me here! ” Garp left himself behind, and then asked Ghost Spider and others to rescue the three Akainu on the island.
But when the three ghost spiders landed on the Chambord Islands, they were directly surprised by the sight in front of them.
” This … is this Chambord Archipelago? ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel looked at the scene in front of him and couldn’t help but say.
” It looks like Reina and Kuzan’s masterpiece! ” Ghost Spider said softly, breathing out a smoke ring.
I saw that everything in front of them was frozen, whether it was the buildings on the Chambord Archipelago or the crowd, they were completely covered by ice, and the panic on the faces of those who were fleeing was completely preserved by the ice. down.
” This is really a big event! If you can’t handle it well, it will be troublesome! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel looked at the frozen civilians, sighed, and said.
” Let’s go! This is the periphery of the battlefield, and I don’t know what it will be like inside! ” Lieutenant General Dauberman said anxiously, feeling the battle fluctuations coming from the front.
” You stay, help those civilians, be careful, they are just frozen, not dead! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel nodded and said to his subordinates.
The ghost spider and Dauberman on the side saw this and asked their subordinates to go to rescue people, because these soldiers were completely unable to help where they were going next.
After the command, the three quickly rushed to the battlefield.
” Kuzan! ” Akainu punched back Bista, who was blocking him. Just as he was about to rescue Aokiji, he was knocked away by Joz, who had already turned into a diamond.
” Cough cough … Damn it! ” Akainu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, staring at the captains who surrounded him, he couldn’t break through at all.
At this time, the green pheasant’s clothes were tattered, and the blood on his forehead had flowed down his face.
” Time is running out, Aokiji, it’s time to decide the winner! ” Opposite Aokiji, Reina wasn’t much better, his battle suit was full of holes, and there was a big hole in his left arm, which was flowing Blood, with some frostbite marks on it.
” Sakaski! Kuzan! Polsalino! ” When the three ghost spiders saw that the three people were injured by Akainu, they didn’t have time to say more and rushed over.
” Qi ~ Are the reinforcements coming so quickly? ” Marco said with a pouted lip.
” Leave it to me! ” The buffalo Atmos roared, directly blocking the ghost spider.
In front of Dauberman and Flying Squirrel, a captain each appeared.
” It seems that the navy still attaches great importance to the three of you! The reinforcements came so quickly? But it’s time to stop here! ” Reina smiled and disappeared from the spot again.
” Bastard! ” Over there, Akainu and Kizaru had to act immediately. They had to stop Reina from killing Aokiji, otherwise, it would definitely be an unacceptable loss for the Navy.
” Don’t ignore us! The roses are dancing! ” The petals fell, and Bista knew that this was the last blow, so he didn’t dare to be careless.
” Phoenix Seal! ” Marko completely transformed into a phoenix and kicked the yellow ape who was about to become elemental.
” Every one is a pervert! ” Kizaru had to withdraw from the elemental state to block Marko’s attack, but while being kicked away by Marko, he also had room to operate.
” Bachi Qionggou Yu! ” The yellow monkey in the air directly transformed into the sun, and countless rays of light flew away.
” Oops! What a mistake! ” Although Marco tried his best to block the light of Kizaru, countless rays of light still shot towards Reina.
“The dog bites the red lotus! ” The Akainu over there also turned into lava, and the temperature of the place where he was rose rapidly, melting all the surrounding ice.
” These bastards, they haven’t used their full strength before! ” The outbreak of Kizaru and Akainu made the captains startled. They didn’t expect the other party to have such a powerful explosive power.
However, as Kisaragi and Akainu both used their own big moves to try to influence Reina, but Reina simply moved, and still quickly approached Aokiji.
” Ice Age! ” Qing pheasant naturally wouldn’t sit still, only to see him on the ground with his hands on the ground, shouting violently, with him as the center, the ice quickly spread around.
” This kind of struggle is useless! Time stands still! ” A red light erupted from Reina’s right eye, and Aokiji stayed where he was, as if the spread of ice had stopped.
” Sure enough, it’s that move again! ” Kisaragi and Akainu saw Aokiji’s appearance, and knew that Reina had used that weird move again.
” Polusalino! ” When Akainu saw Reina using that weird move again, he did not dodge in the direction of Aokiji again, but came to Kiabou and helped him block Marco s attack.
” Laser · Yata Mirror! ”
” Oops! Hurry up, stop Kiabou! ” Seeing this, Marko immediately understood the other party’s plan.
Akainu helped Kizaru to block the attack, and then used Kizaru’s speed to directly break through the captains to affect Reina in the battle over there.
