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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After chatting with the fur tribesmen, Reina knew that the pill had actually been successfully developed, but for some reason, the doctor always believed that the pill was defective and was unwilling for the fur tribe to use it, so he left two friends after the fur tribe. , Pedro went back with the rest. They hoped to talk to Reina through Duke Inuarashi and Lord Cat Viper, and ask the doctor to provide them with pills.
After coming out of the living area of the laboratory, Reina went directly to the underground area and found the doctor who was debugging something.
” Doctor … that …”
” Reina! You bastard, how dare you show up in front of me? Leave everything to me and run out to play! ”
Rayner just said hello, and before he could say what he wanted to say, the doctor yelled angrily.
” This is … what’s wrong ? ” Reina was full of confusion, completely unaware of what was going on.
In the doctor’s abuse, Reina finally understood why the doctor was so angry.
It turned out that during this period of time, the doctor not only had to study the potions of the fur tribe, but also had to debug the equipment in the underground space.
In the end, the pills finally made some achievements. When Reina needed to decide the next direction, the guy went to the East China Sea to pick up Marco, which naturally made the doctor very unhappy.
” In other words, the drug is really useful for the fur tribe? And there are no side effects? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” How can there be no side effects? It’s just that this side effect is not serious for fur tribes! ” The doctor shook his head and replied, ” When they turned into moon lions, they were prone to lose themselves. This drug just aggravates them. It’s just this sequelae! ”
” What do you mean? That is to say, after they use it, they are likely to lose consciousness? ” Reina asked with a frown.
If this is the case, the practicality of this drug is almost non-existent!
” It’s not exactly like this. It’s similar to the moon lion form. It needs to be trained! Now the people who can use this medicine must be fur tribes who can use the moon lion form. After they use the medicine, they can start another transformation. , and the state of the moon lion is completely different, but the state is stronger, I call this state the blood moon form! ” Dr. Rain Boots said excitedly.
” Oh? That’s great! Is there anything else that needs to be improved on the drug? ” Reina said happily.
” That’s right, according to Pedro’s vision, he hopes to take this drug again while in the Moon Lion state! But in that case, even Pedro would not be able to keep his consciousness awake, but his strength has indeed become very perverted! “The Doctor nodded back.
” Pedro tried? ” Reina asked curiously.
” Well! If Newgate wasn’t there, it would have been troublesome at the time! And unlike the capable ones, they are not afraid of sea water! ” The doctor nodded and said.
” The big brother said how strong was Pedro at that time? ” Reina asked curiously.
” At that time, Newgate said that there is an army like this, which is enough to conquer the whole world! But he said that no one can stay awake in that state. At that time, Pedro supported less than three seconds, and then completely lost. With consciousness, if no one stops him, he will continue to destroy, destroy everything he can see, until he is exhausted! ” The doctor shook his head and replied.
” That’s really a pity! ” Reina nodded and said.
” So this medicine, I didn’t give it to the fur tribe, I was afraid they would mess up! I only gave one to Pedro and asked him to take it back! After his last transformation, he was extremely weak, and when he left, he was extremely weak. He hasn’t recovered yet, so apart from leaving the two fur tribes here to cooperate with me to continue the research, the rest accompany him back. ” The doctor sighed and said, ” Besides, you haven’t seen anyone, so I will also study. It’s not going on anymore! ”
” How can this be improved? ” Reina asked, eyes lit up.
” I want to try, can ordinary people eat it! ” The doctor touched his chin and said, ” If we can, then our strength can go further! ”
” This … in case when it is developed, the raw materials will not be enough!? ” Reina said with a wry smile.
” Eh? Didn’t I tell you? I’ve already planted that mother stone? ” the doctor asked in surprise.
” Grow it? What do you mean? You mean …” Reina asked in disbelief with wide eyes.
” Yeah! What do you think is there? I’m stupid! Leave such a big stone pillar here to occupy space? ” The doctor pointed to the stone pillar in the middle of the underground space, from the bottom to the top supporting the entire space.
Reina almost didn’t mention it, and said to the doctor: ” Doctor, that kind of mineral seems to have the ability to spread, right? We live here in the future, are you not afraid that we will all become those gorillas? ”
” Hmph! I know more than you! ” The doctor gave Meng Yi a white look and said, “The minerals emitted by the ore itself cannot affect us at all, but the plants produced from these soils all carry those minerals. Characteristics, as long as we don’t eat it! I still know about platinum-lead disease! ”
” It’s good that you know, this is our headquarters! You can’t mess around! ” Reina wiped the sweat on his forehead and replied.
” Don’t worry, there will be no problem! By the way, how many pills do you want to give them? They have asked me many times! ” The doctor said with a smile.
” This kind of thing doesn’t actually help them that much, right? They can transform into the moon lion form without pills! ” Reina thought for a while, then said: ” And after they have transformed into the moon lion form, they also Can’t keep taking these pills! ”
” That’s right! And this pill, like the moon lion form, can only be used at night, but it is slightly stronger than the moon lion form in that it can be used as long as the night, and does not need a medium like the full moon! And it may be stronger than the moon. The lion form is stronger! ” The doctor nodded and said.
” That is, even the fur tribe, after they use this pill, can’t meet the strong light? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” That’s right! If you encounter Kiwi, you can declare them all dead without hitting them! ” The doctor shrugged and replied.
” This … the pros and cons are too obvious! As long as the weakness of this pill is spread out, it is useless! ” Reina sighed and shook his head.
” This is something that can’t be helped. After all, the raw materials of this kind of thing have such defects! ” Shaking his head contemptuously, he said.
” By the way, Doctor … You said that I will give this medicine to Kaido … Will he take it? When he takes it, I will contact Kizaru, can I easily kill him? ? ” Reina rubbed her chin and said with a weird smile.

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