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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” I have something I want to apologize to everyone here. I made the drawings distributed today! ” The Kang family, who was tied to the pillar, smiled and looked at the crowd, saying, ” The name of Guangyue has been dead for 20 years. , now that there is no force for revenge, this is what I did with the resentment of the Koyuki family in mind! ”
” Eh? ”
” What? You did it? ”
Everyone looked at the Kang family in confusion, and didn’t understand why he said that.
Even Kinemon and the others, who were about to save lives, stopped because of the Yasukuni’s words. They were recently distressed by the leak of the news, so I wanted to hear if the Yasushi-sama had come up with something.
” Actually, it’s just a prank! Hahaha … Twenty years ago, after the death of His Highness Oda … Orochi asked the four remaining daimyos whether he wanted to serve their Black Charcoal clan or fight with them ! ” With an expression of memory, he said loudly: ” It’s ridiculous. You, who are deeply favored by Oden, have used despicable means to steal the general’s position. Who will recognize you? ”
“The daimyo of the townships and the people did not hesitate to take up the sword to fight, but in the face of Kaido, the monster, the great revenge was not repaid after all! I can only watch the country of Wano burn to the ground with hatred. ”
” I’ll save my life and live in Ebisu Town, but it would be a pity if I died of old age, because I had such a childlike plan in my heart, but I didn’t expect the cowardice of the big snake to surpass me. Unexpectedly, all the people who have the popular pattern of anti-crescent thorns are charged, and it is extremely embarrassing! ”
The Kang family’s words made everyone suddenly realize that they learned the secret code map and the truth about the anti-crescent moon that has recently become well known in the capital.
But only Kinemon and the others know that the truth is not like this at all.
At this time, the black charcoal snake that had already arrived looked at the Kang family angrily and shouted loudly, ” Do you still have last words? The Kang family! ”
The former black charcoal snake was a servant of the Kang family, and he was taken in by the Kang family because of his pity.
” You’re here? Orochi! It’s really … long time no see! ” The Kang family, who was tied to the pillar, regained the style of the old name, and was not afraid of the threat of the big snake.
” Hahaha … Small-minded guy … You will never be able to catch up with Lord Otian in your life! Hahahaha …” The Kang family on the pillar laughed heroically, and laughed wildly.
But the black charcoal snake with the weapon thought of what happened at the beginning, and in order to eliminate the fear and anger in his heart, he directly raised his weapon and pointed it at the Kang family.
” Cover the eyes of the children! The last daimyo who serves the Koyuki family … No , he’s a madman from Ebisu Town! I’m about to set off for the other side! Let the singing accompany me on the road! ” said with a smile.
He has already done everything he can. He also found a chance to pass on the new battle plan to the samurai who were caught. Presumably they will tell Kinemon and others that the only regret is that they cannot see the Wano country. Recovered!
” Abba! ” At this moment, the little family burst into tears while laughing and rushing to the place where the Kang family was. Behind her were Zoro, Rihe, Brooke and others.
” Huzi … forgive me, forgive me for leaving you alone in this world! ” Seeing the household rushing towards him, the Kang family finally couldn’t help shedding tears.
But at this time, the extremely angry big snake also shot directly. The bullet hit the Kang family’s body, directly piercing the Kang family’s body, and the body fell from the pillar.
” Daddy! Daddy! ”
” Lord Kang family … woo woo woo …”
” Hahaha … hahaha … Uncle Kang is dead! Hahaha … Uncle Kang is dead! ”
” Wow hahaha … Lord Kang is dead! ”
” Hahaha … Dead! Dead! ”
Countless laughter suddenly sounded around, and it was the people from Ebisu town who rushed over. They were crying and laughing wildly.
” People are dead … what’s so funny!? ” Zoro, who had just arrived, saw that the uncle who had paid him the meal and chatted and laughed with him died, but the people around were laughing wildly. , finally couldn’t hold back his anger, and roared at the people around him.
” Aha … haha … Aba … Aba, he ‘s … dead! Hahaha …” Hu Zi looked at the corpse on the ground, although his face still had a smile, but tears kept flowing.
” Tsk tsk tsk … It’s not a shame that they belong to the Shuangyue family! ” However, among the crowd at this time, there was a being shrouded in black shadows, shaking his head and laughing.
” Who is your Excellency? Why did you save me? And why …” Under the armpit of the shadow, there was a short person who was dressed exactly like the Kang family on the ground.
” Don’t ask too much, don’t move! Now you … but you’re already dead! ” Hei Ying said with a chuckle.
The Kang family looked strangely at the corpse lying on the ground exactly like him.
