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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Reina found Zefa, Zefa just asked what happened, and didn’t express any opinion on the matter, because after listening to it, he knew that whether it was the Navy or the Golden Lion, it would not be the case. Give up easily.
As he guessed, just after Garp and Akainu returned to the headquarters and reported the matter, Sengoku fell into contemplation.
” What do you want to do now? Warring States! ” Lieutenant General He, who seemed to see the decisiveness of Warring States, asked in a deep voice.
” Although our strength is still growing, it is impossible for me or Garp to fight for the navy all the time! So before we retire, we must win a fourth emperor! Otherwise, the road ahead will be difficult! ” Sengoku said with a serious face.
” So your target is Whitebeard? ” Lieutenant General Crane seemed to have known it for a long time, and did not show a surprised expression.
The current navy has the top combat power of the previous generation, Sengoku and Garp, followed by three generals such as Akainu, which means that there are five peak combat powers, and although the name is not real, it is also considered a powerful King Xia Qi. Wu Hai for help.
Even if it is hard to count, there are still strong people in the CP0 of the world government. After the last time Rob Luqi was defeated in the Judiciary Island, he recently returned to the world government. I heard that he was absorbed by the CP0 . After the training of the master, the strength will inevitably increase!
Finally, there is the matter of Magellan over the Pushing City. Pushing City owes the Navy a huge favor. Their newly appointed warden is said to be an amazing guy who manages the entire Pushing City in an orderly manner.
” Although the Whitebeard Pirates have the title of the world’s number one pirate group, among the four emperors, only Whitebeard is the oldest, and his combat power has declined the fastest. News! Judging from the last time we fought against him, his combat power is no longer as strong as when he was at his peak! ” Warring States nodded and replied.
” But the overall strength of the Whitebeard Pirates is indeed the strongest! And according to Garp’s report, the strength of that guy Reina has improved again. His current strength is infinitely close to the Four Emperors! ” Crane The lieutenant frowned.
” Reina is indeed a problem! But it’s not impossible to solve it. When the time comes to transfer him away, the success rate of directly defeating Whitebeard is very high! And they are the number one pirate group in the world, as long as there is someone who can defeat them. Fame, even if Reina can gather the Whitebeard Pirates again in the future, the Pirates at that time are no longer the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Sengoku nodded and said.
” It’s still a bit of an adventure! ” Lieutenant General Crane sighed and replied.
She naturally knew that Sengoku’s words were correct. In addition to the Whitebeard Pirates, Kaido’s Beast Pirates huddled in Wano Country, where it was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the warships simply couldn’t get through.
In addition, as the youngest of the four emperors, the red-haired Shanks should not be underestimated. In addition to his relationship with Hawkeye, it is estimated that the fight has not yet started. They will first have to make trouble with Hawkeye, who is Qiwuhai. turn.
In the end, the BIGMOM pirate group, which seemed to be the weakest , has been operating in the world for many years. It is estimated that it will not be so easy for the navy to break in, and if they cannot be quickly eliminated, if the time comes to a stalemate with the BIGMOM pirate group, yes The navy is the biggest disadvantage, because the pirates of the new world are likely to attack the navy.
So the selection came and went, only the strongest Whitebeard Pirates seemed to be the best to start with.
First, because of the decline in Whitebeard’s strength, as long as they kill Whitebeard, the rest of them don’t care at all. Without Whitebeard, are the Pirates still the Whitebeard Pirates?
Second, although the Whitebeard Pirates have a station on Xuanyue Island, Whitebeard is a restless guy. He often drives the Moby Dick out to sea. As long as they master their whereabouts, it is very easy to fight an ambush battle. .
Just like this time, because of the golden lion, Reina, Marco, Ace, and the three major forces of the Whitebeard Pirates all left Xuanyue Island, and even at this time, Whitebeard took people out to sea.
If the Navy can get such information in advance, then it is very possible to ambush the Whitebeard Pirates to achieve their goals.
” Then it’s time to find a way to transfer Reina from the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Lieutenant General Crane is also a decisive person. Now that he has decided, he will not worry about anything.
” Perhaps … we can use the Golden Lion Shiki! ” Warring States said with a flash of light in his eyes.
” Ski? What do you mean? ” Lieutenant General Crane asked with a frown.
” This time the Golden Lion Shiki appeared in the East China Sea, didn’t he attract Reina? Then next time the Golden Lion appears, maybe he will come too! But we have to find out what is the reason for Reina’s past! After thinking about it for a while, the Warring States said.
” His daughter! Robin! ” Lieutenant General Crane said firmly: ” I have studied Reina, and like the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates, he is also an existence that values love and righteousness. His relationship, he died in the city! So he is very precious to this daughter now! Judging from the actions of Reina to the first half of the great route, most of them are related to Robin! ”
” So that means, as long as we create a situation where Robin is in crisis this time, and let Reina know, then he is likely to leave the Whitebeard Pirates!? ” Sengoku hesitated and asked.
” That’s right, and this time, when he took the opportunity to talk to Karp about the conditions, he didn’t say anything else. He only asked the Navy not to hurt Robin, which shows how much he likes his daughter! ” Lieutenant General Crane nodded and said.
” So now … where is this Robin? ” Sengoku asked, rubbing his chin.
” She is with the straw hat boy! ” Lieutenant General Crane said with some headache: ” Then, it should be in the Chambord Islands! ”
“The straw hat boy? Garp’s grandson? Why are you related to that guy again? ” Sengoku said with a headache.
” Why don’t you call Garp over to discuss it! You can’t hide this from him! ” Lieutenant General Crane hesitated and said.
” Huh , don’t notify him first, and then notify him after we both sort things out, otherwise that guy won’t know what trouble he’s going to make! In addition, the Golden Lion can’t relax, or he really doesn’t know what he can do. What a crazy move! ” Warring States rubbed his head and said.
Just when the Warring States side was having a headache, Reina, who was calculated by them, was chatting with the fur tribe.
” That is to say … In fact, the last pill developed by the doctor has been very successful? ” Reina asked in surprise.
He really didn’t expect that the doctor had really developed a pill for the fur tribe.

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