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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” It seems that the Warring States Marshal’s concern … is right! ” Before that, Aokiji had always been somewhat resistant to dealing with Reina and the Whitebeard Pirates.
First of all, they have not shown malicious intent before. Although they are pirates, to be honest, the Whitebeard Pirates are not that kind of heinous pirates.
Therefore, although Aokiji did not refuse to conquer Whitebeard and Reina, it was not so passionate.
But now it’s different, Reina has the ability to summon the Nine-Tails at any time and start a war.
Then they must treat Reina seriously and cautiously.
” Boom ~~~”
The battle between Reina and Sengoku started over there, and the loud explosion made Aokiji and Kizaru pay attention to the situation over there.
” Marshal! Leave it to us, you don’t need to do it yourself! ” The generals around the Warring States stepped forward and said.
Let the marshal take action, but they stand aside and watch, which is unreasonable no matter what.
” No need, this battle … belongs to me! ” Sengoku tore off his clothes and said loudly, ” Kuzan … create a battlefield for me! ”
” Ice Age! ” The green pheasant over there immediately stood up and froze the surrounding sea.
” Marshal of the Warring States period, why are you suddenly interested? You actually want to play with me? ” Reina let Magellan’s hard shell immediately land in the frozen area, while he slowly landed on the ice.
” Jie hahahaha … Interesting … Interesting … It’s really interesting, don’t mind me watching the battle here? Don’t worry, I will never interfere in the battle between the two! ” The golden lion floating in the air said with a big laugh.
” Brother Shikey, although I didn’t intend to let you intervene, you have to take me away afterward! Otherwise … things will be really bad! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Then it depends on the results of your final battle! ” The Golden Lion replied with a slight twist on the corner of his mouth.
” Reina … why do you want to intervene in the matter of the navy and the Golden Lion this time? Are you Whitebeard Pirates trying to break the balance? ”
” Break the balance? ” Reina chuckled and said, ” If I were to target you, the Red Dog would be dead at this time! But Magellan and I have a grudge, and while you are weak, I will take revenge … no problem, right!? ”
“…” Sengoku was speechless when he heard Reina’s words.
Although Karp and Reina had an agreement, it is obvious that it cannot be said on the table.
This time, Sengoku had the intention to solve everything by himself, so Garp didn’t come over at all.
” Although I promised to clear things up with him back then, the price was that he stayed in the navy and didn’t come out! But last time … if I remember correctly … this guy blocked the bait and wanted to piss me off. Once? ” Sengoku didn’t say, but Reina had no scruples, he didn’t want to let his reputation be discredited.
” Since that’s the case … then I take you down again, I believe you have nothing to say? ” Warring States did not bother about those, but said.
” Hahahaha … Marshal of the Warring States period, you and I both know that you are a wise general, although you were once a general, but your combat power is slightly less than that of Karp or even Zefa at his peak, let alone now? You? Dare to ask me for a heads -up … Are you not afraid that the navy needs to change the marshal? ” Reina said confidently.
” Hehe … I want to capture you, without paying a price, how is it possible? Do you want to accept it? My challenge! ” Warring States said in a deep voice.
” So that’s the case, you are imitating the former Marshal Kong? ” Reina immediately saw through the meaning of the Warring States period and said, ” Aren’t you afraid that you will go the same way as Marshal Kong? Or … you plan to arrest the same way. me? ”
Back then, the lonely red across the sea, Baroric Redfield was the opponent of Marshal Kong when he resigned. The two fought for ten days and ten nights . , was captured by Garp, who was waiting for work, and was imprisoned in the sixth layer of infinite hell in the advance city.
” Don’t worry, I’m still a marshal now. As long as you defeat me, you can leave today with confidence and no one will embarrass you. I swear in the name of the naval marshal! ” Warring States said calmly.
” Okay! ” Reina’s eyes flashed red, and he nodded. ” That’s the case, Big Brother Shikey, if I am defeated and arrested, please tell the big brother, don’t save me! But if the Navy dares to cheat …”
” He dares to cheat … that is to be an enemy of the world! ” The golden lion understood what Reina meant, nodded and said, ” I will naturally take you away when the time comes! ”
” Then let’s get ready to start … The Navy … The Warring States of Buddha! ” Reina’s words fell, and the man disappeared from the place.
” So fast! ” When Warring States caught Reina’s figure, Reina had already come to his side, and it was too late to dodge, so he could only passively defend.
” Boom! ”
Reina kicked Sengoku’s head with a kick, but he was blocked by Sengoku’s arm, but even though he was blocked, Sengoku was also thrown several meters away.
” That’s right! Mr. Sengoku’s strength is still the same! It reminds me of the scene when we first met! ” Reina said with a chuckle instead of chasing him.
