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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” What did you say … ? ” Brother Doflamingo said in a deep voice with a tic tac toe on his forehead holding the phone bug.
” Young … young master …” A slightly frightened voice came from among the phone bugs.
” Hey hey hey … Dover … what happened? ” Torrepol walked to Doflamingo’s side and asked.
” The arms sent to the New World Beast Pirates have been robbed! ” Doflamingo said softly.
” What? Who did it? ” asked Torrepol, startled.
” Benery D. Rayner of the Whitebeard Pirates ! ” Doflamingo suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice.
” Benery D. Reina? Reina? ” Torrepol asked in surprise.
” That’s right …嗈嗗嗗嗈… It’s getting more and more interesting! You tell Kaido, I will assemble a new batch of goods for him to send over, this time should be given to Reina! ‘ Doflamingo burst out laughing and said to the phone bug.
” Yes … Yes! Young Master! ” The other end of the phone worm replied with a trembling voice.
” Dover … what are you going to do? ” Torrepol, who was snot-hanging, turned his head sideways and asked.
“咈咈咈咈… New World … It’s time to pass! I heard that the World Government has recently established the intention of establishing Wang Xia Qiwuhai, let’s go and find out … Then find a way to get a place, and get something useful! In addition Dressrosa’s plan can also be advanced! ” Doflamingo, wearing red sunglasses, said with a big laugh.
” Hehehehe … is that so? That’s … great! ” Torrepol replied with a slight smile.
” Besides … Corazon’s place …” Doflamingo hesitated for a while and said.
” Hehehe … Nene ~ I think it’s better to be cautious, after all, he is your brother! ” Torrepol said in a strange tone.
” Hmph ~ If he really did that kind of thing … kill him! ” Doflamingo said cruelly.
” Then don’t say such things until there is no evidence! Hehehe …” Torrepol nodded and replied.
Just when Doflamingo decided on the next strategic thinking, the Whitebeard Pirates came to an island that was being attacked by pirates.
” Tsk tsk tsk … Even just a few stinky fish and rotten shrimps dare to do it? It’s really boring! ” Reina clapped his hands, put the pirates to the ground, and said with a smile.
” Deputy captain, come and see! We have discovered the treasure house! ” At this time, several members of the Whitebeard Pirates ran out of the cabin full of excitement and shouted.
When they saw the island, they found that another pirate group seemed to be looting the island, so Whitebeard took someone to kill it directly.
Reina, on the other hand, brought the members of the second division and came over and directly occupied the opponent’s pirate ship.
” Yo yo yo … My darling… I have a good harvest ! ” Reina followed the team to the treasure vault in the cabin, found the treasures piled up inside, and immediately said with a smile: ” Remove all these! ”
” Deputy captain, come and see … what is this? ” One of the team members came to Reina with an excited face, and shouted loudly.
” Good guy … I earned it this time! Take it all with me, and search the entire cabin carefully, don’t miss anything! ” Reina took the Devil Fruit and said with a big smile.
Soon, after moving all the treasures and valuables to the Moby Dick , Rayner was ready to take people to the island, but at this time he found that there seemed to be a naval warship not far away. Approach quickly.
” Qi ~ These navies are coming very fast ~ Go and inform the captain personally that the navy is coming! ” Reina stopped and said to the second team member beside him.
” Yes! ”
Not far away, on the naval warship, a tall general with a horn mask with many holes and a long-handled saw blade stood on the bow of the ship, and the urn sounded to the subordinates beside him: ” Bastard, Why don’t you say that the Whitebeard Pirates are also here? Immediately send a signal to the surrounding for support! ”
” Yes, Major General Bastius! ” The soldier beside him immediately saluted.
It turned out that he was the Major General of the Navy Headquarters, Bastiu, known as the Shark Slayer. When he was about to return to the headquarters after completing the mission, he received a distress signal from the island and learned that the place was being attacked by pirates, so he dared directly. come over.
Who knew that it was only after approaching that the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates was actually parked in the port, and the huge whale bow was quite recognizable.
But even if he knew that his opponent was the Whitebeard Pirates, the justice in his heart would not allow him to turn around and run away, so apart from asking for help, the warship did not slow down, but drove straight towards the port.
But just as he was about to arrive at the port, he suddenly found another pirate group that was slowly sailing towards them … No, rather than sailing, it was better to say that it was floating, because the sea on the ship The thieves were all tied up tightly.
