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Looking at Barrett who could do something to himself at any time, Rayner felt like he was shooting himself in the foot.
Kizaru and the others over there are solemn, nothing else, since Barrett came out, then it can only be said that Aokiji failed.
If all the prisoners who pushed into the city escaped, the consequences would be too serious for any of them to bear.
” Douglas Barrett ? Now is not the time for someone like you to come out! ” I don’t know when, Karp in a navy uniform also came here.
” Cap? ” Rayner and Barrett’s eyes narrowed at the same time.
The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and the appearance of Garp not only boosted the morale of the navy, but also made Reina even more vigilant. Most of the admirals have gathered here. It seems that today’s matters are not so easy to solve.
The powerhouses who are appearing now are no less than the powerhouses who went to war in the original book.
Although there is no such powerhouse as the Four Emperors, the Golden Lion and Reina are not much worse than the Four Emperors.
What’s more, the guys who have advanced to the sixth floor of the city have not yet come out. After the two sides gather, it is estimated that the powerhouses on the stage will far exceed the top war.
” Reina! ” Karp looked at Reina with a complicated expression.
He had already said what happened to Lieutenant General Tinghe, the old man Warring States, in order to arrest Reina, he didn’t even want his reputation.
So today no matter what, he can’t let Reina run away.
It can be said that this was the last thing that the Warring States Marshal did when he was in office, so even if he was desperate, he, Garp, must help the Warring States to complete it.
Before coming here, Lieutenant General Crane had already shown Garp Sengoku’s resignation letter, which meant that regardless of the outcome, Sengoku would be on his back.
If it succeeds, it will be an honorable dismissal. If it fails, it will be the blame for the entire navy and will be nailed to the shame of history. This kind of consequence is unacceptable to Karp, so the reason why he rushed here is very simple. ,Pick up the pieces!
He believed that after the war, neither the Golden Lion nor Reina had the ability to escape from him, so before he came here this time, he had already made up his mind to arrest the two with his own hands.
Just when he arrived at the Advance City, he saw an unexpected person, Douglas Barrett .
” You actually released the prisoners who pushed the city! ” Karp looked at Reina and asked with a serious face.
” This is what you forced me to do! ” Reina shrugged and said, ” I can guess that your action plan after you capture me, since it is going to target our Whitebeard Pirates! Then you should be prepared for my death. ! ”
Karp nodded, took off the cloak of justice behind him, nodded and said: ” We have different positions, so I won’t say more nonsense! Today … if you want to leave … you have to step over my body. ! ”
Reina and Barrett glanced at each other, how terrifying is Karp who is serious? Reina has seen it, and Barrett has seen it, so the two know that if the next one is not careful, they may really die here.
He was as strong as Roger back then, but was he not the same as being driven by Garp?
Although there is a meaning that he does not want to face the navy, but this also indirectly proves Garp’s strength.
Because those weak navies have long been defeated by Roger and the others.
” Hehehe … I thought who would dare to say such a big thing, I didn’t expect it to be you … Karp! ” At this moment, a group of bats flew out suddenly, forming a man wearing a cape with a pale face .
” Baloric Redfield!? ” Except for Barrett, who had known before, Karp and Rayner were both shocked, especially the other’s body that didn’t seem to have changed much .
” Bat fruit , phantom beast , vampire form? ” Reina also immediately recognized the fruit ability possessed by the opponent.
But according to his memory, the other party should have obtained this ability after escaping from the advancing city, not before the advancing city or being caught.
” Oh? It’s Chi Tong ! You recognized him so quickly? ” Baroric Redfield said with a chuckle.
Although I don’t understand why the other party has a bat fruit at this time, Reina is too lazy to pursue it. After all, he has already crossed over, and there is no more war on the top. There are some accidents, which is normal!
” Hahaha … It seems that today … I can meet a lot of old friends! ” Garp squinted his eyes, his whole body was already on alert.
Neither Barrett nor Barloric Redfield are so easy to deal with.
” Whoa, whoa, whoa …”
With the appearance of Baroric Redfield , the prisoners who escaped from the sixth floor of the advance city came out one by one.
” Tsk tsk … Crocodile!? I didn’t expect to see you here! ” Reina chuckled when he saw Crocodile who appeared with Mr.1 , Mr.2 and Mr.3 said.
” Rena? Guhahaha … I heard that you played a lot this time! What? Surrounded by the navy? Look at the fact that you were imprisoned in the advance city! ” Crocodile saw a little embarrassed Reina said with a big laugh.
