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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Boom boom boom …” At the gate of the original advancing city, on the ruins of the advancing city, Kiabou and many navies are besieging Reina.
Reina, who had fought a battle with the Warring States, was still supporting at this time, but he was completely at a disadvantage and could be defeated at any time.
However, Reina was not panicking. When it really didn’t work, he planned to spend 10,000 points to escape directly into the Tower of Trials, and stay inside for a few days before coming out.
Although inside the Tower of Trials, his injuries cannot be recovered, but as long as he does not enter the Tower of Trials, he can replenish his physical strength outside, and he can come out again after the navy is evacuated.
The reason why he didn’t leave now is because he is a little unwilling. If he disappears now, then the navy here will definitely stop the golden lion, and the prisoners who advance to the city will not be able to escape.
Of course, he wanted to release these wicked people, but he really wasn’t trying to attack them, just to disgust the navy!
The Warring States used his reputation to design him, which made Reina feel a little angry. Although the reputation of the Warring States was completely gone after the war, if he was caught by the navy, it would really be a big problem. Maybe It will cause a larger war than the top war in the original book.
The Navy also felt that it would take this opportunity to calculate the Whitebeard Pirates.
He absolutely couldn’t allow that to happen, so he wouldn’t be caught by the Navy anyway.
” Hu ~ hu ~ hu ~ Yellow-skinned monkey, are you capable of this? Then you probably won’t be able to catch me! ” Reina, who was holding the ice wheel pill, said while panting heavily.
The continuous battles have already exhausted his physical strength. Whether it is Shailunyan or Binglunwan, he needs the support of his physical strength.
” Reina, I advise you to surrender! Continue to fight … it will not do you any good! ” Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, holding a weapon, said to Reina.
” It’s not good for me? Why do I think it’s not good for you and you? Want to catch me? You don’t have to pay a price, but you can’t! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
The reason why he can persist until now is the result of the other party’s deliberate delay.
At this point, the navy does not want to fight Reina to the death, so after consuming Reina’s physical strength, arresting him is the best plan for the navy.
It’s just that they don’t know what’s going on in the advancing city now, so if they want to end this place quickly and go down to help, they will persuade Reina to surrender while fighting.
But unfortunately, Reina saw through this simple strategy at a glance.
So even though he knew that his stamina was severely depleted, Reina was still reluctant to deal with the navy.
” Weakness ! ” Lieutenant General Dalmesia saw that Reina’s movements were a little slow because of his lack of physical strength, and immediately his eyes lit up, and he shot with a finger gun.
” Don’t go! ” Lieutenant General of the flying squirrel shouted immediately.
But he shouted too late, Dalmesia had already rushed towards Reina, and it was too late to collect.
” Hey … do you really think I’m a persimmon? ” Reina deliberately revealed his flaws just now, in order to lure Kizaru, but it was a pity that Kiba was as stable as an old dog and didn’t come up at all, but Lieutenant General Dalmesia rushed over. .
It easily flashed past Dalmesia’s finger gun, and Reina’s ice ball directly stabbed the opponent’s heart, but at this time, the attacks of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, and Kiabou arrived. If Reina insisted on killing Lieutenant General Dalmesia, then he must resist the attacks of several people.
In this situation, every physical strength must be preserved for Reina, and it is impossible to fight them recklessly, so he has to withdraw and avoid the attacks of a few people, but he has not let go of Dalmesia. Will, but take the time to kick the opponent away.
” Ouch … it’s really scary! At this level, it still has the ability to hurt people! ” Kizaru said to Reina with a look of fear.
Reina pouted and didn’t bother to pay attention to him at all. He dared to believe that Kizaru didn’t warn Lieutenant General Dalmesia just now. It wasn’t because the other party didn’t see what he meant, but he planned to use Dalmesia to give Reina. Set up a killing game, as long as Reina dares to fight recklessly, he just dared to seriously injure Reina with a ruthless hand.
And Reina also saw through Kizaru’s mind, so he decisively gave up the opportunity to attack Lieutenant General Dalmesia, and just kicked him away.
As for Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, who started to remind him, he didn’t have so many thoughts, but he only wanted to trap Reina to death, and didn’t want to fight Reina recklessly, so even if there was a chance, he was unwilling to take the risk.
When Reina and the navy were entangled here, the golden lion who entered the advance city used his fruit ability to quickly move towards the sixth floor.
The prisoners on the first five floors are not as strong as the prisoners on the sixth floor, so the golden lion’s goal is very clear, and go directly to the sixth floor of the advance city. He was also imprisoned there back then, so there are several guys in it. , he is also confident that he can persuade them to join him.
