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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Blu Bleu … Bleu Bleu …”
” Hey … this is Reina! ”
Reina took out a phone bug from his arms and said lazily.
” Is it the deputy captain? We have already heard the news you asked us to inquire about. Someone discovered the red-haired pirates near the Coster Sea a few days ago! ”
” Oh? Really! Very good, thank you for your hard work, and also help me pay attention to the news of Hawkeye Mihawk! ” Reina said with a smile.
After they dealt with the navy and the pirates who sacked the island, they stayed on the island for a day. In order to thank them, the residents of the island specially held a banquet, so now Reina is still a bit high.
” Koster Sea? That’s not very far from us! Why are you looking for the red-haired boy? ” The white beard on the side turned his head and asked.
” When Lingling and Kaido joined forces to attack Xuanyue Island, he blocked Kaido. Although it was useless, this favor must be returned to him! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Oh? Let’s go sailing! I haven’t seen that kid for a long time, and I don’t know how he has grown up now. He has been in the limelight recently! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” Hey hey … I just like to bully this kind of guy! That’s what makes it interesting! ” Reina said with a weird smile.
” Gu la la la la … Don’t you mean it’s still human? ”
” Yeah! When I met our Whitebeard Pirates, I wanted to destroy them all, but looking at the last incident, I just let him go, so wouldn’t I pay off the favor? ” Reina was proud of it. said.
” Goo la la la la …”
Hearing Reina’s divine logic, Whitebeard laughed out loud, and the captains on the side all gave thumbs up, expressing their conviction.
” You really are a debating genius. Only you can think of such logic! ” Lakyo simply admired it.
After a short rest, the Whitebeard Pirates set off again, heading directly towards the Cortes Sea area.
Meanwhile, an uninhabited island in the Koster Navy.
” Uh ~ no, I’m already feeling a little uncomfortable! ” The red-haired Shanks said softly, sitting on a large rock, bowing his head.
” Why don’t you just say it yesterday? It’s you who kept saying you want to continue! ” said Deputy Captain Ben Beckman , who was also slumped with a cigarette in his mouth.
The cadres of the surrounding red-haired pirates are all the same, and they all seem to be sleepy!
” Forget it, let’s take a day off here today! ” Shanks shook his head and said.
Hearing Shanks’ words, the surrounding cadres couldn’t hold on, and they all fell to the ground and started to sleep soundly.
After half a day has passed.
” Head … Boss! It’s not good …” A slightly frightened voice broke the tranquility of the island.
” Hmm … ? ” Shanks sat up with his forehead, looked at his panicked subordinates, and asked, ” Don’t worry … Slow down, what’s the matter? ”
” White … Whitebeard … The Whitebeard Pirates are here! ” The pirate with a little fear on his face said to Shanks, swallowing his saliva.
” Huh? The Whitebeard Pirates? To meet here … It’s really fate! ” Shanks was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly and said.
” Boss, what do we do now? Do you want to leave? ” The chubby Lackey Lu asked Shanks.
“I do n’t need everyone to come to the door. If I don’t see you and leave, my face … Where can I put it! ” Shanks got up slowly and said with a smile.
The rest of the cadres also got up and came to Shanks. They knew what the Whitebeard Pirates were like, and there was bound to be a fierce battle today.
Soon, after the Moby Dick was docked on the edge of the island, Whitebeard led the crew off the ship.
” Gu la la la … The red-haired brat looks quite energetic! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh when he saw Shanks was already waiting for others.
” Hahaha … I can’t help it, I met you guys, don’t take it seriously … But I’ll be hanged and beaten! ” Shanks said seriously.
” Hey hey … It ‘s like if you are serious, it won’t be the same! ” Reina stood behind the white beard and said with a chuckle: ” But don’t be nervous, I didn’t come to beat you today! ”
” Yo ~ it’s Reina! Long time no see! ” Shanks smiled and raised his hand to greet Reina.
” I haven’t seen you for a long time. I saw Rayleigh before, and I mentioned you! Do you still remember our agreement? That straw hat … I’ve been peeping for a long time! ” Reina said with a smile, squinting.
” Hahaha … This is my baby, I won’t give it to you! ” Shanks said with a smile.
” Okay, stop talking nonsense, Reina, let’s get down to business! ” Whitebeard nodded towards Reina and said.
” Well then … Shanks … plans to go on a voyage recently? ” Reina asked, taking two steps forward.
Shanks was stunned, nodded, and said, ” Yes, I’m going to go to the East China Sea recently. That’s the captain’s hometown, so I need to go there for some things! ”
” Then you have to be careful, although the East China Sea is known as the weakest sea, but … it’s not really weak! I saw you lost an arm in the East China Sea, so don’t be too careless! ” Reina nodded and said.
” What? ” Everyone in the Red Hair Pirates looked at Shanks. As members of the Red Hair Pirates, especially the cadres, they knew Reina’s abilities, so they didn’t doubt Reina’s words.
