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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” How? Are you going to retreat? In this case, you may not even be able to find that guy’s body! ” Shi Ke asked with a smile, looking at the opened door of justice and the countless navy warships that had been rescued. .
” Haha … That guy doesn’t die so easily! If you want to retreat … Big Brother Shiki can go first! ” Reina smiled slightly, slashed Hirinwan directly, and then flew towards the location of the advance city. .
The navy who rushed over to the rescue on the other side looked at the location of the advancing city, which had turned into a huge deep pit, and each one of them could not close their mouths in surprise.
” This … what the hell happened here? ” As the pioneer, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel who came first, looked at the scene in front of him and couldn’t believe his eyes.
You must know that this is the advance city!
The Great Underwater Prison Advance City has been a symbolic building since the day it was established. It is the tomb of the pirates, the place where sins are punished, and the place where justice is released.
But what about now?
have nothing left! At least from his point of view, there was nothing but a big pit on the sea.
” Lieutenant General! Look, that’s … that’s Chitong Reina! ” A soldier pointed in the distance and shouted in horror towards Reina, who flew past the advancing city.
” Red pupil Rayner! Golden Lion Shiki ! Huh … That ‘s it! Report the situation here to the marshal immediately! All warships … Speed up! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel immediately understood that it should be Reina And Scy was captured.
As for Marin Fando, it’s just a pretense!
This is also the reason why Malin Fando solved the trouble as soon as Aokiji and Akainu came back.
It was only when they received the news that the advance city was being attacked, no one, including the Warring States period, would have imagined that there was actually Reina in it.
” I understand, let Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel not worry, wait for the reinforcements behind, and then go over together! ” After receiving the news, the Warring States sighed and said.
” So, the one who has been advising the Golden Lion … is that guy Reina? ” Lieutenant General Crane, who was beside the Warring States Period, naturally heard the report just now.
” It should be him! ” Warring States said, he looked around at the ruined Malin Fando, and walked off the high platform.
” What are you doing? ” Lieutenant General Crane asked, seeming to feel something.
” Since he’s here … we can’t let him leave so easily! ” Warring States said without looking back.
Soon, let Akainu and Lieutenant General Crane sit at the headquarters to deal with the aftermath, and the Warring States took Aokiji and rushed directly to the advance city!
As for Kizaru, after Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel set off, he had already set off, and by this time he should have arrived near the advance city.
On the other side, Reina, who came to the sky above the advancing city, first discovered not Magellan, but Isaac who was slumped on the ground.
” It’s not bad it’s the warden! He actually survived? ” Reina slowly descended and said with a chuckle.
” Your purpose has been achieved! ” Isaac said blankly.
He no longer has the ability to fight against Reina, so he has no intention of resisting.
” Sorry, not really! My purpose … it has always been just him! ” Reina walked towards Isaac, but did not stop in front of him, but passed Isaac and walked behind him, Magellan, who has passed out in a coma.
Isaac didn’t stop Rayner, at this point he couldn’t even save himself, let alone Magellan.
” This person … I took it away! Help me send a message to the navy … Want to hit me with the attention of the Whitebeard Pirates? Be careful with broken teeth! ” Renner took Magellan and was about to leave.
” I don’t think it’s necessary to spread the word! Hehehe … How about I take you back to Marinfando, and you can tell it yourself? ” A ray of light flashed and gathered in the appearance of a yellow monkey, he said with a smile: ” Tsk . Tsk tsk … This is the big underwater prison! To be made into such a state … It’s … terrifying! ”
” Kizuna, do you want to stop me? ” Reina asked, looking up at Kizaru.
” Actually, I want to say … I really don’t want to, I just don’t know if you believe it or not? ” Huang Yuan replied lazily.
” It doesn’t look like I can beat you … Is it impossible to get away? ” Reina took out a pair of Hailoushi handcuffs and put them on Magellan, then threw him aside and said to Kizaru with a smile.
” Don’t say such a terrible thing? I …”
Before the sea of flowers of the yellow monkey was finished, the whole person spoke directly and turned into a ray of light.
And just as he left, the ice wheel pill in Reina’s hand appeared where he just stood.
” Since you’re going to fight, don’t talk nonsense with me! ” Reina directly attacked, and due to the reason of the writing wheel, his attack became sharper, and instantly suppressed Kizaru.
” You really got stronger again! ” The casual expression on Kizaru’s face disappeared, replaced by a serious look.
Although the upper management of the navy has already known about Reina becoming stronger again, no one has really played against him, so no one knows how much Reina has become stronger.
