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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” That is to say … Are you going to take this matter to the red-haired brat? ” Whitebeard asked after listening to Reina’s story and thinking for a while.
” That’s right! ” Reina nodded and said, ” This is also one of my goals for going to the East China Sea! ”
In fact, he had another main purpose in going to the East China Sea, and that was to inquire about Shanks’ purpose and background. Unfortunately, it was too late to go, so he had to settle for the next best thing.
” But we don’t seem to need his help anywhere, right? Although he is really strong now! ” Lakyo shrugged and said.
” I can’t say that, now we really don’t have the time to use him, but no one knows how in the future, using such an insignificant thing to win us a strong reinforcement, whether it is us and the Navy or others in the future. When there is a conflict between the pirates, it is a guarantee! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Gu la la la la … That kid actually lost an arm in the East China Sea. You must know that his strength is no less than yours now! ” Whitebeard said to Reina with a smile.
Reina nodded and replied: ” According to what he said, that arm was blocked in the future, but even if he broke one arm, he was still the red-haired Shanks, the captain of the red-haired pirates. It can make us a force to be reckoned with! ”
Whitebeard nodded and said with approval: ” Since you have already thought about it, then do as you wish! ”
Reina nodded and said: ” Since the eldest brother does not object, then I will have someone send him a letter! There is no need to go to this kind of thing in person! ”
” Island found ahead! ” Just when they had just finished discussing, there was the shout of the lookout, so the cadres all came out of the cabin and came to the deck.
” Dad, there should be the island pointed to by the treasure map in front! ” The navigator said to Whitebeard with great excitement while holding the treasure map.
” Gu la la la … little ones, speed up! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.
So the Moby Dick directly rode the wind and waves and sailed towards the island.
After a while, the Moby Dick arrived at the island.
” It looks like an uninhabited island! ” Marko said, standing on the deck, looking towards the island.
” Isn’t most treasures buried on uninhabited islands? What’s so strange about that? ” Lakyo on the side couldn’t wait.
After everyone disembarked, except for Saatchi and some members to prepare food and watch the boat on the shore, the rest of the captains followed Whitebeard toward the center of the island.
” According to the instructions of the treasure map, the treasure should be located at … that location … at the foot of that mountain! ” Reina said after carefully looking at the treasure map, pointing to a small mountain range not far away.
” Let’s go … Let’s dig for treasures! ” Jin Guduo , a tall, dark-skinned man with short blond hair, shouted loudly while carrying a shovel.
” I hope something good will come out this time! ” Reina whispered with anticipation.
” Haha … The value of this treasure map is not low! There should be something good! ” The murloc captain, Namuer, said with a smile.
This treasure map was salvaged from the bottom of the sea, so he was looking forward to it.
However, what Reina said was not the treasure itself at all, but the treasure package given by the system after the treasure was dug up.
But before they reached the small mountain, they found that they were surrounded by a group of strangely dressed people.
” This … they’re not going to rob us, are they? ” Joz said with a ridiculous look at the guy who surrounded them.
” I think they do have such an idea! ” Reina looked at the other party with a bad expression and replied with a chuckle.
” Who are you? Why are you here! ” A strong man with no animal feathers on his head came out and asked Reina and the others.
” Who are you guys? Why are you surrounding us? Do you want to fight? ” Jin Guduo, who was carrying a shovel, stood up and asked with an unhappy expression.
” We? This is our homeland, we are Pilts! We have lived here for generations! ” The strong man headed back.
” We are pirates, and we came here according to a treasure map! We didn’t mean to fight with you! ” Reina stood up and said.
” Treasure? ” The other party suddenly turned on his face and shouted loudly: ” It turns out that you are also the guys who are fighting for the Holy Land, everyone … ready to fight! ”
” Wait … wait … I said, we’re not here to fight! ” Reina quickly waved his hand and said.
But at this time, the other party couldn’t listen at all, and under the leadership of the strong man, he charged directly towards the Whitebeard Pirates.
” There’s no way … Marco, don’t hurt them! ” Reina said helplessly, pulling out the ice wheel pill.
In Reina’s view, the natives of such a small place have limited strength, and it is impossible for them to be the opponents of their Whitebeard Pirates.
But when the two sides fought, except for the captain-level combat power, the rest of the members were completely suppressed by this group of natives.
” Don’t keep your hands, attack with all your strength! ” Seeing this, Fossa, the captain of the fifteenth division, immediately shouted and chopped down a native.
” It’s actually armed! Is it a race of national warriors again? ” Reina kicked an indigenous person flying, and then rushed towards the leader of the other party.
” Bang! ”
” I want to fight with Daddy … Get past me first! ” Although Reina didn’t have time to stop the leader of the other party, Joz was always by Whitebeard’s side, so he directly blocked the other party with a punch.
” There are so many powerhouses …” Looking at the situation around him, the other’s leader’s face sank.
” Hey … don’t be distracted when fighting! ” Marco, who turned into a half-undead bird, fell from the sky, kicked the opponent in the face, and directly kicked the aboriginal leader.
