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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Jie hahahaha … Why are you back again? ” When Reina appeared in front of the golden lion, Shiji the golden lion asked with a surprised smile.
Although when Reina finally left, he told Reina that Robin had something dangerous, but even he didn’t think the Navy could really kill Robin.
” Big Brother Shiki’s plan … isn’t completed yet!? ” Reina asked with a smile.
Skye rolled his eyes and said, ” What? Want to work with me? What bad idea is your kid doing? ”
Although he always wanted Reina to help him, when Reina came to find him to cooperate, Ski knew that he had to be careful.
” Hehehe … Big Brother Shikey doesn’t need to be so wary of me, right? ” Reina touched his nose and said with a chuckle.
” I know better than anyone who you are, you will definitely not do things that are not beneficial. You should know what you need to pay for cooperating with me, but even if you come to me, it proves that I need to pay, absolutely Bigger than you! ” said Skye, as if I had seen through you a long time ago.
Reina didn’t defend, but said with a smile: ” So, Big Brother Shikey, would you like to hear it? ”
” Tell me! Let me see, what kind of attention did you kid! ” Although Skye knew that Reiner couldn’t say anything good, he still wanted to know what Reiner was doing.
” I’m going to attack Advance City! ” Reina said softly.
The golden lion stared and looked at Reina in disbelief. Once he was imprisoned there, he naturally knew what kind of existence there was. So when faced with Reina’s statement, he first felt disbelief, and then was surprised. .
” It’s you, or your Whitebeard Pirates! ” After being silent for a while, Shiji the Golden Lion asked.
” Me! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” That won’t work! ” Skee shook his head and said, ” It’s up to you … no way! ”
” That’s why I’m here to find you! ” Reina didn’t think anything was wrong, even with his current strength close to the Fourth Emperor level, he wouldn’t dare to say that he could penetrate the advancing city.
As for Luffy in the original book, who made a fuss about the city by himself, Reina can only say that … he is the protagonist, and there is a halo of the protagonist.
If nothing else, let’s talk about the jailers of the advancing city. There are not many people who can awaken the Devil Fruit. Whether it is a superhuman type, a natural type or an animal type, who can achieve the fruit awakening, all of them are strong, even if they are new. The world, that is also a person with a certain status.
However, in the advance city, there is a guy with an awakened animal fruit who is serving as a jailer!
If the advance city is an ordinary prison, it has already died eight hundred times.
” Even if you add me, it won’t work! ” Skye said, shaking his head.
” Brother Skee misunderstood what I meant, I didn’t mean to destroy the advance city! I just wanted to kill Magellan! Skee elder brother, you continue to act according to your plan, just tell me the time, when the time comes, I will meet with you. You act together! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Do you want to eat your farts? Let me attract the firepower of the navy for you? ” Golden Lion Shiki rolled his eyes and replied.
” That’s not it, so be it! You attack in the afternoon, I will attack in the morning, but your news needs to be leaked out in advance to attract people from the navy. When the time comes, you will act again after my action, how about it? ” Reina said with a smile.
” No way! ” The golden lion shook his head, stared at Reina for a long time, and then said with a strange smile: ” Since the advance city is going to be attacked, then I’ll be with you too! ”
” Huh? ” Reina was stunned, looked at the golden lion Shiki in surprise, and asked, ” With me? If we are together, the goal is too big! And to be honest, we can’t trust each other. The power that can be exerted together is not as great as the navy! ”
” I know, but Advance City … I haven’t forgotten the humiliation those guys brought me back then! And Advance City is indeed more suitable than the target I chose! ” Golden Lion Shiji took a cigar and replied. .
Reina said helplessly: ” If this is the case … then I can only give up this opportunity, and let the matter of attacking the advance city be left to Brother Shiji! ”
” No! ” The golden lion lion said with a strange smile: ” Jie ha ha ha ha … Don’t you think this is an opportunity? ”
” What chance? ” Reina asked with a wink, pretending not to understand.
But when the golden lion explained his plan again, Reina touched his chin and thought about it carefully, and asked, ” Is this what Big Brother Shikey just thought of? ”
” That’s right, so there are still a lot of details to perfect! How about it? Would you like to come with me? ” Skye asked confidently.
He believed that Rayner would not reject his plan.
Sure enough, after thinking about it carefully, Reina nodded and said, ” Yes! We can cooperate this time! ”
” Jie ha ha ha ha … That’s great! Let’s surprise the world! Indigo … take Reina to rest, prepare a banquet at night, I want to celebrate it! Jie ha ha ha ha …” Golden Lion Shiki said with a big laugh.
