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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
With Whitebeard’s permission, Rayner wrote a letter to Tiger and Jinpei in his own name, and then asked his subordinates to hand it over to them. He himself had already obtained the treasure map that Marco said.
” Treasure map detected … Is treasure hunt mode enabled? ”
” Turn on! ”
After glancing at the treasure map, Reina confirmed the authenticity of the treasure map, because the system had already prompted him whether to turn on the treasure hunt mode.
If it is a fake treasure map, the system will not prompt.
Without hesitation, Reina directly turned on the treasure hunt mode.
Recently, he also needs the treasure hunt mode to help him share some work time, because his basic physique and swordsmanship proficiency … full!
Yes, after both physical skills and swordsmanship were upgraded to the advanced level, although there were as many as 100,000 proficiencies that needed to be improved, Reina just fully improved them all under the uninterrupted training over the years.
These two basic skills, in Reina’s view, are the foundation of his standing. Whether it is domineering or Bing Lun Wan, they need the support of physical and sword skills to exert their greatest power.
So after the proficiency is full, he plans to buy the promotion scroll for the first time.
However, the cost of the advanced system of physical and swordsmanship and swordsmanship is actually 200,000 points.
You must know that Bing Lun Pill’s swastika was only 100,000 points, and his current Sharinyan promotion scroll is only 200,000 points. Although two such scrolls are needed to advance to the Eternal Kaleidoscope, physical skills and swordsmanship are only the foundation. Skill!
It’s completely different from the Sharinyan with special bloodline ability, but I didn’t expect them to have something in common … They’re all so expensive!
Seeing that he only has less than 300,000 points, this is what he plans to save to advance to the Eternal Kaleidoscope.
In the end, after careful consideration, Reina still chose to buy the advanced taijutsu promotion volume first, because compared with swordsmanship, Reina still felt that taijutsu was more helpful to him.
Swordsmanship can only be used on Binglunwan, but physical skills can not only affect his domineering, physical strength, and writing round eyes, but even the use of Binglunwan can also increase.
Because the use of these abilities is linked to his physical strength, he chose to advance to advanced physical arts in a limited way.
After purchasing the scroll, Reina was almost on the verge of tears as she watched the points shrink again.
What made him speechless was that after he advanced to the advanced level, it just became a super-level exercise, but his proficiency increased tenfold!
That’s right, from a hundred thousand directly to a million!
However, as his physical skills became more powerful, the growth of his proficiency also accelerated a lot, otherwise he would not be able to fully train his proficiency in his entire life.
Next, he calculated the point gap he needed. In addition to the 400,000 required to advance to the Eternal Kaleidoscope, there was also 200,000 required for advanced swordsmanship.
In addition, the ability of the Black Emperor is now a little worse, and he also needs to be promoted. With his current level, he needs 150,000 points to be promoted again.
In other words, nothing else counts, and he still lacks 750,000 points.
Thinking of this huge number, Reina felt dizzy for a while, and even hated himself a little bit. He spent too many points in the past few years!
Otherwise, we won’t have only a mere 80,000 points left after purchasing the advanced physical skills promotion roll!
As long as he clocks in uninterruptedly, the full attendance points for one month are 4,650, and the full-time points for one year are 55,800.
But now he is short of 750,000 …
It will take at least a dozen years of uninterrupted work to get it together.
The thought of these numbers made Reiner feel an excruciating pain.
” Hey ~~ Reina, the amount of liquor stored in the warehouse is running out. During the last few banquets, there was no more white wine to use. Would you like to take out some more! ” Just as Reina felt distressed about his points , When he reflected on how many points he had spent in recent years, Saatchi, the captain and chef of the fourth team, came over and said to Reina.
Reina slowly looked back at Saatchi, directly startling Saatchi.
” You … what’s wrong with you? ” Saatchi swallowed, looked at Reina in confusion, and asked.
” In the future … there will be no liquor! ” Reina said in a deep voice.
” What … what? ” Saatchi asked Reina with a surprised face, whether he couldn’t believe it, or didn’t hear it clearly.
” I said … in the future … there will be no more liquor! At least in ten years! ” Reina shook his head and said again.
” Why … why? ” Saatchi asked in a daze, still a little confused about the situation .
” Because of brewing baijiu … it made me bankrupt! ” Reina roared, causing Saatchi to sit on the ground.
He felt Reina’s grief and anger just now, and that anger was filled with a hint of despair, which directly frightened Saatchi.
” What’s the matter? What’s wrong? ”
I don’t know if it was Reina’s shout, or because he unintentionally released the momentum on his body just now, which made many crew members crowd around, and even the captains came out a lot.
