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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After three days of feasting and drinking here at the Golden Lion, Reina took Fate Cantu to leave.
Although Golden Lion Shi Ji was extremely reluctant, if the two joined forces, even he would not be an opponent, so he couldn’t stop them.
” Reina, that guy Akainu … doesn’t seem to take the agreement between you and Karp to heart! ” When Reina left, the golden lion threw a newspaper to him and said.
” Huh? ” Reina carefully read the contents of the newspaper, chuckled lightly, and said, ” He wouldn’t dare to attack Robin! ”
” Really? This is the newspaper from a week ago. You can contact your daughter to know the answer! Jie ha ha ha ha …” The golden lion said with a big laugh.
After squinting at the golden lion, Reina suddenly smiled, and then left directly with Fit Cantu .
Half a day later, in a tavern on an island, Meng Yi was drinking with Fit Cantu .
” Big Brother Reina , what did Big Brother Ski mean just now? ” Fit Cantu looked at Reina and asked.
” It’s okay, he just wants me to have a conflict with the navy! If you hadn’t helped him this time, he wouldn’t have been able to defeat the navy so easily. The navy’s powerful strength made him alert, so I hope this incident will make me also Conflict with the navy, so that he can help him share some of the burden! ” Reina shook his head and replied with a smile.
Fett Cantu rolled his eyes and said, ” I naturally know about this kind of thing. What I’m asking is what’s the deal between you and Karp? ”
” Ah ~ I spared Admiral Akainu last time, so I asked the Navy to spare my daughter three times too! ” Reina shrugged and replied.
” Daughter?? ” Fate Cantu was taken aback and asked in disbelief: ” Brother Reina, do you have a daughter? Are you also on Brother Newgate’s boat? ”
” Stinky boy, don’t look so surprised! Is it weird that I have a daughter? ” Reina smiled and tapped Fit Cantu ‘s head, and said, ” But Robin is not in our Whitebeard Pirates . Tuan! The child has her own dream, so I can support her! ”
Even though he said that, the haze in Reina’s eyes, Fate Cantu could see quite clearly.
It must be because of something, otherwise Reina wouldn’t say this!
It’s just that he didn’t know that Reina was not because Robin didn’t come to the Whitebeard Pirates, but remembered the pain Robin experienced as a child.
As a father, he knew all this, but did nothing. As long as he thought about it, he was extremely annoyed.
” Brother Reina! ” Just when Reina fell into his memories, Fate Cantu suddenly interrupted his memories.
” Sorry, I remembered something bad! ” Reina looked at the people around him with fearful faces, and immediately understood that he should have released his breath just now from among the 500 million people.
” What did Big Brother Reina remember? It made you care so much? ” Fate Cantu asked with a frown .
Reina shook his head and didn’t say much, but at this time he thought of something that he had never thought of on Xuanyue Island.
That is the advance city!
After Magellan broke his arm, and with Karp’s intercession, Reiner stopped targeting him, but last time he cooperated with the navy to overcast him once. In this case, Reiner will find him no matter what. .
And this time, when he made a move, Garp couldn’t say anything else. After all, it was Magellan who came to provoke him first!
When he was on Xuanyue Island at that time, when he heard the trouble of the navy looking for the Golden Lion, Reina felt as if he had forgotten something. Now it seems that he subconsciously wanted to use this incident to advance the city to find Magellan. trouble.
” Fit! Are you interested, accompany my brother to the Advance City? ” When he thinks of something, he must do it immediately, so Reina directly asked Fit Cantu beside him .
” Advance City? Has anyone from Big Brother Reina been arrested? Didn’t Big Brother Skir say just now that your daughter was captured by the Navy? Then I will definitely go! ” Fit Cantu didn’t hesitate . Nodding his head, he replied.
Rainer shook his head and said: ” Don’t worry, her captain is not a fuel-efficient lamp! Do you remember Shanks? It’s that red-haired kid! ”
” Ah ~ you mean the one on Roger’s ship, right? He often acts with the red nose? I heard that he is now one of the four emperors! ” Fit Cantu said with a smile .
” That’s right, Shanks lost an arm in the East China Sea for Luffy! When he came back from the East China Sea, he shocked everyone! ” Reina said with a smile.
” What? ” Fett Cantu asked in disbelief with a shocked expression on his face: ” There is still such a strong person in the East China Sea? Let one of the four emperors lose an arm? ”
” His arm wasn’t lost by someone, but he threw it there for the guy named Luffy! Because he said he saw the shadow of his captain on that kid! ” Reina laughed said.
” His captain … Roger? ” Fett Cantu’s expression also became serious .
As long as it is a pirate, no one can bypass Roger, the pirate king.
