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Seeing the drunk Kaido, he actually woke up. Reina turned around helplessly and said, ” Can’t you pretend that you don’t know? My daughter is still in the flower capital, I have to go see her! ”
” Ugh, cluck, cluck … Don’t be silly. Whether it’s the Straw Hats or Oden’s old team, in my opinion, they’re all small problems. As long as you don’t get involved, you won’t be able to make waves! As I said, I will. Guarantee your daughter’s safety. If anyone dares to shoot at her, I will be the first to let him go! But you are different … If you are involved, then things will become very troublesome, when your daughter I can’t guarantee your safety! ” Kaido said with a smile.
His words were full of threats.
The meaning is very clear, as long as Reina doesn’t leave here, then Luffy and the others are just making small troubles, he won’t mind, and will let people protect Robin, or no matter how much Robin makes a noise, there is no problem.
But on the contrary, as long as Reina leaves here and participates in the affairs of Wano, then Kaido will definitely go all out, and then Robin’s safety will naturally be guaranteed. It’s already hostile.
” No discussion? ” Reina asked with a slight smile.
He knew that this was Kaido’s face-saving statement, otherwise, Reina himself would not be able to seek benefits in the island of ghosts.
” As I said, this is the greatest sincerity I can give. If you can’t accept it … then you can only fight! ” Kaido said in a deep voice.
” Okay ~ Okay! I know, you’ve really given a lot of face. To be honest, I really shouldn’t have been involved! Although you killed Oden back then, we’ve ended the original matter! Keep holding on to it. Don’t let it go, it’s not my Reina! But … Kaido! This is the general trend! God’s will is like this … You can’t go against it! ” Reina laughed and shook his head and said.
” God’s Will? What is God’s Will? As long as you promise not to interfere in Wano’s affairs, then I also promise that your daughter will never have an accident here, but if you intervene … then it means we will start a full-scale war! Then … Naturally, I will do whatever it takes! ” Kaido said as if he didn’t care about Reina’s words at all.
In fact, whether it’s him or Reina, when they have this kind of strength, they will always believe in themselves the most.
” Okay! I can promise you, if the Straw Hats hadn’t invaded this Oni Island, then I would never take action! But if the Straw Hats came to the Oni Island, then I would definitely give my daughter a platform. Yes! This … can you accept it? ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” Oh? Are you that confident? That kid in a straw hat? ” Kaido asked Reina in confusion.
” Hehehe … I don’t know either, but I can feel the will of the world. If they can’t even reach the island of ghosts, then it’s useless to say more. I won’t take action to protect them. Of course, except for my daughter’s Outside! But if they really uphold the will of this world, then I can only follow the trend, do you understand? ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Ugh, cluck, cluck … I get it! Then do as you say! ” Kaido nodded and said.
” In that case, give me a room here and drink so much alcohol … I’m exhausted! I’m going to bed! ” Reina yawned and said after hearing this.
Kaido heard the words, laughed loudly, called a few subordinates, and asked them to take Reina to rest.
Since Reina agreed, there is no accident, and he will not break the agreement. He believes this very much, because regardless of Reina or Whitebeard, they are all such people.
After Reina left, Kaido also yawned, fell to the ground and continued to sleep. He also drank a lot of alcohol before. If he hadn’t been caring about Reina, he might have really fallen asleep.
On the other side, Luffy in Rabbit Bowl is accepting the battle with Binggoro in the hell arena, and after Raizang appeared, Luffy also knew the identity of Binggoro, so Binggoro began to teach Luffy the tricks of Liu Sakura.
After fighting for a whole day, Luffy still failed to master Liu Sakura.
At night, Luffy ate all Quinn’s red bean soup because he was too hungry.
But at this time, Quinn was not in the mood to pay attention to Luffy, because he had learned from Jhin about the death of the oiran Xiaozi, and was sad!
“The Black Charcoal Snake is planning to let the whole country watch it together through light painting. The execution of the hero of the poor and the ugly monk is live broadcast together with Xiao Zi’s funeral! If you don’t believe it, open the light painting and see. Come on! ” Jin said helplessly.
He naturally knew that Quinn liked Xiao Zi.
At the beginning, because the Black Charcoal Orochi was still very important to them, Kaido gave an order to Quinn, not to conflict with the Black Charcoal Orochi because of the matter of Xiaozi, and when the Black Charcoal Orochi was useless, he promised to take Xiaozi. To Quinn, that’s why Quinn didn’t get in trouble with Orochi.