” What’s the matter? ” Marcora shrugged her eyes, touched her head like a pineapple, and came over and asked.
” There is no more baijiu in the future, and now the storage capacity is all! ” Reina said with a sigh.
” Why? ”
” What? No more liquor? ”
” Fuck ~~~ I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die ~~ How can I live without liquor! ”
When the crew members around heard it, they all cried and cried.
Reina’s face darkened. It’s not that he didn’t think about reducing the supply of liquor before, but once there is no liquor, these guys will be in such a state of dead deputy captain, so he has to keep supplying them, and also let his points A large amount is consumed on liquor.
It’s also strange that there are too few points to buy baijiu, otherwise he would not be willing to buy it, but even the baijiu that doesn’t seem to cost much points, accumulated over time, he has spent a lot of points.
Even the priceless system has been refreshed with a discounted price. The more one-time purchases, the greater the discount. This is one of the reasons why Reina fell into it.
Anyway, this time Reina has made up his mind. Except for the occasional exchange, he will never buy liquor in large quantities like before.
” Reina, what happened? Why did you suddenly say that there is no more liquor? ” Saatchi, who only reacted at this time, asked curiously.
Hearing Saatchi’s question, everyone was quiet, wanting to hear Reina’s explanation.
” Okay … You should have already noticed that the liquor I took out was made after I paid some price! Before, I always thought that it didn’t matter much for me to lose some of my own, and everyone should be happy. But … I just discovered recently … these things have begun to affect me! That’s why I have to say this. ” Reina exhaled and said.
In fact, all his liquors are exchanged, so everyone has already guessed that the liquor produced by the liquor processing factory on Xuanyue Island is basically the same as that produced by Reina.
They usually drink Reina and take it out by themselves, while Xuanyue Island produces it and sells it, or exchanges it for other resources.
Now the price of liquor in the underground world has not dropped, and it even has the reputation of gold liquid, but they don’t know that those who spread out are all inferior liquor produced by themselves, and the real best liquor they drink by themselves. of.
So about where Reina got the liquor, everyone has their own guesses, but Reina has never mentioned it, so no one has said it. Now that Reina has said it, everyone is a little surprised, but also Take it for granted.
” Stupid stuff … Since that’s the case, why didn’t you say it earlier!? No one can ask Reina for liquor in the future! This is my order! ” Whitebeard also came to the deck at some time.
” Yes, Dad! ” Everyone nodded and replied.
But Reina knew that Whitebeard must have misunderstood something.
Judging from the serious expression on Whitebeard’s face, he must think that Reina must be the liquor exchanged for life or something important, otherwise he would not be like this.
” Big brother … it’s not that serious, but it’s just a matter of getting out less in the future! ” Reina said a little embarrassedly.
” Okay, I said it, it’s decided like this, including me, after drinking the liquor in stock, you can get it out! ” Whitebeard stared at Reina.
In his opinion, the price of making these liquors must not be easy, even if it is not longevity, it is also related to vitality, otherwise Renner would not have started using pure gold a few years ago.
In his opinion, it is not too late for Reina to wait until she is forty or fifty years old before using pure gold, but in fact Reina started using it when she was twenty-seven or eighteen.
When he asked Reina at the beginning, the other party also said that he wanted to stay young and handsome. Now it seems that it is not like that at all.
At this time, although Reina knew what Whitebeard had misunderstood, but he couldn’t refute it, so he had to touch his nose embarrassedly, expressing that he would obey Whitebeard’s order.
After the incident, although everyone felt a little pity, but for the sake of Reina’s body, they all agreed that it would be okay to drink the liquor produced by Xuanyue Island in the future.
And this has indirectly caused the price of liquor to rise again, and even many businesses have begun to imitate liquor, but they do not know the method of brewing, so the taste of liquor produced is not right at all.
After the huge expense of baijiu was eliminated, Reina once again threw himself into the practice of physique, and because of the promotion of physique, his physical strength and physical quality also increased again, but all this was seen by Whitebeard. Here, it is even more certain that Reina made the liquor in exchange for his body.
Otherwise, why did his physical fitness start to increase just after he stopped exchanging liquor?
For this reason, Whitebeard is quite self-blame. It is his appetite that makes Reina hurt himself continuously over the years. Every time he thinks of this, the liquor in the wine gourd becomes unscented, because he always feels that he drinks it. It’s not wine, it’s Reina’s blood.
In the end, Whitebeard took out all the liquor in storage and distributed it to all the crew members, and ordered again that no one should ask Reina to ask for liquor in private!
Although Reina didn’t understand what happened to Whitebeard all of a sudden, but now he really needed points and couldn’t afford to waste it, so he didn’t object.

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