” Okay, Captain! ” Indigo, who had been silent for a while, nodded and replied.
That night, at the banquet, Reina, Shiji the Golden Lion, Indigo and others perfected the plan proposed by Shiji the Golden Lion during the day. After the banquet was over, Indigo left with some people and went to implement it first. The first step of the plan.
” After the navy has a response, we can move on to the second step! Jie ha ha ha … I believe this time the world will be pleasantly surprised! ” Golden Lion Shiki seemed very excited, with Reina’s Join, he can do more things.
Even if he doesn’t have to rely on the power of the Whitebeard Pirates, it can bring him great benefits.
A few days later, when news came from Indigo, the golden lion found Reina.
” How’s it going? Now let’s find that navigator and let him join in! ” Golden Lion asked with a smile.
The navigator in his mouth is Nami.
” Why are you looking for Nami? We can’t use her in our plan, right? ” Reina asked in confusion.
” No … With navigators, then the time of day is on our side! ” said the golden lion, squinting his eyes.
He was really annoyed by the fickle weather.
” Don’t worry, there will be no problem. Pushing forward the location of the city, there won’t be any bad weather. Otherwise, why do you think the world government would choose to build a large underwater prison there? Don’t underestimate the world government, they hide The strength is quite powerful! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” I have never underestimated the world government, but without a reassuring navigator, I would not be relieved! ” said the golden lion, squinting his eyes.
Reina said with a headache: ” Didn’t I tell you? There will be no problem. I’ll be a navigator. Nami was taught by me. Don’t you worry about me? ”
” Idiot! Ordinary navigators have a fart? Don’t you know that your disciple? She has the ability to sense the weather! You thought Roger was lucky at the time? No! He uses the ability to communicate with all things, so for In terms of the weather, I can also feel one or two, but she is definitely not as good as your disciple, she is the genius in this area, just you? Don’t accompany others to carry shoes! ” Jin Shishi said with a displeased expression.
Reina was a little stunned. He thought that the golden lion was looking for Nami just because he was afraid of the storm. He didn’t expect that he had already seen through Nami’s talent, and his plans were even longer.
” Don’t think about it on Nami’s side. Unless it is willing, I will not force her! If you must Nami board the ship, then I can only give up this plan! ” Reina said seriously.
” Jie hahahaha … Okay! Then we’ll talk about it after we finish this plan! It’s too early to say this now! ” Golden Lion agreed with a smile.
But neither he nor Reina knew that the cooperation between the two would end after destroying the advance city.
And maybe they will become enemies in order to compete for Nami next.
On the other hand, with the help of Rayleigh, the Straw Hats successfully set off from the Chambord Islands to the Mermaid Island at the bottom of the sea.
After a series of adventures along the way, they finally reached the fish-man island on the bottom of the sea.
” Yeah ~ Hahaha … It’s really interesting! The underwater world adventure is really cool! ” After being pulled back to the boat, Luffy said with a smile on his face.
They were just attacked by the North Sea Monster , a super-large octopus. Although it was a near miss, it scared the rest of the members except Luffy.
” What ? Isn’t this okay? ” Luffy said dissatisfiedly where Mo Shi was beaten by Nami.
” Shut up for me, if you pop the bubble, we’ll be doomed! So … you’ll be quiet for me! ” The angry Nami was quite terrified, and Luffy couldn’t even speak back.
” Hehehe … it’s okay, there’s Xiao Chuan on the side, at least I don’t care! ” Robin said with a wicked smile.
Like a hard shell, Chubby is equipped with a bubble maker, and at critical moments, he can hide Robin in bubbles on his back.
” Oh ~~ is that so? It’s really cool, Robin ~~~ Can you let Xiaopang try it? ” Hearing Robin’s words, Luffy immediately came to his senses and asked with eyes full of little stars.
” Bastard! ” Nami punched Luffy on the head and roared: ” Don’t you know what Robin said? She means that when we are all dead, she will not die! ”
” Huh? ” Luffy lay on the ground, looked at Robin in surprise and asked, ” Is that so? ”
Robin nodded with a smile and replied, ” Yeah! ”
” Wow ~~ That’s amazing! ” Luffy didn’t seem to understand, he was still clapping his hands and applauding, while Nami, who was watching, covered his forehead and sighed.
” Miss Nami ~~ Don’t worry! I will definitely protect you at that time! ” Sanji, who was not afraid of death, twisted and twisted all the way to Nami’s side, and then Luffy had more troubles.

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