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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Through the explanation of the golden lion, the prisoners suddenly realized that the golden lion came to save them at such a great risk, and there is such a reason.
” That’s why I said it before, you can, but you must help us get out of here, and everyone is also for yourself! Otherwise, even if you get out of the cell, you can’t escape! ” Golden Lion nodded and continued. : ” As for after you leave, if you want to develop on your own, or come to my Flying Pirates, you can! ”
” Haha … The Navy … still likes to use this method! ” The old voice sounded again, and his men walked out slowly.
“The great pirate … Baroric Redfield! ” After seeing the appearance of the person who came, the general Aokiji who was standing at the front changed his face and said in a deep voice .
Although Baroric Redfield looked like a thin old man at this time , Aokiji still didn’t dare to underestimate him.
” Oh? Someone still remembers my name? Little guy … Who are you? ” Baroric Redfield looked at Aokiji and asked with a smile : ” Senguo was defeated by Reina kid above? Where’s Garp? Where’s Sora? Where are they? ”
” I’m the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters! Aokiji Kuzan! ” Facing the legendary big pirate, Aokiji didn’t dare to be careless.
In order to arrest the other party, Marshal Kong Kuo, who was the marshal , took action in person. The two fought for ten days and ten nights. In the end, the Marshal Gang Kuang lost the battle, but the other party also lost his stamina. Lieutenant General Garp was successfully captured.
During this period, if Aokiji had not been following Garp, he would not have known.
Because this incident was not glorious, the Navy did not publicize it, and the then Marshal Cyborg Kong , because of this incident, chose to retire not long after.
” Admiral? Who is retired? Sengoku? Zefa? Or Karp? Yes, they are … they should be not too young! ” Baroric Redfield asked with a frown.
” No matter what, today … I will never let you leave here! ” Qingzhi took a deep breath and said.
No way, the people here are too famous, if all of them run away, the world will really be in chaos.
” Hahaha … Stop me? It’s up to you? ” Baroric Redfield laughed, then stretched out his hand, grabbed an elite navy soldier beside him, and directly bit the opponent’s neck.
” You … Who the hell are you? ” Seeing that the other party was sucking the blood of his subordinates, Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan asked a little creepily.
” Who am I? Hahaha … You’ll know soon! ” After sucking enough blood, Baroric Redfield ‘s appearance began to change, turning from a thin old man to a very young one.
” It’s really … a lot of trouble! ” Although Aokiji didn’t understand why the other party became young, it was clear … the other party had regained the combat power of the peak period.
Even if it’s one-on-one, Aokiji can’t guarantee that they can win the other party, not to mention that there are so many pirates who are eyeing them.
” Hahahaha … What did I hear? Whitebeard? Reina? Golden lion? Lonely red? It’s so interesting. I thought the world would be a little boring after the captain was gone. Ah! Since that’s the case … then I’ll go out and play too! ” At this time, a tall black figure slowly came out of the prison.
” Which guy? I feel a little numb! ” Lieutenant General Dauberman said with a wry smile.
” It’s you? You’re still not dead? Didn’t you hear that you were beaten by the navy last time? You’re still alive? ” Golden Lion was stunned when he saw the person who came, and then said with a big laugh.
” Hmph, I won’t die even if you die! This world … I am the strongest existence! ” The shadow slowly walked out and said softly.
” No shame! ” Crocodile, who was standing there, said a little unhappily before waiting for the navy to speak.
” What are you? Sign up for your name, and I will never kill an unknown person! ” The burly black shadow said with disdain.
” Shah Crocodile! ” Crocodile said solemnly, ” who are you? ”
” I’m Barrett! Douglas Barrett ! ” The burly man came out of the shadows, and said in a deep voice with an aura of abandoning him.
” It’s actually him? Douglas Barrett ! The guy who used to be Roger’s crew, who was called the Devil’s Descendant? ” Dauberman was already prepared, but when he heard the other party’s name, he was still Couldn’t help exclaiming.
The appearance of one after another legendary characters shocked everyone, even the Golden Lion, the initiator, felt a little out of control at this time.
” Everyone … Now is not the time for internal strife, let’s go out first, and after we go out, we can fight whatever we want! How? ” Seeing that the scene was uncontrollable, the Golden Lion hurriedly said.
” Hmph, I’m not the same as you guys! ” Crocodile snorted coldly and said.
His hatred for the Whitebeard Pirates and his hatred for Reina were not small, so he was unwilling to let him help Reina.
” I said … you can’t leave! ” Looking at Crocodile who was about to leave after turning into a stream of yellow sand, the green pheasant stomped his feet, and a stream of ice chased after him.
Seeing this, the rest of the admirals also took action.
” Interesting! Golden Lion, let’s see you above! ” Douglas Barrett saw this, and after laughing, the whole person rushed towards the upper floor like a cannonball, and the admirals on the road were knocked away by him. .