He didn’t know what was going on just now, but he felt that at the moment when the big snake shot, he suddenly came here from a pillar that was being helped, and there was another one on the ground that looked like his body and dressed exactly the same. guy.
” Let’s go! It’s not advisable to stay here for a long time! ” Hei Ying did not explain much, and immediately disappeared with the Kang family.
On the other side, in the prison of the quarry, Luffy, who was watching everything, said in a deep voice: ” There must be some reason? No matter who that person is! There is no death in this world … . . . can be laughed at! ”
” Your Excellency the Kang family … I really didn’t expect … you are still alive! ” Binggoro, who was standing beside Luffy, lowered his head, holding back his tears, and said, ” Those people … I’m afraid they were influenced by SMILE , Become a person who can only laugh! ”
” Has the battle plan been revealed? That’s why … the Kang family made such a decision? Really … really …” Leizang, who was hiding in the dark, naturally watched the whole process of Guanghua, and the sadness in his heart was simply overwhelming. To spew out.
At the same time, Hiyori beside Zoro, Shinobi beside Nami and others, and Asura-douji beside Kinemon were all thinking that they were explaining the reason why these people were laughing so hard.
Caesar, Doflamingo, Kaido, the production chain established by these three to make artificial devil fruits is the culprit of all this.
Artificial devil fruit, in addition to bringing power to people, also has very powerful side effects. Among the ten fruits, only one person can get the ability, and the remaining nine people can only get side effects, but not any. ability.
And the side effect of this fruit, in addition to being afraid of sea water, will deprive people of their emotions and become a person who can only laugh.
” It makes people miserable, but even sadness is not allowed!! Here … if it’s not hell … what else could it be? Mr. Zoro Juro! ” Hiyori, who was thrown in Zoro’s arms, cried to Soro with tears in his eyes. Long asked.
At this time, Zoro was very calm, but the big snake who had been chatting on the side made him extremely restless in his heart.
After Hiyori told him everything, Zoro glanced at the big snake over there. He wanted to do it, but he also knew that if he did it, it would be very unfavorable to their plan.
” Wait … the little girl over there, stop it and get out of there! ”
A voice drew the attention of Zoro and the others.
It turned out that the householder did not know when he crossed the guardrail and ran to the body of the Kang family.
” It’s Hu Zi! ” The moment Usopp saw Hu Zi, he remembered that it was the little girl who had bought toad oil from him!
” It’s that little girl … is she the daughter of Mr. Kang’s family? ” Sanji also remembered that this little girl had come to his noodle stall to eat noodles.
” Oops, Orochi! ” At this time, Nami also recognized the other party.
Sure enough, when Orochi saw Toko, his eyes changed immediately.
” Get away from me! I finally found you, stinky brat! ” Big Snake looked at Hu Zi, remembering that it was because of her that Xiao Zi died, and immediately raised his weapon towards Hu Zi.
” It turns out that you are the daughter of that stinky mouse from the Kang family, no wonder you are so arrogant! If you hadn’t been giggling all the time, Xiao Zi wouldn’t have died! You and your father are both equally annoying! Let’s bury Xiao Zi together! ” After seeing Hu Zi, the big snake roared angrily.
” Huzi, run! Do not … don’t even die! ” Hiyori was blocked by the guardrail and could only cry out to Huzi with tears in her eyes.
But at this time, Hu Zi ignored her at all, and kept shaking the corpse on the ground, hoping that her father would get up as usual.
” Go to hell! ” The big snake finally shot at the household, but the bullet was blocked. It was Zoro and Sanji who shot.
However, neither of them knew that the other would shoot, so they had an atmosphere of infighting before it even started.
” I’m sorry, I don’t have time to accompany you, Goro Curly! ” Zoro said while hugging the household, casting a glance at Sanji.
” Me too! Zaojurou! ” Sanji pouted and said disdainfully.
” It jumped out like this! It’s really courting death! ” Derek, who was watching the execution, didn’t expect Sanji to appear in front of him like this, listening to his mission to arrest this noodle mask!
So Drake directly transformed into a dinosaur form and charged towards Sanji.
“You bastard, how dare you stop the widow, come here, kill them all for me! ” At this time, the big snake didn’t know who he was going to face, so he directly ordered the execution of Sanji and Zoro.
Zoro didn’t want to let the snake go, so he threw the household in his arms to Sanji and said, ” Leave this guy to you, that guy to me! ”
” It turns out that Sauron is also in the capital! Although it was said that the matter was a big deal, but saving the household, I can only say that I did a good job! ” Franky on the side saw Sauron, and immediately said with a smile.
“You have to bring the Kang family out, you can’t let his body hang here like this! ” Xiao Ren said firmly with tears in his eyes.

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