” Lost an arm? Is what I want to do done? ” Shanks was silent for a while before asking with a grin.
” Then I don’t know, but … I saw a very interesting kid! Hahahaha … The roulette of fate has begun to turn! Shanks … don’t be careless! ” Reina laughed and said.
” Thanks, I know how to do it! ”
” It’s good to know! Besides … do you know the whereabouts of Hawkeye? ”
” Mihawk? Are you looking for him? ” Shanks asked curiously.
” Hmph ~ Beating Bista is like nothing has happened? Our Whitebeard Pirates are not some experience babies, everyone can come to gain experience! ” Reina said with a cold snort.
” It turned out to be for this … I think he must …”
” Hey … Redhead … I just asked if you knew his whereabouts, just tell me … The rest don’t need to be said! ” Reina directly interrupted Shanks’ explanation and said.
Reina strongly interrupted Shanks’ words, which made the originally peaceful atmosphere suddenly tense. Many members of the Red-haired Pirates tightened their weapons and seemed to be ready to fight at any time.
” Ah ~ I do know that we fought with him once before, and we both are about the same strength! If it’s because of reputation … you and I are the same! ” Shanks said with a slight smile.
” Yo ~ it seems that you want to take this matter down? ” Reina touched his chin and said, ” Don’t look at how much you have improved now … I want to beat you, it’s still no problem! ”
Shanks just smiled and didn’t speak, just looked at Reina quietly.
” Gu la la la … Reina, it seems that he is not convinced that you beat him in the first place! That’s right, he was a child back then! ” Seeing this, Whitebeard laughed and found a stone Block sat down.
” Qi ~ The most sour knows why that red-nosed guy hates you. He’s really a depressing guy! It seems that I won’t be able to calm down if I don’t beat you today! ” Reina moved his arms and smiled. said.
” Boss! ” Laki Lu took a step forward and stood beside Shanks, as if planning to do it together.
” You go and watch, don’t interfere! ” Shanks shook his head and said.
Whitebeard took the initiative to give up the space, indicating that they did not really want to fight, so his battle with Reina was more like a discussion, and he proposed it himself.
” But what’s the result of today, Hawkeye’s account, after today … forget it! Shaker … Open! ” Reina directly opened the kaleidoscope Shaker, and with a little footsteps, rushed directly towards Shanks.
” Thanks, I’ll do my best! ” Shanks knew that Rayner understood what he meant, so in return, he would definitely do his best.
” When ~~”
” Boom ~~~~”
When Reina’s Hirinmaru and Shanks’ saber came into contact, there was a powerful aftermath of energy. Except for the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates and the cadre of the Red-haired Pirates, all the surrounding members were blown over. Go out a lot.
” Overlord color collision? ”
The members of the Red-haired Pirates were all very surprised when they saw that Reina actually used the overlord color. They never heard that Reina would use the overlord color!
” How did you cultivate your overlord color? It’s actually so powerful? ” After the fight, the two separated. Under the clash of overlord colors just now, it was clear that Shanks had the upper hand.
” It ‘s … natural! ” Shanks replied with a slight smile.
He really doesn’t know the reason for this. Anyway, his overlord is getting stronger and stronger.
” Good boy! The next step is to be serious! Frozen thousands of miles! ” Since the overlord is not as good as others, Reina has no intention of continuing to compete with the opponent, and starts to attack with moves.
” Seriously … it’s not good at this level! ” Shanks smashed Reina’s slash with a sword and said with a chuckle.
” Really ? Then … sitting in the frosty sky ! Bing Lun Wan !” Reina turned on the initial state of Bing Lun Wan, and the surrounding air seemed to be frozen.
With Reina’s use of Hingrenwan, the strength that Hingrenwan can exert has become stronger and stronger. Although it is not as powerful as ” Death ” , in the world of One Piece, it is already a top-notch weapon. .
As the battle between the two began, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates and the officers of the Red-haired Pirates had to step back some distance, otherwise, if they watched closely, it would be very easy to be injured by the aftermath of the battle between the two.
Whitebeard was the only one left to watch it on the spot.
If Reina carefully observes, you will find that Xi’an Azi Baibeard is already full of domineering domineering, which is used to resist the aftermath of the battle between the two.
“The edge wall ice formation! ”
” Cut! ”
” Boom … boom ~~~”
The aftermath of the battle between the two caused great damage to the surrounding environment, but the stones under Whitebeard still remained.
” It’s been a long time since I’ve been this cool, Bing Lun Maru ~ Swastika! ” Reina laughed, and directly activated the state of Bing Lun Maru’s swastika.
” These two bastards! ” After only ten minutes, Whitebeard’s expression changed. The current state of the two is not like they are fighting each other. Even he can feel the pressure, at least he is under the stone. It can’t be kept.

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