” So what? ” Fett Cantu asked, taking a deep breath .
” Now that kid is my daughter’s captain! So you know why I’m so relieved? And there is an old acquaintance on the Chambord Islands! ” Reina replied with a smile.
” Oh? The Chambord Islands are right under the navy’s nose! Which old friend is so bold? ” Fate Cantu asked with interest .
” Pluto! Silbaz Reilly ! ” Reina said with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
” It turned out to be him! There’s really nothing to worry about then! ” Fite Cantu said with a shrug. ” But since it’s not for your daughter, why are you going to advance the city? ”
” Because of one person … the Deputy Warden of Advance City … Magellan! ” The murderous intent in Reina’s eyes flashed away.
” Tsk tsk tsk … that guy offended Brother Reina? ” Hearing that it was a vendetta, Fit Cantu relaxed, drank a glass of wine, and asked with a smile.
” He killed my wife! ” Reina nodded and whispered.
Fate Cantu almost spit out the wine he just drank, looked at Reina in surprise, and asked, ” What Magellan doesn’t have yet? This shouldn’t be!? According to your character, this hatred … will never end. right? ”
” Yeah! Back then, Shi Kee escaped from the Push City with my help. I originally planned to take the opportunity to kill Magellan who came out. After all, after entering the Push City, it was not so easy to get out again! , I can only chop off one of the other’s arms! ” Rainer nodded and said: ” After the Mary Joa incident, I owed Karp again, and he told me that Magellan had gone to the Navy to retire, so I did not continue to take revenge. now! ”
” Then what are you doing now … ? ” Fett Cantu asked inexplicably .
” But unfortunately, the Navy sent Magellan to lure me some time ago! Since he came out again, then I don’t have to blame me for shooting him! Even Garp, at this point, he can’t say anything to me! Reina smiled cruelly and said, ” It happened that this time the navy was Shikey, so I planned to go to the advance city! ”
” I see, but I won’t accompany you in this kind of vendetta! ” Fit Cantu raised his glass and said, ” You know, I’ve been in seclusion! If I want to save people, then I must be obliged, Just like Big Brother Shiki this time! But if it’s something else … I’m sorry I can’t accompany you! ”
” You kid … Forget it, I don’t force it, go to Xuanyue Island to find me when you have time! Big brother misses you too! ” Reina smiled and shook his head and said.
” I still don’t want to go. Xuanyue Island is easy to get in, but I’m afraid it’s not easy to get out! If you meet at sea in the future, just get together, and if you don’t meet, forget it! ” Fit Kantu naturally understood what Reina was fighting. Attention, he said with a smile.
If he really went to Xuanyue Island, it would be strange that Reina would let him go.
Whether it’s the Whitebeard Pirates or the Flying Pirates, it’s not a place he wants to go.
” Speaking of which, you kid … what are you doing with the enemy for so many years? Are you married and have children? ” Reina asked curiously.
At the beginning, Fei Te Cantu suddenly went into seclusion, and no one knew the reason, but he suddenly disappeared.
Fit Cantu shook his head, drank a glass of wine, and did not answer Reina .
” Forget it, if you don’t tell me, I won’t be bothered to ask! But don’t worry, go to Xuanyue Island. As long as you want to leave, I will never stay! I won’t be able to do things that even Shiji can do. ? ” Reina patted Fate Cantu on the shoulder and said .
Fate Cantu smiled and said, ” You think Big Brother Shikey will let me go if you don’t come? If he wants to leave the house … I’ll be gone! ”
” Hahaha … I promise you, don’t you feel relieved? ” Reina said with a big smile.
” Okay, let’s talk about it later! Aren’t you going to advance to the city anyway? You won’t be going back now! ” said Fit Cantu, curling his lips.
” Okay, I’ll leave after drinking this cup! I’ll have to go to Brother Shikey to discuss it! ” After finishing drinking the wine in the cup, Reina patted Fate Cantu, and went straight to left.
Looking at Reina who was leaving, Fit Cantu smiled, then seemed to remember something, his face froze, and then he gritted his teeth and said, ” That bastard … he didn’t pay the bill! ”
So Mr. Fit Cantu stayed in the pub like this … because he had to work part-time to pay back the money!
As for playing with the younger brother whom he hadn’t seen for many years, Reina had no conscience.
He knew that with Feit Cantu’s character, he couldn’t do the kind of thing that oppressed the commoners, so he would most likely choose to eat the Overlord’s meal .
In his opinion, this can only be regarded as a small prank. He did not expect that Fit Cantu would still stay to work to pay back the money. If he had known that this would be the case … He would definitely drink more of the most expensive wine. Then go.

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