Whitebeard didn’t do anything, just stood there watching the surrounding battles, while Joz, Bista and others fought around Whitebeard, blocking all attempts to attack Whitebeard.
Reina took the captains such as Jingudo and Lakyo to quickly clean up the surrounding natives.
” What about the leader? I can’t beat it! ” An aboriginal looked at his companions who were constantly being knocked down, and said to the aboriginal leader.
” Withdraw! ” After the aboriginal leader took a look, he gave an order and immediately withdrew the rest of the aborigines.
“I didn’t expect to meet a fighting nation like the Nine Snakes here! ” Reina took back the ice wheel pill, looked around and said.
” But what exactly is their so-called Holy Land? Listening to their tone, it seems that we are not the first people to come here! ” Marco also changed into a human form and walked back to Whitebeard and said.
” It seems that the treasure digging will not be too smooth this time! ” Lakyo on the side shrugged and said with a smile.
” Dad, are we going to move on? ” Bista also came over and asked Whitebeard.
” Of course, let’s go and see what’s going on! ” Whitebeard nodded and replied as a matter of course.
So a group of people continued to move forward. Before reaching the small mountain range, they had been harassed and ambushed by the indigenous people, but they broke through the layers of traps with their powerful strength and came directly to the foot of the mountain range.
” It seems that this is what they call a holy place! ” When they came to the foot of the mountain, they looked at the palace-like gate in front of them, and understood what the other party meant by the temple.
” Dad … go in directly? ” Marko asked, looking at the door.
” Hehe … Those guys won’t let us pass easily! ” Reina glanced at the grass not far away and said with a chuckle.
Sure enough, as Reina’s words fell, the aboriginal leader who had seen him once before reappeared.
This time, there are more soldiers behind him, but there are also many soldiers with bandages on their bodies. This is the injury they suffered when they ambushed Reina and others before.
” Pirates! I warn you one last time, leave this island immediately, and don’t let the idea of the Holy Land hit again, otherwise … we will never die! ” shouted with a white beard.
He has long seen that this group of pirates is headed by Whitebeard. As long as Whitebeard retreats, the rest of the pirates will also retreat!
” Gu la la la la … For pirates, they won’t give up the treasures in front of them easily! ” Whitebeard said indifferently.
” Then there’s only one battle! Pilt’s warriors … for the Holy Land … the fight to the death… ” The aboriginal leader shouted loudly, then raised the iron rod in his hand and charged towards Whitebeard.
” Oh ~~~ for the Holy Land! ”
” Fight to the death! ”
” Fight to the death! ”
The warriors of the Pilt tribe, following their leader, launched a general attack directly towards the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Big brother … ! Do you want to fight? ” Lena turned his head sideways and asked Whitebeard.
” Goo la la la … Why don’t you fight? They have their beliefs, we have our beliefs! The little ones … let’s fight! ” Whitebeard laughed, and the naginata in his hand slashed directly at the opponent.
A huge slash flew directly towards the Pilt warriors.
” Yah ~~~~ Give me … break! ” The Pilt warriors headed by, blocked Whitebeard’s slash with the iron rod in their hands, and then tried their best to deflect the slash and protect him behind him. ‘s tribe.
It was only from his trembling hands that he could see that this was almost his limit.
In this battle, the strength of the two sides is not equal.
Sure enough, the battle didn’t last long, and led by Whitebeard and Rayner, the captains quickly routed the Pilts.
” This battle is our victory, the treasure you guarded … belongs to me! Marco, give them a treatment, don’t let them die! ” Whitebeard walked to the fallen leader Pilt and said softly.
The leader of Pelt stared at Whitebeard, but he couldn’t move a finger now, and could only watch Whitebeard lead people into their holy place.
” Hey ~ What’s in here? Is it worth your efforts to guard it? ” After Whitebeard led the people into the cave, Marco took the rest of the people to treat the injured Pelt.
“…” The leader of Pelt didn’t speak, just stared at the sky in a trance, as if the whole person’s energy had been taken away.
” Don’t worry! If it’s something important, Dad won’t take it away! ” Marko said softly after bandaging the other party.
Hearing Marco’s words, the other party seemed to have a slight reaction, turning his head in disbelief and looking at Marco.
” Don’t look at me like that! If you don’t believe me, you’ll know when Dad and the others come out! ” Marco smiled slightly and said, ” Now, let your people cooperate with the treatment first, so that you don’t die in battle, but because Your reason for missing the best treatment time! ”
Hearing Marco’s words, the Pelt leader’s throat moved, but he didn’t say anything.
” Qi ~ What a face-saving guy … Hey … your leaders have agreed, and from now on, you will all be treated by us! ” Marko knew what was going on at a glance, so he got up and faced those lying on the ground. On the ground, the Pelts who were unwilling to cooperate shouted.
Sure enough, after hearing Marco’s words, the still-moving Pilts all looked at their leader.
Seeing that the leader of the Pilts nodded with difficulty, they gave up their resistance and cooperated with Qimar Pediatrics and his subordinates.

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