It’s just that before the golden lion can go far, the green pheasant chased after him with people.
” Damn it, what is that guy Reina doing? ” The golden lion glanced at the green pheasant, and the speed increased a little again.
” Ice Cubes , Violent Pheasant Mouth! ” After seeing the golden lion, Qing pheasant didn’t talk nonsense, it was directly his specialty.
A huge ice bird flew towards the golden lion, but before hitting the opponent, the golden lion left and entered the next floor.
” Continue chasing! ” Qingzhi stepped a little and immediately continued to chase.
” It’s really haunted! ” The golden lion didn’t run far when he saw the navy chasing after him again!
Fortunately, the speed of the golden lion is not slow, and it has always maintained a certain distance from the navy, so even the green pheasant cannot catch up with the golden lion.
” General Qingzhi, what should we do? If this goes on, once the golden lion releases the criminals inside, the consequences will be unimaginable! ” Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan, who had been following Qingzhi, frowned and said.
” Don’t worry! This is the city of Advancement. It is not so easy for him to rescue the prisoners in it! ” Isaac, who came down with them, said a few words.
” Huh? ” Aokiji glanced at Isaac. He actually didn’t trust the other party now. The advancing city, known as the Iron Wall, was made like this by the Golden Lion and Reina. If they came later , I am afraid that there will be no such thing as advancing the city in the future!
” The prisoners on the sixth floor are all serious criminals, and their cells are made of Hailou stone. Even if it is a golden lion, it is not so easy to destroy it, and the key to the cell on the sixth floor is only me. Only, and I always carry it with me! ” Isaac said, taking a set of keys from his waist, and said softly.
” Huh , so it is! ” Hearing Isaac’s words, the admirals breathed a sigh of relief .
” Don’t be careless, in order to prevent accidents, everyone should speed up! ” Qingzhi also felt relieved. If the golden lion really wants to save the prisoners from here, the world will be lively!
This must never happen, or they would all be sinners.
But Isaac forgot one thing, that is, the golden lion ran out from the sixth floor back then, would he not know the situation on the sixth floor?
So when Aokiji led the people to the sixth floor, the whole scalp started to go numb.
” How is that possible? You don’t have the key, you can’t open the cell so quickly! ” Isaac looked at the golden lion in disbelief and said.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … idiot, do you think these guys are being held … are these cells? If you don’t have these sea tower stone chains, do you think you can hold them? ” The golden lion said with a big laugh.
Speaking of which, things are not complicated. The only thing the golden lions have to do is to release them from the chains. As for how to get out, they have a way.
So when Aokiji and the others rushed over, the Golden Lion had released at least half of the prisoners.
” Guhahaha … I really didn’t expect it! There’s still time to come out, Golden Lion Shiki … I didn’t agree to your request, it was you who wanted to let me out! ” A yellow sand rolled up, avoiding The sea water that was flowing into the prison, and then the yellow sand slowly turned into the appearance of Crocodile.
” Captain Shikey, according to the agreement … you can control my wine in the future! ” A tall black figure came out of the darkness and said with a chuckle.
” It’s Cask Bacchus Choate! ” Lieutenant General Dauberman said with an ugly face.
” Hehehe … It’s time to go out and get some new clothes to wear. This work suit is really … ugly! ” Xuanyue hunter Katerina Daipen also walked out of the shadows with a smile.
” They’re all tricky characters! This time … it’s really bad! ” Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan said with a bitter face.
” Hoo ~ everyone … get ready to fight, you can’t let them go out from here today! ” Qing Zhi said with a livid face.
” Yes! ” All the admirals were shocked and replied loudly.
These prisoners have just been released from prison, and their strength and physical strength have not recovered to their peak state. If they escape, it will be really difficult to catch them back in the future.
” Golden lion … Shi Ke? With your strength … it shouldn’t be enough to penetrate the advancing city, right? What happened outside? ” Just as the two sides were about to start, a slightly old voice suddenly sounded.
” Who? ” Golden Lion was in high spirits at this time, and he was naturally very upset when he suddenly heard such remarks.
But when he saw the other party’s appearance clearly, his face changed, and he said: ” This time, I cooperated with Reina of the Whitebeard Pirates, feigned to attack the naval headquarters, and then made a surprise attack on the advance city! We didn’t want to. Come here to release you, but the Warring States Period invited Reina to fight before, but after the defeat, he let his subordinates take action. That kid Reina is naturally unhappy, so let me come down and release you! “

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