Sure enough, with the help of Akainu, Kizaru temporarily got rid of the entanglement of the captains, directly transformed into a ray of light and crossed the battlefield here, and flew towards the green pheasant.
” Pfft! ”
” Boom! ”
Reina, who was charging towards the green pheasant, was kicked away by the Kizaru who had just stabbed the blue pheasant with the ice wheel pill in his hand.
” Cough cough …” Aokiji, who was awake from the stillness of time, looked at the wound on his chest, and then looked at the yellow monkey beside him. He knew that this time, the three of them won.
” Hehehe … It’s not bad for the navy’s monster-level combat power! Marco, let’s go! ” Reina, who was kicked away by Kizaru, walked out of the dust mist and said softly.
The appearance of Kizaru interrupted his attack just now. In fact, even if Kizaru doesn’t appear, the time for his time to stand still has come, and it is very unlikely that the green pheasant will be directly killed by him.
His purpose was just to teach Aokiji a lesson, and told Robin that he was capable of dealing with Aokiji, so he had no plans to kill the opponent. Otherwise, if the captains were involved in the siege, Aokiji would not be able to hold on.
Hearing Reina’s words, the captains quickly gathered and came to Reina’s side.
” Are you alright? ” Rakyo asked softly, standing beside Reina.
” It’s okay, the yellow monkey’s attack can’t cause damage to me, it just interrupted my attack! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Yo yo yo … It’s really scary! ” After hearing that, Kizaru over there said with a look of disdain.
” Aoki … Remember, there are some people you can’t move, it’s best not to move around, or next time … you won’t be so lucky! Let’s go! ” After Reina finished speaking, he took the captains directly. leave.
After they left, the three Daubermans came to Aokiji and asked, ” What happened? Why did you fight against the Whitebeard Pirates? Even Whitebeard came over? ”
Kizaru and Akainu also turned their heads to look at Aokiji. It was obvious today that the other party came for Aokiji, and what Reina said when he left in the end also showed this.
” I don’t know, I’ve been at the headquarters recently, and I haven’t been out at all! ” Qingzhi shook his head and said.
He is also confused now, and he has absolutely no idea why the Whitebeard Pirates targeted him.
On the other side, after the battle, Reina picked up Robin and Olga first, and after saying goodbye to Rayleigh, returned directly to the Moby Dick .
At this time, Whitebeard and Garp didn’t do anything, they just confronted each other, waiting for news from Reina.
” Yo ~ Mr. Karp, I didn’t expect you to come to wipe the butt of the Tianlong people! ” Sure enough, the first time he saw Karp, Reina sarcastically said.
” Reina, what are you guys thinking? ” Garp asked, looking at the Whitebeard Pirates who had returned, his expression changed slightly.
” Don’t worry, your people are fine, but our business has been done, so … see you again! Bye! Hahaha …” With Whitebeard here, and Garp worried about the safety of Aokiji and others, Lei Natsu was sure Karp wouldn’t do it.
” Go, go to the Chambord Islands! ” Garp looked at the Whitebeard Pirates who had left, and as expected, he did not pursue them, but chose to land on the Chambord Islands.
After he arrived on the island, he saw that all three of Akainu were injured, and immediately asked in surprise: ” Sakaski, what happened? ”
” Hey ~ you ask Kuzan! ” Sakaski left after leaving a sentence.
Being beaten by the Whitebeard Pirates today made the arrogant Akainu even more unhappy, especially this kind of battle that he didn’t even know the reason for, which made him feel that he helped Aokiji to stop the robbery.
” Kuzan? ” Garp was taken aback, then turned to look at the most seriously injured Aokiji.
” Mr. Karp, I don’t know the reason, but the Whitebeard Pirates seem to be here for me today. If it wasn’t for Sakaski and Polsalino, I’m afraid I’d be out of luck today! ” Said with a wry smile.
” Okay, let’s go back and talk about something else, Mr. Karp, the Chambord Islands have been seriously damaged, and many civilians have been affected by the fight between Kuzan and Reina, and now they are in urgent need of rescue! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel on the side inserted a sentence and said .
Karp nodded and said: ” Let the soldiers rescue the civilians first, and the rest … Kuzan, go back and talk to Sengoku in detail! ”
” Okay, Mr. Karp! ” Aokiji nodded weakly and replied.
Aokiji admires Garp very much. Since he left the training camp of the Navy headquarters, he has followed Garp in action, so he knows very well how strong Garp is, and he is very willing to obey Garp’s orders.

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