” Hey! Quickly connect the light painting to Lao Tzu, and link the flower capital. If you make a mistake, I will kill you all! ” At this time, Quinn was very sad, and the jailers were even more cautious and did not dare to main idea.
” Hey, balloon, what’s going on? Why hasn’t the sumo match started today? ” Luffy and Hyogoro who had eaten too much red bean soup became like balloons.
” Hey, the two of you, how come it seems that you have gained a lot of weight overnight! ” Quinn asked suspiciously when she saw the two of them, ” No, I can’t care about this now, has Guanghua connected me? , I want to confirm the truth myself! ”
Seeing that Quinn’s attention was diverted, the two guards on the side were greatly relieved, because they really did not dare to tell Quinn the fact that the red bean soup was no longer available at this time. Under the double blow, they also did not know What will Quinn do?
Red bean soup was Quinn’s favorite food. In his heart, it was not inferior to Xiao Zi, so the two jailers did not dare to report it at this time.
At the same time, Brooke also came to the place where Zoro rested and told them that the Kang family was about to be executed.
Knowing that his father was in danger, he ignored everyone’s obstruction and ran towards the capital, trying to save his father.
And whether it is the real ugly monk or the good friend of the family , Koyue and Rihe , they can’t die soon, so they also chase after him.
So with Brook, who had just come out of the capital, a group of people set off towards the capital again.
On the other hand, Nami and others also sneaked into the capital quietly, and Kanjuro also recognized the identity of the Yasushi family and told everyone that he was one of the famous names who served Kozuki and Sukiyaki like Oda in the past, Shuangyue Yasuo . Family.
In addition, all those who came to the capital to attend Xiaozi’s funeral also knew the fact that the one who was bound there and prepared to accept the death penalty was the former daimyo, Shuangyue Kang ‘s family, so everyone began to let the big snake let go of Kang. Home, but the subordinates of Orochi were not moved at all.
” Lord Kang! I didn’t expect you to be alive! ”
” Shameless villain, who dares to offend the Kang family, don’t you know who he is? Why don’t you put the Kang family down soon! ”
” Lord Kang Family! ”
” Lord Kang Family! ”
Hearing the shouts of the surrounding people, the Kang family, who was tied to the pillar, burst into laughter.
” I have two things here, I want to apologize to everyone! There is one more thing I want to tell that idiot Orochi! ” The Kang family didn’t seem to have any sense of being killed soon, and there was a smile on his face. Said loudly: ” After saying this, I will go to the other shore with a smile! ”
He wasn’t actually caught by Orochi’s subordinates, but he was deliberately caught by them, in order to solve the anti-crescent and cypher map. At this time, the image of the Kang family being executed was directly spread by the light painting throughout the country of Wano, and the people of Ebisu Town, after knowing this, they all ran towards the capital crazily, no matter how the soldiers did. Block, they are at all costs.
” Akang, you can’t die! If you die … how can we survive! ”
” Let me meet Uncle Akang! ”
” Don’t kill Uncle Akang! ”
” Akang! If you were gone, we would have no spiritual support! ”
Countless poor people poured into the capital, and the soldiers could not stop it.
” Wow, hahaha … Your Excellency General is really stupid. You are also working hard for your subordinates! ” The Kang family lowered their heads and said to the guards who were looking after the anti-Crescent people.
” Hey, what do you mean by that? ” the guards asked in confusion.
However, the Kang family ignored them, but raised their heads with a smile, saw the scenery of the entire flower capital, and said with a big laugh: ” Look! The beautiful flower capital is truly a magnificent view! Wano country! ”
” And this scenery was built by the Guangyue family from generation to generation and the common people … the pride of me! It’s definitely not your credit! ”
” Did you hear that? Serpent! Our vast forest. Grass, rivers, mountains and rivers! Are you using your insatiable greed to defile it all! You’re just a vermin! ”
As the Kang family’s words fell, the black charcoal snake on the way was so angry that he couldn’t help himself.
” Lord Kang, please, don’t say any more! ”
” Lord Kang, don’t say it anymore! Say it again … it won’t end! ”
Countless civilians below are persuading the Kang family, hoping that he will stop talking and continue to anger the black charcoal snake, which can only make him die faster.
But the Kang family didn’t care, he had already given up on it.
At this time, Kinemon, Cat Viper, Inuarashi, Jinpei, and the helpless Asura boy forced by Kinemon, who had already arrived here, were all ready to attack at any time.
When they learned the identity of the Kang family, they had already made up their minds to save the Kang family.

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