” Hahaha … It seems that I can meet a lot of old friends today! ” Baroric Redfield turned into countless bats and flew towards the upper floor.
” Captain Golden Lion, what are we going to do? ” The evil king, Abaro Pizarro, licked his lips, looked at Shiji with Bucks Bacchus Choate, and Caterina Depenzizi , the hunter of the dark moon, and asked. .
” Jie hahahaha … What should I do? Why is there such a big scene, how come I am missing the golden lion? Let’s go! ” The golden lion waved his hand, and a big rock floated over, and several people stood on the big rock and roared, Only then did the golden lion control the stone and lift it up quickly into the sky.
On the other side, Reina, who was entangled with Kizaru and others, had more and more injuries on his body. If it wasn’t for Kizaru’s fear of Reina dying, he would have won the other party long ago.
” You don’t have to make unnecessary struggles any more! You can’t escape today no matter what! ” Kizaru said softly, looking at Reina, who was still unwilling to give up.
” Hey … want to catch me? How can you not pay a price? ” Reina chuckled and replied.
At this time, he has canceled the swastika mode of Hing Lun Wan, and the weapon in his hand has also been replaced by Qianben Sakura. He wants to save the last physical strength and escape after the swastika. Unless it is a last resort, he does not want to hide in the tower of trials. .
But at this moment, a sudden explosion sounded, and Reina felt that there was a powerful vitality that was rapidly advancing from the bottom of the advancing city towards them.
” Hahaha … Yellow-skinned monkey! It seems that I won the bet! ” Reina was overjoyed, knowing that the prisoners in the advancing city had been released, otherwise ordinary people would definitely not have such a strong vitality.
” Really? But that has nothing to do with you! Eight-foot Qionggouyu! ” In the end, Kizaru couldn’t help but attack Reina. Even if he paid some price, he would never let Reina escape.
” Ultimate move? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time! Time is still! ” Reina screamed strangely, and a burst of red light was emitted from the writing wheel eye on the right, and Reina took the opportunity to jump directly and escaped directly into the attack range of the yellow monkey. outside.
In the battle just now, he never used time still, just to protect himself.
Even if there is a chance to use it, he is useless!
Because he knew that even if he was injured by time still, it would be of little significance, except to stimulate the killing intent of the yellow monkey, there was no benefit.
The rest of the lieutenant generals will also not let him go, unless he can kill with one hit, he will not use this move easily.
Sure enough, when Kizaru came back to his senses, he found that Reina suddenly appeared outside the coverage area of his moves. He deliberately adjusted the Seiko range, but found that Reina was running in the opposite direction.
” Want to go? ” Lieutenant General Dalmesia came to Reina and blocked Reina who wanted to escape.
” Damn Dalmatians! The next time I see you, I will beat you into a mangy dog! ” After the consumption just now, Reina’s stamina and energy have been consumed even more, so even if he dodges a little, he will be beaten by Lieutenant General Dalmesia. A kick.
” It’s over! ” Reina, who was still in the air, found that Kizaru had come behind him, and his shining right foot was ready to kick him.
” Wow, hahaha … Isn’t this Reina? It’s really nice to see you so embarrassed! ” Just when Reina was about to enter the Tower of Trials to escape, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.
” Boom! ”
Immediately following, a burly shadow stood between him and Kizaru, directly blocking Kizaru’s blow for him.
” Cough cough … Barrett? It’s actually you … why are you here? I thought you’d already gone to see Roger! ” Reina, who fell to the ground, naturally saw it clearly Come on, after coughing a few times, he asked weakly.
He naturally knew each other. Back then, the Whitebeard Pirates and Roger Pirates fought a lot, and as an important force in the Roger Pirates, Reina was no stranger to it.
” Humph! I haven’t surpassed Roger yet, so how can I go to see him? After I really surpass him, it won’t be too late! ” Douglas Barrett said a little unhappily.
” Oh hey ~ This is an incredible guy! ” Seeing that his light speed kick was actually blocked by someone, and the other party was still indifferent, Kizaru immediately put on a headache. , said.
” Humph! Kizaru, you are still so annoying! Even more annoying than this kid Reina! ” Barrett glanced at Kizaru and said disdainfully.
” Don’t you want to surpass Roger? Then you should kill him first! How can you surpass Roger if you don’t kill him? ” Reina coaxed.
” You think I’m an idiot? When did Roger kill the Admiral? Although he became the Pirate King, he didn’t defeat all the heroes in the sea! So as long as I defeat all of you, then I will be the strongest in the sea. Thief! It’s enough to prove that I’m better than him! I see, the first one … let’s start with you! ” Barrett stared at Reina and said seriously.
” Te Niang’s! Who are they? I said what did Big Brother Shiki let you out? Kill the pirates? ” Renner’s face was bitter, he knew that Barrett was not joking, this guy is strong Strong, there is something wrong with his brain. He said so, he must have thought so!

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