” What’s going on? Pittman, go up and have a look! ” Bastiu, who was wearing a mask, said to the adjutant beside him.
” Yes, my lord! ” Pittman stepped a little, jumped out of the warship directly, connected his footsteps in the air, and came directly to the pirate ship.
” Huh? ” After checking the ship carefully, Pittman came to the side of the ship and shouted to Bastieu on the warship: ” My lord , these pirates have fainted, and they seem to have been looted. Average! ”
” Put the warship over and bring the pirate ship to the shore! ” Bastieu said directly after thinking for a while.
On the other side, Reina, who was standing on the Moby Dick , saw that the navy warship actually brought the pirate ship over, and pouted, ” Are those navy idiots? Do you know that we are still approaching here? Don’t they like the gifts given to them? ”
” Deputy captain, you just threw the pirate ship over like this, they don’t know what it means! And they are the navy, how could they run away when they saw us? ” A member of the second division said with spit.
” Eh ~ ? That’s fine! Since that’s the case, we can only sink them! ” Reina said with a look of embarrassment.
” Boom boom boom …” Under Rayner’s order, the Moby Dick also fired countless kind-hearted shells, but none of them hit the Navy’s warships, and the Navy’s artillery was the same. Such a big Moby Dick The Dick is parked here, they just can’t hit!
Of course, it is also related to the desperate defense of the players of the second team.
Finally, when the naval warships also arrived in the port, the tentative artillery on both sides stopped.
“The Whitebeard Pirates … I didn’t expect you to be such a murderous pirate … Let my justice smash your legends today! ” Major General Bastius, holding his long-handled saw , shouted viciously to Rayner on Moby Dick .
Reina rolled her eyes and replied, ” How do you know that we are killing innocent people? Didn’t I send the culprits to you just now? Just take them away, so why come here? Isn’t this embarrassing for both of us? ”
Bastiu was stunned for a moment, and then said loudly: ” Who can trust you? It’s not your pirates who have the final say on this kind of thing! ”
” Since that’s the case … let’s fight! ” Encountering such a more dedicated navy, Reina had no choice but to prepare for battle.
The navy over there also stepped forward, just waiting for the warship to approach before launching an attack.
But at this moment, Marco in the form of a phoenix descended from the sky and landed directly on the deck, asking, ” What’s the situation? ”
“I met a dead-headed navy and thought we sacked the island! How is the situation on the island? ” Reina said, spreading his hands.
” It’s done, it’s just an ordinary pirate group. After seeing my father, my legs are frightened! ” Marco said with a smile.
” Then just send these navies now! ” Reina smiled and looked at the navy at the same time as Marko.
Bastius naturally saw Marco who fell from the sky, but he was wearing a mask, so people couldn’t see the expression on his face clearly.
” Kill! Sink them to the bottom of the ocean! ”
” Go on, bring all the pirates back to the push city! ”
At the moment when the naval ship docked, Reina and Bastius shouted at the same time.
” Kill ~~~”
The navy soldiers and the members of the second team fought directly in an instant. Although the strength of the navy soldiers was not as good as that of the members of the second team, they were more numerous, so they were evenly matched on the scene.
As for Bastius, he rushed directly to Reina, but before he could get close, Marco blocked him directly.
“The captain of the first team … the phoenix Marco! ” Bastiu called out unconsciously, looking at the person standing in front of him.
” Hey … Navy, this is not the place where you messed around! ” Marco smiled slightly and kicked the opponent.
” Shouldn’t I say that? ” Bastiu blocked Marco’s attack with the saw blade in his hand and replied.
Seeing Marco coming forward, Reina didn’t continue. In this case, he didn’t need to take action at all, just leave it to Marco. A major general in the headquarters has no chance of winning against the Whitebeard Pirates.
Sure enough, not only was Bastius defeated by Marco, but the rest of the navy soldiers were quickly brought down with the assistance of the first team.
” Go to a few people, drive the pirate ship and the warship away, and find a place to sell it, which is also a lot of money! ” Reina said, pointing to the warships in the port and the pirate ship that he had abandoned before.
” Hey … don’t even let go of the warship? ” Marko walked over slowly and said with shrugged eyes.
The battle just now made him quite fond of this stubborn rear admiral, so he just mentioned it.
” Is it worth the warship? Who asked him to deliver it to his door? ” Reina pouted and said.
Bastiu, who was lying on the ground, fainted a long time ago, otherwise he would have died of anger when he heard Reina’s words.

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