” Hahaha … Back then, you were just a young little pirate! ” The corner of Zhan Guo’s mouth twitched slightly and said, ” But now … you have grown into a great man! ”
” I don’t think I’m a big man … I’m just following my own ideas! ” Reina said as he attacked Sengoku.
The Warring States period was not a fuel-efficient lamp either. The two fought fast, and every time they collided, a large amount of energy leaked out of their moves, blowing the surrounding naval warships up and down.
” Good job! Next … I’m about to get serious, Sengoku Marshal! Susanoo! ” A layer of purple energy formed an armor-like protective cover on Reina’s body.
At the same time, Reina’s strength and speed have improved a lot, but the people watching the battle exclaimed.
” Bang bang bang …”
Reina, who was promoted again, directly began to suppress the Warring States, and the injuries on the Warring States gradually increased.
” It’s not bad for Chi Tong! It seems that I can’t hide my clumsiness anymore! Big Buddha shock wave! ” Sengoku, who had grown in size in vain, began to slap continuously at Reina, and each blow carried an incomparably powerful shock wave.
” Boom ~~”
” Boom boom ~~~”
Reina continuously dodged the shock wave of the Warring States period, but found that the speed of the opponent’s palms was getting faster and faster, and the density was getting bigger and bigger, and he had even sealed all the space he could avoid.
The surrounding sea, which was frozen by Aokiji, was shattered by the attack of the Warring States Period and turned into pieces of ice floating on the sea.
” Can’t dodge! ” Looking at the last high-five, even if there was a Shaker, Reina knew that he couldn’t dodge the last few slaps.
” Phew ~” Reina took a deep breath, the pattern in the writing wheel began to spin wildly, and the purple energy wrapped around Reina’s body actually began to expand.
” Complete body Susanoo ! ”
Unlike the real Uchiha clan’s Shakers, Reina’s Shakers are suppressed by the rules of the pirate world, and their abilities are limited, so the Susanoo he usually summons can only be compared with Naruto’s. Like the nine-tailed coat, it covers the body surface.
This can not only save energy, but also play a good role in boosting.
But after Reina had the Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker, he not only became more adept at manipulating the Shaker, he could even feel the existence of Chakra, although not much, but it was also a breakthrough.
But these are not his greatest gains. His greatest gains are the complete body of Susanoo, and he already has the ability to summon it.
Although it is different from the complete body of the Uchiha clan, his complete body can only summon the upper body of Susanoo, but the Susanoo holding a weapon, and the Susanoo only covering the body surface, that is Completely different existence.
Seeing Susanoo, who became as tall as the Great Buddha Sengoku, all the admirals were amazed.
” This guy … how many tricks are hidden!? ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel said with emotion when he saw that Reina had used a new method.
As for Aokiji and Kizaru on the other side, after looking at each other, they both had the urge to take action. They could see that the Warring States Marshal … may not be Reina’s opponent.
” Boom boom boom …”
The golden Buddha and the purple-black Susanoo are like a battle between gods and demons. The scattered aura almost overturned the warship. In addition to the generals above the general level, the navy can barely watch the battle. The rest of the people had to find a place to avoid those, because the two people collided and scattered aura.
” Hu ~ hu ~ hu ~~” After the two attacked each other for a while, Sengokucai stopped out of breath, looked at Reina with a calm face in the middle of Susanoo, and said softly: “I really didn’t expect that you still There is such ability! ”
” Haha … my abilities are more than that … Sengoku Marshal …” Reina said with a chuckle after retracting Susanoo outside his body.
Don’t look at the appearance of his performance, but the consumption is huge, only he can feel it.
For the consumption of pupil power, Reina really can’t afford it, otherwise he will not rush back to Susanoo’s full body mode.
But all this, outsiders don’t know, even the Warring States who fought with him didn’t see any clues, just thought that Reina planned to make some new moves.
” Now … it’s time to attack! ” Taking a deep breath, Reina stepped forward and charged directly towards Sengoku.
” Then give it a try …” Warring States’ eyes flashed, he took a deep breath again, and slapped Reina directly!
in ” Vacuum Ice Blade ” Reina’s hand stabbed directly into Sengoku’s palm, and the place where the sword tip and the palm touched, actually began to freeze slowly, but just when Reina thought he had succeeded, a powerful shock wave Hit him again, knocking Reina directly into the air.
” How is that possible? ” Reina, who was knocked into the air, stood still, looked at the Warring States in surprise, and asked in disbelief, ” You still have stamina? ”
” Hahaha … Don’t underestimate the old man! The old man is … the Admiral … the Warring States of the Buddha! ” The Warring States laughed and charged towards Reina again.
” Arrogant! Look at me beheading you! ” With a flash of red light in his eyes, Reina didn’t intend to keep his hands, nor did he dodge, and rushed towards the Warring States period.

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