” Crocodahl, if you are willing to stand on our side now, I will apply to the headquarters afterwards to restore your status as the king of the Qiwuhai ! ” After hearing Crocodile’s words, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel immediately lit up and started Opponents.
” What are you? It’s your turn to speak here? ” Crocodile glanced at the other and replied.
” You …” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel almost died of anger. In addition to the generals present, the officials were at least of the same level. Why couldn’t he say such a thing?
” Hahaha … You are not satisfied that a lieutenant general can talk to you for such a little brat? ” Reina suddenly laughed and said to the navy.
” Little bastard? Soon you’ll know if I’m a bastard! ” Crocodile narrowed his eyes and took a sip of a cigar he didn’t know where he got it.
” Jie hahahaha … isn’t it too lively here? It’s rare that so many old friends gather together, why don’t we let go and have a big fight today? ” The golden lion who came out last stood on a floating boulder, madly big said with a smile.
” Ice Cubes , Storm Pheasant Mouth! ” As the huge ice bird flew out towards the golden lion, Aokiji also appeared one after another with the Navy’s generals.
” Sorry, I couldn’t stop him! ” Aokiji said with an ugly face after coming up.
The pirates who appear here now really join forces, and I am afraid that the whole world will tremble.
However, each of these people are rebellious existences, and it is really difficult for them to join forces!
Even Aokiji, Kizaru, and Garp understood that as long as the navy promised to let them go, they would run away without saying a word, and would never care about Reina’s life or death.
But Rayner seemed to be certain that the Navy would not do this, so he seemed very leisurely, and he was still in the mood to fight with Barrett and Crocodile.
” Mr. Karp, what should I do now? ” Aokiji looked at Karp who didn’t know when, and asked.
” Sengoku has already written a letter of resignation requesting retirement, which means … this war … no matter what, he will be responsible for any problems! What else do you want to say? ” Karp said softly.
” What? How could this be? The Warring States Marshal didn’t have to do this at all! ” The surrounding lieutenants were amazed.
Even Kisaragi and Aokiji were shocked.
” Then what Mr. Karp means …” Aokiji hesitated and asked.
” Fight to the death! Never let any pirate leave! ” When Garp answered him, he stepped on the ground, his aura was full, and he rushed directly to Reina.
” Fuck! Think I’d be the best bully? Susanoo! ” A purple energy enveloped Reina, and Reina punched Garp, who was rushing over.
” Boom! ” At the moment when the two fists contacted, Reina’s purple energy collapsed directly, and he was directly punched and blown away, vomiting blood.
Garp, who knocked Reina up, didn’t stop at all, and charged towards the nearest Barrett.
” I’m not that softie Reina! ” Barrett was naturally not afraid, and punched Karp with the same punch.
” Boom ~~~”
Barrett held on for a few more seconds than Renard, and then was also blasted away with a punch from Karp.
” Boom boom boom …”
Aokiji, Kizaru, and the lieutenant generals were only a little slower than Garp’s movements, and they also shot at the prisoners at the same time, and a big battle broke out.
” Smelly old man … Really? Are you trying to kill me? ” Reina, who came out of the smoke not far away, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.
Karp’s blow just now, regardless of the Susanoo that shattered him, also directly exceeded the upper limit that the Black Emperor could absorb, so Reina was directly knocked into the air.
Looking at the completely chaotic battlefield, Reina clenched his teeth and entered the battlefield once again, avoiding the laser that Kizaru shot at random.
Although his physical strength is now very high and his injuries are not light, if he chooses to escape at this time, he will definitely become the target of the navy’s focus.
Just look at the MR.3 who was going to escape just now to know the fate. The former senior agent of the Baroque Works Society, who stared at the word “3” above his head , has fallen to the side at this time, and his life and death are unknown.
” Damn it! Crocodile, you are actually causing trouble for Lao Tzu at this time? ” Reina was really angry after avoiding Crocodile’s sand slash.
These guys, at this time, are still fighting on their own.
In addition to Crocodile, the idiot of Barotian is also addicted to fighting, and he fights whenever he sees it, whether it is the navy or not.
As for Baroric Redfield , he is also fighting alone, and has no intention of helping. Only the Golden Lion, with the barrels and the regent, is moving steadily towards the periphery step by step, but these guys They don’t dare to accept Reina at all, because most of the Navy’s goals are on Reina, so they won’t find themselves unhappy.

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