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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Yeah! Yes, although moving in the sea is a little dangerous, but there are guards lurking on the side, and Xuanyue Island itself is a small island, so ordinary sea kings or sea beasts don’t need to pay attention! Even if they encounter super-large sea kings, they will I can immediately return to an island state! ” After moving in the sea for a while, Reina nodded in satisfaction and said.
” It’s just that the movement speed is a little slow! ” said the doctor, frowning.
” For such a big island, it’s good to be able to move. There’s no need to ask for such a little speed! ” Meng Yi shook his head and said.
” Yes! But does the defense system still need to be tested? ” The doctor nodded and said.
” No need! You all go directly to rendezvous with the Moby Dick , and I’ll go to the Golden Lion to see! All the old friends I haven’t seen for many years have come out. It’s not suitable for me if I don’t go there! ” Reina said with a smile.
Ever since he heard the news of Fit Cantu, Reina had been thinking about going there, but he was worried that the things here were not done, so he held back.
Now that things are over here, he will leave.
” What kind of person is Fit Cantu? ” the Doctor asked curiously.
He really seldom saw any guy Reina cared so much about.
” Haha … an interesting little brother! ” Reina replied with a chuckle.
” Bring it back to see if you have time! ” said the doctor cheerfully.
” Okay ~ I won’t talk nonsense with you! I’ll go first! ” Reina waved his hand towards the doctor, and then directly boarded the hard shell that was waiting at the entrance.
After Reina left Xuanyue Island, that afternoon, Frank found the Doctor sweating profusely.
” Where’s the co-captain? ” Frank asked the doctor after looking around.
” Let’s go! ” The doctor replied without looking back.
” Gone? Where did you go? ” Frank asked with a look of surprise. ” You think I’ll know? He went to find him after he heard someone’s name! ”
” Huh? ” Frank said with a bitter expression, ” What should we do now? ”
” What to do? ” The doctor asked back.
” See for yourself! ” Frank handed the information in his hand to the doctor and said with a wry smile.
After reading the information, the doctor was stunned for a moment, and then said, ” I’m in big trouble! Have you notified the captain? ”
” Not yet, I wanted to notify the deputy captain as soon as possible, but I didn’t expect him to leave! ” Frank shook his head and said.
” Notify the captain first! Let’s see what the captain has to say! ” said the doctor, shaking his head.
It turned out that what was shown in the newspaper was the news that the Straw Hats had gathered in the Chambord Islands, and they were blocked by the navy on the day they set out again.
If it was a normal navy, it would be fine, but this time the leader of the team was actually Akainu, the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.
They knew that the Straw Hats had brought a lot of trouble to Akainu before, and this time the enemies met, they must be particularly jealous.
So Robin among the Straw Hats will naturally be threatened.
On the other side, on the Moby Dick returning towards Xuanyue Island .
” Dad! ” Marko called to Whitebeard, who was drinking on the deck, after he put down the phone bug.
” Huh? What’s wrong? ” Whitebeard asked with narrowed eyes.
” Frank just got news! ” Marco walked over to Whitebeard and said softly, ” Akainu appeared in the Chambord Archipelago and attacked the Straw Hats! ”
” Luffy? ” Whitebeard hadn’t spoken yet, but Ace, who was beside him, stood up and asked, “The navy actually sent a general to attack them? ”
” Maybe it’s because he was in the Chambord Islands, and didn’t he stop Akainu before? So it’s very likely that Akainu deliberately went back to the place! ” Marco nodded and replied.
” Goo la la la … Don’t worry, kids, isn’t that guy still in the Chambord Islands? Since you all think that kid can inherit Roger’s will, then he will never stand by ! ” said nonchalantly.
Hearing Whitebeard’s words, Ace calmed down. He naturally knew who Whitebeard was talking about.
With Rayleigh taking care of Luffy and the others in the Chambord Islands, there shouldn’t be anything, so Ace was a little relieved.
” Also, according to Frank , Reina seems to have gone to find Fate Cantu! ” Marco said with a frown.
He naturally knows the name of Fit Cantu, they can be said to be figures of an era, when Marco followed Whitebeard across the sea, it was when Fit Cantu became famous.
” Haha … I’m not surprised that Renner went back to find him! He has always regarded that kid as his younger brother! But … the golden lion is a little troublesome! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” Dad, what should I do now? Reina went to sea alone, I’m afraid I won’t receive such news! Are we going to find him? ” Marko pointed to the newspaper in Whitebeard’s hand and said with a smile.
