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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
The battle between Warring States and Reina is still going on. The two have been fighting for a day and a night. The ice battlefield made by Aokiji has been shattered several times by the two.
When the two were fighting, more and more naval warships came over and surrounded the place where they were fighting.
” Warring States! You lost! ” In the center of the battlefield, Reina slowly walked out of the smoke, looked at the Warring States who fell to the ground and couldn’t get up, and said softly.
” I lost! But the navy can’t lose! ” Sengoku fell to the ground, not wanting to continue, said.
” You want to cheat? ” Reina said, squinting.
Warring States did not answer, no matter how many reasons there were, it was true that he broke his promise, so he did not want to argue.
” With a pirate like you, there is no credit to talk about! ” I don’t know when, Huang Yuan had already come here and replied.
” Ah ~ I’m really …” Reina put one hand on his forehead and said with a smile: ” I said, Lord Warring States, is it worth it? Use your reputation for me as a nobody? ”
” You’re not a nobody! And … I’m already planning to retire! Before I retire, I still feel pretty good about using my reputation for this opportunity! Hehehe …” The Warring States lying on the ground chuckled. said.
” Then you really look down on me! ” Reina curled her lips and said, ” But is it really good for you to do this? Brother Shikey? What do you think? ”
Shi Ji, who was on the side, looked at the Admirals Aokiji and Kizaru who appeared, and then looked at Sengoku, who was lying on the ground, and said to Reina with a chuckle: ” You kid … When did you become so strong? Huh? ”
” Hey … Brother Shiki, isn’t it appropriate for you? ” Reina immediately stepped down and said.
In Shi Ji’s words just now, the meaning of the performance is obvious, because Reina’s strength is a little too strong, so he also began to be afraid.
But if Reina is captured by the navy here, then he doesn’t have to be afraid of the other party.
Aokiji and Kizaru were not in a hurry. At this time, even with Shiji’s help, Reina would not be able to break through the siege easily. They are not the only two here. There are also countless navies on the surrounding warships. Soldiers and generals.
Especially after seeing that Shi Ji is now showing signs of falling into trouble, they are even less anxious.
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, who came from the warship, took medics to the side to treat the Warring States period. At this time, he was full of wariness of Reina.
In this world, who else has defeated the Marshal of the Warring States Period and acted like a no-brainer?
Although Reina looks a little embarrassed and has a lot of wounds on his body, but you can see how intense the battle is when you look at the Sengoku who is fighting against him.
” It seems that your navy is determined to breach the contract? ” Rayner looked at the golden lion Shiji and asked, ” What did Brother Shiji say? ”
Reina looked at Shi Ji, with a dangerous light in his eyes. The reason why he agreed to the Warring States before was because the character of the Warring States was really trustworthy, and second, it was also because Shi Ji, the golden lion, was here.
No matter how the two of them were once on the same boat, as long as there was no conflict of interest between them, Reina was still willing to trust each other.
But if the golden lion betrayed Reina this time, then in the future, even if the two are not enemies, they will definitely not be in a relationship that can cooperate at will.
The golden lion also seemed to understand what Reina meant, and his eyes began to flicker. He was considering whether to help Reina.
If he doesn’t help Reina at this time, then Reina has absolutely no chance of escaping. Even with his help, the chance of escaping is not high.
This is still under the circumstance that the navy did not target him. If the navy targets him, it is estimated that even he himself will not be able to escape.
” Since the navy does not intend to abide by the agreement, then we have nothing to say. When we meet in the future, we don’t have to follow the rules! ” The golden lion slowly came to Reina’s side and said.
” Golden Lion … The matter of your attack on the Admiralty Headquarters this time has not been settled with you. You can leave now … You can still walk away, otherwise … hum! ” The vice admirals who slowly gathered, have already put the two of them together. completely surrounded.
” Stinky boy, how many layers of combat power do you still have? It’s really not good, so I can only leave you behind! ” The golden lion glanced at the surrounding navy and said.
” Hehe … Big Brother Shikey, do you really think I have no backs? ” Reina chuckled, came to the Golden Lion, muttered a few words, and then saw the Golden Lion’s eyes lit up and laughed.
Aokiji and Kizaru on the side were still a little surprised, but a vice admiral over there changed his face and said loudly: ” Take them down, they want to release the prisoners in the city! ”
Hearing the Vice Admiral’s words, everyone’s expressions changed immediately, and Kizaru and Aokiji immediately shot at Reina and Shiki.
” Let’s go! ” Reina took a step forward, a little step, and rushed directly towards the position of the advancing city. The golden lion followed closely and flew towards the advancing city.
” Stop them! We must not let them release the prisoners who pushed the city! ” Although Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was a bit slower than Aokiji and Kiabou, he quickly reacted and chased towards Reina and Golden Lion.
” Haha … a very clever idea, but you can’t get through it! ” A light and shadow directly caught up with Reina and the two of them, and in front of them, it was the general Kizaru.
” Brother Shikey, in return, this is handed over to me, you go to release those prisoners! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Can you do it, kid? Don’t die here! ” Shikey said with a bright eye.
He naturally knew the benefits of releasing prisoners. Not only did he not have to face the powerful navy here, but he could also make those prisoners who came out to be grateful. He would take the opportunity to subdue some people, and there was no problem at all.
” Reina, release the prisoners in the advancing city, do you know what that means? ” Please have also chased behind Reina, and said in a deep voice.
” I said that I didn’t want to do this before, you forced me! ” Reina shrugged and said, “The old man in the Warring States period broke the contract first, so don’t blame me for messing around! ”
” Why talk to him, let’s take it first! ” Kizaru shot directly at Reina.
” It’s just you? ” Reina, who had been in the state of writing round eyes, naturally saw Kiabou’s movements clearly, so he easily avoided it.
And the golden lion over there also took the opportunity to jump directly towards the big pit of the advancing city.
Seeing this, Aokiji nodded to Kizaru, then bypassed Reina directly, and took some generals of the navy, chasing after the golden lion.
Reina didn’t stop them from chasing the golden lion. Since they got the benefits, they naturally had to share the firepower.
Didn’t you see that besides Kizaru, there were also a large number of admirals and soldiers here? Although there are more to chase the golden lion …

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