” It’s getting stronger? No no no … Now is the time for me to show my strength! Susanoo! ” A layer of dark purple energy suddenly covered the surface of Reina’s body, making him look like he was wearing Ice dragon in armor.
Kizaru narrowed his eyes, and just as he was about to say something, he suddenly felt that Reina was approaching.
Although he could feel it, for the first time, he had a feeling that his body couldn’t keep up with his brain. He knew that Reina was attacking, but his body kept calling, or the speed of his body was fundamental.
This surprised Kisaragi, who has always been known for his speed.
” Boom! ”
” Boom! ”
A purple light flashed, and Kizaru was punched by Reina and flew towards the sea in the distance, as if he was about to fall into the sea.
But just as the other party was about to fall into the sea, Kizaru turned into a ray of light and appeared again not far from Reina.
” Tsk tsk tsk … Really awesome guy! ” Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, how long has it been since he was so embarrassed?
At this time, the yellow monkey was really angry and became serious.
” Great? The more powerful ones are still to come! ” After Reina finished speaking, the figure disappeared again, but the Kiabou over there also disappeared.
The speed of the two was too fast, and Isaac, who was watching the battle, could only see a purple light and a yellow light constantly colliding, separating, and colliding!
” Is this a legendary pirate? ” Isaac’s expression was a little gloomy. He has always believed that his strength is very good. At least in the face of Magellan of the nature department, if the two fight to the death, he is also sure that one will die and one will be seriously injured.
It was Magellan who died and he was seriously injured!
The first genius of the world government, Rob Luqi came to challenge him, and being defeated by him made him feel that his strength was enough to rival the three generals.
But after watching the battle between Reina and Kizaru, he realized that there is still some gap between his strength and the three generals.
He can only be regarded as a reserve general at most, at least now he is not as good as a real general.
What’s more, Reina, who can suppress Kizaru, is even more incomparable.
If he doubted that he would fight head-on, Reina already had the strength to kill him.
” But … fortunately he didn’t join in! ” Isaac sighed quietly after glancing at the golden lion not far away. If the golden lion came to help, I’m afraid it would be even more difficult for Kizaru.
However, just when Isaac thought Kizaru could hold Reina, the purple light representing Reina suddenly left the war zone, grabbed Magellan on the ground directly, and then jumped towards the sea.
” Whoa ~~”
The giant tortoise appeared from the front, just catching the descending Reina.
” General Kisaragi … Today, let’s end here! When there is time in the future, let’s play again! Hahaha …” Reina, who was standing on the back of the hard shell, said with a big smile towards Kisaragi.
Kizaru stood where he was, and did not chase Reina who had left.
” General Polsalino! ” Seeing Reina leaving, Isaac shouted anxiously.
As long as he persists for a while, the reinforcements from the navy will come. At that time, even Reina, it will definitely not be so easy to escape, at least not take the unconscious Magellan.
Reina also knew that, so she left early.
” I’m alone … I can’t stop him! ” Kizaru shook his head and replied.
Isaac was amazed, saying this, it seems that Kizaru is admitting that he is not as good as Reina! This is simply unbelievable.
” Do you just let him go? ” Isaac said with a sullen face.
Pushing forward the city as his territory, he ended up being made like this, and his subordinates were taken away, and he had to watch the murderer escape. It was too difficult for him to accept.
” He wants to leave … but it’s not that easy! ” Kizaru said with a chuckle.
As his words fell, on a warship not far from Reina, a huge golden Buddha statue suddenly appeared, facing Reina’s position, just slapped it with a palm.
” The Warring States of the Buddha? ” Feeling the shock wave that was getting closer and closer, Reina’s face changed, and he flew straight up, punching the shock wave.
” Boom boom boom …”
The violent explosion caused huge waves several meters high on the sea surface, which also caused more sea water to rush towards the advancing city.
” Ice Age! ”
Following a voice that Reina was quite familiar with, Aokiji’s hands released two icicles, which directly froze the sea water around the advancing city, preventing the advancing city from being flooded by the sea water.
” Thank you, General Aokiji! ” Isaac sighed and said to Aokiji who appeared.
If it weren’t for Aokiji’s help, this wave of sea water would pour down and push the bottom of the city into complete ruin, where countless vicious criminals are imprisoned.
” Director Isaac, what’s going on here? ” Aokiji asked with a serious face.
Isaac had a bitter look on his face and said, ” Reina summoned a huge demon fox! ”
Hearing Isaac’s words, Aokiji and Kiaburu became more serious.
The reason why they chose to target the Whitebeard Pirates and Reina was because he could summon that powerful nine-tailed demon fox.

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