Because Reina had eaten newsbirds back then, as long as he was alone, newsbirds would never approach him, so as long as he went out to sea alone, he could not get any news from newsbirds.
Hearing Marco’s words, everyone couldn’t help laughing.
In fact, they have all eaten it, but it’s just not that Reina is blatant, and on the Moby Dick , the news bird dare not come to send the news, otherwise it is considered to be against the Whitebeard Pirates, even if it is Morgans I can’t take this responsibility myself.
But there is no problem with just targeting Reina alone. Who told him to eat the newsbird first?
Just like now, everyone just treats it as a fun, and doesn’t really think it’s being targeted.
” In addition, the transformation on the doctor’s side has been completed, and now Xuanyue Island is approaching us! ” Then Marco said again.
” Oh? It’s actually done!? ”
” Can it really sail like a boat? ”
Many captains showed interest.
” You’ll find out when you see it for yourself, but Reina has been helping out on the island during this time! ” Marko replied with a smile.
At the same time, Reina on the other side was heading towards the target sea area, while Fit Cantu and the Golden Lion were drinking on the empty island.
” Where have you been kid all these years? When you disappeared, Reina was looking for you all over the world! ” Golden Lion Shiki asked Fate Cantu , who was already middle-aged.
” Hehe … I felt a little bored, so I found a small island to live in seclusion! If it wasn’t for Big Brother Shikey, you just chose the island where I am, and I would not come out ! ” A helpless reply.
” Jie hahahaha … you’re a weird guy too … how about it? Are you interested in joining me? ” Shikey asked with a big laugh.
” What are we doing together? Conquering the world? You have also seen the fate of the captain. It’s unrealistic! ” Fit Cantu shook his head and replied.
Shiji naturally knew who the captain in his mouth was referring to, and immediately fell into memory. The original Rocks Pirates can really be said to be strong like clouds, even the navy dare not fight them head-on. .
However, as powerful as the Rox Pirates, they were finally destroyed.
Not so much by Garp and Roger, but by themselves.
If they had worked together at the beginning, let alone Garp and Roger, and even Sengoku, they would all just die.
It seems that because they thought of the original thing, neither of them spoke, but just drank there.
A few days later, when Fate Cantu was about to leave, a voice sounded.
” I just came here, are you planning to leave? ”
” Brother Reina? ” Fett Cantu shouted in surprise when he saw the person coming .
” Remember that I was your eldest brother? ” Reina walked over with a smile on his face and said.
” Of course, if you hadn’t saved my life, I would have died! ” Fit Cantu nodded and said seriously .
” Brother Skey, long time no see! ” Reina first greeted Fit Cantu, and then said to the golden lion beside him .
Shi Ji did not immediately greet Reina, but looked at the two of them and said, ” The two little brats on the ship have grown to the level of overlords now! ”
” Don’t, don’t … After listening to your words, those who didn’t know thought I was the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! I’m just a little scumbag under the eldest brother! ” Reina smiled and waved his hand.
” I’m not an overlord anymore. You have to know my current identity, but it’s the sheriff of our village! ” Fit Cantu also said with a smile .
” Oh? Didn’t you get found out by Big Brother Ski? ” Reina asked, with a bright eye.
He thought that Fett Cantu was persuaded by the Golden Lion Shiki and wanted to come out to help him !
Fate Cantu shook his head and replied helplessly: ” Brother Shiki, the island you chose to destroy is exactly where I live in seclusion! ”
” Eh? ” Reina was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing and said: ” Hahaha … So that’s the case, the two of us haven’t seen each other for a long time, let’s go and have a drink with me! ”
With that said, Reina planned to pull Fate Cantu away.
” What? Do you think the wine I drink here is not good? Or do you despise me? ” Golden Lion asked with a displeased face.
Reina and Fit Cantu looked at each other, shook their heads at the same time, and said, ” That ‘s definitely not the case! ”
“I ‘m afraid that if we drink too much, Big Brother Shikey will feel distressed! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … Then let me see if you can drink all my wine! ” Shi Ji laughed and asked his subordinates to prepare a banquet. He wanted to entertain his two younger brothers.
Reina smiled slightly and gave Fate Cantu a look, and the other party smiled helplessly when he saw this, as a sign of understanding.
Soon, the banquet started, but Reina and Fit Cantu didn’t say anything, just kept eating and drinking, as if they were really just here to attend the banquet .

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