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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” These two goddamn fellows! ” Rayner scolded as he worked.
And the two damned guys in his mouth are Marco and Ace.
Because the two left Reina and ran off to sea by themselves, only Reina was caught by the doctor and helped to build the underground space, so he was so amazing, it was really lacking in loyalty, you should call him to run together !
Now he can only be a cow and a horse here alone.
It’s not really that he needs to do a lot of work, but he is the only one left on the island, and some places that need debugging can only be done by him. In addition, there are also fortifications that need to be tested by him.
This makes people a little uncomfortable.
In addition, Zefa over there is also not quiet, and let him practice body arts according to Reina every day. You must know that the reason why he practiced so desperately before was just to get enough points for the tower, and then buy a writing wheel. Eye promotion scrolls only.
Now that the goal has been achieved, is it still necessary to practice so desperately?
In this world, there is almost no existence that can kill him alone, as long as he does not wave himself, but can’t beat him and run quickly.
In terms of powerhouses, the Whitebeard Pirates are not afraid of comparisons. If one person can’t beat them, it’s better to call them brothers.
What’s more, the Tower of Trials becomes more perverted as it goes to the back. He is sure that with his current strength, he can only hit two or three floors at most once he enters, and he can no longer move forward.
This is still under the condition that he does not reset. If he resets, the first 30 floors are estimated to be scored twice.
But getting 91,000 points twice is still a very good deal.
But he is not short of points now, and he still has more than 20,000 points to guarantee enough points.
Although the more points the better, but now he is really not too anxious.
In this way, every day on Xuanyue Island, either helping the doctor to experiment with the underground space, or being trained by Zephala, Reina’s days were strangely enough for a while.
On this day, after getting up, Reina was about to go to Zefa to practice as usual, but Frank found Reina nervously.
” You mean … the golden lion has appeared in the new world? Have you determined where his target is? ” Reina asked seriously.
The golden lion wants to do something, something big!
This is not only Reina’s point of view, but also the navy’s point of view, so now it depends on what the target set by the golden lion is. If it is not far from Xuanyue Island, he intends to go to see the excitement.
” It’s not clear yet, but there was information before that the floating island where the Golden Lion was located had descended over a small island, where he robbed a lot of supplies and seemed to be planning to go somewhere else! ” The information in Frank’s hands Hand it to Reina and said.
” What about the navy? What’s going on? Is there any movement from the other four emperors? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” The other four emperors didn’t move, but the navy seems to be planning to gather Qiwuhai again! ” Frank replied after thinking about it.
Because there was no war, the defeated Moonlight Moria was not eliminated from Shichibukai, but Edward Weibru , the guy who claimed to be Whitebeard II, took the place of Sand Crocodile and formed a new king. Under the Seven Wuhai.
Of course, there are actually only six people in this new king, Qiwuhai, because Jinping of the Strait was removed early, and so far, the world government has not found a replacement.
As for some time ago, Akainu said in Rogge Town that he wanted to get rid of Boya Hancock, and there is no more text. It is estimated that the world government did not agree. After all, it is not easy to find a replacement now. Pirates For the navy and the world government, it is still not very cold.
Those guys with prestige and strength are not interested in doing anything under the Qiwuhai.
” Again? Why do I feel that every time the Navy calls Shichibukai, I have a bad premonition? But this time it should be to deal with the Golden Lion, right? ” Reina whispered while looking at the information.
You must know that the navy called Qibukai several times to deal with him, or the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Wait … so … This time the navy is planning to use the power of Qiwuhai to deal with the golden lion? Then their headquarters is not going to send a strong person there? ” Reina seemed to have noticed something and asked with a frown. .
” This shouldn’t be possible! How can a general be dispatched from the Navy side, otherwise they may not do their best to let Qiwuhai go to the Golden Lion! They can’t stop the Golden Lion by then, and the Navy will lose. Face. ” Frank shook his head and said.
Reina nodded. Reina knew nothing about the group of Wang Xia Qiwuhai. He expected them to help the navy with all their might? Even the Navy dare not think about such a thing.
At most, they just acted like they used to, as long as the Golden Lion didn’t take the initiative to trouble them, they wouldn’t take it too seriously.
In other words, this battle is still dominated by the navy!
But in this case, there is no need for them to summon Qiwuhai?
Reina was suddenly a little puzzled. What was the purpose of the navy to summon Qiwuhai? Wouldn’t you really have to deal with yourself again?
But if you think about it, you shouldn’t! He has not left Xuanyue Island, the Navy just wants to deal with him, and it is impossible to directly hit Xuanyue Island. In this case, the Navy itself will suffer.
At that time, as long as they did not capture Xuanyue Island in the first place, when the Moby Dick returned, or the pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates rushed over, the navy would be surrounded by that time.
In other words, even if the navy captured Xuanyue Island for the first time, but there was a small empty island, Reina held the navy, and there was still plenty of time for everyone to move. At that time, the navy could only lay down an empty island. Not to mention, it will completely anger the Whitebeard Pirates, which is not worth it no matter what.
” Could it be … the navy is guarding against someone? ” Frank asked, looking at Rayner.
” Who are you guarding against? It is indeed possible, after all, some people may be bored and run to see! Why are you looking at me like this? I am so busy every day, do I have such a leisurely heart ? ” Looking at his own Frank, Reina suddenly replied with a dark face.
” This … The Navy doesn’t know you’re busy! ” Frank said tentatively.
” Yeah! You’re right! ” Reina nodded, beckoned to Frank, and said, ” Come here, what are you afraid of? I won’t hit you! ”
Who knew that after Frank heard Meng Yi’s words, he turned around and ran away.
With this tone and attitude, it would be really stupid not to run now.
But is he Frank stupid? Not stupid!
So when are you not running now?
Looking at Frank who was running away, Reina laughed angrily, and then he stepped a little, and he was already chasing towards Frank.
” Run? You have to run away too! ”
” Ah ~~ sorry! I was wrong! ”
The screams sounded, which shocked everyone around.
After Frank fell on the ground with a full head bag and kept twitching, Reina left with satisfaction.
It’s just the reason why the navy called Qiwuhai, he still didn’t think of it, and he was quite puzzled about this.

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